⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

IGN: Jupiter6700
Character Name: Gilgamesh
Character Age: 50
Character Race: Nothorc (Half-Orc Half Songaskia)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +15 Blunt Combat Skill, +15 Unarmed Combat Skill, +15 Shield Combat Skill, +10 Polearm Combat Skill
Link to Character app (If applicable): Horc
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:
Dear Commander Arnyn;

I come to you writing with the good hopes of Regalia at mind, for it has been my home for the better portion of the year and I have been a Regalian ally since the Ranger Crisis. I am Gilgamesh, Nothorc to the Orcon estate and to the Polorc of Regalia, I was bred to fight and that is what I do. In my Polorc of Lykon, I was a guard, policing the rules of honor and the laws of my Polorc with nothing less of diligence and loyalty. I wish to continue the reputation in Regalia. I already work for the Lord Chancellor in one way; I am part of the Gallovian Royal Guard, and proudly so. I wish to serve Regalia in any way I can't, I hope that you will allow me to.
-Gilgamesh al-Abbas
To Mr Gilgamesh,

Your application to join the Vigilant Shield is rejected. I've heard of your recent behaviour about the city, and I want know part of it in the chapter. If such turns around within a month, I am open to reconsidering this.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast
IGN: AprilBlossoms
Character Name: Amalia Rianne Konstantinson
Character Age: 24
Character Race: New Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Griffer, 20 Thin Blades
Link to Character app (If applicable): x
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

Commander William Arnyn,

I, Amalia Rianna Konstantinson, would like to request admittance into the ranks of the Vigilant Shield. I have just returned to The Holy City after spending time at the School of Griffer in Osteiermark, and wish to assist the people of Regalia by doing my duty in preventing the scourge of infidels and criminals. My training means I have a strong swordarm, yet the intelligence to know when not to use it. I await your response with trepidation.

Yours Sincerely,
IGN: AprilBlossoms
Character Name: Amalia Rianne Konstantinson
Character Age: 24
Character Race: New Regalian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Griffer, 20 Thin Blades
Link to Character app (If applicable): x
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

Commander William Arnyn,

I, Amalia Rianna Konstantinson, would like to request admittance into the ranks of the Vigilant Shield. I have just returned to The Holy City after spending time at the School of Griffer in Osteiermark, and wish to assist the people of Regalia by doing my duty in preventing the scourge of infidels and criminals. My training means I have a strong swordarm, yet the intelligence to know when not to use it. I await your response with trepidation.

Yours Sincerely,
To Miss Konstantinson,

You are accepted into the Vigilant Shield. I am sure your Griffer training and keen intelligence will be useful in serving the people.

I hope this finds you well,
William Arnyn
Commander of the Vigilant Shield
Man-at-arms of Bloodcast