⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

IGN: PuffyPigeon
Character Name: Naajy Shamuon
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Slizzar, though masquerading as a Qadir
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 13 Blades Combat, 10 Diplomacy Case, 20 Finecraft Arts
Link to Character app (If applicable): Boop
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

I seek audience with you or perhaps another capable to, with my honor, admit me into your Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter. I am more of a man of words and Clockwork myself, but while the threats present themselves I'd appreciate and be honored to behold the added right enforce what's just.

Signed, Naajy F. Shamuon

IGN: 6ix9inesLawyer​
Character Name: Natasha Celyreos.
Character Age: 35.
Character Race: Ailor.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ex Vigilant Shield v1 & v2, Violet Order v2, Bluesteel order captain and Ivory Warden op. (+20 Fast Blades, +5 shielding.)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/natasha-celyreos.41047/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:

Lord Commander Howlester,

Came back after my hiatus, only met near death outside the archipelago so figured I'd change for circumstantial death. Been sick for the past month but feel a lot better, I would love to get a crack back at the Vigilant Shield again with new skills I've learned across this very fun world we inhabit. Spirit bless.
Natasha Celyreos,

Rejected due to IC reasons.

IGN: The_Roleplayer
Character Name: Morgan Zhau
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ailor/Breizh
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +8 Blades Combat Skill
  • +4 Shielding Combat Skill
  • +4 Heavy Bow Combat Skill
  • +2 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +5 Perception Training
  • +4 Athletic Training
  • +3 Medical Sciences

Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/morgan-vardenne-zhau.80662/
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:


IGN: PuffyPigeon
Character Name: Naajy Shamuon
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Slizzar, though masquerading as a Qadir
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 13 Blades Combat, 10 Diplomacy Case, 20 Finecraft Arts
Link to Character app (If applicable): Boop
In Character Letter to Lord Commander Ania Howlester:
Lord Commander Ania Howlester,

I seek audience with you or perhaps another capable to, with my honor, admit me into your Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter. I am more of a man of words and Clockwork myself, but while the threats present themselves I'd appreciate and be honored to behold the added right enforce what's just.

Signed, Naajy F. Shamuon


IGN: CanadianNeighbor
Character Name: Palina Patrova
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 10 Blades, 5 Unarmed, 5 Fast Blades (Trained under a Mariposa tutor, although due to her use of a longsword, she has developed a unique fighting style with assistance from her 10 Atheltic Training) Was previously employed under House Winslough as a guard
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/palina-patrova.79882/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Commander William Arnyn,
I am writing to you today with the sole ambition of becoming a guard once again. I have previously worked alongside House Winslough, and although their reputation turned disastrous, I wish to prove my worth as a devoted swordswoman if you will have me. I have trained with a blade for the majority of my life, as well as self-defense. I hope to regain the honour of a guard by joining the Vigilant shield and enforcing justice upon the citizens of Regalia.
P. Patrova
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IGN: CanadianNeighbor
Character Name: Palina Patrova
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 10 Blades, 5 Unarmed, 5 Fast Blades (Trained under a Mariposa tutor, although due to her use of a longsword, she has developed a unique fighting style with assistance from her 10 Atheltic Training) Was previously employed under House Winslough as a guard
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/palina-patrova.79882/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Commander William Arnyn,
I am writing to you today with the sole ambition of becoming a guard once again. I have previously worked alongside House Winslough, and although their reputation turned disastrous, I wish to prove my worth as a devoted swordswoman if you will have me. I have trained with a blade for the majority of my life, as well as self-defense. I hope to regain the honour of a guard by joining the Vigilant shield and enforcing justice upon the citizens of Regalia.
P. Patrova

Miss Patrova,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. Please arrive at Greygate at your earliest convenience to be introduced to our standard gear and operating procedure.

I hope this finds you well,

William Arnyn
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Grand Sergeant of the Violet Order

(Gimme your Discord fam, it's Vyze#0153)
IGN: Surrealizm
Character Name: Keira al-Ramoran
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Songaskian
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Pole Combat, +10 Shield Combat, +2 Unarmed Combat
Character App: Boop
IC Letter to William Arnyn:
Lord Commander William Arnyn,
I have recently arrived within Regalia, and have already begun to seek out work. After speaking to many guardsmen, Morgan Zhau in particular I have decided that my skills would prove most useful in this field of work. I have served in the military, having served in both Songaskian Wars. My name is Keira al-Ramoran, an aspiring aristocrat, and if accepted I hope to be able to hone in my skills and sharpen my wits.
Keira al-Ramoran​
IGN: Surrealizm
Character Name: Keira al-Ramoran
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Songaskian
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Pole Combat, +10 Shield Combat, +2 Unarmed Combat
Character App: Boop
IC Letter to William Arnyn:
Lord Commander William Arnyn,
I have recently arrived within Regalia, and have already begun to seek out work. After speaking to many guardsmen, Morgan Zhau in particular I have decided that my skills would prove most useful in this field of work. I have served in the military, having served in both Songaskian Wars. My name is Keira al-Ramoran, an aspiring aristocrat, and if accepted I hope to be able to hone in my skills and sharpen my wits.
Keira al-Ramoran​

Dear Madame Keira,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. Please arrive at Greygate at your earliest convenience and become acquainted with our gear and your comrades.

For future reference, I am not the Lord Commander. Different William.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Grand Sergeant of the Violet Order

(Chuck us your discord and I'll add you to the guard chat - It's Vyze#0153)
IGN: Lewis_McEnd
Character Name: Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Sa-Allar (Sa-Soz Caste)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Fought all five years of the Chrysant Wars ( 25 Axe Combat, 20 Unarmed Combat, 15 Extra Heavy Combat)
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/trazzar-sa-boszk.80870/
IC Letter toWilliam Arnyn:

To Ser William Arnyn.

My name is Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl, I am a Sa-Allar under Qar-Digmaan Cro-Zzhin, and i have served the Military during the whole Chrysant Wars. Lately, i spoke to Ser Karp Kipplings about this matter, and wished to officialize my interest. I am skilled with Weapons such as Axes and extra heavy Weapons, aswell as i am decent in fighting unarmed in worst case. I seek to join the Vigilant Shield Chapter to fulfill my duty as Warrior, as it is the only life i am used to, and being able to join this Chapter will help me to accomplish my Goals and Purpose within this City.

I hope this Letter reaches you in good health and that you will soon find time to reply.

Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl

(The Letter was signed in Common, but it was clear it was heavily influenced by Zasta.)
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IGN: Lewis_McEnd
Character Name: Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Sa-Allar (Sa-Soz Caste)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Fought all five years of the Chrysant Wars ( 25 Axe Combat, 20 Unarmed Combat, 15 Extra Heavy Combat)
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/trazzar-sa-boszk.80870/
IC Letter toWilliam Arnyn:

To Ser William Arnyn.

My name is Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl, I am a Sa-Allar under Qar-Digmaan Cro-Zzhin, and i have served the Military during the whole Chrysant Wars. Lately, i spoke to Ser Karp Kipplings about this matter, and wished to officialize my interest. I am skilled with Weapons such as Axes and extra heavy Weapons, aswell as i am decent in fighting unarmed in worst case. I seek to join the Vigilant Shield Chapter to fulfill my duty as Warrior, as it is the only life i am used to, and being able to join this Chapter will help me to accomplish my Goals and Purpose within this City.

I hope this Letter reaches you in good health and that you will soon find time to reply.

Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl

(The Letter was signed in Common, but it was clear it was heavily influenced by Zasta.)
Mr Sa-Boszk,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. Continue to work on your Common, and arrive at Greygate when you can.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Grand Sergeant of the Violet Order

repost cause I deleted the first one on accident lmao
IGN: Nano_Kay
Character Name: Murad Wynrod
Character Age: 61 (Though looks younger as a slizzar)
Character Race: Slizzar, though masquerading and hidden as an Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Taught to fight as a child, longsword and athletics.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/toka-mojav.81053/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To William Arnyn,

Greetings, hello. My name is Murad Wynrod. I believe that the proficiency of a fighter brings the life of a benevolent man. It wasn't until years ago.. That I began to realize that the guards of Regalia are very needed. Albeit seeing so many shifts, I really did realize that this is important. So I looked over the current Violet structure, and decided that the Vigilant Shield chapter needs me the most. It would be an honor to serve you, benevolent William Arnyn.

I look forward to working for the city, and I hope this letter finds you at your best time.

Murad Wynrod​
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IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Elora Shainvrel
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +11 Short Blades
  • +10 Alchemy knowledge

Link to Character app (If applicable): In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn: Dear Commander William Arnyn, I write you this letter because I believe I can help. I believe I can help make Regalia safier for the common people, nobility, and make the Criminals think twice about their actions. I was suggested to join the shield by one who is in your own ranks, Miss Morgan Zhau. I pray that I can be a valulable assit to the Vigilant Shield and to the people of Regalia. Sincerily Elora
IGN: Luxus07
Character Name: Sorka Go'remzar
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Valuur Orc
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Part of Regalian Military (Siegemaster)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sorka-go’remzar.81068/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To the Commander William Arnyn,

I have recently arrived to Regalia on shore leave before entering continued service in the Regalian military against the enemies of the Empire. I would like to enter enroll under the Vigilant Shield to complement my military wage and to have work to do when away from the front lines.

With due respect,
Sorka Ragarash Go'remzar
IGN: Nano_Kay
Character Name: Murad Wynrod
Character Age: 61 (Though looks younger as a slizzar)
Character Race: Slizzar, though masquerading and hidden as an Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Taught to fight as a child, longsword and athletics.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/toka-mojav.81053/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To William Arnyn,

Greetings, hello. My name is Murad Wynrod. I believe that the proficiency of a fighter brings the life of a benevolent man. It wasn't until years ago.. That I began to realize that the guards of Regalia are very needed. Albeit seeing so many shifts, I really did realize that this is important. So I looked over the current Violet structure, and decided that the Vigilant Shield chapter needs me the most. It would be an honor to serve you, benevolent William Arnyn.

I look forward to working for the city, and I hope this letter finds you at your best time.

Murad Wynrod​
Rejected - does not meet prerequisites for portraying a guard character.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Elora Shainvrel
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill
  • +11 Short Blades
  • +10 Alchemy knowledge

Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn: Dear Commander William Arnyn, I write you this letter because I believe I can help. I believe I can help make Regalia safier for the common people, nobility, and make the Criminals think twice about their actions. I was suggested to join the shield by one who is in your own ranks, Miss Morgan Zhau. I pray that I can be a valulable assit to the Vigilant Shield and to the people of Regalia. Sincerily Elora
Dear Miss Shainvrel,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. Arrive at Greygate when you can.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Grand Sergeant of the Violet Order

(Give me your discord, mine's Vyze#0153)

IGN: Luxus07
Character Name: Sorka Go'remzar
Character Age: 55
Character Race: Valuur Orc
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Part of Regalian Military (Siegemaster)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sorka-go'remzar.81068/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To the Commander William Arnyn,

I have recently arrived to Regalia on shore leave before entering continued service in the Regalian military against the enemies of the Empire. I would like to enter enroll under the Vigilant Shield to complement my military wage and to have work to do when away from the front lines.

With due respect,
Sorka Ragarash Go'remzar

Dear Miss Go-remzar,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. Please arrive at Greygate at your earliest convenient. I eagerly wait seeing your training put to use.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Grand Sergeant of the Violet Order

(Chuck us ya discord, mine's Vyze#0153)
  1. Ign:nungenung
    Discord: Marlo#8150
    I have been jailed in game and banned and muted on discord but I try to not get ban or mute
    Character name: Anarok Na'roj
    Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/anarok-naroj.80947/

    Dear Sir / Madam

    My name is Anarok Na'roj I'm 20 years old And I was an guard in daen I moved to regalia a short time ago because I wanted to find more peace as while being an guard in daen it was only fighting killing and protecting yourself 24 hours a day now I moved to Regalia and found peace I really would like to join the guards I don't know what else I can do because I only learned to fight with an morning Star and dubble morningstar and If I don't get accepted to the guards I have nothing else to do because I trained to a guard I speak vash daen and comon language I always stay calm and friendly also when people say rude things I stay friendly I'm also very good with fighting with my hands so if I lose my morning star star in a fight I can still defense I myselfonly use my weapon if the person attacks me with a weapon then I use my morningstar to throw it at his leg to so he can't walk anymore and then I carry him to greygate with my hands I hope that I got accepted to the guards

    Anarok Na'roj

    (please I don't look at the forums much times so if I can get a answer on the forums and also on discord It would be better)
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Sorry that there is a 1. But I couldn't get that off I tried but it won't go away
IGN: hauteee (might change to sinhai soon)
Character Name: Vivienne av Haagensen
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor - Velheim
Character Gender: Female (Asexual)
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill
  • +12 Elemental Sorcery - Fire
  • +3 Athletic Training
Character Application Link: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vivienne-av-haagensen.81424/
IC Letter To Commander William Arnyn:

To Commander William Arnyn,

Greetings, Commander Arnyn. I have been looking about in search of an opportunity and I came across the Vigilant Shield. I wish to serve the Regalian Empire in doing so by joining the Vigilant Shield and protecting and serving those who need it most. I pray this letter safely finds you in a good condition.

-Signed, Vivienne av Haagensen
IGN: MyCatBubbles
Character Name: Mathias Sava Terro Character
Age: 63
Character Race: Fin'ullen Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
30 Command (Might not be applicable),
15 Fast Blades,
10 Cavalry Combat,
10 Athletics

Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mathias-sava-terro.64952/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To William Arnyn,

Hello, and well met Arnyn. I wouldn't have imagined you'd be reading this letter on this fine day from me but here it is. I write this letter not in wanting coin, or a career, but to educate myself. Years ago when you've probably still been in diapers I've been a guardsman in Daenshore, whipping people into shape, fighting local banditry and the like. Times have changed, I'd like to learn some new tricks, get to know the people of the city a bit better, deliver justice to the unjust, and perhaps help train some potential young guardsmen. You already should know of my qualifications due to run ins in the past back home, I'm skilled at horseback riding if the guard does need a rider, fighting with an arming sword, and have a good, clear, level-head on my shoulders that lacks prejudice. Maybe it's about time I call you Commander this time around, Commander William Arnyn.

Take care,
Mathias Sava Terro
IGN: Camzuwu
Character Name: Solzza Ssalazi
Character Age: 70
Character Race: Sa-Allar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Trained as a combatant before the Chyrasant war and practiced her skills after then.
Link to Character App (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/solzza-ssalazi.81413/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

Dear Commander William Arnyn,

I was recommended to look into joining your Charter by Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl. I have had an extensive amount of training in my life for combat, it has also been put to the test with various situations I have encountered on my travels. I use a Hook Stave primarily in combat but am skilled with other Polearms, I also am trained in Unarmed Combat as all Sa should.

Solzza Ssalazi
IGN: MyCatBubbles
Character Name: Mathias Sava Terro Character
Age: 63
Character Race: Fin'ullen Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
30 Command (Might not be applicable),
15 Fast Blades,
10 Cavalry Combat,
10 Athletics

Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mathias-sava-terro.64952/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To William Arnyn,

Hello, and well met Arnyn. I wouldn't have imagined you'd be reading this letter on this fine day from me but here it is. I write this letter not in wanting coin, or a career, but to educate myself. Years ago when you've probably still been in diapers I've been a guardsman in Daenshore, whipping people into shape, fighting local banditry and the like. Times have changed, I'd like to learn some new tricks, get to know the people of the city a bit better, deliver justice to the unjust, and perhaps help train some potential young guardsmen. You already should know of my qualifications due to run ins in the past back home, I'm skilled at horseback riding if the guard does need a rider, fighting with an arming sword, and have a good, clear, level-head on my shoulders that lacks prejudice. Maybe it's about time I call you Commander this time around, Commander William Arnyn.

Take care,
Mathias Sava Terro
To Mathias Sava Terro,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. It will be good to fight alongside you once more, friend.

Welcome to the Violets,
William Arnyn
IGN: hauteee (might change to sinhai soon)
Character Name: Vivienne av Haagensen
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor - Velheim
Character Gender: Female (Asexual)
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • +20 Blades Combat Skill
  • +12 Elemental Sorcery - Fire
  • +3 Athletic Training
Character Application Link: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vivienne-av-haagensen.81424/
IC Letter To Commander William Arnyn:

To Commander William Arnyn,

Greetings, Commander Arnyn. I have been looking about in search of an opportunity and I came across the Vigilant Shield. I wish to serve the Regalian Empire in doing so by joining the Vigilant Shield and protecting and serving those who need it most. I pray this letter safely finds you in a good condition.

-Signed, Vivienne av Haagensen
To Vivienne av Haagensen,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. Be sure to register your sorcerer abilities with the Greywitches or the Gilded Templars upon your arrival.

Welcome to the Violets,
William Arnyn
(Chuck us your discord - it's Vyze#0153)
IGN: Camzuwu
Character Name: Solzza Ssalazi
Character Age: 70
Character Race: Sa-Allar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Trained as a combatant before the Chyrasant war and practiced her skills after then.
Link to Character App (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/solzza-ssalazi.81413/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

Dear Commander William Arnyn,

I was recommended to look into joining your Charter by Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl. I have had an extensive amount of training in my life for combat, it has also been put to the test with various situations I have encountered on my travels. I use a Hook Stave primarily in combat but am skilled with other Polearms, I also am trained in Unarmed Combat as all Sa should.

Solzza Ssalazi
To Solzza Szalazi,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. I eagerly await seeing a Hook Stave in use.

Welcome to the Violet Order,
William Arnyn
(Chuck us your discord - It's Vyze#0153)
IGN: Luxus07
Character Name: Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran
Character Age: 56
Character Race: Songaskia
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 15/10 polearms/shields
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sakara.80209/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To Commander William Arnyn,

I have long considered laying down my mercenary permit and entering formal service under the Violet Order & the Vigilant Shield. I have many friends within who have suggested such before. I believe you have seen me fight before with shield & spear; I doubt there'll be issues there. I also hope you learned of my obedience to law and order and my respect of any hierarchy I become part of. I eagerly await your decision.

With respect & loyalty,
Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran

((OOCly, as discussed I would like to replace my orc in the order with Sakara. I barely have time to roleplay my orc, and with the amount of friends Sakara has in the shield & the violets I see a much greater potential for her there))
IGN: Luxus07
Character Name: Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran
Character Age: 56
Character Race: Songaskia
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 15/10 polearms/shields
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sakara.80209/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

To Commander William Arnyn,

I have long considered laying down my mercenary permit and entering formal service under the Violet Order & the Vigilant Shield. I have many friends within who have suggested such before. I believe you have seen me fight before with shield & spear; I doubt there'll be issues there. I also hope you learned of my obedience to law and order and my respect of any hierarchy I become part of. I eagerly await your decision.

With respect & loyalty,
Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran

((OOCly, as discussed I would like to replace my orc in the order with Sakara. I barely have time to roleplay my orc, and with the amount of friends Sakara has in the shield & the violets I see a much greater potential for her there))
To Sakara al-Ramoran,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. Mercenary work is few and far between these days, so in my mind you've made the right choice.

Welcome to the Violets,
William Arnyn
Discord: Marlo#8150
I have been jailed in game and banned and muted on discord but I try to not get ban or mute
Character name: Anarok Na'roj
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/anarok-naroj.80947/

Dear Sir / Madam

My name is Anarok Na'roj I'm 20 years old And I was an guard in daen I moved to regalia a short time ago because I wanted to find more peace as while being an guard in daen it was only fighting killing and protecting yourself 24 hours a day now I moved to Regalia and found peace I really would like to join the guards I don't know what else I can do because I only learned to fight with an morning Star and dubble morningstar and If I don't get accepted to the guards I have nothing else to do because I trained to a guard I speak vash daen and comon language I always stay calm and friendly also when people say rude things I stay friendly I'm also very good with fighting with my hands so if I lose my morning star star in a fight I can still defense myself I only use my weapon if the person attacks me with a weapon then I use my morningstar to throw it at his leg to so he can't walk anymore and then I carry him to greygate. I hope that I got accepted to the guards. I worked at guards too on daen where I came from I moved to regalia to find more peace then in daen I trained as an guard there I started as guard when I was 8 years old

Anarok Na'roj

(please I don't look at the forums much times so if I can get a answer on the forums and also on discord It would be better)
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I reposted it because I didn't get answer on it I hope I get an answer now
Discord: Marlo#8150
I have been jailed in game and banned and muted on discord but I try to not get ban or mute
Character name: Anarok Na'roj
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/anarok-naroj.80947/

Dear Sir / Madam

My name is Anarok Na'roj I'm 20 years old And I was an guard in daen I moved to regalia a short time ago because I wanted to find more peace as while being an guard in daen it was only fighting killing and protecting yourself 24 hours a day now I moved to Regalia and found peace I really would like to join the guards I don't know what else I can do because I only learned to fight with an morning Star and dubble morningstar and If I don't get accepted to the guards I have nothing else to do because I trained to a guard I speak vash daen and comon language I always stay calm and friendly also when people say rude things I stay friendly I'm also very good with fighting with my hands so if I lose my morning star star in a fight I can still defense myself I only use my weapon if the person attacks me with a weapon then I use my morningstar to throw it at his leg to so he can't walk anymore and then I carry him to greygate. I hope that I got accepted to the guards. I worked at guards too on daen where I came from I moved to regalia to find more peace then in daen I trained as an guard there I started as guard when I was 8 years old

Anarok Na'roj

(please I don't look at the forums much times so if I can get a answer on the forums and also on discord It would be better)
Rejected for both OOC and IC reasons. Put simply, I do not have confidence that you are skilled enough in roleplay and respectable enough in OOC conduct to portray a guard character. Though, you are relatively new to the server, and I'm sure you'll improve in time.
Rejected for both OOC and IC reasons. Put simply, I do not have confidence that you are skilled enough in roleplay and respectable enough in OOC conduct to portray a guard character. Though, you are relatively new to the server, and I'm sure you'll improve in time.
If I'm more skilled can try it then again later?
IGN: Yurs
Character Name: Marcus Petrov
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Ailor (Byalan)
Character Gender: Male
Link to Character app (If applicable): Link
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
To Commander William Arnyn of the Violet Order -

For posterity's sake I will state my intentions plainly; I am concerned exclusively with truth and the preservation of law and justice. Having come from a homeland ravaged by the criminal and nefarious, I retain ample experience in the realms of investigation and intrigue and the drive to make use of it. If necessary, I can provide licenses and accounts of former work in Rumvalia. Having the opportunity to continue my work here as a guard, protecting innocents from those who would seek to exploit and harm them, is a cause I can fully devote myself towards.

Oratario Ode -

~Marcus Petrov
IGN: Yurs
Character Name: Marcus Petrov
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Ailor (Byalan)
Character Gender: Male
Link to Character app (If applicable): Link
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
To Commander William Arnyn of the Violet Order -

For posterity's sake I will state my intentions plainly; I am concerned exclusively with truth and the preservation of law and justice. Having come from a homeland ravaged by the criminal and nefarious, I retain ample experience in the realms of investigation and intrigue and the drive to make use of it. If necessary, I can provide licenses and accounts of former work in Rumvalia. Having the opportunity to continue my work here as a guard, protecting innocents from those who would seek to exploit and harm them, is a cause I can fully devote myself towards.

Oratario Ode -

~Marcus Petrov
Marcus Petrov,

You are accepted into the Violet Order. I imagine your investigative skills will come in handy in the coming days.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
IGN: S0uled
Character Name: Cinna Eledhwen
Character Age: 111
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Has acted as a mercenary for the vast majority of her life and as such is fairly skilled in axe combat and the use of a shield (16 Axes/8 Shielding).
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/cinna-eledhwen.81206/
Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
To Commander Arnyn,

It has recently been brought to my attention by one Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran that it would prove a good idea to consider joining the Vigilant Shield. As a mercenary (admittedly unlicensed as of yet), and the leader of a small regiment of my own, the finding of suitable contracts has proven quite lacking as of late. While the desire for stable work is far from the noble cause I am sure many individuals have for joining any charter of the Violet Order, it is one that I hope you can sympathize with.

With that said, I hope to prove a suitable fit for your ranks.


Cinna Eledhwen
IGN: Weaponcraft
Character Name: Mikkel Bjornsen
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Dwarf: Aldor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ex Militia(Little experience) (8 extra heavy combat skills, 7 shielding combat)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mikkel-bjornsen.81333/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
*Written in somewhat of a scrawl on a sooty, folded piece of paper*
Dear Ser Arnyn,
I hope this letter finds you well. Upon seeing how you conducted yourself at the Tourney of Blades, I found myself inquiring about your chapter. I am of Dwarven kin, with experience within my village's militia prior to seeking out work in Regalia. I offer you my shield, my hammer and my loyalty, as well as my skills at smithing and leatherworking.

If I am too green to be a guard, I can work as an armoursmith for the chapter until you deem me worthy to be amongst your ranks.

I look forward to your reply,
Yours truly,
Mikkel Bjornsen
Applications frozen due to the recent changes related to the Violet Order. It is likely we will become a separate charter now that the united Violet Order organisation is disbanded, but we'll wait and see.

You guys will have your applications accepted if this becomes the case. @Weaponcraft @Souled
IGN: Yigit
Character Name: Rodrigo Peirgarten
Character Age: 52
Character Race: Daendroque Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 20 Command Tactic, 20 Blades Combat, 17 Unarmed Combat.
Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/rodrigo-peirgarten.69516/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Addressing the Commander of the Vigilant Shield,
Greetings, Ser Arnyn. I believe that it is time I return to service in the Violet Order. However, I have aged and no longer have the energy in me to lead, especially when I already have the military and politics of my family to deal with. Therefore I believe that I will be just content as a guardsman in the Vigilant Shield, if you'll have me. Give William Howlester my regards while you're at it.
Blessings and all,
Ser Rodrigo Peirgarten
Count-Consort of Lorhauser.
IGN: Yigit
Character Name: Rodrigo Peirgarten
Character Age: 52
Character Race: Daendroque Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: 20 Command Tactic, 20 Blades Combat, 17 Unarmed Combat.
Link to Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/rodrigo-peirgarten.69516/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Addressing the Commander of the Vigilant Shield,
Greetings, Ser Arnyn. I believe that it is time I return to service in the Violet Order. However, I have aged and no longer have the energy in me to lead, especially when I already have the military and politics of my family to deal with. Therefore I believe that I will be just content as a guardsman in the Vigilant Shield, if you'll have me. Give William Howlester my regards while you're at it.
Blessings and all,
Ser Rodrigo Peirgarten
Count-Consort of Lorhauser.
Count-Consort Peirgarten,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. I'll be glad for your help in keeping the charter going, and I'll be sure to give them.

William Arnyn,
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
IGN: Weaponcraft
Character Name: Mikkel Bjornsen
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Dwarf: Aldor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ex Militia(Little experience) (8 extra heavy combat skills, 7 shielding combat)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mikkel-bjornsen.81333/
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
*Written in somewhat of a scrawl on a sooty, folded piece of paper*
Dear Ser Arnyn,
I hope this letter finds you well. Upon seeing how you conducted yourself at the Tourney of Blades, I found myself inquiring about your chapter. I am of Dwarven kin, with experience within my village's militia prior to seeking out work in Regalia. I offer you my shield, my hammer and my loyalty, as well as my skills at smithing and leatherworking.

If I am too green to be a guard, I can work as an armoursmith for the chapter until you deem me worthy to be amongst your ranks.

I look forward to your reply,
Yours truly,
Mikkel Bjornsen
Mister Bjornsen,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. I will be glad for your shield and hammer alone, let alone your loyalty and smithing. Dwarf-kind are always welcome, in my eyes.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast

(My discord is Vyze#0153, add me and I'll add you to the disc)
IGN: S0uled
Character Name: Cinna Eledhwen
Character Age: 111
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Has acted as a mercenary for the vast majority of her life and as such is fairly skilled in axe combat and the use of a shield (16 Axes/8 Shielding).
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/cinna-eledhwen.81206/
Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
To Commander Arnyn,

It has recently been brought to my attention by one Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran that it would prove a good idea to consider joining the Vigilant Shield. As a mercenary (admittedly unlicensed as of yet), and the leader of a small regiment of my own, the finding of suitable contracts has proven quite lacking as of late. While the desire for stable work is far from the noble cause I am sure many individuals have for joining any charter of the Violet Order, it is one that I hope you can sympathize with.

With that said, I hope to prove a suitable fit for your ranks.


Cinna Eledhwen
To Miss Eledhwen,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. Your mercenary experience will prove useful, I imagine. Though, I would advise you remain more composed in future when speaking of Kades and Howlesters.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast

(My discord is Vyze#0153, add me and I'll add you to the disc)
IGN: Jupiter6700
Character Name: Gilgamesh
Character Age: 50
Character Race: Nothorc (Half-Orc Half Songaskia)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Blunt Combat Skill, +15 Unarmed Combat Skill, +15 Shield Combat Skill, +10 Polearm Combat Skill
Link to Character app (If applicable): Horc
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Dear Commander Arnyn;

I come to you writing with the good hopes of Regalia at mind, for it has been my home for the better portion of the year and I have been a Regalian ally since the Ranger Crisis. I am Gilgamesh, Nothorc to the Orcon estate and to the Polorc of Regalia, I was bred to fight and that is what I do. In my Polorc of Lykon, I was a guard, policing the rules of honor and the laws of my Polorc with nothing less of diligence and loyalty. I wish to continue the reputation in Regalia. I already work for the Lord Chancellor in one way; I am part of the Gallovian Royal Guard, and proudly so. I wish to serve Regalia in any way I can't, I hope that you will allow me to.
-Gilgamesh al-Abbas