⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

Character Name: Matías Caladwen
Character Age: 57
Character Race: Avanthar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Axe combat Skill
  • +10 Calalry Combat Skill
  • +20 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +10 Pole Combat Skill
  • +10 Marshall Knowledge
Link to Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/matías-ronaís-salvador.67576/
Ic letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

Greetings Lord Commander Ania Howlester, I'm writting to you because I'm interested in joining the Vigilant Shield Guard Chaptsr. My name is Matías Ronaís Caladwen, and I'm nothing short of hard working. I know a few of this Guard Orders members, including Abigail Cormac, and Julius Peirgarten. I'm an Avanthar warrior hailing from the plains of Daendroc where I trained in the way of my people learning to fight on horse back, but I also learned to use axes and spears. My guard experience consists of being a House Guard for House Rosendahl, and being a city guard in the Crown Isle Wardens. I'm a hardened warrior having fought int the Chrysant War, and both Songaskian Wars. So with that's I offer you and the people of Regalia my blades, and my life in hopes to protect all of its inhabitants.

Matías Ronaís Caladwen
Character Name: Matías Caladwen
Character Age: 57
Character Race: Avanthar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Axe combat Skill
  • +10 Calalry Combat Skill
  • +20 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +10 Pole Combat Skill
  • +10 Marshall Knowledge
IGN: Ryria
Character Name: Britta Sørensen
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Velheim Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +12 Axes, +11 Blades, +11 Hunting.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/britta-kjersti-sørensen.68511/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howester:


It's me, once again, your dearest relative, Britta. My coffers are running dry to the point where it's depressing, so I do hope you'll consider allowing me back into the guard.

IGN: Ryria
Character Name: Britta Sørensen
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Velheim Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +12 Axes, +11 Blades, +11 Hunting.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/britta-kjersti-sørensen.68511/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howester:


It's me, once again, your dearest relative, Britta. My coffers are running dry to the point where it's depressing, so I do hope you'll consider allowing me back into the guard.

IGN: qyest
Character Name: Lucius Undergard
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Heartland Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Trained vigorously when small child to teenage years in the art of tactical warfare, blunt blades combat, unarmed combat, and strategic warfare by his drunken and strict father. Now a new recruit in The Wulfsrundel Guard.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lucius-undergard.70616/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the esteemed Ania Howlester,
I have recently been recruited into the Wulfsrundel guard, the pleasure of serving your family is quite all mine, I feel very honored to be by your family's side. On that note, serving your family pays well but not as well as I thought... the beer and rum is more expensive than I originally thought. I would like to join into the Vigilant Shield as I know it is House Howlester ran, not only would I still be a loyal and humble servant to you and your great family, I would also be a helping hand in with serving our great government and the people of Regalia.
If you have any remaining positions on The Vigilant Shield, I would humbly take the spot.
Hope this gets into your palms.
*signed* Lucius Undergard
@MantaRey @BillyTheScroofy

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IGN: qyest
Character Name: Lucius Undergard
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Heartland Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Trained vigorously when small child to teenage years in the art of tactical warfare, blunt blades combat, unarmed combat, and strategic warfare by his drunken and strict father. Now a new recruit in The Wulfsrundel Guard.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lucius-undergard.70616/
IGN: Jonificus
Character Name: Aethelric Harhold
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 blade combat, +10 heavy bow, +6 unarmed combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aethelric-ii-harhold.71456/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Good greetings to you,

I am a young knight of Lokinge seeking honorable work in the holy city. Tourneys are difficult to participate in when your lands are covered by deathly mist, you see, so other venues for honour must be found. I know my way around with weapons and have been tutored in the ways of law in preparation for my future rule of the Grand Duchy of Vlissinghelm.

Yours truly,
Sir Aethelric II of House Harhold

IGN: Speedybattlebug
Character Name: Aleic Brinigale
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Longsword, Witchblood. Trained as a Viridian, and graduated before being discharged for Phantasma.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aleic-brinigale.71412/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander,
My name is Aleic Brinigale. I am looking for a job that will employ my skills and allow me to serve the Spirit and Regalia as a whole. I trained as a Viridian Knight, though I was discharged for being a Witchblood. I have spoken to several Inquisition members, and was recommended this chapter by Julius Peirgarten. I am eager to put my skills to work in the name of protecting the peace and serving the Spirit. Thank you for reading this letter, and blessings upon you.

IGN: TheN1nja

Character Name: Eragon Vassellac

Character Age: 25

Character Race: Ailor

Character Gender: Male

Character Experience/Martial Skill: Thin Blades, typically the Rapier. He wears a Rapier at his side set with a ruby. Eragon attended the School of Mariposa.

Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eragon-vassellac.71860/

IC Letter:

Renowned Commander Howlester,

I seek to join the Vigilant Shield to impose protection upon the noble classes and to exact justice within the city limits of Regalia. I wish to continue my studies in the rapier underneath your command and to put the skills that the School of Mariposa and my father have taught me to ultimate good. I wish to rise in the ranks such that I may be appointed a noble guard to those who desire to have my dexterous blade at their side.

With best regards to your leadership,
Eragon L. Vassellac
IGN: Speedybattlebug
Character Name: Aleic Brinigale
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Longsword, Witchblood. Trained as a Viridian, and graduated before being discharged for Phantasma.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aleic-brinigale.71412/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Rejected due to aberrant status.
IGN: TheN1nja

Character Name: Eragon Vassellac

Character Age: 25

Character Race: Ailor

Character Gender: Male

Character Experience/Martial Skill: Thin Blades, typically the Rapier. He wears a Rapier at his side set with a ruby. Eragon attended the School of Mariposa.

Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eragon-vassellac.71860/

IC Letter:
IGN: Antimreoir
Character Name: Veronika Eliopolous
Character Age: 62
Character Race: Half-Elf (Etosian Ailor - Avanthar)
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill
  • +10 Staves Combat Skill
  • +10 Blades Combat Skill
  • +10 Front-line Combat Skill
  • +10 Axes Combat Skill
  • +10 Medicine Science Skill
  • +5 Throwing Combat Skill
  • +5 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +5 Religious Knowledge
  • +5 Magical Knowledge
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/veronika-eliopolous.71720/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Esteemed Lady Commander Howlester,

I pen this letter to you today with hopes that you are faring well through these trying times, and wish to formally request for employ under the Vigilant Shield chapter. With the termination of the Divine Militia in the wings, I wish to continue my service to the Holy City under your leadership.

I readily await your response,

Spirit's Blessings,
Veronika Eliopolous.
IGN: Goldifish
Character Name: Wilwarin Haaven
Character Age: 14
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Still deciding on that front
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +14 into Heavy Bow, and +20 in Plant
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/wilwarin-haaven.72167/#post-893990
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander Ania Howlester,
I am Wilwarin Haaven, and I would like to work in your guard charter. I have experience using bows and nature and I believe I will be helpful in protecting this city abroad or at home.
Wilwarin Haaven
IGN: Goldifish
Character Name: Wilwarin Haaven
Character Age: 14
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Still deciding on that front
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +14 into Heavy Bow, and +20 in Plant
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/wilwarin-haaven.72167/#post-893990
Rejected due to failing criteria. Men and women need at least +15 in combat proficiency to join, so you're short by one point.
IGN: VirtualStardust
Character Name: Eve Riordan
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Eriunin Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

  • +13 Blades Combat
  • +8 Stave Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): Eve Riordan
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
To the Esteemed Lord Commander Howlester,
I am Eve Riordan, and I have heard wonderful tales of your guard charter. I pen this letter in hopes that I might join your ranks and protect the citizens of the Holy City against those who wish to destroy it from the inside. I am quite talented with a claymore (or any blade really), as well as staves. I wish to pledge myself to the city, and will fight for it to my last breath.

I hope my letter finds you well and I hope that the Spirit will continue to work through you.

IGN: VirtualStardust
Character Name: Eve Riordan
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Eriunin Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

  • +13 Blades Combat
  • +8 Stave Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): Eve Riordan
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
IGN: Suzzie
Character Name: Meredith Lessauer
Character Age: 71
Character Race: Central Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Mage, utility
Link to Character app (If applicable): [x]
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the honorable Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

I was instructed to apply under the Shield by Lord Commander Howlester as your medic- While I am a Silven magi, I assure you that I can do nothing but aid the order, as my skills are solely utility, and not destruction. I have previously served under the Inquisition as both an Arcane advisor, a topic I've studied for many years, and as a healer with my magic, mending the wounds my fellow Inquisitors suffered in the fights for the Holy City. I yearn to rejoin the community that I've dedicated so much to, and not be severed because of the actions of another. Please, give me the opportunity, and I will not disappoint.

Meredith Lessauer.
IGN: Walrusaur_
Character Name: Henrik Norrvakt
Character Age: 31
Character Race: Velheim Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
+10 Axes Combat
+10 Shielding Combat
+10 Front Line Combat
+11 Athletic
Link to Character app (If applicable): Ya Boi
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Lord Commander,

You served alongside my father in the years prior to his death, needless to say I'm in need of employment in the city and I can think of no better way than to serve alongside one as trusted by him as you. My skills will speak for themselves and will undoubtedly grow over time. Simply give the word and I will make my way to guard's station and get fitted for armour.

Henrik Norrvakt
IGN: Walrusaur_
Character Name: Henrik Norrvakt
Character Age: 31
Character Race: Velheim Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
+10 Axes Combat
+10 Shielding Combat
+10 Front Line Combat
+11 Athletic
Link to Character app (If applicable): Ya Boi
Accepted, my friend.
IGN: Aurelian30k
Character Name: Birc al-Ali
Character Age: 23
Character Race: Qadir
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:+7 Blades Combat Skill, +6 Shielding Combat Skill
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/birc-al-ali.73482/#post-900146
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Dea, Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

I am writing in regards to joining The Vigilant Sheild. I have spent a few weeks now in Regalia and have became immersed in the culture that it has produced and the people it has brought together, I have made many Friends in my time here and would wish to settle from my Nomadic ways. To this end, I would humbly ask that you allow me to join your Chapter as in my time here I have seen two demagogues preach about rebellion and riots. if such an event were to occur, it would put all those that I hold dear at risk and I would wish to prevent such a horrific event from occurring. I think I am suitable for the role as I am an experienced Sellsword, with an understanding of the Sword and the Sheild. In addition to this my peoples stereotype as Rogues has touched me and while I have never committed a crime on any soil, the skills of stealth and subterfuge do not elude me.

Yours sincerely, Birc al-Ali.
IGN: @WrongChat
Character Name: Ludovic Howlester.
Character Age: 38.
Character Race: Ludovic Howlester.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

  • Combat Proficiencies
    • +20 Unarmed Combat
    • +15 Blades Combat
    • +6 Shielding Combat
    • +7 Front-line Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A.

In Character Letter:

Dear Cousin in-law, and Lord Commander of the Vigilant Sheild,

I have come at great lengths to stand alongside my cousin, and you, as you speak in a lawful rhetoric, and ability to act in the name of true law. My sword may not swing as fast as it did within the Viridan Order, but I pledge my blade to my family, and this Empire until I can no longer. I am still young, I have much to learn, and if joining your legion will secure my trust, and ability to fight for a rightful place in Everwatch... so be it.

With Love, and High Regards,
Ludovic Howlester
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IGN: @WrongChat
Character Name: Ludovic Howlester.
Character Age: 38.
Character Race: Ludovic Howlester.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

  • Combat Proficiencies
    • +20 Unarmed Combat
    • +15 Blades Combat
    • +6 Shielding Combat
    • +7 Front-line Combat
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A.
IGN: XxCyberkiller555

Character Name: Jorous Drakeslayer

Character Age: 108

Character Race: Dwarf

Character Gender: Male

Characters Experience: +20 Extra Heavy Combat Skill, +10 Front-line Warrior, +10 Athletic Training.

Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/wip.73484/

Letter to Commander Ania Howlester:

To the Commander Ania Howlester,

It has come to my attention that you are seeking worthy warriors to join in the city guard, and I would like to introduce myself for the position. I have been in the city for a few months working as a smith and have watched the city guard and have become interested in being a part of it. I think I am suitable for the role because I have been fighting for over 90 years and training for longer so am no stranger to combat, I have also had a fair amount of experience in leadership roles from the days when I fought for my clan. I am also an experienced smith and have been doing that since I could lift a hammer. I hope you consider me to join in the ranks of your mighty warriors.

Sincerely Jorous Drakeslayer.
Character Name:
Renee J'Davenport
Character Age:
Character Race:
Breizh Ailor
Character Gender:
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Unarmed combat skill and throwing combat skill. Lover is a guard as well.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
(Hasn't been approved yet, since it was made today because I took forever to make a character sheet)

In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Forth unto Lord Commander Howlester, it has to come to my attention that I do not have as much experience as many others who are wanting this spot. I have come from a very rough life, I never had parents to teach me how to fight. I learned exceptionally good blade combat and knife throwing skills from a retired guard who's name is still a mystery when I was about 12. The skills have stayed with me to this day. I am also a very fast runner which will come in handy when it comes to runaway criminals. I also know that I do not look worthy enough to be in this department, I often am told I look too weak to even be considering this but I believe I am not weak in the slightest. The man I am courting is in this department as well, Birc al-Ali so I have an idea of what this job is about. I would be willing to put my life first and do whatever it takes to make Regalia a safe place.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, spirt bless you.
Renee J'Davenport
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IGN: ParisaPax
Character Name: Edik Reinolt
Character Age: 35 years old
Character Race: New-Regalian, Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Exp. & Martial Skill: Lifetime military service and dedication to combat.
Character App: In the works.
In Character Letter to Lord Commander William Howlester: @BillyTheScroofy
Lord Commander Howlester,

I have arrived fresh from Opper Calemberg and have decided that the Vigilant Shield is a charter I would like to join. My experience with Regalia is certainly not short, as I have visited during many journies over the years and I have served in a handful of battles. My weapon of choice is the warhammer, as it demands cooperation for those who fail to understand the weight of the law and the peace of the city streets. I look forward to meeting with you and bringing further safety to Regalia's innermost parts, Lord Commander.

Edik Reinolt
Character Name:
Renee J'Davenport
Character Age:
Character Race:
Breizh Ailor
Character Gender:
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Unarmed combat skill and throwing combat skill. Lover is a guard as well.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
(Hasn't been approved yet, since it was made today because I took forever to make a character sheet)
IGN: ParisaPax
Character Name: Edik Reinolt
Character Age: 35 years old
Character Race: New-Regalian, Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Exp. & Martial Skill: Lifetime military service and dedication to combat.
Character App: In the works.
IGN: M0llymaukTealeaf
Character Name: Jorben Windrunner
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

Captain of the Guard, Home settlement in Ellador

-+10 Cavalry Combat Training
-+25 Pole Combat Training
-+10 Shield Training
-+10 Frontline Combat Skill
-+10 Athletics Training

Link to Character app (If applicable): Here!
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Dear Lord Howelster,
I hope this letter finds you in good health as I wish to enquire joining up with your chapter in the guard. I am an old man, indeed, but I have experienced defending the people, the defenceless, in the frozen reaches of Ellador in my home tribe. I served there most my life, eventually finding myself in the position of Captain. Eventually I retired, by request of my late wife, turning to training the new generation of protectors instead. It would be my greatest honour if you would consider my experience, and give this old fool a chance to take up arms and fight for what is right once more.
Best regards,
Jorben Windrunner, son of Ovrer Windrunner.
IGN: M0llymaukTealeaf
Character Name: Jorben Windrunner
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

Captain of the Guard, Home settlement in Ellador

-+10 Cavalry Combat Training
-+25 Pole Combat Training
-+10 Shield Training
-+10 Frontline Combat Skill
-+10 Athletics Training

Link to Character app (If applicable): Here!
IGN: Martyr_321
Character Name: Chengis
Character Age: 53
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Aesexual, (Identify's as male)
Characters Experience: Former Vigilant, Guard Rank. As well as experienced fighter.
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/chengis-again.74913/

Letter to Ania Howlester:
Lady Howlester,
I have returned and wish to rejoin the Guard. I have pledged my life to protecting people and wish to continue to do so. Under your service I did much good and will continue to follow your orders and protect the lives of the citizens of Regalia.
IGN: MrFluff1
Character Name: Damian Black
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

Advisor for Division Admiral Christopher Black, Bodyguard for Division Admiral Chirstopher Black
  • +20 Thin Blades
  • +10 Admiral Knowledge
  • +10 Sailing Knowledge
  • +5 Athletic Training
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here!
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the Lord Commander Howlester,

I have decided to use my time to join the Vigilant Shield with the hopes of serving the Empire even more then ever before, using my skills as a swordsman. I entered the Springtime Scrimmage Tourney, ending up in the Semi-Finals after fighting two skilled warriors beforehand to reach to the Semi-Finals. I have recently entered into the Kathar Front along side my family, sadly being stabbed through the abdomen by a Kathar who moved to take the life of Division Admiral Christopher Black. However, the hour I'm recovered from recovered from the injury, I will step forward to take up the Vigilant Shield armor if I am accepted.

Spirit's Blessings,

Ser Damian Black, cousin of Division Admiral Christopher Black
IGN: Martyr_321
Character Name: Chengis
Character Age: 53
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Aesexual, (Identify's as male)
Characters Experience: Former Vigilant, Guard Rank. As well as experienced fighter.
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/chengis-again.74913/
IGN: MrFluff1
Character Name: Damian Black
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

Advisor for Division Admiral Christopher Black, Bodyguard for Division Admiral Chirstopher Black
  • +20 Thin Blades
  • +10 Admiral Knowledge
  • +10 Sailing Knowledge
  • +5 Athletic Training
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here!
Both accepted.
IGN: Narrju
Character Name: Fenic Dak-Cervantes
Character Age: 18
Character Race: Half-Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Unarmed, axes, and shield. Fenic has some experiences on the battlefield too.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/fenic-dak-cervantes.72703/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander,

I wish to join the Vigilant Shield to aid against the Kathars. I am a competent soldier, as seen on the Threlwar Shoreline, and our fight together during the siege of Merkar'sarh. The Kathars below need to be culled before they manage to get a step up to power. My strength is for the State, and for the Spirit.

Good fortunes,
Fenic Dak-Cervantes
IGN: Narrju
Character Name: Fenic Dak-Cervantes
Character Age: 18
Character Race: Half-Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Unarmed, axes, and shield. Fenic has some experiences on the battlefield too.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/fenic-dak-cervantes.72703/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander,

I wish to join the Vigilant Shield to aid against the Kathars. I am a competent soldier, as seen on the Threlwar Shoreline, and our fight together during the siege of Merkar'sarh. The Kathars below need to be culled before they manage to get a step up to power. My strength is for the State, and for the Spirit.

Good fortunes,
Fenic Dak-Cervantes
Accepted. Ill set you up with what you need
IGN: Sebbysc
Character Name: Joachim von Duerr
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Mostly extra heavy weapons combat as a Lion Pelt, but he has experience in both frontline combat and siege combat.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/joachim-von-duerr.73162/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander Howlester,

I write to you requesting the honor of joining the ranks of the Vigilant Shield so that I may find further purpose in the Crown Isle. As events concerning the war have simmered down I've lost purpose for my talents, but after having a recent word with Ser Julius Peirgarten I've found new direction. My current goal is to serve the Empire and the Crown, and so I've found myself writing to you for this very reason. I have experience as a Knight of the Lion Pelt, and I have combat experience from both my previous occupations and my visits to the battlefield.

Spirit Protect,
Ser Joachim von Duerr
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Leopold Diggory Rote
Character Age: 36
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • Service as a Prefect in the Divine Militia Inquisition.
  • 20+ Blades Combat Skill.
  • 11+ Statesman Knowledge.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

To the honorable Lord Commander Howlester,

I have served the empire for as long as I can remember. As both a titleholder of the realm, a soldier upon the fields of war, and as a prefect in the former Divine Militia I have quite a lot of experience with both combat, Guard work and the laws of the empire. I write to you today because I wish to serve under your leadership as a Crown Protector, and contribute to keeping the streets of Regalia clean. I hope to hear word from you soon.


His Lordship, Leopold Rote
Count of Griptham,
& Lord of the House Rote
