⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖

IGN: GoodOldRebel
Character Name: Markus Haagenvig
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Pure Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Tenpenny training, various military campaigns with the Regalian troops, Drixagh tribal fighting.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Has not been re approved as of sending.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Lord Commander Ania Howlester,
You offered me a position here, with my Brothers wise council I'll gladly throw my hat into the ring.
Markus Osvaldsson Haagenvig.
We already went through the process at Howlester Palace. Though, Wulfgar did give you, Hjalmar, and Juliette a good roughing. I look forward to you patrolling the streets and upholding state law by my side. I hope Hjalmar chooses to join as well.
Welcome to the Vigilant Shield,
Your brother, Valbrand Haagenvig
Accepted. I will add you to the Skype chat right after this message has been posted.
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Ullr Jormungandr
Character Age: 37
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Unarmed Combat +7 Axe Throwing
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not yet, Sorry
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear Lord Howlester or Commander Ania,

I, Ullr Jormungandr, wish to be part of the Vigilant Shield. This is because I was a Graklak and I took up Axe throwing as a hobby and I wish to to help out the City of Regalia with my very last breath. I think my family would agree with me that I am one of the best fighters ever born to House Jormungandr and I wish to keep up my reputation. So, Consider me please.

Ullr Jormungandr

IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Ullr Jormungandr
Character Age: 37
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Unarmed Combat +7 Axe Throwing
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not yet, Sorry
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear Lord Howlester or Commander Ania,

I, Ullr Jormungandr, wish to be part of the Vigilant Shield. This is because I was a Graklak and I took up Axe throwing as a hobby and I wish to to help out the City of Regalia with my very last breath. I think my family would agree with me that I am one of the best fighters ever born to House Jormungandr and I wish to keep up my reputation. So, Consider me please.

Ullr Jormungandr

Rejected. Reasons are explained in PM!
IGN: Mapleveins
Character Name: Fenoz Infieolla
Character Age: 32
Character Race: Url
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Personal training with the Beorl Axe, as well as hand to hand. Smithing skill for weapon and armour maintenance
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/fenoz-infieolla.64027/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania: Greetings and spirit bless, my name is Fenoz Infieolla. I was recently approached by one Garth Viduggla, he seemed impressed by my skill at his recent tournament and asked me to apply, so I am writing this letter to you in the hopes that you will have me. I am skilled in the use of the Beorl Axe as well as hand to hand combat. I possess a wealth of knowledge when it comes to weapon and armour maintenance, as I have been a smith for many years. Please consider me. ~Fenoz Infieolla (The signature seemed crudely written in comparison with the rest of the letter)
IGN: Mapleveins
Character Name: Fenoz Infieolla
Character Age: 32
Character Race: Url
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Personal training with the Beorl Axe, as well as hand to hand. Smithing skill for weapon and armour maintenance
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/fenoz-infieolla.64027/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania: Greetings and spirit bless, my name is Fenoz Infieolla. I was recently approached by one Garth Viduggla, he seemed impressed by my skill at his recent tournament and asked me to apply, so I am writing this letter to you in the hopes that you will have me. I am skilled in the use of the Beorl Axe as well as hand to hand combat. I possess a wealth of knowledge when it comes to weapon and armour maintenance, as I have been a smith for many years. Please consider me. ~Fenoz Infieolla (The signature seemed crudely written in comparison with the rest of the letter)
Accepted. I'll start a PM with you shortly.
IGN: Puagrace
Character Name: Sage Rowe
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Half Avanthar, Half Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Privet education in Short Blades
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sage-rowe.54878/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To the Lord Commander Howlester,
I'll keep this direct, as I'm certain you receive a heavy amount of applications. My name is Sage Rowe, I'm a Half-Avanthar of age twenty-eight, trained for quite some time in using a short sword in accompaniment of acrobatics, similar to the teaching of a Turall. I've had experience with several House Guard orders, including House Rosendahl, House Howlester, and House Heinrich, and also spent time as a Sellsword under Darius Silevon in the Tiger's Fang. In summary, I have plenty of experience with both guard work and combat, though all of it has been outside a city guard order until now. Thank you for your time and I look foward to getting to work--

Sage Rowe

IGN: Puagrace
Character Name: Sage Rowe
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Half Avanthar, Half Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Privet education in Short Blades
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sage-rowe.54878/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To the Lord Commander Howlester,
I'll keep this direct, as I'm certain you receive a heavy amount of applications. My name is Sage Rowe, I'm a Half-Avanthar of age twenty-eight, trained for quite some time in using a short sword in accompaniment of acrobatics, similar to the teaching of a Turall. I've had experience with several House Guard orders, including House Rosendahl, House Howlester, and House Heinrich, and also spent time as a Sellsword under Darius Silevon in the Tiger's Fang. In summary, I have plenty of experience with both guard work and combat, though all of it has been outside a city guard order until now. Thank you for your time and I look foward to getting to work--

Sage Rowe
Accepted. I'll start a PM with you shortly.
IGN: Plutopup
Character Name: Grugby
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Url
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Graklak & Peirgarten House Guard
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Deer Dear Rod,
Am big and good fighter, me know Regalian law and am capable mediator. Snake person recommend me, and promise to learn common more if accept.
Spirit Protect,
IGN: Plutopup
Character Name: Grugby
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Url
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Graklak & Peirgarten House Guard
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Deer Dear Rod,
Am big and good fighter, me know Regalian law and am capable mediator. Snake person recommend me, and promise to learn common more if accept.
Spirit Protect,
Accepted, send me your skype name over forum pm and I'll get you set up
IGN: AntiquePicker
Character Name: Harald Reznov
Character Age: 34
Character Race: Ailor.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Harald trained in the School of Viridian when he was a child. In the future he graduated at the school.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Application isn't done yet.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania: Dear Rodderick Howlester and the Lord Commander Anie Howlester. I've been talking to one of your loyal guards her name is Augusta. She mentioned her guard work in the Shield to me. She told me I should apply for a job here since I'm in need of one. I hope to join and possibly meet further with you all. (This letter was written with the best of hand writing)
Accepted, send me your skype details over forum pm and I'll add you to the chat
IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Darcie Miramonte
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Drixon, once a Safeguard Ranger and Azure Sentinel
Link to Character app (If applicable): App
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania,
At my cousin-in-law, Garth's recommendation, I'm writing in hopes to join your ranks. With the sudden appearance of so many 'warrants' and the split of the Azures, I find my want to work within law enforcement rising once more. I've been trained in the School of Drixon, and have seen battle many a time, mostly in our beloved city and briefly in the Elven Moors. If you need further information about me, either ask Garth or my sister, Julie who you most likely know very personally. I await your answer.
Spirit keep you and yours,
Darcie Miramonte
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Miramonte
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor (Daen)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Bloodcast Knight, former Captain of the SafeGuard Rangers and Azure Sentinal
Link to Character app (If applicable): Blapp
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania
Greetings, I was suggested by two of my close friends Juliette Howlester and Garth Viduggla to join your ranks, and as I write this letter I hope that I will be able to do just that. I have previous work in Guard charters as of recent, most notably my time as Captain of the SafeGuard Rangers, and Sentinal of the Azure Order. As such with the dissolving of the Azure's I wish to be able to help the city once more, and use my skills to do so, I hope to hear from you soon
Spirit Bless
Alexander Miramonte
IGN: Walnoodle
Character Name: Darcie Miramonte
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Drixon, once a Safeguard Ranger and Azure Sentinel
Link to Character app (If applicable): App
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
To Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania,
At my cousin-in-law, Garth's recommendation, I'm writing in hopes to join your ranks. With the sudden appearance of so many 'warrants' and the split of the Azures, I find my want to work within law enforcement rising once more. I've been trained in the School of Drixon, and have seen battle many a time, mostly in our beloved city and briefly in the Elven Moors. If you need further information about me, either ask Garth or my sister, Julie who you most likely know very personally. I await your answer.
Spirit keep you and yours,
Darcie Miramonte
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Character Name: Alexander Miramonte
Character Age: 30
Character Race: Ailor (Daen)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Bloodcast Knight, former Captain of the SafeGuard Rangers and Azure Sentinal
Link to Character app (If applicable): Blapp
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dear Rodderick Howlester and Lord Commander Ania
Greetings, I was suggested by two of my close friends Juliette Howlester and Garth Viduggla to join your ranks, and as I write this letter I hope that I will be able to do just that. I have previous work in Guard charters as of recent, most notably my time as Captain of the SafeGuard Rangers, and Sentinal of the Azure Order. As such with the dissolving of the Azure's I wish to be able to help the city once more, and use my skills to do so, I hope to hear from you soon
Spirit Bless
Alexander Miramonte
Accepted. I'll start a Forums PM with you both shortly.
IGN: Ryria
Character Name: Agatha Harhold
Character Age: 23
Character Race: Anglian Ailor.
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Mariposa. Served with her father's levies for the two years.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

[Neat and dainty handwriting fluttered along the page, detailing Agatha's desire to apply.]

Lord Commander Howlester,

I'm excited to inform you I've decided to set myself on the right path and serve the empire in the only way I know how. We spoke briefly before and I just hope that you believe I have what it takes to serve with you and your guardsmen. I am a graduate of the School of Mariposa, so you don't have to worry about any outbursts on my part. I look forward to your response and pray that it'll hold good news.

Agatha Harhold.
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Darius Silevon
Character Age: 72
Character Race: Phantasma Isldar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • 30+ Longswords
  • 10+ Daggers
  • 10+ Shortswords
  • 10+ Howling Javelin
  • 10+ Sneak
  • 20+ Acrobatics
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/darius-silevon.63940/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Commander,

Now I've not always shown much desire to serve as a city guard, but in wake of the dismantling of my previous charter of employment The Azure Order, and the death of a friend at the hands of criminal scum, I am itching to get back into service. You will find my skills quite useful, not only am I a good swordsman, but I know a fair bit of acrobatics and sneaking as well. Though my Phantasma curse can be seen as a disability, it can be quite useful in dealing with the abberant-scum of this city. They've spat in the face of us, and the law for the last time.

IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Darius Silevon
Character Age: 72
Character Race: Phantasma Isldar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
  • 30+ Longswords
  • 10+ Daggers
  • 10+ Shortswords
  • 10+ Howling Javelin
  • 10+ Sneak
  • 20+ Acrobatics
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/darius-silevon.63940/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Commander,

Now I've not always shown much desire to serve as a city guard, but in wake of the dismantling of my previous charter of employment The Azure Order, and the death of a friend at the hands of criminal scum, I am itching to get back into service. You will find my skills quite useful, not only am I a good swordsman, but I know a fair bit of acrobatics and sneaking as well. Though my Phantasma curse can be seen as a disability, it can be quite useful in dealing with the abberant-scum of this city. They've spat in the face of us, and the law for the last time.

View attachment 145300
IGN: Narrju
Character Name: Valerie Decimar.
Character Age: 17.
Character Race: Kathar.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: No formal school, but knows how to kick, punch, stab, and fight.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

I have little idea of what law truly is, but I wish to learn. I want to follow the steps of my father, Valentius Decimar, and aid in smiting out the evils. While I might not have the proper experience with a sword, I know how to fight with a good dagger, so at least I'm not completely useless. Eric and Joa can vouch for me.

Valerie Decimar​
IGN: Narrju
Character Name: Valerie Decimar.
Character Age: 17.
Character Race: Kathar.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: No formal school, but knows how to kick, punch, stab, and fight.
Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

I have little idea of what law truly is, but I wish to learn. I want to follow the steps of my father, Valentius Decimar, and aid in smiting out the evils. While I might not have the proper experience with a sword, I know how to fight with a good dagger, so at least I'm not completely useless. Eric and Joa can vouch for me.

Valerie Decimar​
IGN: Nixces.
Character Name: Caoimhe Thiel.
Character Age: Twenty-four.
Character Race: Highlander Ailor.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Training under the School of Mariposa.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/caoimhe-thiel.65734/#post-824603
In Character Letter:
Dear Vigilants under the leadership of Revain Rodderick Howlester and Lord Cammander Ania,
If this just so happens to be Rodderick reading this, greetings again. I've decided to try and put my skills to usage, and in doing so defend Regalia in all its beauty and it's laws. Should you allow me to, I would be honored to join such a fine establishment. Nonetheless, I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and I wish you to have a good day. May the spirit bless you, and may you remain in good health.
Caoimhe Thiel
IGN: Nixces.
Character Name: Caoimhe Thiel.
Character Age: Twenty-four.
Character Race: Highlander Ailor.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Training under the School of Mariposa.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/caoimhe-thiel.65734/#post-824603
In Character Letter:
Dear Vigilants under the leadership of Revain Rodderick Howlester and Lord Cammander Ania,
If this just so happens to be Rodderick reading this, greetings again. I've decided to try and put my skills to usage, and in doing so defend Regalia in all its beauty and it's laws. Should you allow me to, I would be honored to join such a fine establishment. Nonetheless, I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and I wish you to have a good day. May the spirit bless you, and may you remain in good health.
Caoimhe Thiel

Lady Thiel,

I have to admit, I'm smiling quite a lot after reading your letter. I'd be more than happy to have my mother-in-law enlist you in the Order, not just for your talents but also for your upbeat and jovial personality. You'll bring an aura of productivity to the Vigilants, something we've been lacking for some time. Accepted.

May the Light of the Imperial Spirit Illuminate your Path,
Rodderick Howlester

Revain of Galloy
Judicial Minister
Character Name: Mateo Silva
Character Age: Twenty-nine.
Character Race: Daendroque Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:

School of Mariposa graduate, military experience (Songaskian war-current Elven war), former Violet and Vigilant guardsman, House Guard experience, current Head of the Regalian Fighter's Guild.
  • +20 Short Sword (+10 from Mariposa School, +10 from points)
  • +10 Thin Blades (+10 from Mariposa School)
  • +15 Acrobatics (+10 from Mariposa School, +5 from points)
  • +4 Battle Command (+4 from points)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/mateo-silva.61852/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Commander,

I am Mateo de Silva. I am unsure whether my work with the charter is remembered from the year or so ago that I was a part of it, but I wish to, once again, aid in bringing justice and peace to the Crown City. I, currently, am Head of the Fighter's Guild, and am unsure of how my running a charter of my own will affect my application to yours, but I figured it worth a shot. No where is it explicitly stated that I can not. I was asked to join by Valerie, who told me you were taking new recruits. I assure you I've not lost any of my former training, and promise myself to be a better fighter than you'll find in most of the Archipelago.
Spirit's Blessings,
Mateo Silva
Head of the Regalian Fighter's Guild
Last edited:
  • IGN
    • Gwyndo
  • Character Name
    • Mánus of Bhacstair
  • Character Age
    • 33
  • Character Race
    • Highland Ceardian Ailor
  • Character Gender
    • Male
  • Character's Combat Experience
    • Taught in one of Gallovia's own Lecgaen schools
    • Fought in countless scraps and brawls across his life
    • Fought in more structured military style combat as a guard and mercenary in Gallovia
  • Letter
Rodderick Howlester, Ania Howlester, or whomever reads this

Cheers for giving this a read! I'm just writing to let you lot know I'm looking for a job. Been wanting to get back into guard work ever since I got to this city. It's what I used to do back home in The Highlands. I've had a bit of an uneventful time here in Regalia so far, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to help out. I'm in pretty tip-top condition, quite a large lad. Used to do some bouncer work too actually. Anyways, I look forward to hearing back from you and your lads!

Lots of love,
The Strynger,
Mánus of Bhacstair

Spirit bless
IGN: CartoonsnCereal
Character Name: Jocelyne Aliker.
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Ailor, with d'Ithanian descent.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Griffer and other unnamed experiences.
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A the moment.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Established Lord Howlester,

I'm a Griffer Graduate with a fair idea on how to defend herself and team members in a fight, looking to fight for something that actually stands for something worth standing for. Hopefully, if you pass me off for selection, I can prove this to you and the others.

Jocelyne A. Aliker
IGN: CartoonsnCereal
Character Name: Jocelyne Aliker.
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Ailor, with d'Ithanian descent.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Griffer and other unnamed experiences.
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A the moment.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Established Lord Howlester,

I'm a Griffer Graduate with a fair idea on how to defend herself and team members in a fight, looking to fight for something that actually stands for something worth standing for. Hopefully, if you pass me off for selection, I can prove this to you and the others.

Jocelyne A. Aliker
IGN: Sebbysc
Character Name: Meursault Valeur
Character Age: Twenty-five
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Lancyon with some private tutorship in unarmed fighting and battle command.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/meursault-valeur.65610/

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

To The Esteemed Rodderick Howlester & Ania Howlester

At my cousin's beckoning I've come to offer my services to your prestigious guard. Stéphan has told me of the many great deeds of your house and the guard that serves under it. And the rumors of your guard have reached my ears on multiple occasion, and I wish to now take part in such zealous endeavors. I am a graduate of the School of Lancyon and have worked under the guidance of reverends, curates, and other knights throughout my years after my graduation. So now I come to offer my will and my blade to assist in your efforts to protect the Crown Isle from the devious lot that wishes to disrupt the city's daily procession.

Meursault Valeur
Lancyon Knight
IGN: Grandma_Jo
Character Name: Johanna Anne Sauer
Character Age: 73
Character Race: Nelfin halfbreed (Altalar/Cielothar)
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Atraves Champion (+35) + Former Nordmark guard + Former d'Vaud House Guard + Alchemia Order guard
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/johanna-anne-sauer.62860/

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Lord Howlester or Lord Commander Ania,

I wish to aid the Empire further by joining your ranks and offering my service. As of now, the only way I aid is by tending to duties within the Alchemia Order, whether that be guard work or tending to the wounded. I have years of experience in the art of Atraves defense, medicine, and surgery. My prior experiences to enforcing the law have been within the Nordmark before they turned traitorous, also previously serving House d'Vaud before I felt my time had worn unwelcome. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to read this. I will not disappoint.

Spirit Bless,
Johanna Sauer

Character Name: Flora Summers
Character Age: 21
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Trained as part of the Sisters of Petrovita using a rapier-type longsword for a few months, and is trained somewhat in hand to hand combat, despite her small stature.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/flora-oxton.41027/#post-486806
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

Greetings, Lord Commander Ania.

I have a vested interest in joining the Vigilant Shield Guard Order as a part of the next chapter in my life, I've seen members of your order about in public, and almost a year after my last involvement in some form of organised form; the Vigilant Shield has caught my attention. I wish to aid the Order with my services in combat in any way I can, as lately, I've been drifting through life without purpose or friends, and this line of work is one of the places I've truly felt like I'm making a difference. I was trained briefly in hand-to-hand combat, and I can wield a long rapier in combat. I served in moving many refugees to and from the Black castle as a member of my old organisation, and I feel my services may be of use to you and your Vigilants.

I hope to see your response to my request swiftly!

Spirit Bless, and I bid you good day,

Flora S.
IGN: HeyoBiggums
Character Name: Bestieth (Fiona) The Wall
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Url (Ailor-Velheimer)
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Tracking +15 Unarmed Fighting +14 Beorl Axe!
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP, it is to be finished and posted by Friday!
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
*Written in the handwriting of Eric Decimar*

I am Bestieth the Wall, you may call me Fiona, I wish to join your guard after being offered by Eric Decimar. I am an expert tracker, and I use three weapons, my horns, my hands, and my beorl axe. If there are complications with my weapon choice, please let me know. So if I were to be accepted, I can work with my hand to hand combat. I am an Url, and am willing to wear whatever's needed to do my job. I simply prefer not to wear armor.

Spirit Bless
Bestieth the Wall
~Written By Eric Decimar, word by word~
IGN: HeyoBiggums
Character Name: Bestieth (Fiona) The Wall
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Url (Ailor-Velheimer)
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: +30 Tracking +15 Unarmed Fighting +14 Beorl Axe!
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP, it is to be finished and posted by Friday!
IGN: MrsMaiar
Character Name: Kala Ofador
Character Age: 35
Character Race: Qadir
Character Gender: Female
Character Experience or Martial skill: +45 Howling Javelin
Link to Character App: Coming soon!
In-Character Letter to Lord Howlester or Lord Commander Ania

A not written in Eric Decimar's handwriting
To the Lords of the Vigilants,

Hello there, you may not know me but I am Kala Ofador. I was a hunter back in my home country of Farah'deen until slavers captured me and took me here. I have experience with the Howling Javelin which I only accept in bone form, for it is the easiest to throw. I was moved here by the Vicious Slavers and now I want to put them an end to them and set the slaves free. I am a good soldier and I believe you will find me Useful

-Kala Ofador
~Written by Eric Decimar~
IGN: AttendantFox
Character Name: Lewis Oloquen
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Qadir
Character Gender: Male

Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Extensive training in switchblades and long-ranged mechanical crossbows and, knack for creating defensive forts, keen with the art of innovation and invention, warrior

* Was approved by Joasaie Lloablen for trial period as recruit

Link to Character app (If applicable): Coming soon!

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dearest Lord Commander Ania:

I have the deepest interest to be inducted into the Vigilant Shield Guard Order to assemble my services to the Order's convenience. With my pristine precision and excellent innovative techniques, I am sure I will make a great addition to the Guard Order. Ever since I came to Regalia, I have been greeted by warm welcomes and friendly faces, which brings me utter happiness to be in such a wonderful community - much different from the temporary forts in which my race endured. I would dearly love to give the Regalian Empire strengths of innovation, invention and a sense of precision, as it would greatly advance the entire city.

With gratitude,

Lewis Oloquen

Written by @AttendantFox
IGN: AttendantFox
Character Name: Lewis Oloquen
Character Age: 24
Character Race: Qadir
Character Gender: Male

Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Extensive training in switchblades and long-ranged mechanical crossbows and, knack for creating defensive forts, keen with the art of innovation and invention, warrior

* Was approved by Joasaie Lloablen for trial period as recruit

Link to Character app (If applicable): Coming soon!

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:
Dearest Lord Commander Ania:

I have the deepest interest to be inducted into the Vigilant Shield Guard Order to assemble my services to the Order's convenience. With my pristine precision and excellent innovative techniques, I am sure I will make a great addition to the Guard Order. Ever since I came to Regalia, I have been greeted by warm welcomes and friendly faces, which brings me utter happiness to be in such a wonderful community - much different from the temporary forts in which my race endured. I would dearly love to give the Regalian Empire strengths of innovation, invention and a sense of precision, as it would greatly advance the entire city.

With gratitude,

Lewis Oloquen

Written by @AttendantFox
Approved! Have Jokerlupis get you added to the chat or pm me on the forums so I can get your discord username
IGN: PuffyPigeon
Character Name: Ascal Heilen
Character Age: 74
Character Race: Kathar (Käyth/Mëdorr)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: A Vindicator and with state guard experience as far back as the Violet Order to the now defunct Hightowers. Trained for ranged combat and weilding short swords as a Ranger and horse riding. Excellent acrobatic capability.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ascal-o-heilen.57358/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Ania:

"To whom it may concern,
With the chapter of the Hightower now closed, I approach you and the Vigilants as my civic duty to serve persists. I will offer my skills and professionalism to stand by the Vigilant Shields should I be granted the position of guardsman.
- Ascal O. Heilen"
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IGN: OasisRP1
Character Name: Lyal'amna Mo'liria
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Maraya
Character Gender: Female
Character Experience or Martial skill: +15 Arcol Recurve Bow +15 Short Sword +10 Tracking 10+Sneaking
Link to Character App: Lyal's App
In-Character Letter to Lord Howlester or Lord Commander Ania
To whom it may concern,
With the Order of the Hightower disband, I now have decided to try my hand with the Vigilant Shield once more to continue my duty to the people of the city. Being a Azure originally, and then a Hightower, my professionalism has only doubled over the months doing guard-work, and even battling against the Arken threats of Regalia, and I believe the skills I have gained in both orders could greatly aid your own prestigious Guard Order, and the people which it protects with its professionalism, skill, and devotion to such a cause.
Lyal'amna Mo'liria
P.S I also hope that my Maraya heritage will not slow my progress through the ranks down, if I am accepted that is, as I am sure it did with the Hightower Order, with your own being more progressive and such, from the tales told by members of your prestigious guard.
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