Joasaie Lloablen

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by JokerLupus, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. JokerLupus

    JokerLupus <insert something here>

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Joasaiecajcië'cuebie Jtacië'hie Lloabuellaecië'llaoneoi
      • Shortened Name: Joasaie Lloablen
      • Nicknames: Pine, Joaseed, Joa, Jo
    • Age: 120
      • Born December 1st
    • Gender: Agender
      • Identifies as Female or Nongender
    • Race: Yanar
      • Current Subrace: Yanera-Flor
    • Sexual Orientation: Asexual
      • Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
    • Preferred Weapon: Atraves
      • Currently uses Blacksteel or Nen’yalon Stave
    • Aberrant Status: Lingering
      • Reason: Race
    Core Concept
    • Religion
      • Joasaie is firm in their belief in the Estel Faith and its pantheon, at least the Yanar version of it. They specifically look to Elleyan and the Yanera-Flor patron Florianna. All other faiths are safe from negativity by the Yanar, save for the ones with Void ties or destruction of nature.
    • Personality
      • A Yanar who prefers to protect others and their friends with as little injury when possible. They have a bit of a stubborn part of them, holding strong to their opinions and what they were taught by the colony.
    Proficiency Information
    • Total Proficiency Points
      • 50 Points + 10 Hobby Points (8 unused)
      • Core
        • +20 Stave Combat (+15 from Points, +5 from Racial Boost)
      • Special Training
        • +5 Strength Training (+5 from Points)
      • Hobby
        • +5 Body Art (+5 from Hobby Points)
        • +5 Instrument Art (+5 from Hobby Points)
        • +5 Gardening Art (+5 from Points)
        • +5 Horticulture Art (+5 from Points)
      • Point-Buy
        • +6 Linguistics (+6 from Points)
        • +3 Roguery (+3 from Points)
        • +3 Voacorum (+3 from Points)
      • Physical Stat
        • 25 (25 due to Yanar Limit)
    Ability Information
      • Roguery
        • Rogue Gift 4
      • Voacorum
        • Exist Lavvanya Mutations
      • Yanar Racials (Yanera-Flor)
        • Common Yanar
        • Sorcery Skill 1
        • World Shift 1
        • Flux Shift 5
        • Yanar Biology 1
        • Yanar Biology 2
        • Yanar Biology 3
        • Home Enchant 7
        • Yanera-Flor
        • Light Mend 3
        • Flux Shift 6
    • Languages
      • Listed in order of learning
        • Altalar (free; taught in colony)
        • Saan (Linguistics; taught in colony)
        • Allorn (Linguistics; taught in colony)
        • Common (free; learned slowly over the years)

    Appearance Information
    • Mutations
      • Joasaie perpetually smells of rosewater (Exist Carry), their irises a shade of blue (Exist Ocular), and parts of their body has its skin replaced with a starry night sky (Exist Night).
    • Visuals
      • They stand noticeably tall (6'5") and tend to keep their hair of pine needle covered strands untied and a little beyond their shoulders in length, though does tie it when they find such needed. Their complexion is a light green and they usually wear Imperial or Altalar styled outfits when not wearing their plant created clothing.
    Life Story
    • Joasaie was born in a colony located in Ol Lavei Aechir to several Yanar who took part in the creation and teaching.
    • During their early years, they learned the general tasks and skills of the colony, from gardening to music.
    • After some time, they ventured off in a sort of exploration mission. To see what else Aloria held within its sphere. Most of their stops ended up being Altalar areas and a few Yanar colonies. A few conflicts happened in their vicinity and they took up learning how to use a stave to protect others and their own self.
    • They returned to their colony after they felt they had learned enough at their leisurely pace to require a break and home visit. While there, they learned out who use the Exist to alter their body in aesthetic ways.
    • Eventually, they heard of Regalia and sought to go on a trip there, having kept to the nearby lands and not having been to an Ailor city. What better way to learn of Ailor and other races than a melting pot city in the human's empire.

    • Cieli Le'vilja (@CyberMo01)- An Altalar Joasaie has known since the woman's birth. Joa has watched her grow up to who she is today and feels pride in how far she's come. They readily accepts Cieli's company and does their best in keeping her close. The Yanar at times can't help but compliment the nelfin, in their mind believing her to be a grand Altalar, if not a tad diminished by her being lazy.
    • Amrynn Elpharäe (@Annju)- Joasaie's favorite Cielothar, jokingly referring to him as their son, though partly meaning it too. The Yanar loves and cares about him without question, even if he's now a sanguine they wish to cure. Joa does their best in helping where he needs it, usually with his awkwardness during social interactions.
    • Ania Howlester (@MantaRey)- Joasaie’s commander in the Violet Guard Vigilant Shield chapter. Despite the woman’s rough and blunt way of speaking and acting, Joa has come to enjoy the smaller moments with her. Simple things as drinking in her office and idly talking has come to be an expected and somewhat relaxing time of the day, even with the usual insults and comments when publicly by her. Joa sees Ania as someone to look up to and respect, even promising to be a constant in the woman’s life with a goal to one day have her be proud of the Yanar.
    • Gwenyth Zylmoira (@MantaRey)- One of the few Isldar Joasaie has met that wasn't cold and closed off from everyone. They helped her get out of the slums and start a life in the city proper, doing their best to be around for Gwenyth. They train, drink, and spend time together; Joasaie even sees her as a sibling.
    • Sylvi Valendal (@skullpanda90)- Someone Joa met at first through a mutual friend’s name coming up at a chance encounter at a tavern. It wasn’t a quick or slow progression of a relationship, but it eventually grew to be great friends with Joa and Sylvi at times spending nights at either of their homes simply enjoying the company.
    • Seraphina Ebene (@Walnoodle)- A partner in justice. A scent of mint and campfires. Red and purple galore. Family in all but blood. Someone always by their side, and someone they'd stand by as well.
    • Nadina Haaven (@Eccetra)- Joa likes to think Ni is a good friend. Her eccentric nature also brings a smile to the Yanar's face, a bit of exasperation included at times.​
    • Winner x 13
    • Cuddles! x 2
    • Powerful x 2
    • Immersive x 1
    • Agree x 1
    • Generous x 1
    • Friendly x 1
    • Creative x 1
    #1 JokerLupus, Sep 1, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2022
  2. JokerLupus

    JokerLupus <insert something here>

    Oct 22, 2015
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    @Staff Roleplay Need new reviewer with previous one no longer staff.

    Aged Joasaie up
    Updated Personality section to new template
    Removed Isldarin and switched Daendroquin with Plains Elven
    Removed 6 points from Linguistics due to above
    Added 5 points to Stave Combat and 1 to Unarmed
    Redid Life Story, though fourth paragraph is mostly just in character happenings
  3. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Hello I will be claiming this for staff review!
  4. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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  5. JokerLupus

    JokerLupus <insert something here>

    Oct 22, 2015
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    @Caelamus Assuming still reviewer. Updated sheet to new template. Could you clear the thread until this point, please?
  6. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
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