Character(s) Applying For: Devona Coen.
@MugKing @Varisus @CyberMo01 @LilXv (More references will be added once I have been given the proper permissions).
Roleplay Character Applications:
Inkeri Årud.
Nobility Experience: I previously played an aspiring noble character, Arabella Fidelis, and ran a noble family of my own afterwards, House Blanchard, which I chose to disband due to lack of activity and other various reasons.
Activity: I have been roleplaying on Massive since the year of 2016. My weekly activity varies depending on my IRL duties and responsibilities, though I can say that I am fairly active overall.
Roleplay Strength: In roleplay, it's safe to say that I'm best at using emotes to the very best of my ability. I consider myself skilled in portraying distinct emotions for my character(s) whilst using grammatically enhanced wording to do so, so that a certain scene may be set.
Roleplay Weakness: When it comes to my role-play weakness, I'd have to say that I am not overly skilled in dramatizing combat. I have not had much practice and experience in the area, therefor this is something that I look forward to perfecting and educating myself in in the near future.
Mutes/Jails/Temp-Bans and Reason: NA.
Reason For Applying: I would like to be apart of House Coen because of the unique and diverse amount of role-play that the house involves itself with and because of the overall name House Coen has made for itself over time. Roleplaying as a Coen is an amazing opportunity and I would be absolutely thrilled to bring honour to it's name.
Able to Use Skype and/or Teamspeak: At the moment I only use my Skype account for IRL purposes, though I will have no issue in making a change.
Have You a Firm Grasp on Ithanian/Ceardian, Regalian Military Lore?: A relatively firm grasp, yes.