⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

IGN: Hierophant_
Character Name: Astraed Visser
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Ailor, Anglian
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Darkmark
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To the esteemed lord commander, I would like to apply to your city charter, I have plenty of utility in swordsmanship, have trained within Linvail Keep for upwards of a decade, and can work as much as my employment demands."

@BillyTheScroofy @MantaRey
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IGN: Chrothic
Character Name: Frank Hendrickson
Character Age: 31
Character Race: claith/alt-regalian
Character Gender: male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: bloodcast, +10 longsword and longshield.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/frank-hendrickson.68452/#post-868194
In Character Letter to RodderickHowlester/Lord Commander Ania:
"Greetings commander, my name is Frank Hendrickson. I've been thinking about joining for a while, and decided soon the shields. I hope that you are able to think this over, as I strongly suggest hiring be to benefit society.
Signed: Frank Hendrickson"
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For all current members and people interested in applying to the Vigilant Shield:

In accordance to the latest announcement given by the Supreme Chancellor, I give this follow up announcement: All present members of the Vigilant Shield are hereby fired -- as individual charters are no more. Requirements for being accepted into the Vigilant Chapter, which is a part of the Violet Order, are as follows:

- The character needs an approved character sheet.
- Male characters need a +15 in a combat proficiency.
- Female characters need a +20 in a combat proficiency.

If your character does not have any of these traits, then admission into the Chapter will be denied, though that goes without saying. Members who were in the Vigilant Shield are invited to reapply if they so wish!
IGN: JokerLupus
Character Name: Joasaie Lloablen
Character Age: 61
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Agender
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Atraves (+30 Atraves, +20 Acrobatics), +10 Unarmed Fighting, +5 Shortsword
Link to Character app (If applicable): Plant!
In Character Letter to Ania:

To Lady Ania Howlester,
I am sending this letter to reapply for a position in the guard. I hope my martial skills and reputation will be satisfactory enough to be approved once-more.

Spirit Protect,
Joasaie Jtacië'hie Lloablen

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IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Eugenio Leocadio
Character Age: 32
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Pervious an Esign, then demoted to Guard.
+15 Longsword +20 Large Shield
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eugenio-leocadio.67592/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania: Dear Lady Commander, I wish to to apply for the shield because I was recently let go due to the new Guard regulations presented by the Government, I would like to keep my role as a Guard for this amazing and beautiful Charter. Sincerely Eugenio.
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: Legoclub22
Character Name: Jonathan Herran
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Longsword
  • +15 Short Shields
  • +13 Battle Command
  • +10 Unarmed Boxing
  • +5 General Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Approved Sheet
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Well since they're making us re-apply, here's my new application.
I've not gotten any less competent since when I was accepted a month or two ago. I
was an Ensign, I've spent hundreds of hours doing guard work over my career, and I'm bloody good with the tools of my trade.

Here's to hoping I get accepted again quickly so I can keep getting paid,
IGN: AGangstaGranny
Character Name: Johanna Haaven
Character Age: 73
Character Race: Altalar/Cielothar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Previously Oberst; +25 Atraves Stave, +15 Acrobatics, +5 Unarmed Fighting
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/johanna-anne-haaven.62860/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Supreme Chancellor Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

My reasonings for applying have not changed since the months ago I applied the first time around. I wish to continue serving the Empire to the fullest of my abilities and remain clad in the colors of those honored to do so.

Spirit Bless,
Johanna Haaven
IGN: Pakkleaf
Character Name: Shae Wren
Character age: 35
Character Race: Varran
Character Gender: Female
Character's experience or Martial skill: Previously captain, +20 Unarmed Combat, +40 Acrobatic
Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/shae-wren.65891/#post-827294
Character letter: Lady and Lord commander, its my honor and pleasure to continue to serve no matter how the times change. If you will have me once more I will give my all. - Shae
IGN: OasisRP1
Character Name: Lyal'amna Mo'liria
Character Age: 60
Character Race: Maraya
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ranger Trained, Previous Azure, Previous Hightower, Previous Shield Maiden within the Order, 25 in Arcol Bow, Mastigo Whip 10, 15 Short Sword, 10 Tracking, 20 acrobatics, 20 stealth
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lyalamna-moliria-a-stealthy-maraya.62965/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Supreme Chancellor Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

I am resigning up once again in order to continue my service to the Empire, The Spirit, and to the Vigilants, as I have been over the past few months, and keep the city safe for others, myself, and my children. I have maintained my abilities so far, and will continue to do so even now.

Heres to me hoping to be allowed in once more and continue the honourable work of being by your side through thick and thin,
Lyal'amna Mo'liria
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IGN: Anarchizm
Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Longsword +24 Large Shield +15 General Command
Link to Character app (If applicable)
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

My reasonings for joining the Vigilanr Shield are the same as they were the first time I joined. I wish to be apart of an organization like yours. An esteemed group of guardsmen and guardswomen. To serve the mighty Empire under you banner.
Julius Peirgarten
IGN: JokerLupus
Character Name: Joasaie Lloablen
Character Age: 61
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Agender
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Atraves (+30 Atraves, +20 Acrobatics), +10 Unarmed Fighting, +5 Shortsword
Link to Character app (If applicable): Plant!
Accepted again.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Eugenio Leocadio
Character Age: 32
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Pervious an Esign, then demoted to Guard.
+15 Longsword +20 Large Shield
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eugenio-leocadio.67592/
Pending, as discussed!
IGN: Legoclub22
Character Name: Jonathan Herran
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Longsword
  • +15 Short Shields
  • +13 Battle Command
  • +10 Unarmed Boxing
  • +5 General Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Approved Sheet
Accepted again.
IGN: AGangstaGranny
Character Name: Johanna Haaven
Character Age: 73
Character Race: Altalar/Cielothar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Previously Oberst; +25 Atraves Stave, +15 Acrobatics, +5 Unarmed Fighting
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/johanna-anne-haaven.62860/
Accepted again.
IGN: Pakkleaf
Character Name: Shae Wren
Character age: 35
Character Race: Varran
Character Gender: Female
Character's experience or Martial skill: Previously captain, +20 Unarmed Combat, +40 Acrobatic
Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/shae-wren.65891/#post-827294
Accepted again.
IGN: OasisRP1
Character Name: Lyal'amna Mo'liria
Character Age: 60
Character Race: Maraya
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ranger Trained, Previous Azure, Previous Hightower, Previous Shield Maiden within the Order, 25 in Arcol Bow, Mastigo Whip 10, 15 Short Sword, 10 Tracking, 20 acrobatics, 20 stealth
Accepted again.
IGN: Anarchizm
Character Name: Julius Peirgarten
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Longsword +24 Large Shield +15 General Command
Link to Character app (If applicable)
Accepted again.
IGN: Chrothic
Character Name: Frank Hendrickson
Character Age: 31
Character Race: claith/alt-regalian
Character Gender: male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: bloodcast, +10 longsword and longshield.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/frank-hendrickson.68452/#post-868194
In Character Letter to RodderickHowlester/Lord Commander Ania:
"Greetings commander, my name is Frank Hendrickson. I had sent in another application letter, and I hope that you'll accept me into your charter. I spent time at bloodcast, and am capable with longswords and largshields. I really would like to serve regalia and hope you get this safely.
Signed: Frank Hendrickson"
IGN: PapiiGeyy
Character Name: Susanne Carnt
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

(-) +10 Elven Recurve Bow

(-) +10 Arcol Elven Recurve Bow

(-) +10 Short Sword

(-) +10 Atraves Staves

Link to Character app (If applicable): Here

In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Howlester,

I'm re-applying for the Vigilant Shield Order, my reason is still the same as the last, hopefully you'll re-accept me, just hopefully.

Spirit Bless

IGN: PapiiGeyy
Character Name: Susanne Carnt
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

(-) +10 Elven Recurve Bow

(-) +10 Arcol Elven Recurve Bow

(-) +10 Short Sword

(-) +10 Atraves Staves

Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
Accepted again.
IGN: Ghirkfoe51
Character Name: Eric Decimar
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Slizzar (First Civil Status)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
+10 Short Swords
+10 Thin blades
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eric-decimar.45524/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Dear Lord Commander,

I wish to re-join your ranks once again and offer my services to you. I know my abilities have been shown in the past and I hope previous doubts about me have since been cleared. I can assure you I won't disappoint.

Spirit bless,
Eric Decimar
IGN: SkullScrub
Character Name: Barrulf Blackmyre
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Greatsword, +20 Longsword, +15 Battle Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Right here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the High Lord Commander Ania Howlester
Once more, I write to you to ask of a rank amongst the esteemed Vigilant shield Chapter-- I feel pleased to know the Violet Order has been re-instated, and I look forward to working alongside you and my fellow men again.

As you might be aware, im more than capable in a combat scenario, though I am plenty able to provide supporting roles and keep a level head when dealing with criminals or other members of our chapter. Furthermore, my experience as a field Officer holds true to my use of tactics and strategy during war times, and I would like to enquire gaining a higher rank. This of course, can be discussed further if need be.
I look forward to your swift returning letter.
Barrulf Blackmyre
IGN: Chrothic
Character Name: Frank Hendrickson
Character Age: 31
Character Race: claith/alt-regalian
Character Gender: male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: bloodcast, +10 longsword and longshield.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/frank-hendrickson.68452/#post-868194
Accepted. I'll PM you shortly.
IGN: SkullScrub
Character Name: Barrulf Blackmyre
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Greatsword, +20 Longsword, +15 Battle Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Right here
Accepted again.
IGN: Gwyndo
Character Name: Mánus of Bhacstair
Character Age:
Character Race: Highland Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

25 Unarmed Fighting
20 Spiked Flail
10 Unarmed Fighting
10 Acrobatics
3 Short Shield
Link to Character app: Link

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Commander,

Mánus here again, writing to ask if I can continue to serve as a member of the Vigilants. I had planned to write more, but honestly that's pretty much it.

Best regards, and Spirit bless
The Vigilant Strynger
Mánus of Bhacstair

Oh! What's the new protocols on me wearing my family tartan whilst on duty? Am I still allowed to do that? Cheers in advance.
IGN: Gwyndo
Character Name: Mánus of Bhacstair
Character Age:
Character Race: Highland Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
25 Unarmed Fighting
20 Spiked Flail
10 Unarmed Fighting
10 Acrobatics
3 Short ShieldLink to Character app: Link
Accepted again.
IGN: PreciseReinhardt
Character Name: Thalion Amlugonnen
Character Age: 63
Character Race: Half Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +40 Unarmed Fighting, +10 Arcol Bow, +10 Unarmed Wrestling, +10 Battle Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander
I've done my service abroad, but it appears there is plenty left here at home to handle. I'm looking to offer myself as a guardsman to the Vigilant Chapter of the new Violet Order. I have experience in leadership and in arms, and I can assure you I will be nothing but an asset to the system.
With Respect,
Thalion Amlugonnen​
IGN: _The_Unknown
Character Name: Ainnellesse Nalijeoi
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Half-Elf (Vampire brood)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +14 Mace, +5 Unarmed Fighting, +5 Arcol Bow, was a Vigilant previously.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Lord Commander,
I'm writing to re-apply for guardship under the Vigilant Shield. I wasn't with you for very long, so I'm happy to turn up to an interview if you want me to. I'm a close-quarters guy with some insider knowledge on Abberants - specifically Vampires - and a little bit of long range training as well. Never was schooled officially, but I'm not untrained by any means, and I already know the ropes, so you won't have to teach me.
Not really sure if this is enough or too much. As I said, I can show up to an interview if you want.
Aine Nalijeoi
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Attenais Jevienne
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ithanian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +10 Longsword, +10 Daggers, ++20 Weaving, +30 Greatsword
Link to Character app (If applicable): Half way done
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the Esteemed Lord Commander Ania Howlester;
Hello there! I am Attenais Jevienne, a recently moved knight to Regalia from Ithania, trained in the Greatsword, Dagger, and Longsword, I am also a captain in the de'Letoirneau House Guard and am very trusted by most of the members there. I work well with other people, helping design their uniforms and training with them daily. I will work hard and hopefully bring justice to Regalia, please consider this request.
Attenais Jevienne, The Spider Knight
IGN: PreciseReinhardt
Character Name: Thalion Amlugonnen
Character Age: 63
Character Race: Half Elf
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +40 Unarmed Fighting, +10 Arcol Bow, +10 Unarmed Wrestling, +10 Battle Command
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
Accepted. I'll PM you shortly.
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Attenais Jevienne
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ithanian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +10 Longsword, +10 Daggers, ++20 Weaving, +30 Greatsword
Link to Character app (If applicable): Half way done
Rejected. I am not comfortable accepting you without being able to look over the character's sheet first and foremost.
IGN: _The_Unknown
Character Name: Ainnellesse Nalijeoi
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Half-Elf (Vampire brood)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +14 Mace, +5 Unarmed Fighting, +5 Arcol Bow, was a Vigilant previously.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
Accepted again.
IGN: CorrosGaming
Character Name: Zhou Tang
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ch'ien-ji
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +5 Unarmed Wrestling, +10 Unarmed Fighting, +18 Shortsword. Worked in the D'Ortonnaise Guard, has killed or captured nine sanguine (Sanguine Hunter Side Job, all confirmed and done through IC roleplay), and works as a bannerman in his off time.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/zhou-tang.69183/#post-868805
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the Glorious Lady Howlester,
The Spirit Blesses me with the knowledge of the great organization of the Vigilant Shields. I have recently met several of the peacekeepers of Regalia, and grow tired of listening to the orders of this artesian or that nobility. I wish to work for the common good of the city, and have done so without the aid of armor and military weapons for nearly a year now. I wish to aid in the protection of the Holy City, and protection of its people.

Kind regards,
Zhou Tang; Battlebard.
IGN: @WrongChat
Character Name: Konrad Rok Ekaaten.
Character Age: 29.
Character Race: Ailor - Velheim.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword, +10 Skagger Axe, +9 Battle Command.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander,

I write to you due to my recent ventures with my brothers and cousins into Regalian confines, I personally seek to serve the Empire and with that comes the protection of Regalia itself. I am an expirenced fighter, I've served as both a soldier and commander in several skirmishes within the North Belt. Thank you for your time.

With Highest Regards,
Konrad Rok Ekaaten

PS: I'm not in the Wardens or any other guard charter per se besides the Helerians as Hansen Viduggla. If there are any question of my activity or whatever feel free to bring it up to me in a PM either here or on Discord.
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IGN: Martyr_321
Character name: Chengis
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Yanar-Wu'long mix
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience: (School of Lecgaen, Graduated) +10 Unarmed Wrestling, +20 Unarmed
Fighting, +10 Acrobatics, +10 Improvised Weapons
Character Application (If applicable) https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/chengis-char-application.68730/
Letter to The Leader of the Vigilant, Ania Howelster.

Lord Commander Howelster,
I am reapplying to the Vigilant Shield. I was not with you long. But I fight well and with skill. If you wish I can return and assist in protecting the Empire once again with my dual bladed hooks and skilled hand to hand combat. I hope you will accept me again into your charge for I will hold myself with duty and honor.
Thank you.
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IGN: Josiah_thepriest
Character name: Togoshi Ichiyo
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ch'ien-Ji
Character Gender: Male
Character's Expiriance or Martial Skill: Trained mainly in Kophtar
Link to Character [If Applicable]: I wold Except I want to put in basic information that my position is in this group
In Character letter to Roderick Howlester/Lord Commander Edgar
Lord Commander Howlester

I wish to say that this group is a great idea and I believe it will help many in the land of Regalia. I believe that this will be the way i help Regalia. I hope to be a great warrior. I may not be an expert with many weapons, but I have learned the ways of the Kophtar so i could join and help. I hope that you will accept me into your warrior group.

Senciraly, Togoshi Ichiyo
IGN: @OffSeason
Character Name: Abigail Cormac
Character Age: 33.
Character Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +33 Shortsword, +15 Small Shield, +10 Drixon Spear.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/abigail-seidel.69270/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the esteemed Lord Commander Howlester,
I write to you in hope of joining the esteemed Vigilant Shield Chapter. My brother, Julius Peirgarten being among your many fine guardsmen. I've only heard great things about this fine Chapter and would like to take up arms. To help serve amongst you all and prove myself worthy of being a guard. If given the chance you have my word that I will not disappoint. Spirit Bless.

Abigail Cormac

IGN: CorrosGaming
Character Name: Zhou Tang
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ch'ien-ji
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +5 Unarmed Wrestling, +10 Unarmed Fighting, +18 Shortsword. Worked in the D'Ortonnaise Guard, has killed or captured nine sanguine (Sanguine Hunter Side Job, all confirmed and done through IC roleplay), and works as a bannerman in his off time.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/zhou-tang.69183/#post-868805
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the Glorious Lady Howlester,
The Spirit Blesses me with the knowledge of the great organization of the Vigilant Shields. I have recently met several of the peacekeepers of Regalia, and grow tired of listening to the orders of this artesian or that nobility. I wish to work for the common good of the city, and have done so without the aid of armor and military weapons for nearly a year now. I wish to aid in the protection of the Holy City, and protection of its people.

Kind regards,
Zhou Tang; Battlebard.


IGN: @WrongChat
Character Name: Konrad Rok Ekaaten.
Character Age: 29.
Character Race: Ailor - Velheim.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword, +10 Skagger Axe, +9 Battle Command.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander,

I write to you due to my recent ventures with my brothers and cousins into Regalian confines, I personally seek to serve the Empire and with that comes the protection of Regalia itself. I am an expirenced fighter, I've served as both a soldier and commander in several skirmishes within the North Belt. Thank you for your time.

With Highest Regards,
Konrad Rok Ekaaten

PS: I'm not in the Wardens or any other guard charter per se besides the Helerians as Hansen Viduggla. If there are any question of my activity or whatever feel free to bring it up to me in a PM either here or on Discord.


IGN: Josiah_thepriest
Character name: Togoshi Ichiyo
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ch'ien-Ji
Character Gender: Male
Character's Expiriance or Martial Skill: Trained mainly in Kophtar
Link to Character [If Applicable]: I wold Except I want to put in basic information that my position is in this group
In Character letter to Roderick Howlester/Lord Commander Edgar
Lord Commander Howlester

I wish to say that this group is a great idea and I believe it will help many in the land of Regalia. I believe that this will be the way i help Regalia. I hope to be a great warrior. I may not be an expert with many weapons, but I have learned the ways of the Kophtar so i could join and help. I hope that you will accept me into your warrior group.

Senciraly, Togoshi Ichiyo

Rejected, you must have a character application and appropriate martial skills

IGN: @OffSeason
Character Name: Abigail Cormac
Character Age: 33.
Character Race: Ailor - Leutz-Vixe.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +33 Shortsword, +15 Small Shield, +10 Drixon Spear.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/abigail-seidel.69270/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the esteemed Lord Commander Howlester,
I write to you in hope of joining the esteemed Vigilant Shield Chapter. My brother, Julius Peirgarten being among your many fine guardsmen. I've only heard great things about this fine Chapter and would like to take up arms. To help serve amongst you all and prove myself worthy of being a guard. If given the chance you have my word that I will not disappoint. Spirit Bless.

Abigail Cormac


I will message you all the discord stuff later
IGN: _Owlet
Character Name: Ernesta von Rahm
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword, currently learning acrobatics through tutor.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ernesta-von-rahm.67575/#post-852265
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the esteemed Lord Commander Howlester,

I write to you in hopes of being accepted within the remarkable Vigilant Shield, I had previously been an inquisitor within the Inquisition and with the chaotic ruckus happening in regalia, I saw the true colours of what was happening, and with this I have decided to leave, not wanting part of an organisation that are quick to act with no evidence. I do hope, my presence and skills within the use of a blade, might be of service.

Spirits Protect,
Ernesta von Rahm.
IGN: _Owlet
Character Name: Ernesta von Rahm
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword, currently learning acrobatics through tutor.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ernesta-von-rahm.67575/#post-852265
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the esteemed Lord Commander Howlester,

I write to you in hopes of being accepted within the remarkable Vigilant Shield, I had previously been an inquisitor within the Inquisition and with the chaotic ruckus happening in regalia, I saw the true colours of what was happening, and with this I have decided to leave, not wanting part of an organisation that are quick to act with no evidence. I do hope, my presence and skills within the use of a blade, might be of service.

Spirits Protect,
Ernesta von Rahm.


I will message you the discord link very soon and give you the low down
IGN: RIngo0310
Character Name: Sinclair Alaire/ Sinclair de Letoirneu
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Ithanina
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 in Mace, also went to the school of BattleMed.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sinclair-leonard-alaire.66469/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander Howlester, I write you this letter, for one reason, that reason is for joining the Vigilant Shield, for I have heard wonderful things from this Charter, and I believe I can help make a difference in the City, I am skilled in Mace, for going to the school of BattleMed, as well as healing. I hope the spirit Guides you to the right choice.
IGN: RIngo0310
Character Name: Sinclair Alaire/ Sinclair de Letoirneu
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Ithanina
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 in Mace, also went to the school of BattleMed.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sinclair-leonard-alaire.66469/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander Howlester, I write you this letter, for one reason, that reason is for joining the Vigilant Shield, for I have heard wonderful things from this Charter, and I believe I can help make a difference in the City, I am skilled in Mace, for going to the school of BattleMed, as well as healing. I hope the spirit Guides you to the right choice.

Hello unfortunately we're going to have to reject this, do try again in the future
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Blade combat (Fast, and thin blades)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sinclair-leonard-alaire.66469/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander Howlester, I write to you, for I have acquired an interest in Joining the Proud Charter, the Vigilant Shield. I am skilled in Blade Combat, and I also know Medical techniques from going to the school of BattleMed. I wish this charter the best, and I hope to be part of it in the near Feature.
Sinclair de Letoirneau
IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Abeau Ouvrard
Character Age: Twenty
Character Race: Altalar-Aldor Dwarf mixbreed
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Stave Combat, +10 Light Bow Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the Esteemed Lord Commander Howlester

With the hope that this letter has reached you whilst you're in an agreeable mood, I would like to know if you would consider me for your charter. To be quite honest, I don't have many abilities to boast of, nor a flowered reason for wanting to join this charter in particular. I'm simply new to the city and thought that this would be a good thing to throw myself into.
I do know my way about swinging a staff though if that keeps you from throwing this letter into the fire.

Though. To be frank, you wouldn't be wrong to do such, I've got one big thing working against me, I'm nearly four foot tall. But! Consider how beautiful it would be to see a Dwarf like me walking about in your armor.

Looking forward to your response,
Abeau Ouvrard
IGN: Resirolas
Character Name: Silyoran Haaven
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +11 Throwing Combat +9 Light Bow Combat Skill
Link to Character app (If applicable): Islderp
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander Howlester

I wish for you to at least consider me for a guard position of sorts within the Vigilant chapter. I've for most of my life viewed the guards about and wished to be among their ranks, to be so would not only be a great honor but my dream come true. I'm trained in mostly ranged combat but I like to think I can adapt to different things for different situations. I'm also a medic if that's any help.
I'll not make this letter longer than need be. So I'll leave it at this.

Silyoran Haaven.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Sinclair de Letoirneau
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Blade combat (Fast, and thin blades)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sinclair-leonard-alaire.66469/
IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Abeau Ouvrard
Character Age: Twenty
Character Race: Altalar-Aldor Dwarf mixbreed
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Stave Combat, +10 Light Bow Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
Pending. Ania will meet with your character tomorrow or at your earliest convenience for a meeting.
IGN: Resirolas
Character Name: Silyoran Haaven
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +11 Throwing Combat +9 Light Bow Combat Skill
Link to Character app (If applicable): Islderp