The Regalian Safeguards And Rangers

Discussion in 'Inactive Families & Guilds' started by SpunSugar, Sep 27, 2017.

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  1. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Safeguard Crest 66%.png

    Safeguard Banner 80%.png
    The purpose of the Regalian Safeguards is to respond to humanitarian crises and natural disasters. Settlements under the Empire who suffer severe losses of home, food, and livelihoods through the happenstance of tragedy both natural and man-made. Through the deployment of emergency foodstuffs, builders, laborers, and medical personnel, the Safeguards can rapidly respond to disasters within the Archipelago, in the Crown City, and on special deployment by the Crown.

    Using privately raised funds, the Safeguards goal is to be a self-sustaining organization that can cooperatively work with other charters to maximize the response and minimizes public expenditures on charitable efforts.

    Divider 5.png

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    Deputy Chair
    Dianne Black


    Medical Director
    Raina Wodenstaff

    Event Coordinator
    Amelina Peirgarten

    Fire Brigade Members
    Annelise Howlester - Captain
    Brave souls willing to respond to and put out fires with the Crown City

    Christopher Black
    Juliette Wodenstaff

    IF Helpmate Captain and Crew
    Christopher Black
    Crewmembers who navigate to various ports of call in need

    Workers and representatives of the Society. Meeting various needs within the city, such as setting up a temporary soup kitchen, distributing blankets, securing shelter for the homeless, and responding to catastrophes, both at home and abroad.

    Elizabeth Black
    Jaecar Typhonus
    Avilda Ignaard
    Irvin Olguin
    Olivia Ombre
    Juliette Wodenstaff
    Vaughn Haagenvig
    Irene Haagenvig
    Rosalina Howlester
    Djanira Acosta
    Nadina Haaven
    Carolyne Typhonus​
    Divider 5.png
    This charter is designed to provide RP for those interested in becoming the ‘First Responders’ in Regalia. From dealing with fires, riots, support in the plague, humanitarian crisis in Drixagh, etc. This chapter will also hold regular fundraisers, in the form of various events throughout the city, give lectures, training, and regular meetings.
    Divider 5.png
    IG username:
    Character Name and Race:
    Character App
    (if you have one):
    Special Permissions:
    Do you have Skype? Please list
    (may be sent in PM):
    What hours of the day are you usually on?
    (Please specify timezone):
    Letter to Lady Sigurna Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    Divider 5.png

    Safeguard Banner 80%.png
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    An expansion upon the Regalian Safeguards, the Safeguard rangers are tasked with patrolling, protecting and overall keeping the peace over the Crown Isle. This troop guards the wilderness of the capital, keeping watch over the various estates, castles, roads, and towns on the Regalian Isle. They serve the Empire, keeping the heart of it intact under any circumstances.

    This is the peacekeeping and patrolling part of the Regalian Safeguards, and is in charge of patrolling the wilderness of Regalia, or outside the main city’s walls. They work similarly and in conjunction with the Regalian guard, but instead outside of the city. Protection of the isle is their sole purpose and their only goal. Divider 5.png

    Lord Commander of the Rangers
    The overseer and leader of the organization.
    Leonzio Wodenstaff (@Timisc )

    The most entrusted.
    Darcie Wodenstaff (@Walnoodle )

    First Ranger
    The second in command. They are in charge when the Commander is not present, but do not overrule him.

    High Rangers

    The role models and most experienced members.
    Seraphina Eroth (@Walnoodle )

    The heads of ranger groups. They are in charge of leading patrols and keeping Rangers in line.
    Garth Wodenstaff (@BeashSlap )
    Alexander Donsly (@TheMoistestMan )
    Nevakko Talafi (@Tracenator1 )

    The fully fledged and recognized members of the organization.
    Juliette Wodenstaff (@AtticCat )
    Tullion Kearney (@ShipIt )
    Carolyne Typhonus (@EpsilonPanda )
    Benjamin Wodenstaff (@Tracenator1 )
    Gwenyth Ondomiel (@Nesstro )
    Klaus Gewitter (@RemoteRomance )

    Those fully fledged members more suited for scouting.
    Aesling Sylfina (@Bellarmina )
    Dune Ureyn (@Rochelle_ )


    Medics and veterinarians of the organization.
    Raina Wodenstaff (@Nesstro )

    New members of the organization in need of training and initiation before becoming a ranger.
    Ayda Cajeil'ose (@CyberMo01 )
    Frejnir Viduggla (@Owiver_ )
    Divider 5.png
    Character Name:
    Character application:
    (Please provide a link. Character sheets are not mandatory but preferred)
    Character race:
    How active are you?:
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
    (Skype is mandatory for joining)
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?:
    Is your character willing to follow orders?:
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    Divider 5.png
    • To maintain a ship in the Regalian Harbor that is dedicated to being on standby, ready to respond to any urgent incident. That this ship has the rights to maintain a crew and is allowed to transport medicines, food, and building materials, exempt from tax, to the needed areas.
    • To maintain a chapter house within Regalia, for the purposes of training sessions for those willing to become responders to humanitarian needs. To maintain an office within this building. To maintain records of all donations, purchases, and the distribution of those same. And to hire workers that are equipped to respond to events of need.
    • To be allowed to purchase and warehouse medicinal components, and to maintain medical personnel on a per diem basis from approved medical charters.
    • To contract and buy necessary food at a tax-exempt rate for the purposes of distribution to the needy. To store said food within our chapter house.
    • To maintain a guard at said chapterhouse premises, for the purposes of securing medical, edible, and other consumable goods that are needed for a rapid response.
    • To maintain a fire brigade capable of responding to fires within the city.
    • To have the rights to respond to disasters within the Crown City and without. To have the authority recognized to coordinate a response with the Regalian Guard, medical chapters, military personnel, and any other pertinent responding group.
    • To be allowed to hold charitable drives and initiatives within the City of Regalia, and the Empire at large; to collect money on a private basis to fund charitable endeavors.
    • To recruit members that are skilled in the arts of medicine, transportation, building, and other applicable skills needed; dependent on the incident.
    Expanded Charter Rights for the Rangers:
    • Right to openly carry weapons and wear armor both inside and outside of the city’s walls.
    • Right to freely patrol the Crown Isle.
    • Right to arrest, detain and punish individuals who have broken Regalian Law.
    • Right to search noble estates under suspicion of illegal activity.
    • Right to pursue a wanted individual or criminal inside the city.
    • Winner Winner x 17
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Rainbow Rainbow x 1
    #1 SpunSugar, Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2018
  2. Film_Noir

    Film_Noir Snowdonian Pirate

    Jan 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Film_Noir

    Character Name and Race:
    Chris Black, sAilor

    Character App (if you have one):

    Special Permissions:
    Noble family head. Currently an Admiral.

    Do you have Skype? Please list:
    (Yup, you have it.)

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT):
    Usually for a couple of hours in the evening on weeknights. More widely available on the weekends. GMT time zone.

    IC Letter:

    Dear Siggy,

    Excellent charter idea! I'm a bit tied up with the war at present, but on my off days, when I can spare some time in the city, I'd love to help out. Stick me down as a Fire Brigade member, if you'll have me. (If you need someone to steer a ship, I can do that too, provided that I'm not at war.)​

    -- Chris Black​
    • Agree Agree x 2
    #2 Film_Noir, Sep 27, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  3. Miss_Confined

    Miss_Confined ❤ Confy ❤ - Mrs. Massivecraft

    Jul 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Miss_Confined

    Character Name and Race: Elizabeth Black

    Character App (if you have one):

    Special Permissions: None!

    Do you have Skype? Please list: You have it!

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): I'm in Spun's timezone EST I'll convert to GMT later. I'm usually on as much as possible.

    Dearest Sigurna,

    I would be honored to be able to contribute to this in any way possible. I would love to arrange a meeting to discuss possible ways we can work together!

    Lizzy Black
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  4. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 7, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: CRASHIR

    Character Name and Race: Avilda Ignaard, Alior

    Character App (if you have one): In signature

    Special Permissions: Champion Skagger

    Do you have Skype? Please list:
    You have it
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Usually 8pm and 4 am GMT, A lot more on weekends. I try to get on as much as possible.

    Ic letter:

    Dear Mrs. Wodenstaff,
    You know that I will also help where I can. I would be honor to be help the people of this city further. I'll be ready to help wherever you may have me.
    Always at your side,
  5. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Markisbeest

    Character Name and Race: Jaecar Typhonus, Ailor

    Character App (if you have one): (currently in a rewrite)

    Special Permissions: Champion Feer-Drakken

    Do you have Skype? Please list: Yes

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): anywhere from 6-11 usually, though several hours later on some days.

    To the honourable Sigurna Wodenstaff,

    Word has reached me of this new organisation in which you wish to offer aid to those in need of it during times of natural or man-made disaster. I would like to personally offer my abilities and connections to further your cause of aiding the lawful citizens of the Empire in whatever ways I could best serve it. Perhaps we could at one point in the future personally discuss how best I could be of service to this worthwhile cause.

    With humble regards,
    Jaecar Typhonus
  6. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Dear Chris,

    I can think of no better man to navigate help to those in need than yourself. I'll gladly accept your assistance. I think you'll get along rather well with our Deputy Chairwoman. All the best,

    Dearest Lizzy,

    I would be more than honored to have your assistance in this matter. Your almshouse will be sure to play a key role in the important work we have to do here in our city. Thank you, and we'll talk soon!


    Dear Avilda,

    Your steady mind and strong arms will be most welcomed. Thank you.


    Lord Typhonus,

    I'm most grateful for your letter. I am delighted to have you join our group. I hope together, we may help those in need, and provide relief to our Empire. I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting.

    Baroness Wodenstaff
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Pilotos

    Pilotos Traveler

    Jul 25, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Pilotos

    Character Name and Race:
    Irven Olguin - Ailor

    Character App (if you have one): Yes

    Special Permissions: None

    Do you have Skype? Please list:
    You may have it - Avi Oat
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): PST later hours during the week, but generally longer on the weekends.

    Baroness Wodenstaff,
    I've dealt with many a tragedy during my time spent in the city, and believe a group such as this founded on good intentions is definitely needed right now. I'm experienced in guard work and horses, but I'd also like to practice charity and focus on aid. I'm here to help.
    Irven Olguin
    #7 Pilotos, Sep 28, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  8. Posidem

    Posidem Archmage of Avgard

    Nov 20, 2012
    Likes Received:
    IG username: norrstrom

    Character Name and Race:
    Olivia Ombre; Ailor

    Character App (if you have one):

    Special Permissions:
    Expert; School of Alchemy

    Do you have Skype?

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT):
    im on at sporadic times tbh but usually on between 11-3 pm EST

    To the honorable Madame Wodenstaff,

    As you know based on our conversation the other day, I yearn to help those in need and make sure no child, woman, or man lives their life day to day, unsure of how will they survive the next. This wonderful charter you have set up seems like a grand opportunity for me, or any person truly, to get involved in assisting our downtrodden fellow Regalians. It would be my honor to help you and this charter reach its true potential, perhaps I can assist with my alchemic knowledge? Regardless, I wish to help.

    I hope to hear from you soon,
    Madame le Ombre
    Protecteur de Avull Island
    Dame de Oakclyff
  9. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia Premium

    Jun 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: AtticCat/AtticPorcupine
    Character Name and Race: Juliette Wodenstaff (Ailor- Ithanian/Alt-Anglian)
    Character App: <3
    Special Permissions: Kek you thought
    Do you have Skype? Please list: You got it
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): All hours (Midnight - 4am GMT/ 8pm - Midnight EST)​
  10. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Mr. Olguin,

    I'd be delighted to accept your assistance, and look forward to your work. Spirit's Blessings,

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    Madame l'Ombre,

    Thank you for contacting me. I certainly anticipate your beneficial input. See you soon!

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    Dearest Julie,

    Get the kettle ready,

    • Like Like x 1
  11. Theoderic

    Theoderic Pioneer

    Jun 6, 2017
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Theoderic
    Character Name and Race: Virathus Krupp, Ailor
    Character App (if you have one):
    Special Permissions: Expert in Battle Command
    Do you have Skype? Please list: JamesPHFraser
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Work days from about Noon - 5PM, then 3AM until about 5AM GMT hours. I'm generally free to pop on at any specific time with a little heads up on days off!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Jouster

    Jouster stutterer

    Sep 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Jouster.

    Character Name and Race: Vaughn Haagenvig, Ailor.

    Character App (if you have one):

    Special Permissions: Champion Skagger.

    Do you have Skype? Please list: You have it.

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Undecided.


    Evening, Baroness. My intentions as of now align with most of the society's motives. Assuming the organization is accepting people with open arms, I'm here to request my attendance in your society as a Safeguard Warden.​
    Spirit Bless,
    Vaughn Haagenvig​
    • Like Like x 1
  13. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Consul Krupp,

    I would be most gratified to have your participation in this group. Our mission is most important, and necessary for the ongoing stability of our most blessed Empire.


    Ser Haagenvig,

    I look forward to your attendance at the next meeting. All the best!

    Sigurna Wodenstaff
  14. JennaLikesCoffee

    JennaLikesCoffee Beggar

    Sep 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: JennaLikesCoffee.
    Character Name and Race: Rosalina Howlester - Ailor, Ceardian.
    Character App (if you have one): x.
    Special Permissions: NA.
    Do you have Skype? Please list: I do, will PM if accepted.
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): My time online is all over the place, though I am extremely active.


    To the esteemed Lady Wodenstaff,

    I would love nothing more than to join this incredible organization and offer my aid and utmost attention. After our lovely talk the other day, I'm sure you know where my intentions lie.

    All the best,
  15. Hexanone

    Hexanone Terrifying Bear-Woman

    Jul 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
  16. essentialess

    essentialess purveyor of milfs

    Sep 4, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Caverly.
    Character Name and Race: Djanira Acosta, Daen-Lusits Ailor.
    Character App: [x]
    Special Permissions: Elemental and Celestial Magic.
    Do you have Skype?: live:justcav123
    What hours of the day are you usually on?: (GMT): When I'm online, it's usually from 2PM to 9PM.


    To the Countess Wodenstaff,
    It's only recently that I've gotten word of this charter, but I must say I've been eager to pen this. I'd be honored to work alongside this organization, and should you accept my assistance, I would gladly devout myself.
    Spirit Guide,
    Djanira Isidora Pérez-Carrión Acosta
    • Winner Winner x 3
  17. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Dearest Rosalina Howlester,

    Of course your attentions and assistance would be most welcome. I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

    All the best,
    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    To the esteemed Irina Haagenvig,

    I would be thrilled for your capable hands to join our venture. We shall see you at the next meeting!

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    Madame Acosta,

    While I do not know you personally, I would be more than happy to receive an introduction at our next meeting. Those who are willing to dedicate their all to helping others are always welcome.

    Sigurna Wodenstaff
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  18. onearmsquid

    onearmsquid Dragon of Semperis

    Nov 19, 2015
    Likes Received:
    IG username: onearmsquid

    Character Name and Race: Lewis Roland Heinrich | Ailor

    Character App (if you have one): Check Signature

    Special Permissions: Noble Family Head | General of the State

    Do you have Skype? Please list (may be sent in PM): You have it.

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Varies, however can be found almost anytime so long as I am not at work.

    Countess Wodenstaff,

    Greetings, I write to you in hope of admittance into the Fire Brigade. I am a capable man and wish to serve the city more than I already do. I am available most of the time, however I have responsibilities in this war. I look forward from hearing back from you.

    Lewis Heinrich
  19. BeashSlap

    BeashSlap The Watcher

    Apr 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IG username: BeashSlap

    Character Name and Race: Garth Viduggla, Seltai Ailor

    Character App (if you have one): Garth

    Special Permissions: None

    Do you have Skype? Please list (may be sent in PM): Yes

    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Weekdays: 8 PM - 2 AM, Weekends: Around 5pmish - 4 am

    Sigurna Wodenstaff,

    Greetings. I've caught late word of this charter, and decided that I see myself fit to help. I am currently tasked with other law enforcement work, bear in mind, but I'd like to apply for the position of a Safeguard Warden, or just a regular safeguard at that. So I may get myself caught up in that. I am a man of Turall, having trained six solid years in the art. I bet Raina could vouch for me, as well. I hope.

    Spirit's Bless,
    Garth Viduggla

    #19 BeashSlap, Oct 16, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  20. HoshiWomp

    HoshiWomp animal doctor number 211

    Nov 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    ((Writing this on a phone so excuse me if it’s a bit wonky xD ))

    Countess Sigurna Wodenstaff,

    Hello!~ I’m Mama Yahdga and I absolutely love the idea of the Safeguard Society. I’ve not much in the means of physical power, but I can definetly donate regularly from my own possessions. I can make clothes, give milk and cheese, and even, if needed, I’d love to offer the upstairs of my business to be used as perhaps an almshouse or even storage! Thank you for reading and I hope to hear from you soon~

    Love and Good Winds,
    Mama Yahdga

    IG username: HoshiChomp12
    Character Name and Race: Mama Yahdga (Cielothar)
    Character App (if you have one): Here
    Special Permissions: None yet
    Do you have Skype? Please list (may be sent in PM): myahchei
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): My schedule varies but usually I can get on 6:00-9:00PM.

    Thanks so much for reading! <3
  21. Erzly

    Erzly artsonist

    Nov 19, 2013
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Erzly
    Character Name and Race: Lycette Fillia-Ombre, Ailor.
    Character App:
    Special Permissions:
    Expert Vocal Music
    Do you have Skype? Please list (may be sent in PM): yes
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): Between about 7-10 weekdays. 8-1am weekends.

    Dear Countess Wodenstaff,
    It would be a delight to work alongside the other wonderful people you have already recruited into the Safeguard Society. I wish to aid all those who need it, for any minor reason, and especially for major reasons. Joining all the other Safeguards would be truly a pleasure, and do hope to hear from you soon.
    Lycette Fillia-Ombre
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  22. SpunSugar

    SpunSugar Audacity Vendor

    Jul 31, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Dear Ser Heinrich,

    Your participation in the Safeguards would be most welcome. I look forward to seeing you in our next meeting.

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    My good sir Viduggla,

    You are, of course, most welcome at the Safeguards. See you at the next meeting. All the best,

    Sigurna Wodenstaff

    Madame Ombre,

    Madame Ombre, your presence will certainly be a delight. I'll be looking for you at our next meeting. Spirit's Blessings,

    Sigurna Wodenstaff
  23. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IGN: ScaledSupremacy
    Character Name: Edmure Howlester
    Character application: Champion Drixon.é-howlester.57033/
    Character race: Gallovian and Ithanian Ailor.
    How active are you?: Like around 4 hours on the weekdays and 7-12 on weekends (Depending on my mood)
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Muted once for telling Sophie Baver to kill herself in general chat.
    Skype?: I think you got me.
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Ye
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Course.
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    Lord Wodenstaff.

    I've long waited for an oppertunity to put my specific skillset to use in favor of the spirit and the empire. It would be my honor and pleasure to serve alongside you as a ranger of the Safeguards to create a more peaceful Regalia, even in the lesser populous regions of it.

    With blessings.
    Edmure Howlester.

    @Timisc @SpunSugar
    #23 ScaledSupremacy, Nov 5, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  24. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia Premium

    Jun 22, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Ranger Application
    IGN: AtticCat
    Character Name: Juliette Wodenstaff
    Character application: Hah
    Character race: Alt-Anglian/Ithanian Ailor
    How active are you?: 6-7
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nah
    Skype?: Never heard of it
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Ye
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Probably
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:


    We already wrote about this. I hope you already know how much I'd like to join.


    P.S. I'm willing to let you teach me how to ride a horse for a position that isn't shit.
  25. Havsbris_

    Havsbris_ Doomer

    Sep 19, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ranger application

    Character Name:
    Endrai’ll Zaskrynn

    Character application:

    Character race: Avanthar
    How active are you?: Nearly online everyday

    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No

    Skype?: (Already have mine)

    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Yes

    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes

    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skillls:
  26. TheMoistestMan

    TheMoistestMan Captain Regalia

    Sep 27, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Ranger Application
    IGN: TheMoistestMan
    Character Name: Alexander StoneHeart
    Character application: (Please provide a link. Character sheets are not mandatory but preferred)
    Character race: Ailor
    How active are you?: Quite active, normally at least three hours a day
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Never have been
    Skype?: (Skype is mandatory for joining) jam.hunt2
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Yes
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:
    Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff, I am writing you so that I may ask you to consider allowing me to join the rangers and help using my skills and abilities and I believe that I will be able to help if given the chance. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, I hope this letter finds you in good health
    -Alexander StoneHeart
  27. Ovoran

    Ovoran Enjoyer of grey long eared frens.

    Jul 2, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IGN: Ynzy
    Character Name: Marcus Thibault
    Character application:
    Character race: Velheim Ailor
    How active are you?: Normally 3-6 hours a day depending on if I work or not.
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope!
    Skype?: Yes, I do indeed have skype. But I prefer to send it via PM than open forums.
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Yes, I have spent a long time on the server up to this point and I try my best to stay up to date on lore.
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: May or may not be what he is heavily modeled to do.
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:
    Dear Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff,

    I write to you today to express my interest in joining your ranks as a member of The Safeguard Rangers. While I understand that we have not spoken formally all that often, I find a deep love for the ethics of your group and would I would be most honored to join your ranks. I have spent many years training under the school of Viridian and have put my foot into a few wars and conflicts, having joined the charge on the siege of Lo's thrown. I was also the captain of the Wodenstaff's house guard at a point in time until I was forced to leave state for my family affairs. While I am not the perfect fighter, and I still have much room too improve, I hope you consider me to join you in helping keep the Crown Isle, our home, safe.

    Signed, Marcus Alfr Thibault, The Frost Oak.
  28. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    All accepted.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  29. Snurfle

    Snurfle Refugee

    Oct 21, 2017
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Snurfle
    Character Name and Race: Edward Talbot, Anglian Ailor
    Character App:
    Special Permissions:
    Do you have Skype? Please list (may be sent in PM): Will send in PM upon acceptance
    What hours of the day are you usually on?: Eastern Standard. Afternoons/Evenings on week days, varying on weekends (Sometimes all day, sometimes not).

    "To Lady Wodenstaff,

    I write to you to express my interest in the Safeguard society, and to gladly offer my services. I have considerable expertise in the field of medicine, and would be more than happy to work with you. Thank you for your consideration.

    Best wishes, Edward Talbot
  30. BeashSlap

    BeashSlap The Watcher

    Apr 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    IGN: BeashSlap
    Character Name: Garth Viduggla
    Character application: Here
    Character race: Velheim Ailor
    How active are you?: On just about everyday
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: None
    Skype?: You got it
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Yeah
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yeah
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    Lord Leonzio,

    I can fight, and I do know how to handle the reigns of horses. and shit. Now that the Nordmark is a charter done with, I'm in need of another to help protect. I'll even offer you a spar if you want.
    - Garth Viduggla​
    • Rainbow Rainbow x 1
  31. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
  32. Motherland

    Motherland The forgotten ancient

    Nov 3, 2015
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Stadtkirche
    Character Name and Race: Eirain Lupus Augustyn
    Character App
    (if you have one):
    Special Permissions: N/A
    Do you have Skype? Please list
    (may be sent in PM): u already have it
    What hours of the day are you usually on?
    (Please specify timezone): 4pm-10pm CST
    Letter to Lady Sigurna Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    ady Wodenstaff,

    It is my pleasure to help our holy city, I feel like it may need all the help it can get as the winter months move in. I'm not an incredibly strong woman, but I can certain hold my weight. I have a little bit of medical training, and I'm an excellent cook.

    signature (1).png
  33. Leseo_

    Leseo_ trying too hard

    Dec 17, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Leseo_
    Character Name and Race: Otto of Tosil, Ailor of Alt-Regalich decent..
    Character App (if you have one): Soon.
    Special Permissions: N/A.
    Do you have Skype? Please list: live:leseo868.
    What hours of the day are you usually on? (GMT): EST, four or more hours on the daily.

    I'm assuming the IC interactions we had cover the letter.
    • Like Like x 1
  34. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
  35. Hexanone

    Hexanone Terrifying Bear-Woman

    Jul 19, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IGN: Hexanone
    Character Name: Leonara Guiles
    Character application:
    Character race: Yanar
    How active are you?: About a 5-6 in recent times. Study comes before roleplay sadly.
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope.
    You already have me in the chat.
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Yeah, I know my stuff. I can be out of the loop at times but friends keep me refreshed.
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Of course.
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:
    To the esteemed Lord Wodenstaff,
    I'm writing this letter to make my interest in your Safeguard Rangers known. I wish to gain membership in your company, and feel my skills as a Dogartan Lay Brother, and in-depth knowledge of the Regalian landscapes could come in handy to yourself and your peers. In my own time in the Regalian military I served mostly with regards to humanitarian aid, but I've seen my fair share of combat.

    I'm afraid this is becoming too lengthy, so I'll end it off here.
    With best regards.
    Lay Brother Leonara Guiles
  36. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Accepted, lettuce.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  37. Jonificus

    Jonificus Pizza the Hutt

    Jun 13, 2017
    Likes Received:
    IGN: Jonificus
    Character Name: Hengest Harhold
    Character application: Bit outdated, but it'll do.
    Character race: Ailor - Pure Anglian
    How active are you?: On every day, hours depends on how much RP I can produce or find/be summoned to.
    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nay
    Skype?: Mister Jonas has already added you beforehand.
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Verily.
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: He's not called The Hound for nothing.
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:

    "To his Lordship, the Count Leonzio Wodenstaff,

    I'm not a man of many written words, so I shall be sparing us both time, My Lord. I find myself lacking worthwhile work, a waste of my talent and experience. I'm sure you've heard a dozen tales of this Montagaard's Dog, and I can assure you they are all correct but you'll be hard pressed to find a better bloodhound than myself. I've been a cavalry man my whole life, and served my liege as his master of manhunters in peacetime.

    Allow me to ride again, My Lord, and I will serve the rangers well.

    His Grace, Duke Hengest Harhold."
    ((but clearly written by a feminine hand))
    #37 Jonificus, Nov 10, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2017
  38. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
  39. FeralGayWalnut

    FeralGayWalnut Lesbian Worst Enemy

    Jun 10, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IGN: WalnutNinja
    Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
    Character application: Boop
    Character race: Avanthar
    How active are you?: I try to be on everyday for a few hours or so.
    Have you ever beenbanned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
    Skype?: You gots me already friendo
    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: Mmhm, I would say so yeah
    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Very much so.
    Letter to Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff detailing your interest and skills:
    Lord Leonzio,
    Things have cleared up and I’m alive and kicking. If you’ll have me, I’d be honored to join the ranks under you once more. You know my skills, but I have a decent hand when it comes to horses having lived alongside with and raised a few in my younger years.
    Spirit Bless and Protect You,
    Seraphina Eroth
    Along with the letter, there would be a small pouch containing hard caramel candies.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  40. Ceilidhe

    Ceilidhe ╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

    Jan 24, 2016
    Likes Received:
    IG username: Ceilidhe

    Character Name and Race: Ñakra’alruwhalqádimaha’yaseikatsu’ki Midorunēmu
    Eighdalassenos, Yanar
    (Nya-krah-all-rue-wall-kay-dim-ah-hah-ya-seek-cat-sue-key Me-door-uhn-ehm-eh Eee-duh-lass-eh-nose)

    Character App (if you have one): Not Yet (Currently being worked on)

    Special Permissions: None

    Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: I’ve been jailed, but I have gotten my history cleared because it was several years ago. (Disrupting Roleplay when I was a little annoying person trying out the server for the first time)

    Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia’s roleplay scene and its lore?: I do, but I tend to fall behind when I limit contact with others for various reasons. I read Lore often.

    Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes, perfectly so, with the exception of how they do it.

    Do you have Skype?: Yes, you have my contact, Spun, but I will give Timisc my contact in PM.

    What hours of the day are you usually on?: I live in the PST timezone, and during weekdays have school until 4:15. This means I will be mostly active after those times during the week and rarely before. Sunday is dedicated to MassiveCraft, and Saturday will result in a couple times of logging in.

    Two letters arrive to both Leonzio and Sigurna, nearly identical. Neat ink handwriting, the font unidentifiable.
    Dear Lady Sigurna Wodenstaff And Lord Leonzio Wodenstaff, heads of the Regalian Safeguards and Rangers,

    I have not had the pleasure of meeting you personally, but I have read and heard of this organization, wishing to join and take my share of protecting this Empire. Although my Origins are not with the Holy Empire, I have fallen in love with it’s cultures and customs, and plan to stay for at least the next hundred years. If my current form is not suitable for this kind of work, I may be able to change it. Receiving training in the areas of Combat will not be necessary, as I have studied in the schools of Feer-Drakken, Siegwald, Tenpenny, Haaken, Grun, Bloodcast, Atraves, Falketrag, Esa-Ajo, Stealthmark, Lecgaen, Blackmark, and Breer, along with various intellect schools. I am willing to do any job that comes to mind to take part of this organization, the main reason both of you have received this letter.
    Spirit bless,
    Nakra Dalassenos
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