The Crown Isle Wardens

IGN: OliverTheQu33n
Character Name: Frejnir Viduggla
Character application, (required): Link
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Already have
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Cousin

I just got permission to rejoin the Wardens, so give me my job back. Thanks.

IGN: Jack_Castle
Character Name: Jakkios Corvus
Character application, (required): Here
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: My /seen is clean
Discord: Yep
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:
Master of the Wardens
Lord Garth Viduggla,
My comrades in the Bloodcast Order call me "The Mad Crow"... and its entirely possible that I truly am mad, driven to such unfathomable lengths by the looming horror of the shade. In places deep and old great beast still lurk and hunger... I've seen things in life, The God of the Sillizar, The Sea Serpent, I've seen the break and destruction of those wooden vessels men dragged down into the cold abyss. I've seen the blood and massacre of the snake people and partaken in its horrors too. They haunt me like some living nightmare... but allow me the chance, and you will find me loyal, you'll find me competent. You'll find me angry, but only to your enemies and the enemies of the state. I know Regalia, I know her laws well and I want to serve her again, to prove my worth again as I did in times of yore. To this end I implore you.

The Mad Crow
Jakkios Corvus
IGN: Conflee
Character Name: Ara Luro
Character application:
  • +25 Fast Blades
  • +5 Blades
  • +5 Shielding Combat
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +5 Rogue Training
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: No
Discord: Conf #3221
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
The letter was written rather well in neat, if slightly florishy, handwriting, which contrasted with the somewhat informal approach:
To Lord and Captain Garth,

Hello! I am Ara Luro. Shane knows me. To put things bluntly, I was a mercenary guarding merchant caravans and such for years, and I've trained at the School-Estate in Daenshore to become a Mariposa. I've wanted to join a Charter for ages but I kept getting side tracked with other things, like getting Kathar Tentacle sh*t in my blood. So ah. Yea, I wanna join and enforce the law and such. I suck at letters.

- Ara Luro
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IGN: SnashuuPomaymay
Character Name: Nouveau Mae Tempete
Character application: Boop!
  • +26 Pole Combat Skill (+26 From points)
  • +13 Athletic Trainer (+13 From points)
  • +3 Perception (+3 Fron points)
  • +16 Metallurgy (+16 From points)
  • +10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (+10 From race Boost)
  • +10 Magical Knowledge (+10 From race Boost)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: I'm squeaky clean.
Discord: You got it b
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To one Lord Garth Viduggla,
Of the Wardens,
I've been urged to join the Wardens by a friend, Eyan. I took interest in the possibility of guard work again; And after learning you lead the Wardens, I figured I'd give it a shot. My abilities with a spear and a sword are considerably good, though I do prefer a spear. And you know of my history serving Regalia's military and guard charters- It's a passion of mine. And I wish not for it to stop now. It would be a pleasure to serve the Wardens- Both because, it's be nice to see some familiar faces, and because I do quite miss my days in armor. If you will allow me, I will not let you down.
Spirits Bless,
Nouveau Mae Tempete
IGN: MrLionHardt
Character Name: Emmet Frandz von Brant
Character application, (required): Emmet

+15 Light Bow Combat

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
(Discord is mandatory for joining): MrLionHardt#6229
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Deare Lord Garth Viduggla,
I, Emmet von Brant, have been interested in becoming a member of the Wardens for some time for many reasons. Firstly, I certainly do not condone violence, and also seek to end it. The Wardens seem to align with my ideals perfectly, as peacekeeping is more important to me than actively getting myself into danger. As for my martial ability, I know how to perform a citizen's arrest and am well-trained with a bow and arrow. I also can be vouched for by Mateo Silva, Low Warden.
Best regards, Emmet Frandz von Brant

"Ser von Brant,

Consider yourself accepted for an interview. I'm looking forward to seeing your ambition come through in person.

- The Hand of the Wardens,

Tuija Viduggla"
OOC: Accepted for IC interview.
IGN: Magivore
Character Name: Thomas Dopsworth
Character application, (required):
  • Men must have 15 points in martial skill.
    • Fulfilled!
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Never ever never.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it!
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla ( @BeashSlap ) detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Garth Viduggla,

I forgot to clock out. Mind if I come back and pretend I never left?

Thomas Dopsworth
IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
Character Name: Lazarus Lupenzi
Character application,: doot
  • +30 Blades (+30 from Points)
  • +10 Axes (+10 Velheim racial bonus)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? : Non.
Discord: ZiggyStarDusted#9372
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Garth,

Considering the invitation just yesterday, I figured no time like the present to send you this letter,
I'd appreciate if you'd have me for the moment.

You know me well to be experienced in the field with the blade, or whatever is required of me from when we've
served together in past, so I'm in doubt that's much of an issue.

With the state of the city at the moment, I feel it's my duty to at least participate in some form of postive way again
rather than playing the bystander as I have been for the past couple of mouths.

Yours truely,

IGN: NotBrokenFamily
Character Name: Connor
Character application, (required):
  • +5 Light Bow
  • +10 Unarmed Combat
  • +5 Medical Sciences
  • +15 Nature Care Sciences
  • +10 Hunting Knowledge
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +10 Perception Training
Have you ever beenbanned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): NotBrokenFamily#7836
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:

Hello Lord Garth Viduggla. Hello!
I am Connor. I like nature. I am a Ranger. I know all about nurturing nature. I can take care of animals. Teacher says I am very perceptive. I am good at chasing running people. I can track them through city or forest. Friend Silyoran says I am special. Special is good. Thank you. Hello! Goodbye.
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Character Name: Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson
Character application, (required): Yeet
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: N/A
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): I'm in it already
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

I need a new hobby, Garth.
IGN: Caelamus
Character Name: Rowan Haaven
Character application: here!
  • Men must have 15 points in martial skill.
  • Fulfilled!
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: nopes
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Caelamus (Sir Honeybear)#1403 (pm me if it doesn't work)
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
"Good afternoon, or at the very least afternoon as I write this letter. I would like to be considered for membership in the Crown City Wardens or have an interview scheduled to discuss the subject. In regards to my motivation as to why I'm applying I've always found that the Wardens align more with my own skillset and my own duties, I believe that joining will help me carry out my own duties and grant me the avenue to be of benefit to the city outside of the Yanar community yet again."

"In regards to my own past experience, I've served in; Tiger's Fang Mercenary Chapter, Bluesteel Order (If I recall correctly), The Vigilant Shield and a few others-- but I can't quite remember it all off the top of my head. I'll admit, I usually didn't have much time to split my duties given while I was in the latter Vigilant Shield, I also had to head the Alchemia and this was during the Dragon Crisis and you can probably imagine the rest. I've also served in some recent battles on the Elven Front, so I'm not without capacity. Nonetheless thank you for your time, Spirit bless."

Signed, Rowan Haaven.
IGN: GrannyJo51
Character Name: Johanna Haaven
Character application, (required): (in process of updating things)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: /seen is clear
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): GrannyJo51#2288
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:


I'm aware you and I have rarely ever seen eye to eye but I will admit you have been right in a lot of things. I also admit you are a great leader. This being said, I would like to offer my service and ask for a chance to perhaps become friends. As you're aware, I served in The Vigilant Shield and maintained the Oberst rank before resigning. Other experience includes serving in the Nordmark before it went up in traitorous flames and working at the Alchemia Order and Ivory Hospital. If you'd like, I am available to speak privately if need be.

Johanna Haaven
IGN: MrToastybun
Character Name: Kasamir Arcleht
Character application, (required): LINK

Blades | +15 (Points)
Unarmed | +2 (Points)

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Mr. Toastybuns#1655
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
[The letter would be penned in a very precise and fine hand.]
Lord Viduggla,

I write you on this day to apply for a position amongst the Crown Isle Wardens.
I am a graduate of the Bloodcast School of Knights and was noted for my skill with the longsword during my time there. I have spent my time thus far idling from odd job to odd job, but now desire to take on a role in which I might properly apply what I learned in the School, as well as be in a position to help keep the people of Regalia safe. I have already spoken with a small number of your members, that being ones Thomas, Ciel, and Johanna, and feel from what they have told me that I shall very much feel at home within your ranks.

With respect,

Kasamir Arcleht
IGN: Lagarn_
Character Name: Jormund Ottarsson
Character application, (required): Here
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Never
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Lagarn#4205
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Greetings Lord Viduggla, I wish to join your Chapter, To protect the crown isle and it's people. I'm a seasoned warrior and have trained in the school of skagger. I have fought many duels and many smaller battles. I use both swords and axes. I have hunted a bit and have some hunting knowledge. So I ask you to give me the chance to server under you and protect the people of the crown isles.
Jormund Ottarsson
IGN: KingdomKnightz
Character Name: Zelgius Pavise
Character application: Ditto
Blades | +20
Shielding | +5

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope!
haha why do you need it again
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
The letter would be written in a grand, ornate fashion.

Lord Viduggla,
Yeah, I'm back. Mind letting me back in? Hahah, thanks.

- Zelgius Pavise
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IGN: Krauze
Character Name: Takashi 'Asahi' Homura
Character application:

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? N/A
Discord: Krauze#0200
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I am Takashi Homura, I prefer to be called Asahi instead. For years, I have been wanting to join the order as a warden. My only noble experience was working for you as a house guard. But ever since I have left regalia to Farah'deen for a funeral. I couldn't fit anywhere else but work as a mercenary outside our home. I have traveled to Farah'deen working as a hired solider, just defending small villages as their mercenary, also known as their Medjay. But now that I have returned home, I'm expecting to start a family of my own. So if I'm going to have any of my future generations of my own. I will want to keep our home safe for everyone and the future.

In battle experience, I always carried a Dao. It's a safer sword to use if I don't want to inflict many damage on people. It's the perfect sword for the public since it won't create much damage on a body. It's a downgrade from a kopesh that i once owned. However, I also own a Katana for any lethal reason. I took all my savings to travel to Far East and own a katana. The sword wasn't easy to acquire for me, since this sword can jab through armor and it was also expensive. But the only time I used it, is when I fought a Songaskian General and a rogue Soldier. I carry the sword still, but I'm unsure if it is wise for me to carry it all time.

Takashi 'Asahi' Hamura

た 朝 ほ
か 日 む
し ら
IGN: MasterMordax
Character Name: Kruul
Character application: Here bbs
Unarmed | +18
Extra Heavy | +15
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope!
Discord: Master#8755
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
While rough around the edges, anyone reading could see that a great deal of care and time had been put into it.

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I have been in and out of guard work for a number of years, I've been searching for an organisation that I deemed as something to invest my time into, something that was worth putting in that extra effort. That's when I came across the Wardens, my close friend told me of them, how they have been keeping the recent threats to Regalia at bay and how I should consider joining their ranks.

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits,
May the spirit protect,
IGN: nath_n
Character Name: Maximilian Tyrannian
Character application, (required): Here
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (10 From Points)
    • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill (5 From Points)
    • +3 Extra Heavy Combat Skill (3 From Points)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nah fam
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You got it
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To the Lord Commander and Count Garth Viduggla,
I have seen many types of battle in my past days, and even in my days as a Bloodcast. I see a good sense of leadership within your ranks and in you as the Lord Commander. Additionally I desire to keep the streets clean of any possible crime. Hope to hear back soon.
Yours truly,
Maximilian Julian Tyrannian
Future Heir to Carroburgen​
IGN: SirJiminyCricket
Character Name: Bhima
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
(Discord is mandatory for joining): Yes
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To the Honorable Count Garth of the house of Viduggla.
I, Bhima, have been a holy warrior for the Great Unionist church for many years now. And have recently returned from completing my holy work and am currently looking to help serve the city of Regalia. If you would have me I wish to join your order and fights for its values.

Thank you for your time,
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IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Laverne du Vauquelin
Character application, (required):
  • Men must have 15 points in martial skill.
  • Women must have 20 points in martial skill.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Nada
Discord: Nidakk#9964
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Lord Garth Viduggla of the Crown Isle Wardens
After hours of searching for the right charter to join, I think that I have found my best fit. I'm Laverne Vrillias Pouvoire du Vauquelin of House du Vauquelin and an expert in the School of Griffer and Thin Blades as a whole. Although I use thin blades, it does not mean I'm not lethal. I've killed dozens of allars, orcs and varrans serving in my family detachment of mercenaries. I've served in the Chrysant War and the Ranger Crisis, exceeding expectations of my commanders in both wars. I hope you will consider my application, I will not fail to exceed your expectations
Au Revoir,
Laverne Vrillias Pouvoire du Vauquelin
IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Seraphina von der Ebene
Character Application: Beep
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nah
Discord: You gots it.

It's me. I want back in. You know what I can do. You know I'm trustworthy.
Much Love,