⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

IGN: PuffyPigeon
Character Name: Ascal Heilen
Character Age: 74
Character Race: Kathar (Käyth/Mëdorr)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: A Vindicator and with state guard experience as far back as the Violet Order to the now defunct Hightowers. Trained for ranged combat and weilding short swords as a Ranger and horse riding. Excellent acrobatic capability.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ascal-o-heilen.57358/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

"To whom it may concern,
With the chapter of the Hightower now closed, I approach you and the Vigilants as my civic duty to serve persists. I will offer my skills and professionalism to stand by the Vigilant Shields should I be granted the position of guardsman.
- Ascal O. Heilen"
Accepted, send me your discord username over forum Pm and I'll get you started
IGN: OasisRP1
Character Name: Lyal'amna Mo'liria
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Maraya
Character Gender: Female
Character Experience or Martial skill: +15 Arcol Recurve Bow +15 Short Sword +10 Tracking 10+Sneaking
Link to Character App: Lyal's App
In-Character Letter to Lord Howlester or Lord Commander Ania
To whom it may concern,
With the Order of the Hightower disband, I now have decided to try my hand with the Vigilant Shield once more to continue my duty to the people of the city. Being a Azure originally, and then a Hightower, my professionalism has only doubled over the months doing guard-work, and even battling against the Arken threats of Regalia, and I believe the skills I have gained in both orders could greatly aid your own prestigious Guard Order, and the people which it protects with its professionalism, skill, and devotion to such a cause.
Lyal'amna Mo'liria
P.S I also hope that my Maraya heritage will not slow my progress through the ranks down, if I am accepted that is, as I am sure it did with the Hightower Order, with your own being more progressive and such, from the tales told by members of your prestigious guard.
Accepted, send me your discord forum link over PM and we'll get you started
IGN: Anarchizm
Character Name: Julius Cormac
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Viridian Knight, Crimson Bulwark Rosendahl House Guard Proficiency: +30 Longswrd +15 Large shield +10 Horse Ridimg
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/julius-cormac.66382/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To The Esteemed Lord Howlester,
I Julius Cormac wish to serve your righteous order. If given the chance I swear to serve with honor and glory in the name of your guard force. I am a humble and simple Viridian Knight who wishes to serve the citizens of Regalia.
I thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Thank you in advance.

Signed, Julius Odin Cormac
Character Name: Markos Kaiser
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Link to Character app (If applicable): Has not made one yet, Is being worked on
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To The Lord Commander

I Markos Kaiser wish to join your order, I am a graduated viridian willing to pledge my sword to the city and its people, To keep to safe for criminals and wrongdoers. I will swear my honor to the order. I'll fight for the good of the city and the good for your order. So I ask for a chance in your order

Markos Kaiser
IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Anna Caladwen
Character Age: 62
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduate of Mariposa, Crimson Bulwark of House Rosendahl
Link to Character app (If applicable):

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To who this may concern,
My name is Anna Simone Caladwen, a graduate from the school of Mariposa and a Veteran from fighting along side Regalians for the Chrysant War. I have nothing better to do than wish to partake in joining somewhere that I may once more show how determined my race is to learn and how skilled I personally am. I am willing to even be put at the bottom ranks if I need to prove my will, determination, and strength. I am skilled with a blade, words, and with any other skill I may have to serve you. A meeting can be held if you wish to speak more.

Humble Regards and Spirit Bless
Anna Caladwen
Mariposa Graduate

Crimson Bulwark Retainer
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Character Name: Markos Kaiser
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Link to Character app (If applicable): Has not made one yet, Is being worked on
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To The Lord Commander

I Markos Kaiser wish to join your order, I am a graduated viridian willing to pledge my sword to the city and its people, To keep to safe for criminals and wrongdoers. I will swear my honor to the order. I'll fight for the good of the city and the good for your order. So I ask for a chance in your order

Markos Kaiser

IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Anna Caladwen
Character Age: 62 (Nelfin) 32 (Ailor)
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduate of Mariposa, Crimson Bulwark of House Rosendahl
Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To who this may concern,
My name is Anna Simone Caladwen, a graduate from the school of Mariposa and a Veteran from fighting along side Regalians for the Chrysant War. I have nothing better to do than wish to partake in joining somewhere that I may once more show how determined my race is to learn and how skilled I personally am. I am willing to even be put at the bottom ranks if I need to prove my will, determination, and strength. I am skilled with a blade, words, and with any other skill I may have to serve you. A meeting can be held if you wish to speak more.

Humble Regards and Spirit Bless
Anna Caladwen
Mariposa Graduate

Crimson Bulwark Retainer

Accepted! Please send me you discord links to me in Forum PM and I'll get you set up.
IGN: Mayino
Character Name: Juribramir Sanmaro
Character Age: 44
Character Race: Half elf (Deandroque ailor/Avanthar) with clipped ears.
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduate in the School of Tenpenny, Houseguard to house Harhold, 11 years of military service.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/juribramir-sanmaro.66201/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To who this may concern,
My name is Juribramir Sanmaro and i am a dismissed soldier of the Regalian state. As most in this profession i graduated the school of Tenpenny. The reason for my dismissal was a injury to the left shoulder from which i have fully recovered at this point in time. I want to join the Vigilant shield due to my 'drive' to help people. I believe that i can be of great addition to the force. My previous experience with formations and the protection of the noble class. Be it through my work as a house guard for house Harhold. If you wish to speak more, a meeting can be held.

Spirit bless,
Juribramir Sanmaro
Fyrdman to the Black guard of Vlissinghelm
IGN: WitchingHour
Character Name: Medea Sylveri
Character Age
: 20
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Graduate from school of atraves, five years trained by beorl.

Link to Character app (If applicable):
I am planning on creating an application for her.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Written on a tan sheet of parchment with a fair amount of crease marks lay the letters written with cornflower blue, the hand writing very swirly and intricate.

To who this may concern,
My name is Medea Sylveri and I wish to join your order. I am a graduate from the School of Atraves and was trained from a young age in basic non-weapon defense by my village beorl. I will pledge to keep the city of beautiful Regalia safe from criminals and wrong-doers. I will swear my Honour to the order, and will promise to keep the city safe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Spirit Bless,

Medea Sylveri
Graduate of School of Atraves
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IGN: TheGeekyNerd1
Character Name: Benjamin Syldove
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Alior
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Turall, Warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/benjamin-syldove.66761/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Dear Rodderick Howlester

I have thought about it long and hard about this idea and I've decided to send this letter to you in hopes of gaining a better reach of helping others, instead of just sitting around and watching other get hurt. I know that you many members already, warriors who are ready to give their life to defend what is right. I don't fear death like most. I am like those warriors for I am ready to fight for what is good and just. It's better to die for something instead of living for nothing.

Signed, Benjamin Syldove
IGN: Mayino
Character Name: Juribramir Sanmaro
Character Age: 44
Character Race: Half elf (Deandroque ailor/Avanthar) with clipped ears.
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduate in the School of Tenpenny, Houseguard to house Harhold, 11 years of military service.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/juribramir-sanmaro.66201/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To who this may concern,
My name is Juribramir Sanmaro and i am a dismissed soldier of the Regalian state. As most in this profession i graduated the school of Tenpenny. The reason for my dismissal was a injury to the left shoulder from which i have fully recovered at this point in time. I want to join the Vigilant shield due to my 'drive' to help people. I believe that i can be of great addition to the force. My previous experience with formations and the protection of the noble class. Be it through my work as a house guard for house Harhold. If you wish to speak more, a meeting can be held.

Spirit bless,
Juribramir Sanmaro
Fyrdman to the Black guard of Vlissinghelm
IGN: WitchingHour
Character Name: Medea Sylveri
Character Age
: 20
Character Race: Isldar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Graduate from school of atraves, five years trained by beorl.

Link to Character app (If applicable):
I am planning on creating an application for her.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Written on a tan sheet of parchment with a fair amount of crease marks lay the letters written with cornflower blue, the hand writing very swirly and intricate.

To who this may concern,
My name is Medea Sylveri and I wish to join your order. I am a graduate from the School of Atraves and was trained from a young age in basic non-weapon defense by my village beorl. I will pledge to keep the city of beautiful Regalia safe from criminals and wrong-doers. I will swear my Honour to the order, and will promise to keep the city safe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Spirit Bless,

Medea Sylveri
Graduate of School of Atraves
IGN: TheGeekyNerd1
Character Name: Benjamin Syldove
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Alior
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Turall, Warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/benjamin-syldove.66761/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Dear Rodderick Howlester

I have thought about it long and hard about this idea and I've decided to send this letter to you in hopes of gaining a better reach of helping others, instead of just sitting around and watching other get hurt. I know that you many members already, warriors who are ready to give their life to defend what is right. I don't fear death like most. I am like those warriors for I am ready to fight for what is good and just. It's better to die for something instead of living for nothing.

Signed, Benjamin Syldove

Accepted! Please send me you discord links to me in Forum PM and I'll get you set up.
IGN: ScoobertIIV
Character Name: Augusta O'Mhuireuchu
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Has past served in the Vigilant shield. Also a trained Feer-drakken.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Augusta of Galloy
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Lady Ania,
For far too long have I been gone. It is my plan to serve the empire as I once have, again.
-Augusta O.​
IGN: ScoobertIIV
Character Name: Augusta O'Mhuireuchu
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Has past served in the Vigilant shield. Also a trained Feer-drakken.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Augusta of Galloy
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Lady Ania,
For far too long have I been gone. It is my plan to serve the empire as I once have, again.
-Augusta O.​

Accepted! Please send me you discord links to me in Forum PM and I'll get you set up.
IGN: Pakkleaf/flareskies
Character Name: Shae Wren
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Varran
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Unarmed fighting, +5 Unarmed Wrestling, +40 Acrobatics, Graduate of Lecgaen.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Shae Wren
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Lord Howlester,
With the new regulations in place i'd like to continue my service under you and your family by also joining the Vigilants. I'd be honored of you'd have me.
-Shae Wren.
IGN: Pakkleaf/flareskies
Character Name: Shae Wren
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Varran
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Unarmed fighting, +5 Unarmed Wrestling, +40 Acrobatics, Graduate of Lecgaen.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Shae Wren
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Lord Howlester,
With the new regulations in place i'd like to continue my service under you and your family by also joining the Vigilants. I'd be honored of you'd have me.
-Shae Wren.

Accepted! I'll add you to the discord shortly.
IGN: Tibertastic
Character Name: Vulmar
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Many.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vulmar-ravenstad.55946/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To Rodderick or to my Mother, or to you, Eric,

Let me in. I know how to fight. I know how to lead and I know how to rally men.

Past Titles, titles.
IGN: Tibertastic
Character Name: Vulmar
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Many.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vulmar-ravenstad.55946/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To Rodderick or to my Mother, or to you, Eric,

Let me in. I know how to fight. I know how to lead and I know how to rally men.

Past Titles, titles.
Accepted, my son!
IGN: Legoclub22
Character Name: Jonathan Herran
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Bloodcast, hundreds of hours of previous Guard work. Proficient in sword and shield combat as well as hand-to-hand. Some skill in leadership, interrogation and other skills.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Approved Sheet
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To the esteemed Rodderick Howlster,

I'd like to join the Vigilant Shield. I've worked in previous incarnations of the Shields, under your Father, specifically, and would be honored to return to work. You'll find I'm quite competent at Guard Work, and will be a nice addition to your force.

The Shields are an obvious choice for me. No other Chapter seems to be able to offer what the Shields can, good old fashioned Guarding.

Spirit Bless,
Jonathan Herran
IGN: Legoclub22
Character Name: Jonathan Herran
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Bloodcast, hundreds of hours of previous Guard work. Proficient in sword and shield combat as well as hand-to-hand. Some skill in leadership, interrogation and other skills.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Approved Sheet
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To the esteemed Rodderick Howlster,

I'd like to join the Vigilant Shield. I've worked in previous incarnations of the Shields, under your Father, specifically, and would be honored to return to work. You'll find I'm quite competent at Guard Work, and will be a nice addition to your force.

The Shields are an obvious choice for me. No other Chapter seems to be able to offer what the Shields can, good old fashioned Guarding.

Spirit Bless,
Jonathan Herran
Accepted! Send me you discord over PM so I can set you up.
IGN: xXKingDraugarXx
Character Name: Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas
Character Age: 31
Character Race: Kathar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +11 Daggers
Link to Character app (If applicable): Zassy App
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear to whomever this letter may concern,
My name is Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas, and I wish to aid in protecting Regalia. I can use a variety of daggers, so if there's any light armor I will be interested in that. If you won't hire those who can only use Daggers, then I'm more than willing to learn Short Swords or Spears. I'm already in the Alchimia Order, and can make Alchemy efficiently and heal if needed. Again, if just Daggers alone won't be fine, then I can always receive training in something else.
Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas
IGN: SkullScrub
Character Name: Barrulf Blackmyre
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword
+20 Greatsword
+10 Battle Command
+15 Anglian Longbow
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To the Lord Commander Ania Howlester

I hope my letter finds you in good health and spiritual Blessings
Due to my leaving of the d'Vaud House Guard, and in completing my training of becoming a Dragon Knight, I would like to once more apply for a role within the Vigilant Shield.
Due to my experience in charter work and combat, as well as being the head-guard of the d'Vaud house, I feel my experiences make me capable of a role as Shield Ensign of Shield Captain. Of course, the choice is completely up to you. I hope you get back to me as soon as possible.

Spirits Blessings
Barrulf Blackmyre.
IGN: xXKingDraugarXx
Character Name: Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas
Character Age: 31
Character Race: Kathar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +11 Daggers
Link to Character app (If applicable): Zassy App
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear to whomever this letter may concern,
My name is Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas, and I wish to aid in protecting Regalia. I can use a variety of daggers, so if there's any light armor I will be interested in that. If you won't hire those who can only use Daggers, then I'm more than willing to learn Short Swords or Spears. I'm already in the Alchimia Order, and can make Alchemy efficiently and heal if needed. Again, if just Daggers alone won't be fine, then I can always receive training in something else.
Zas'kince Cielnalla Allas
IGN: SkullScrub
Character Name: Barrulf Blackmyre
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword
+20 Greatsword
+10 Battle Command
+15 Anglian Longbow
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To the Lord Commander Ania Howlester

I hope my letter finds you in good health and spiritual Blessings
Due to my leaving of the d'Vaud House Guard, and in completing my training of becoming a Dragon Knight, I would like to once more apply for a role within the Vigilant Shield.
Due to my experience in charter work and combat, as well as being the head-guard of the d'Vaud house, I feel my experiences make me capable of a role as Shield Ensign of Shield Captain. Of course, the choice is completely up to you. I hope you get back to me as soon as possible.

Spirits Blessings
Barrulf Blackmyre.

Accepted! Send me you discord over PM so I can set you up.
Both leaders are now back from vacation and accepting new applications
IGN: Geekfoe51
Character Name: William Alexander
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Colonial Alior
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword & +20 Large Shield
Link to Character app (If applicable): William Alexander
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To whomever reads this,

I am William Alexander and I wish to join the Vigilant Shield in hopes of keeping the peace within the Holy City. I use to be with the Black Regiment, a group of men who were ready to unleash their anger upon the citizens that they wanted to destroy. I am not like them, for I wish to bring justice without the use of total chaos. I am ready to give my own life to defend the people in need.

Spirits Bless
William Alexander
IGN: Geekfoe51
Character Name: William Alexander
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Colonial Alior
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +20 Longsword & +20 Large Shield
Link to Character app (If applicable): William Alexander
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Rejected. Please reapply in a few weeks!
IGN: __TheDarkLord__
Character Name: Alaric Maison
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduated from the School of Viridian with +20 long sword +20 large shied.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/alaric-maison.68401/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To whom it may concern:

My name is Alaric Maison, former member of the School of Viridian's Order and I am writing to you today to express my desire in joining the Vigilant Shield in order to better serve the city of Regalia that I have called home for 30 years. I have been trained in using a long sword and a large shield while in the School of Viridian and so I believe I may be able to provide some service in the Vigilant Shield. I wish to join in order to help keep the peace within this wonderful city of ours. I hope you consider my request.

Spirit Bless,
Alaric Maison
IGN: Nano_Kay
Character Name: Alveres Callajero
Character Age: 37
Character Race: Avanthar Elf (Clipped Ears, taken in by ailor for a while)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduated from the School of Lecgaen. Well enough sword fighting learned from others in exchange for learning some wrestling techniques (I have worked for Hightower with a different character however.)
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A (In the process of making)
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To whom holds high ranking in the Vigilant Shield Order,

I have searched for guard chapters for a while, deciding which one just fits. I have seen much controversy between some guard chapters. The Vigilant Shield at this present day shows great excellence and has encouraged me to join and help this order. With seeing many on patrol, and even just yet the regulations they follow, I hope to take on a rank as a Vigilant Shield. I have, when younger, trained upon others in my school, learning how to take down opponents live or on a mat. Without further mention, I decided to write this letter, and I hope it reaches the right benevolent people who run this wonderful order.

Alveres Callajero,
IGN: Nano_Kay
Character Name: Alveres Callajero
Character Age: 37
Character Race: Avanthar Elf (Clipped Ears, taken in by ailor for a while)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Graduated from the School of Lecgaen. Well enough sword fighting learned from others in exchange for learning some wrestling techniques (I have worked for Hightower with a different character however.)
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A (In the process of making)
Accepted. I'll PM you shortly.
IGN: BisexualUniverse
Character Name: Susanne Carnt
Character Age: 38
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: More than basic understanding, School Of Rangers.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/susanne-carnt.68364/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Dear whomever this may concern,

I, Susanne Carnt, am seeking a place in the Vigilant Shield Order to assist Regalia during these chaotic times. I have a more than basic understanding of combat, I attended The School of Rangers or ten years of my life. I believe I can assist the Guard Force with my intelligence and planning. I understand a lot about the situation Regalia is in, and feel as if I would be a great help to the Order.

Please, if you think I will be able to aid the Vigilant Shield Guard Order reply,

Susanne Carnt.png

IGN: AshenWun
Character Name: Caitir of Bhacstair
Character Age:
Character Race: Highland Ceardian Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Lecgaen, along with proficiency in the use of a Targe (Short Shield) and Spiked Flail
Link to Character app: Linkle

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Commander,

Hi please just let me join, Manus is making me write this myself and my dad's going to be really angry if I get rejected.

- Caitir of Bhacstair

Hello Lord Commander! Mánus here, writing to let you know my little cousin has just arrived in Regalia, and is looking to join us! She's a fine, hard lass with a good heart, and a good left swing too. She's been training up at Gallovia's Lecgaen School, though I've managed to convince her to hold onto a shield and not just bear-hug everyone she fights, ha! Anyways, I'll be sure to chat to you about this in person next time I manage to catch hold of you.

Best regards, and spirit bless
The Vigilant Strynger
Mánus of Bhacstair

Mind letting me know who's been eating my sandwiches? I keep leaving them out and they just disappear, it's really annoying. It's probably the Slizzar.
Application I am not at all bias towards

Mánus of Bhacstair, whom wrote on behalf of Caitir of Bhacstair,

Greetings, Mánus of Bhacstair! It is I, Mánus of Bhacstair here, writing to let you - Mánus of Bhacstair - know that your/our/my little cousin Caitir, also of Bhacstair, has just been accepted as the latest recruit within the Vigilant Shield! By extension, that also makes you my squire too, Caitir. And it's in technically official writing as well so you can't deny it either.

Best regards, and spirit bless
The most handsome Highlander in the Vigilant Shield,
Mánus of Bhacstair.

OOC Note: I'm actually posting this at an unfortunate time, as I'm just about to go away for a week. I just prefer to write and post these things as soon as possible, as I often forget or procrastinate like there's no tomorrow if I don't.

IGN: _The_Unknown
Character Name: Ainnellesse 'Aine' Nalijeoil
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Half Cielothar, Brood
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +10 Mace, +4 Acrobatics, +5 Unarmed Fighting
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not yet, but I'm almost finished. I could link
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To Rodderick Howlester
I'm Aine, I'm a Half Elf, and I'd like to join up with the Guard. Specifically, I'm joining to help do my bit against the Vampires, and honestly to earn some money. I'm a Brood, which I'm going to spin as a positive. Basically, it means that I know more about Vampires and their lot than most people on the Inquisition (which I think will be particularly helpful right now).
Speaking of the Inquisition, I was convinced by one of yours - a Howlester, I think - to join the Vigilant Shield instead of the Inquisition. And on top of that, it was one of yours, Alaric (a guardsman) who gave me the whole idea in the first place. I'm not that convincing on paper, so I'd be happy to do an interview if that's what it takes.
-Aine Nalijeoil
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IGN: _The_Unknown
Character Name: Ainnellesse 'Aine' Nalijeoil
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Half Cielothar, Brood
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +10 Mace, +4 Acrobatics, +5 Unarmed Fighting
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not yet, but I'm almost finished. I could link
Accepted. I will PM you shortly.
IGN: Hatobito
Character Name: Edgar Redwin
Character Age: 30 years old
Character Race: Full Blooded Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Skills in Longsword, Crossbow and Unarmed Fighting
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/edgar-redwin.68662/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To the Lord Commander,

I, Edgar Redwin would like to join your ranks in the Vigilante Shield to put my combat experience to use.
Over the weeks I have heard great things about your men and would like to serve my city and enforce our city laws.

Spirit Bless, Edgar Redwin.
IGN: Martyr_321
Character name: Chengis
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Yanar-Wu'long mix
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience: (School of Lecgaen, Graduated) +10 Unarmed Wrestling, +20 Unarmed
Fighting, +10 Acrobatics, +10 Improvised Weapons
Character Application (If applicable) https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/chengis-char-application.68730/
Letter to The Leader of the Vigilant, Ania Howelster.
I am Chengis.
I help with take down of Varglord and Varg fighter. I also help rebuild barricade and place board for bridge. I am big Yanar. Did me mention that I am Chengis? I was suggested to join Vigilant from lady Chengis work with yesterday.
From Chengis.
Thank you.

2nd letter to Ania Howelster. Sent one week after first letter.

The writing is shaky but it looks like the writer worked very hard on this one.
My name is Chengis, I am a Yanar that went to School of Lecgaen after being brought over on a ship from the Yang-Tzu Islands. I wish to help defend Regalia because this is my home now. If you will accept me, I will help protect my fellow guardsmen, family, and friends by serving in combat. I hope you will accept me in to the Vigilant Shield. Thank you if you read this second letter.
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