Jaecar Typhonus

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Markisbeest, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    ((Accurate representation of Jaecar with hair))
    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Jaecar Typhonus
    • Age: 35
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
    • Main Ambition: To obtain a title and see his family prosper at court, as they should.
    • Special Permission: School of Combat | School of Feer-Drakken | Expert
    Basic Information (Expansion)

    • Jaecar has only recently arrived in Regalia at the behest of the Typhonus patriarch, who saw Reynalds need for trustworthy men and answered by sending him, together with his brother, to Regalia. As a nobleman of a distant line of the Typhonus family, Jaecar had little hope of earning a title through inheritance, instead he decided to focus on his martial abilities, and although he would describe himself as a nobleman who can fight, in truth it is the other way around, a warrior who has a noble name. He is currently staying at the Typhonburg and is awaiting further missives from his family members, as to how to proceed.
    • Jaecar was born in Calemberg, to Klaus and Alois Typhonus, and has a single sibling, Kolton Typhonus. He has had a noble upbringing, with conservative themes from an early age, as is custom for those raised in house Typhonus.
    • Though Jaecar's main ambitions remain strictly in line with the furtherment of his and Typhonus prestige, Jaecar mostly wants to be respected as a noble. Being forced into this role once more when being recalled to Regalia he feels he is out of place. And though he being a noble was never his strongest point, he does wish to uphold his family's traditions and reputation by being regarded as a respected nobleman. He also aims to further his line, by grooming an heir himself.

    Skill Information

    • School: School of Feer-Drakken
    • Level: Expert
    • Source: Taught by a private tutor; Field experience.

    • School: School of Bannership
    • Level: Scholar
    • Source: Field experience in the Arloran Militia

    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Forest-green
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Hair Style: Shaved head, along with a woodcutter beard.
    • Skin Color: Lightly tanned
    • Clothing: Green cloaks, usually adorned with pelts, accompanied by sturdy black leather boots.
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Body Build: Strongman
    • Weapon of Choice: Bardiche

    Personality and Abilities

    • First Paragraph: Jaecar is generally a jovial fellow, always up for a drink, jesting and above all else laughing at his own jests. He would be courteous at first, but once he’d be engaged in conversation that would fade away. He is however fairly curt towards those who question his manners or behaviour or express a strong opinion about such matters in general.
      Another matter entirely though, is when he is approached by a commoner, or worse, a non-human. They would likely see him as a rude man, who would not have a kind word for them to spare. Very curt and hostile, he would likely not make a good impression.
    • Second Paragraph: Jaecar’s main emotion is anger. He has fits of anger, which he has learned to control to a certain degree. When someone comments, expresses, or somehow shows an opinion that he considers an attack on his being, or his house, he would fly into a rage were he not taught a lot of restraint from a young age. Aside from this emotion, Jaecar feels a strong feeling of comradery towards both his family and fellow warriors. Jaecar feels that he is underappreciated by his family and his reputation as only a warrior is an underestimation of his skill and he has great ambition to show this to the world. Still he is proud. About himself, his family and the empire.
    • Third Paragraph: As mentioned before, Jaecar is a jovial man. He feels that his friends and family are trustworthy to the point of divulging secret information and suspicions quite easily. He treats his friends and family with respect, but unlike the respect he shows to other nobles and high-standing warriors, he shows this more in a kind and joyful, than a courteous and distant way. Jaecar is unquestioningly loyal to his friends and family, and shows this by standing by them even when he does not share their opinion.
    • Fourth Paragraph: Jaecar expresses himself as a lawful neutral character, in the way that he respects the set order of things, but does not lean towards either the good or evil side of things and holds a balance between moral codes and self-interest. His true character leans more towards true neutral however, as his angry fits often cloud his better judgement and cause him to remain distant, angry, or choose walks of life which ultimately do not benefit his ambitions.
    • Fifth Paragraph: Jaecar is a simplistic man. He likes to fight, because it is simply the most skilled warrior who walks out victorious. He is a unionist, simply because he was taught to be one and has no interest in other religious views. He feels like commoners should show proper respect to nobles, especially to house Typhonus, as it is a very prestigious house and as such deserves to be held in higher esteem than other houses and certainly deserves to be held in higher esteem than commoners.


    • Strongman – Jaecar is a strong man. This was required of him as he trained as a warrior of the Feer-Drakken school, and he has continued to maintain his strength as a point of pride and purpose. His strength is a clear benefit in both his fighting style and combat in general.
    • Intimidation – Jaecar is a big man, and he looks mean. Although he is a jovial fellow, his strength, build and occasional fits of anger cause him to be good at intimidation. Because who in their right mind would go in against the will of a man who could likely crush your skull?
    • Good with an axe – Jaecar is a fighter, as has been mentioned. As one of the few things he is naturally good at, Jaecar has honed his skills in combat and proves to be an exceptionally good fighter, when he is in his element. His element being encased in plate armour whilst wielding a big bardiche, of course.
    • Low cunning – Jaecar knows how to scheme. Although he is not a master at it, and can certainly not grasp the inner workings of the court, he has a dirty trick or two he can think of. Smart men may outwit him easily in their schemes, but Jaecar knows even the smartest men can fall from grace when the rumour mill starts working.


    • Slow learner – Jaecar is not a dumb person, but he is rather slow at picking up new skills. He needs time to process new things that have been told to him and order them in his head. He can learn things, but it will take longer. This makes Jaecar prone to simple solutions that don’t require him to study all the variables of the situation.
    • Prone to fits of anger – Jaecar has had trouble with his anger management since he was a child. He has been forced to learn to restrain himself from physically expressing his anger during his childhood as a nobleman’s son and furthered this during his training in the school of Feer-Drakken, but does so by pretending to be uninterested, becoming very curt and distancing himself from the source of his anger.


    Klaus Typhonus
    - Father - NPC(Alive) - Jaecar loves his father for what opportunities he has granted him, but simply respects him as a person. Jaecar was reprimanded quite often during his childhood and as such has very few fond memories of him, but he is family, and he is his father, so he shows him the respect he is due.

    Alois Typhonus - Mother - NPC(Deceased) - Jaecar loved his mother as any son loves his mother, although they had what some would call a somewhat shallow relationship. He was very saddened when he heard the news of her death and reportedly punched a dent in his sparring partner's shield.

    Kolton Typhonus - Brother - @Morpheus_Dream - Jaecar loves his brother truly. Although they are as different as fire and ice, they are siblings, and Jaecar respects and loves him as his little brother, a family member and a friend.

    Reynald Typhonus - Second Cousin Once Removed - @Arendan - Jaecar respects Reynald, whom he calls cousin for simplicity's sake. He is a family member and clearly has garnered a position of power for himself in the city. Jaecar is however unsure of Reynald's personality outside of this, and so his relation is simply one of blood and respect.

    Others (positive):
    Reimund D'Vaud - A Welcome Presence - @Shrykos_ - Jaecar appreciates Reimund. He once saw him as a friend, but through recent events his relationship has soured with most of the D'Vaud family. Reimund however still is a welcome change of pace when it comes to blue garbs, and Jaecar always enjoy having a chat, drink or bet with him.

    Others (negative):

    ((Feel free to send me a message should you be incredibly offended not to have been put in this list.))
    Life Story

    • Was born at the Johannshoff estate in the city of Calemberg to Klaus Typhonus and Alois Typhonus on the 2nd of May in the year 268 AC.

    Age 1-10:
    • At age 5 was enrolled in several etiquette classes, to his father’s dismay Jaecar was slow to grasp these concepts, but in time he did master them.
    • At age 7 his brother was born. Simultaneously his anger fits became more prominent and his father started reprimanding him staunchly for this.
    • At age 10 he received a reprimand in the form of a beating by his father that got slightly out of hand and left his nose broken. One of his anger fits during a dinner hosted by his father were the cause of this. He was bitter and angry at his father for this, and this feeling would last for several years.

    Age 11-20:
    • At age 12 he started training in general combat techniques by means of a private tutor hired by his father. He started focusing his anger into this new outlet and learned to suppress his emotions in life outside of combat.
    • At age 13 Jaecar realised that his father was more pleased with his behaviour outside of combat if he instead poured his anger into combat and less likely to reprimand him. His angry ways whilst training however did not seem to please him, but he obtained far fewer reprimands for this.
    • At age 15 he stopped training combat techniques, because his anger fits and slowness of mind made him unreceptive to the tactical nuances of most schools. Three tutors had given up on him by this point. His father, albeit not a poor man saw little use in shipping in more private tutors when his son was not picking up any new skills from them.
    • At age 15 Jaecar could often be found training in the small courtyard of his family estate. Whether it was body exercises, hitting practice targets or ungracefully beating at his peers with training blades. Anything to keep his anger in check, as he had instinctively learned to do by physical exercise.
    • At age 16 a guest of his father saw Jaecar’s unskilled forceful approach and suggested the Anglian discipline of Feer-Drakken. After several weeks of visits to different institutions and equally many rejections or hesitations, a missive was sent to the Magnaard military academy and a private tutor for the combat school of Feer-Drakken.
    • At age 16 at the behest of his private tutor, Jaecar was allowed by his father to further his training while enlisted with the Arloran Militia.

    Age 21-30:
    • Excelled at the school of Feer-Drakken and after 5 years of fairly uneventful training and service with the Arloran Militia ended this training, bidding his tutor farewell at the age of 21. During this time he had mastered to channel most of his anger into the blade. He had obtained several scars during his training, however. A prominent one being the scar next to his left eye, caused by a greatsword that he failed to parry properly.
    • At age 22 Jaecar was allowed to lead a small group of soldiers as a lower officer, due to his nobility and skill, oft joining raids on Torse lands, although never as more than a lower officer.
    • At age 27 Jaecar suffered the loss of his mother. He returned to Calemberg to pay his respects and this was the first time he properly spoke to both his father and his younger brother since he had been allowed to serve with the levies. They often met before this aswell, but in settings where they were not forced to stay long, and due to their differences they didn't. His relationship with his father was as cold as could be expected, as Jaecar did not have a bright future in the family trade of military commanders and this disappointed his father. He however got along well with his younger brother, seeing much of his father in his demeanor, but also a spark of his mother, whose kindness always reminded him of the good things in his youth.

    Age 31-Present:
    • At age 34, during a party thrown in celebration of his birthday by the company of men he had fought with all these years, a drunk man wielding an axe fell onto his chest and wounded him quite severely. Jaecar was bedridden for a month and a half during the recovery and due to this recovery, to his great dismay was unable to participate in what would later turn out to be the disastrous battle of Calemberg.
    • At age 37 returned to the Regalian archipelago and led a group of Calemberger volunteers in “supporting the Imperial army during the suppression of the Drixagh rebellion”, mostly by pillaging defenceless villages. One night his troop was ambushed by what he claims were skaggers, but more likely were angry northerene peasants. He received a superficial headwound during this exchange that turned into an ugly scar.
    • Recently at age 37 was recalled to Regalia by the patriarch of house Typhonus, Ulric Typhonus to support his second cousin Reynald Typhonus in his efforts in the city.
    • Winner Winner x 5
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
    #1 Markisbeest, Aug 15, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  2. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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  3. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    • Your Simpleminded Weakness counters out your Low Cunning Talent. One will have to be changed. I would say reworking Simpleminded would work better. But if you have Low Cunning as your Talent, you are by default clever.
    Life Story
    • As you have Siegwald in the story currently, Jaecar would not have been fully developed enough to handle wielding the combat banner. Either move it to later in his life story or remove it entirely.
    • Your life story is very short. I want to see more depth put into it. Jaecar has a lot to draw from to create a well rounded life story besides attending school A then training to become an expert. Focus on his anger and how his actions would impact a very conservative house such as Typhonus.
    Make the above changes and tag me once completed @Markisbeest
  4. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    • Rewrote Simpleminded into Slow learner, which has more of the essence of what I was trying to convey.
    • Removed Siegwald entirely and replaced it with general combat training.
    • Revamped some parts of and expanded Life story a lot.
    Changes are in red.

    Hope this fixes things, although I have personally always understood that low cunning is something that focuses more on a character's ability to incorporate unfairness and unfair actions into their thinking than something that needed a specific level of thinking per sé.

  5. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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  6. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Added a few ranks in Bannership.
    Added a few lines explaining the ranks in Bannership.
    Changes in red.

    PS: The Bannership page doesn't state how many years it takes to come to certain levels of learnedness, only that scholar takes at least 20 years. I estimated that I would have learned based on the 13 years and the general way that schools seem to act exponentially in their levels.

    PPS: I took the Army of Nordskag as my field experience, where before it was House Typhonus levies. Although unmentioned in the Bannership article on the wiki, should this also be an option of gaining experience I'd like to return to that.
  7. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    It's 20 or nothing, there is no breaking it down. It doesn't have a leveling system compared to other schools just that once completed it is equivalent to a scholar level in an intellect school. I can see your thought process though. So you need 20 years for bannership knowledge.

    The youngest which Jaecar can be for both disciplines to apply is 40. Starting at age 15 at Magnaar with the 5 years there. Then a full 20 to be able to know Bannership. That being said either age up Jaecar to this or rework him in any way you choose.
  8. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    All right, in that case I won't be using it and I'm returning it to the original. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Not a problem, it is the only school of that kind of system on the wiki
  10. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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  11. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    No, it's not :o
  12. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Then approved tag restored.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    @Wumpatron @HydraLana

    Aged up character by two years.
    Changed schooling process from Magnaard to private tutor in accordance with this: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/feer-drakken-training.58649/
    Added Bannership as I would now have roughly 21 years of combat experience, most of it as an officer of some shape or form. (discounting sicknesses and other such things). Also currently have a Q&A going on about the fact that I am serving with house troops, but I was bored, so I decided to write it up and change it if it's not allowed: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/school-of-bannership-with-other-sources.59505/

    Am very willing to concede Champion Feer-Drakken, but I am convinced that it would be all right for me to play it as the champion requirements simply state combat experience. I am however aware that I would fight less well than most other champions.

    Changes are in red.
  14. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    I will look into this for you. Expect to have my rereview completed within the week.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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  16. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    You will either need to have Jaecar learn bannership from one of the armies listed on the wiki or remove it. Make that single change and tag myself once completed. @Markisbeest
  17. Markisbeest

    Markisbeest Stealing hearts like they're wallets. At gunpoint.

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Changed house troops and mention thereof to Arloran Militia
  18. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    • Like Like x 1

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