The Crown Isle Wardens

IGN: Sheeple_Herder
Character Name: Alannah Lupenzi
Character application, (required): Alannah
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope. My record is clean.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You've got it.
Greetings to the Commander Shane Marth.

I am Alannah Lupenzi, daughter to Lazarus Lupenzi and Aoibhin Riordan. I write this to you in hopes that I can make my way into the ranks of the Wardens. I am a Bloodcast knight, like my father before me and I have experience with longswords. I have some experience with guard charters, but I wish to expand said experience. I would be more than willing to attend an interview so you can assess my skills for yourself.

Spirit Keep You,
IGN: uwugalli
Character Name: Julian Keymorne
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Yes, being an edgy bastard in gen chat.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): uwugalli#1091
Letter: To Lord Shane Marth,
I'm interested in work with the Wardens, it is far better for me than work with the Good Company. I was a pirate for many years, and a vampire for a couple of days, so I know a bit about the mindset of criminality. I spoke with the Lord Commander on the bridge next to Greygate, if you were there when that happened.

Spirit Bless,
Julian Keymorne
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Vauclain
Character application, Bop
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Nay
Discord, Already got it, my man
I've been gone too long, time to fix that.
See you soon

IGN: Confucianizm

Character Name: Nora Grace
Character application, (required):
Race Boosts:
  • +10 Perception Training
  • +10 Historical Knowledge
Combat Proficiency:
  • +23 Unarmed Combat
  • +10 Fast Blade Combat
Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +5 Underworld Knowledge
  • +3 Hunting Knowledge
Science Proficiency:
  • +1 Food & Drink Sciences
Arts Proficiency:
  • +3 Musical Arts
Body Proficiency:
  • +15 Athletic Training
  • +10 Rogue Training
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: I have none.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Confucianizm#4953
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I am wishing to serve the Crown Isle Wardens. It has peeked my interests from what a Sihai in your ranks had told me of it.
I am willing to serve for all the right reasons.

I am an Altalar of great pride and honor that trains on a daily basics.
I stand at 6'5", my body build being ripped. I can indeed handle wearing armor for great amounts of time.

I have fought no wars. But I have fought in many pits for my honor and respect.
I have even lost an eye proving my honor in these pits. But I wish for more then just simple pit fighting. I wish for real work,
I wish for something that will be worth my life.
I would be greatly honored to work in the Crown Isle Wardens.

I'm skilled in hand to hand combat, and with fast blades. Such as an arms sword, and small blades.
I am fast on my feet, and take great notice to details.
Disarming enemies are as simple as writing a letter for I.

I wish you a fine day,
With all respect, and honor,
-Nora Grace
OOC: She's just in a big need of a job, I also just want more RP for Nora. This letter now seems edgy feeling to me lol.
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IGN: MasterMordax
Character Name: Maiev Zenith
Character application, Here!
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? None.
Discord, Think you've got it? Otherwise I can send if approved!
Dear Lord Viduggla,
Since returning to Regalia after some much needed respite, I find myself needing work, and having spoken to my fellow knights, they all spoke of joining the guard. With Zelgius's reccomendation I thought it best to settle for your guard order, it being respectful and honorbound.

I wish to purge this city of the Void taint.

- Sincerly, Maiev Zenith
The letter is stealed with a steal in the shape of a wheat head.
IGN: OliverOnly
Character Name: Frejnir Viduggla
Character application, (required): Link
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord: Already have

Give me my job back.

IGN: Daekon
Character Name: Locke Hallevandeia
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: N/A
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Will PM if accepted
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Violet Commander Shane Marth,
I am Locke Hallevandeia, child of Rowan and grandchild of Azelloa Hallevandeia. I write to you in hopes of joining your guard chapter and the work it does. My immediate family recommended this chapter to me, and upon discovery of it I have found it matches my ideals and aims well. I wish to join this chapter and aid in the work it does within and outside of regalia. I am not formally trained but have experience in both un-armed combat and use of whips and other such weapons.
I hope you consider me.
Locke Hallevandeia
IGN: BeashSlap
Character Name: Garth Viduggla
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord: I made the discord.
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Shane,

Secretaries of the Ministry are capable of becoming Violet Guardsmen.

Garth Viduggla of Norrlan
IGN: Iknay
Character Name:
Corimor Vilhelm Leinhart
Character application: Corimor Vilhelm Leinhart
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? No
Discord: iknay#5925
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
The letter was written with constant misspellings and bad handwriting.
To Shane,

My skills in the staff as well as in grappling would be of interest to a group like yours. I'm also known to have sharp hearing and I'm very perceptive. I don't have a lot of fighting experience but I'm a quick learner. It would be a pleasure to help keep Regalia safe from danger and I'm willing to work hard.

-Corimor Leinhart

IGN: Jouster.
Character Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Yes, for various reasons that I've since learned from.
Discord: You have it.
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Shane Marth,
A letter to formalize my entrance into the guards is mostly necessary, so here is the letter you yearned for. You know the skill set I have, and the effort and work I can provide. I do not wish to waste any ink, so that concludes my letter.
May the Oldt Gods watch over you,
Valbrand Haagenvig
IGN: Nero30k
Character Name: Humaira el-Farah
Character application, (required): Here
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:Yes, got a bit too drunk and memed in rp
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Violet Commander Shame Marth.

I write to you in hopes of joining the Crown Isle Watdens. I spoke to one of your Guardsmen about your order and after some time to settle into the City and consideration I decided that my skillset would be a fine asset to you. I am a Knight of the Matrais Order with near enough a decade under my belt as well as a trained Rettis. With these skills and the keen athletism I have devolped in years of warfare and Bullfighting I will hold my own against those that which taint these streets with crime and provide a stulwart shield for my fellow Violets.

Humaira K'urit-ch'el el-Farah
Sera of the Matrais Order
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IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Camilla dei Revello
Character application, (required):
  • +20 Heavy Bow
  • +5 Frontline
  • +7 Unarmed
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Alright have it!
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

I was a former Officer of the Ironspire when it was under command of Aurelius Krupp before his passing and the representative of the Pavisa Order. I specialize mostly in range, however have some knowledge of close combat.. Do consider me.

P.S Hope you don't kind short people.
IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
Character Name: Lazarus Lupenzi
Character application, (required):
  • +20 Squad Tactics
  • +15 Blades
  • +5 Shielding
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Non.
(Discord is mandatory for joining): ZiggyStarDusted#9372
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Commander Marth,

Shane- I hope this letter finds you in good health, I heard of your recent dealings on the warfront and I express my apologies..
Anyhow, I've not been one with the Violets since I was a boy, since then I've grown experienced in leadership and managing a squadron since my undertaking of headmaster of the Bloodcast order and managing of a handful of children.
A lot of my Bloodcasts are already members of the Wardens, and my long time loyalty to Garth- It seems a no brainer I put in some work like I used to and lend a hand to some of the fresher blood.

It'll be humbling seeing you lot at Greygate in the near future,
Yours sincerely,

Lazarus Lupenzi
IGN: dollcore
Character Name: Noa Hothdottir
Character application, (required): Here.
  • +1o unarmed combat.
  • +10 axes combat.
  • +10 shielding combat.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Already in the Discord, but. dollcore#1750
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

{ The writing also appeared to be not eloquent as well, though Noa did indeed take her time writing it. }

Commander Shane Marth,

Common is not very good. I wish to join your ranks. I am a experienced mercenary and I have experience with axes and shields. Also hand to hand. Thank you in advance for reading my letter.

Noa Hothdottir

OOC note: Aurienne resigned from the Violets so I'm reapplying with a more combat abled character!
IGN: OliverOnly
Character Name: Saleh'nali Lev'illja
Character application, (required): Sal
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nah
Discord: Already in it
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Commander Marth,

I am fairly new to Regalia, and in need of an occupation. As I am already proficient in combat and have experience as a mercenary, I believe I will be a viable member in your ranks. My cousin, Captain Cieli, can also vouch for me if needed.

Saleh'nali Lev'illja
IGN: Bertramqaz
Character Name: Ollie MacAngus
Character App:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted: Yes, 5 years ago.
Discord: You have it, you slut
In Character Letter to Commander Shane Marth:
Tae Commander Shane Marth
I grow tired of watching people around me falling to crooks, murderers and conartists. I wish to join in the law-enforcement for coin and for that tae stop, or at least help make it. I'll make it short, I can pin an Orc to the ground and sniff out crooks like a bloodjound, if those are skills you can use, I'm available.
IGN: Betel_
Character Name: Lucia Barbaneagra
Character application, (required):
  • +5 Cavalry Combat Skill
  • +5 Shielding Combat Skill
  • +15 Blades Combat Skill
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Betel#9445
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Commander Marth,
I am writing to you as to apply for a position in the Wardens of the Violet Order. My name is Lucia, and I graduated from castle Blücherwald of the Bloodcasts nearly ten years ago now. Since then I have taken up various knight work on the road throughout Rumvalia and the Osteiermark region, and now find myself here in this city again. In the Wardens I have heard that there are several other Bloodcasts, so I wish to again pick up my sword and shield for the sake of protecting this good city. Thank you for your time.

Lucia Barbaneagra
IGN: Yurs
Character Name: Marcel Vladinov
Character application, (required): Link
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): shut up dolittleguy
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

"To the venerable Commander Marth -

I would assume you a busy man, so for brevity's sake I will be as curt and concise as possible:
My name is Marcel Vladinov of Byala, son of Boris and Helga; I am a qualified swordsman and penman, but the talent that I believe most useful to you is perception. I am a licensed detective with ample experience in my field, and would relish the opportunity to lend this to the preservation of law as I had in my home country.

I hope to hear back from you soon -

~Marcel Vladinov"
IGN: Jupiter6700
Character Name: Gilgamesh
Character application: Horc
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?
If so, why?: Nupe
Discord: Jupiter#2639
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Commander Marth of the Wardens;
I am Gilgamesh of Lykon, enforcer of Anu Bashuk and a proud Regalian for over a year if my life. I have sat in waiting for a time ti join a guard order, yet I have been busy with personal matters until this point, and I truly think I am ready. I have been an ally to Regalia since the Ranger Crisis and I have not faltered since then. I have trained in the orken military academies to enforce law and I can do so here. I am very skilled with a weapon and using my hands, with all of this considered, I do hope you consider me.
-Gilgamesh of Lykōn
IGN: Sujitation
Character Name: Sibÿllad Lykke
Character application, (required):
  • 25 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • 20 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Not Yet
Discord: You got it
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Shawn Shane,
U know wat I can do, just depends if u will lat me back in. I'm shat at latters.
IGN: __TheDarkLord__

Character name: Haie'ge Le'ge'en

Character Application:

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? I have not, no.

Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
Commander Shane Marth,

I am writing to you today to express my desire to join your Charter. I have a lot of experience when it comes to combat and guard duty, having not only been in the Violet Order before I moved away for a while, but also a member of two houses guards, including House Howlester, where I remain today. However I desire to join the guard proper once more, as it's where I found myself most successful in the past. I have been training in combat since my early teens, and have continued to do so throughout my life. I hope you get to see this in action very soon.

Spirit Protect,
Haie'ge Le'ge'en