The Crown Isle Wardens

IGN: Surrealizm
Character Name:
Lleyv Kettrakh
Character Application: Boop
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?
Nah I'm clean
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience
Violet Commander Shane Marth,

I'm writing to you to express my interest in joking the Wardens, I've mercenary experience and I'm trying to clean up my act. I already know a few guardsmen, mainly Camilla dei Revello and I am quite skilled with a short sword.

Lleyv Kettrakh​
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IGN: Luxus07
Character Name: Sylvia Reinard
Character application, (required):
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Luxus07#1164
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Commander Shane Marth,

My cousin, the Dame Humaria Reinard, has recommened the Wardens to me and suggested I pen you a letter expressing my intention of joining. I wish to be part of law-enforcement; while I am not a soldier or knight I am an alchemist and also a wielder of puretek weaponry. If you wish to learn more, I gladly attend to a meeting.

Spirit's Blessing,
Sylvia Reinard
IGN: Caelamus
Character Name: Ingemar
Character application, (required): It's somewhere in my signature, I'm too brain dead to dig for it at the moment.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: floop.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): you have me.
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:

"Good afternoon, I request entry into your guard chapter to provide you with some measure of assistance through means of experience and my desire to help and protect others, to be a helping hand in need to those who need it. My name is Ingemar and I like to imagine that I am a notable Url within the city and have a history working as a mercenary or house guard in times past. I'm not good at being your standard stationary guard as I find that task extremely mind-numbingly boring. But, I am a good wanderer, protector, alchemist and assistant to those in need. I have already stumbled across random incidents in the city in the past and I would appreciate having a proper venue to utilize my skills and abilities in a lawful, just and correct manner that truly benefits the Empire and citizens there-in. I am also bound by the Horned Stipulation to find a means to provide my services so, let this be my means."

"I however have a few conditions if you choose to accept me. I request the freedom to wander as I please and provide a shield and hand to those in need. I refuse to go through a recruit phase and request to just be hired on as a full time guard so I can perform my duties to the best of my ability without hindrance and formality. Regardless, thank you for your consideration and taking the time to read my letter."

Signed, -Ingemar.