The Crown Isle Wardens

IGN: R_O_B_E_rt
Character Name: Ssacëajo' Jaciëajo'
Character application: Eat my shorts
Character race: Altalar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: 5 Years ago for digging up gravel.
Discord: u kno me
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

The following letter is written with fantastic handwriting.

Dear Lord Commander Viduggla,

I am writing this letter as in order to correctly detail and illustrate my skill set and how it may tie into the work you do as Wardens. First and foremost I am an experienced Ranger from The Shield of Hyärra, secondly an avid linguist, speaking thirteen separate tongues and many Ailor dialects, and finally I consider myself an adept Surgeon. I have many times more years of active service to any guardsman you may currently possess, as I was living whilst the distinguished Vladimir Kade was still alive and well. I have fought in countless conflicts and in crisis zones all over Aloria, your Chrysant War comes to mind, and I am one of the best archers your charter will ever receive an application from. I urge you to consider me for a position in your charter.

With appreciation,
Ssacëajo' Jaciëajo'.
IGN: skullpanda90
Character Name: Sylvi Valendal
Character application: Bam!
Character race: Velheim Ailor.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Nope!
Discord: molly#8693 (although, the emoji messes it up.. I think you got me though..)
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

The letter would be written in horribly messy common, almost akin to chicken scratch.

Dear Lord Commander Viddugla,
Hello! My name is Sylvi Valendal. Although, you perhaps once knew me as Silver. I am sending this letter in high hopes that I may be accepted into your charter, The Crown Isle Wardens. Having once been a member of the Violet Order and the Hightowers, it would bring me great pride to put my guard skills back into use for your charter, and to work under another proud member of the North. With my past experiences and adept usage of the blade, I will not disappoint.

-Signed, Sylvi (Silver) Valendal.
IGN: OliverTheQu33n
Character Name: August Albrecht
Character application: No
Character race: Anglian Ailor
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nah
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): you have it
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Lord Commander Viduggla

I was wandering about the city and happened to notice a few of your guards. It intrigued me, to say the least. All my life I have yearned to take up arms and help defend my homeland, and your guard force seems like a pleasant start. I have been trained in the ways of the Feer-Drakken, and I would propose myself as an exceptional fighter and addition to your charter.

~Spirit's Blessings,
August Albrecht
IGN: Dromui
Character Name: Vaulkharan Iz'niel
Character Application:
Character Race: Drowdar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord: Skale#0943
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I am Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda. For six decades I trained, fought, and bled on the northern front in honor of those who could not travel northward to defend this world from the threat of Abberants. It is in the north I honed my skill and trained both body and mind to face threats beyond that of the common thief. My experience is both from the School of Esa-Ajo, where I graduated with ease, but also in live combat. However, a call for aid from a younger Drowdar has brought me south to the Empire. I seek to help the people of Regalia and keep them safe. Safe from the threat of the Sanguine within the Slums. Safe from the Abberants who do not yield to the Empire's might. An safe from the threat of foreign military and soldiers alike who tred upon our soil with ill intent. I formerly held the position of Acolyte within the Inquisition, though due to recent affairs with the Inquisition and the State of Regalia, I am afraid I can no longer offer them my services. I hope this letter reaches you in good health.


Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda
IGN: Dromui
Character Name: Vaulkharan Iz'niel
Character Application:
Character Race: Drowdar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord: Skale#0943
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I am Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda. For six decades I trained, fought, and bled on the northern front in honor of those who could not travel northward to defend this world from the threat of Abberants. It is in the north I honed my skill and trained both body and mind to face threats beyond that of the common thief. My experience is both from the School of Esa-Ajo, where I graduated with ease, but also in live combat. However, a call for aid from a younger Drowdar has brought me south to the Empire. I seek to help the people of Regalia and keep them safe. Safe from the threat of the Sanguine within the Slums. Safe from the Abberants who do not yield to the Empire's might. An safe from the threat of foreign military and soldiers alike who tred upon our soil with ill intent. I formerly held the position of Acolyte within the Inquisition, though due to recent affairs with the Inquisition and the State of Regalia, I am afraid I can no longer offer them my services. I hope this letter reaches you in good health.


Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda

Accepted on a trial period.
The Wardens have been updated to now be a Chapter within the Violet Order. All guardsmen have be removed from the Chapter, and there is now a cap of 20 members.
IGN: nath_n
Character Name: Aliksander Viduggla
Character application, (required):
  • 15 Mace
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): in th discord
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Reapplying from the previous chapter.
IGN: Ekizu
Character Name: Grevven Viduggla
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:
To my great nephew, Lord Garth Viduggla,
I still hold within my heart a will to do right by the citizens of Regalia, and as such I write to you following the reformation of the city guard as to continue the service I have thus far provided. I hope that you will accept me into the reformed Wardens as I look forward to continued utility.
IGN: skullpanda90
Character Name: Sylvi Valendal
Character application: Bam!
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nope.
Discord: You got me.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
once again, the letter would be in hardly readable, very messy common.

Dear Lord Commander Viduggla

I am sending this letter in re-application to join the Wardens once more. I aim to properly show my skills and loyalty; more proficiently so in regards to my shortcomings weeks back. I accept any and all scrutiny if I am accepted back into your charter, as I adamantly refuse to disappoint. I hope to serve under your charter more efficiently than ever before.

Signed, Sylvi Valendal.
IGN: DankDan
Character Name: Daniel White
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
Discord: DankDan#2244

Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience
As a former member of the Wardens, I'd like to join your new chapter between the Violets. It would be an Honor to serve under such name as I protect the city of whatever attempts to harm or disrupt its peace alongside the other Wardens. I do not have anything else to add as you already know of my background in regards of my experience. Thank you for reading this letter and I hope of receiving a response soon.

Spirit Bless,

Daniel White.
Character Name: Mateo de Silva
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope.
Discord: You got it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To the esteemed Lord Commander,
Garth Viduggla,

You can always count me in. I hope you trust my experience.​

Mateo Iñígo de Silva.
IGN: Sujitation
Character Name: Sibÿllad Lykke
Character application, (required): Dis Link
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You had it, but it's Suji #2155
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Lord Commander Viduggla,
With the Hammers recently disbanded fully, and wanting to further aid in protecting Regalia, I try to write with my huge hand in hopes to join the many I've seen guarding at the gates with me before. I've been a Hammer, currently a House guard to the Peirgartens, and various other such houses. I work mostly with a Warpick and Coffin shield, though I have since surpassed training in Hitlock. And, yes, I am trying to work on my common more.

Sibÿllad Lykke
IGN: KingdomKnightz
Character Name: Zelgius Pavise
Character application: [Here]
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
N o p e
Discord: KingdomKnightz#8115
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To the Lord Commander,
I write to you once more, in hopes that I can re-join the Wardens in the now called, Violet Order. I hail from the school of Bloodcast, working for the Peirgartens as their House Guard and previously working for the Wardens. I believe my blade will not let you down.

Spirit Protect,
Zelgius B. Pavise
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IGN: AlphaInsomnia
Character Name: Kaya Sorenvik
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: ...IRL arrests?~
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Yall got it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Garth Viduggla,
~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik​
IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Seraphina von der Ebene
Character application: Boop
+40 in Short Sword
+20 in Small Shield
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nah
Discord: I'll throw it to ya. Have a new one.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Lord Commander Viduggla,
With the return of the Violet Order and seeing as Kaya is joining your ranks, I hope you'll accept me as well. We were in the Rangers together and I've served in numerous other guard charters, as well as one of the other variations of the Violet Order.
Seraphina von Der Ebene
IGN: Sebbysc
Character Name: Aedarhon Jouhari
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nope.
Discord: You've got it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Lord Garth,

The boys are back in town, and I'm ready to do some good work for you once again.

Aedarhon Jouhari
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IGN: DolittleGuy
Character Name: Shane Marth
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): ye you got me
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
It is the potato. You know I am competant. I don't exactly care if my old position is the one I will get.
IGN: Messtro
Character Name: Yvette Viduggla
Character application: Boop

  • +20 Longsword
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: None
Discord: Already have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

You know how capable I am. Let me in.
- Yvette
IGN: Dromui
Character Name: Vaulkharan Iz'niel
Character Application:
Character Race: Drowdar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord: Skale#0943
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I am Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda. For six decades I trained, fought, and bled on the northern front in honor of those who could not travel northward to defend this world from the threat of Abberants. It is in the north I honed my skill and trained both body and mind to face threats beyond that of the common thief. My experience is both from the School of Esa-Ajo, where I graduated with ease, but also in live combat. However, a call for aid from a younger Drowdar has brought me south to the Empire. I seek to help the people of Regalia and keep them safe. Safe from the threat of the Sanguine within the Slums. Safe from the Abberants who do not yield to the Empire's might. An safe from the threat of foreign military and soldiers alike who tred upon our soil with ill intent. I formerly held the position of Acolyte within the Inquisition, though due to recent affairs with the Inquisition and the State of Regalia, I am afraid I can no longer offer them my services. I hope this letter reaches you in good health.


Vaulkharan Iz'niel, formerly of Drowvda

P.S. I was a Warden.
IGN: CyberMo01
Character Name: Cieli Le'vilja
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Yep, I believe you have it. If not, then I can send it over PM
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Lord Viduggla,
Hello! I am Cieli Le'vilja, and I write to you today to apply to your charter. While I also work for the Peirgartens as a house guard, I find myself with a significant amount of free time. I would like to do some good with this time, and wish to join your charter to help protect the city. I am skilled in wielding the atrave, and have training in the formal school of Atraves. I also have experience guarding things from doing past mercenary work on the continent of Daen, and the aforementioned work as a Peirgarten House Guard. I hope you accept me to join your ranks as a Warden.
Cieli Le'vilja

Because I miss being a Ranger
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Amsel
Character application,
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Nay!
Discord, You got it
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Garth
I'm writing to you to ask for my job back, after the reformation of the Violet Order and a short break I'm ready to get back to work, I hope our past ventures of working together will mean this isn't a problem, see ya soon.
-Alexander Amsel
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Non.
: RingoBird#7668
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Lord Viduggla, I, Sinclair de Letoirneau is experienced in Mace combat, as well as Medical Skills, for going to the School of Battlmed is quite helpful. My Reasoning for Joining, I believe I can make a Difference to Regalia and help all in need.
de Letoirneau.
IGN: Magivore
Character Name: Thomas Dopsworth of Rothburg
Character application:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? Not for four years I haven't! My record is clean.
Discord: You should have me added, but if not, I'll send you a message.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Garth Viduggla, Commander of the Wardens,

It is a sad day that I must say that the Black Regiment has long since been abandoned by members. As their numbers dwindle, either with them dying in battle or retiring, I find myself one of the only soldiers left on a boat doomed to sink. With this in mind, I still wish to serve the city and its great people, sparing it from the dangers of revolutionaries. Below are some of my skills and past experiences.
I am:

  • skilled in the School of Tenpenny and Pavisan Crossbow, ten years being put into all four tools.
  • most efficient when working in a team, as introduced with the Tenpenny schooling.
  • a farming man, making it easier for me to connect with the peasants and lesser peoples of Regalia.
  • a man of order, which means I will listen to those higher above me, but will not be afraid to voice dissent if necessary.
  • disciplined by the men of d'Goss, bringing me to be the last man to retreat and the first to charge into battle.
  • a man of the Spirit, obediently following His word above all else.
Above all, I give my best wishes,
IGN: NathanSandwiches

Character Name
: Bjørnolf Sundenn

Character application:

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
My /seen is clean.

Discord: You got it.

Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience
"My Lord Viduggla,

Can I come back?"​
Bjørnolf Sundenn.​

IGN: GenericKnight
Character Name: Llafle Laho
Character application: Approved.
  • Men must have 15 points in martial skills: Requirement exceeded.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Clean record.
Discord: GenericKnight#6732
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasoning and experience:
Lord Viduggla,
My name is Llafle. I am a Varran imprinted Avanthar. Trained in Avant which means I am good at recurve bow, avanthar axe, and horse riding. I can track, trap, and am very agile and sneaky. I want to put my skills to use. I want to help Regalia.

Have a prosperous life,
Llafle Laho.
Character Name: Anais or Avynn
Character application: Link
Have you ever beenbanned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory forjoining): You have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Garth,
You know me, you know what I can do. Hopefully you'll let me in.
IGN: Timisc
Character Name: Eyanaeil Faenin
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You should have it, if not I'll pass it along in PM.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
The letter was written by that of a merc, so fancy by no means but not outright illegible either.

Sera has convinced me to join your ranks. You can go to her for confirmation on my abilities, but to sum it up I am a well-trained merc and an ex-guard of the initial Hammers and Violet Order following that. I earned my way through the ranks of both those orders and you'll see me do the same in yours. Despite my race, being Kathar, you'll find I do a better job than most so long as no one steps to me and if they should they'll be getting their arse handed to them firmly. Should you consider me, I'll be around for a meetup.