Preserved Sheet Aoibhin Riordan

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Jun 2, 2015
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  • Full Name: Aoibhin Eilise Riordan
    • Nicknames: Eve or Eva.
  • Age: 35
    • Birthday: 25 October 271
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor | Ériunin / Ithanian
  • Sexuality: Heterocurious

  • Proficiency Points: 35
  • Knowledge:
    • +24 Linguistic Knowledge (+14 invested in points, +10 from Ériunin Ailor Culture Bonus)
  • Combat:
    • +6 Blades Combat (+6 invested in points)
  • Arts:
    • +15 Musical Proficiency (+15 invested in points)

  • +6 Blades Skill = 6 Physical Stat
  • Toned Body Shape
  • Low Body Fat

  • Ériunin Dialect | (10/10 Both Verbally and Written. Native Tongue - Mother's side.)
  • d'Ithanie | (10/10 Both Verbally and Written. Native Tongue - Father's side.)
  • Common | (8/10 Verbally, 10/10 Written. Free Language)
  • Alt-Regalisch | (8/10 Verbally, 7/10 Written. Picked up from her travels.)
  • Mirnoye | (7/10 Verbally, 9/10 Written. From her travels.)
  • Skodje | (8/10 Verbally, 8/10 Written. From her travels.)
  • Seraph (7/10 Written. From study.)

  • Eye Color: Steel Blue
  • Hair Color: Coppery Red
  • Hair Style: Eve's hair is long and wavy. It goes well past the small of her back and is usually tied in a braid.
  • Skin Color: Fair skinned, heavily dusted with freckles.
  • Clothing: Dark grey tunic, dark aqua vest with goldenrod trim, and black breeches that are tucked into knee-high dark brown boots.
  • Height: 5'6"

  • Outward Appearances: Eve is a very charismatic person, at least when she wants to be. She craves to be the center of attention-- always cracking a joke or offering to buy the entire tavern a round of drinks, only to further benefit her sense of self-esteem. She is talkative and even if she has just met someone, she'll immediately start to talk their ear off, only stopping when they walk away from her eccentric behavior. To top it all off, she's a daring little creature. If someone bets that she can't do a certain thing, such as down fifteen shots, she will do everything she can to prove them wrong, regardless of the consequences.
  • Inward Battle: On the inside, Eve is confused. Having lost her first lover to what she still believes was an accident, then not too long after, she loses her husband- she feels as if all of that was her fault, and deals with her guilty conscious on a daily basis. She is paranoid, believing that no one can love her after her mishaps with past relationships, and feels that even if they could love her, it would not be true love. Eve is full of regret, and because of this, she cannot move on and therefore is stuck in a vicious cycle of hating herself.
  • Familial Love: Towards her friends, she is a very caring person, opting to give them advice as much as possible. She has a maternal nature about her, and longs to have children of her own, but due to her miscarriage, the probability of that happening is slim to none. To her family, or what she considers family, Eve is incredibly steadfast and loyal; always choosing to stick by them through thick and thin. To her lovers-- when she had them, Eve was truly devoted to them and would not leave their side. This has been her downfall many a time, but she refuses to give up.
  • Moral Compass: When it comes to morality, Eve is True Neutral. She does not see the world as 'good' or 'evil'; she simply sees it as it is. That does not go to say that she will not turn a blind eye to a truly evil act or help someone that truly needs help, she just does not see the world as a place in which to take sides. In life, she has learned to stay right in the middle of things, and to be a mediator. This morality outlook has gotten her in trouble a few times, but through it all, she has not changed how she sees the world and everyone around her.





  • Childhood
    • Aoibhin Eilise Riordan was born to Saoirse and an unknown father on the twenty-fifth day of October on Eriu-Innis in the year 271 AC. She was their first born and only child, and as such, the young Aoibhin grew up quite spoiled.
    • Her mother did not have much in the way of riches, so she simply did what they could to make Eve's childhood a decent one. Her mother was absolutely smitten with her young daughter, and would parade her around-- declaring that her daughter would one day do great things. Growing up without a father figure, Eve was destined to be a troublemaker from the start.
    • When Eve was nine, her mother passed away from an unknown illness, and the small girl was now on her own. After her passing, Eve was taken in by another family that lived in the village over, but her time spent with them was not long in duration.
    • Fed up with the boring life her new family brought, Eve took her few belongings and ran to Silledimmach and stowed away on a ship that was bound for Thessalo. Miraculously, she was not discovered and made it to the land of the Vladno in mostly one piece.
    • Thankfully, Eve happened to look quite androgynous and managed to blend in well with the male population; so much that she was eventually taken in by a family who were not able to have children of their own. The males were quite interested in her, and so they decided to train her in the art of fighting.
  • Adolescence
    • Now a teenager, Eve had grown into her body. Fearing for her life, she snuck away on another ship-- one that was bound for La Portée du Paradis.
    • During her time here, she set out to discover just who she was. She knew of her Claith heritage, but she knew nothing of her father and she wished to change that.
    • Within a matter of years, she found her father as well as the family he had come home to shortly before Eve was born. Surprised that she had lived, her father took her in and taught her all about her Ithanian heritage.
    • She thrived under this new lifestyle, and had finally found a place she could call home-- until one fateful evening. While she, her father and grandfather were out walking, two masked men had jumped them-- killing her family members without hesitation. So once again, Eve was running for her life.
  • Adulthood
    • Eve traveled all over the world, discovering all there was to see. It was during this time that she learned how to sail, and in time, could easily captain her own ship without the help of others.
    • She missed nothing in her travels-- including an old Seraph ruin. She was fascinated by the mysterious text and had to learn it. Eventually, she found a teacher and began her studies of the dead language.
    • At the age of twenty-eight, Eve had seen enough of the world and decided to finally settle down. So, she sailed to Regalia-- the Holy City as many had called it. Upon her arrival, she was surprised to see how elegant it was, and was immediately enamored by her new home.
    • Shortly after settling in, she met Edward Jarsdel-- and fell madly in love with him. But, as her luck goes, it wasn't meant to be, and so she set her sights on an Ithanian by the name of Lazarus Lupenzi.
    • Again, her luck ran out-- and Lazarus left her to pursue his first flame while she was heavily pregnant with their daughter. The stress caused her to miscarry, and on top of it all, she had just discovered that Edward had ended his own life-- because of her.
    • Distraught, she left Regalia, never to return.. Or so she thought.
  • Present Time
    • Eve has returned to the Holy City, much older and wiser. Only time will tell what will happen.
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  • 2/11/19: Made changes to her languages. Added Skodje, and re-arranged others.
  • 3/7: Made changes to the aesthetics to make it more appealing.
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I am claiming this character app for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • At the moment your proficiency points total at 41! Aoibhin is only 35, so please correct this. Your body stat may also need to be changed accordingly.
  • That is the only inconsistency I can see! Great work.
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!
I have made the required changes and put them in this color! If anything else needs changing- please let me know!

Small edit: I changed her points around a bit, and they were made in the same color found above.
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Sorry to tag you again, but I have made major changes to her app. I've changed her proficiencies and her languages, making them to fit the original character even more. I hope that my changes are in order. They are in this color.
Hiya! Just a couple of things regarding her languages:
  • As she has an unknown father, she can't claim a second native language. This is only allowed where both parents are present with different languages.
  • Seraph cannot be spoken, aside from one or two words used in magic casting.
Fix these two points up and we can get her reapproved!

Sorry for the tiny bump. I changed her stats a bit more, put them in a different color. As for the languages, if I need to change them in order to be approved, I will.

Sorry for the tag. I changed Modern Altalar to Alt-Regalisch. It's more fitting for her to know that instead. I made the change in this color. I hope that's acceptable. ^w^