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The Sunday Scratch | Issue #9

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CS_Birb Impersonator
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Nov 4, 2019
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The Insurrection's Aftermath

1,000 names that span multiple pages.

Insurrection Timeline
Following the Aftermath is a rough timeline of everything that happened during the Vampire Insurrection.

August 15th: A miasma fills the air. Temple bells ring for citizens to return home. Undead pour from the Salvation Temple of God Empress Ness before it explodes, rendering the area inhospitable and the Sacrosankt a lost cause.

August 17th: Iranela dei Ithania and Briareth Sylphryalhn claim to have caused the Salvation Temple's destruction, citing experimentation with unknown magics and artifacts as the cause.

August 18th: Those aligned with the dark planes receive a vision of a skeleton casting foul magics, sending those present into a frenzy. Sanguine infections increase exponentially.

August 20th: The Violet Order stationed themselves at New Crookback's gates to escort willing civilians to safety. What came to pass was instead the beginning of the end, an Arken arriving and turning those on scene into Sanguine before doing the same at Greygate. Dread Fort Demetrius arrives in the city, bombarding Greygate and laying claim alongside the vampiric horde beneath.

August 21st : The Sunday Scratch releases an emergency issue before communications cease. A man named Theo creates a missive titled United We Stand. The Lord Chancellor institutes an immediate Moratorium on the enforcement of laws relating to the bearing of arms, armor, vigilantism, and any similar restrictions on actions taken. This came with the following missive: In these times, the safety of the Empire's people and security is paramount. I promise you, those that act in good heart and faith, and for the protection of the still un-corrupted citizens of this Empire, and the restoration of its divine order, will not be prosecuted for laws broken in the process. May the Everwatcher guide and protect you.

August 23rd: Her High Eminence, Madelyn de Azcoissia, releases an emergency decree.

August 25th: The Imperial Dragon and a black dragon identified as Draga Ifrit arrive at Regalia and sit locked in a stalemate across from each other. The interior of Greygate is lit aflame by Sophie Perrot.

August 27th: An attack is laid against Calvonth. The intervention of God Empress Ness bolsters those inside and saves a few from the vampiric curse. Vultragon Celate Amdilin dei Savarolesta says We All Have a Role to Play.

August 28th: The Arken of Justice arrives in Arena Court and sends the Cahal population into a tizzy. The beasts spill out and clash with Sanguine over Rose Court, winning and securing more territory. The mercenaries who assisted the Cahal are caged and eventually released by the Gardener.

August 31st: A last ditch effort to subjugate the people inside Calvonth occurs. This too fails. The Emperor sends runners and opens up a line of communication with the resistance, bidding them to take back the city by pushing toward the old Howlester and Kade estate.

September 2nd: Lady Genevieve Howlester issues pamphlets with an inspirational message.

September 4th: Loyalists capture the Howlester and Kade Estate, bringing themselves one step closer to reclaiming the city. A technician is escorted by mercenaries to the estate.

September 5th: News trickles in from beyond the city. A portion of the Regalian Navy successfully creates a blockade, preventing malicious elements from entering or leaving the island. Dread Fort Demetrius sinks two Nautknights, adding to the casualties from when it first laid siege.

September 6th: The Daily Howl releases its first issue amidst the chaos.

September 8th: His High-Grace Cillian of House Gallagher attempts to bolster the resistance with strong words. The Lich Lord responds to missives from Regalia's peerage, calling them Howlester's Monsters.

September 10th: Talon Court is taken from vampiric hold by mercenaries and Allar residents. Talon Court Holds.

September 11th: The Arken of Justice returns to bestow powers onto its most loyal fighters. An unknown entity steals Coraveau, an artifact of considerable power, from the Fae Knight Sepulchre and delivers it to Xilthruum the Lich Lord. Vampire loyalists make off with a cutting-edge Oorl worm hybrid. Princess Noor Kade was captured to be exchanged for another prisoner.

September 12th: The Maestro Arken appeared to create a marvelous work of art with assistance from loyalists. A cure for Cahalism and Vampirism was engineered at the palace. Cahal and Sanguine alike are emboldened by the powers that be, select members of their group coming into possession of more power than they know what to do with. Daenlock is reduced to rubble, rendering the Daenlock Autonomous Zone no more. The Mercenary Keep is targeted second and decimated, causing the remaining mercenaries to relocate. The Emperor decrees the rule of Imminent Holy Struggle.

September 15th: The gardens of Petal Court sprout an enormous tree whose powers repel those affiliated with or afflicted by the dark planes, providing protection to the Cahal's sanctum.

September 16th: The Hexenblood Circle beat the mercenaries to exchange a prisoner for Princess Noor.

September 20th: Alban Koning seizes control of New Crookback and plasters the gates with banners bearing his likeness.

September 21st: Laria Mogun vandalises the banners in New Crookback. Her work is erased by Oma. A sanguine of incredible importance evades the Regalian Navy and pushes through the blockade. Darkwald Knights arrive in the city and plan to battle sanguine in Greygate. A Suvial Princess awaits escort.

September 22nd: Alban Koning, Bellamy, Raphellia and Rafael pin Laria Mogun's severed hand next to the banner she defaced. The Resistance is victorious in escorting the Suvial Princess. Anglian Nautknights shell Dread Fort Cornelius and repel it.

September 23rd: An unknown being carried by Dread Fort Cornelius arrives.

September 24th: A winged figure escapes from the von Deurr estate, leaving behind destruction and mystery for the Northlake Stronghold's inhabitants to discover.

September 26th: A Velheim monster hunter meets the Resistance.

September 30th: The Sacrosankt in the Salvation Temple miraculously repairs itself. The Emperor bids the Resistance to begin taking back the city. Dread Fort Demetrius bombarded part of Rose Court, destroying barricades surrounding the Alms Ministry.

October 2nd: The Autumn Period of Glory arrives, heralded by Vultragon Celate Auridian Luxvenia. The Brass Whisperer, an entity that has previously promised delivery of messages to Arken, Ancients, Gods, and Dragons, delivers information of extreme importance to the city's Sanguine.

October 7th: A poster is put up by Fin'ullen hands speaking of what must be done to achieve a Brighter Tomorrow.

Burned Bridges and Burning Clinics
By Atle Ásmundr — August 3rd, 309

The Burning Bridges Medical Clinic, implicated last month in hosting sanguine among their ranks and other dubiously legal activities, have had their Daenshore clinic burnt to a crisp. In an unprecedented act, the criminal element of Daenshore set the clinic alight and murdered the assigned guards, scurrying off with a 100,000 regal investment made by House de Azcoissia. The actions of this group do not match their central government's request for funding and aid, but does align with Daenshore's continued mothballing of their defences and slush funding of resources reserved for the well-being of their people.

This in addition to denying the Chancellor's Contingency assistance during their attempts to battle ultra-nationalists makes it clear that anti-Imperial sentiments still remain in the region, and it bears the question of what exactly the Daenshore provides to the Empire aside from pitiable tribute and ongoing financial drain. The Finance Minister, His Grace Erick von Eisner, and an aide have been unable to perform successful audits of the Daenshore Governate's finances due to stonewalling by the Governor and local Aldermen. Clearly, they owe no loyalty to anything but the misappropriated funds they are hiding.


Blight Control Burns

By Vivienne S. K. Dorris — August 10th, 309

"We've had bad years. I don't know what to call all this—seeing my livelihood go up in smoke." Nölke told me, standing along a patch of what used to be fertile land. I'd met the man early into my investigation during the blight, and he'd agreed to lead me through the fields in exchange for hearing his story. Nölke Maan's family has been in Regalia for generations. They are the thankless, toiling hand tending winding fields that in part serve to feed the Crown Isle, and now their income and diet are threatened by the newest threat to hit Regalia. The Blight.

On the second of August crews of Violet guardsmen, Alms Brutes, the Matron's flock, a small cadre of blue bloods, and the Fire Brigade swept through the southeastern fields in the Crown City and purged every bit of greenery in sight, mirroring actions from the peerage across the archipelago. Their actions were more than warranted, given reports from Pester about the blight making the leap from plant to people. Jarless Sivrid Sorenvik led the Alms Ministry's charge, sending her people out chopping wheat away from trees and prepping fields for burning. Matron Gwenyth Zylmoira, Duke Vallavaan de Azcoissia*, and a number of sorcerers assisted in the actual burning. The Violets, led by Jarl Viggo Sorenvik, guarded the perimeter and escorted away curious civilians and 'helping' hands alike.

Minor cleansings were performed at the Hangman Road Community Gardens and the groups moved on, leaving behind scorched fields and barren lands that, as of November 2nd, have yet to recover. In the following days the Alms Garrison would see its garden uprooted as well, any speck of blight rooted out and dealt with without remorse. Inevitably, someone was left holding the bag. This is the issue, or rather, an expected causality of swift action from bureaucrats and on the ground forces. Some citizens took to cleansing their own personal gardens.

Nölke is but one citizen impacted by necessary action. "It's terrifying, I'm just like cattle out to pasture. I can't even feed my livestock!" The Half-Ailor man with a full beard and dark skin interrupted my interviews with his parents. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "And what's left of my crops are rotting away now with the cold."

It seems the current spate of burning is, for now, unprecedented. Nölke has seen three major outbreaks of "blight" in his lifetime. The first was 30 years ago. The second in the same year, when the plague of locusts took to pasturelands across the region and forced farmers like Nölke to give up their animals. During the third, there was a mixture of blight and plague that hit the trees near his family home. And all three of these events, Nölke notes, are part of a greater stretch of life that he remembers enjoying just a decade ago.

The protracted battles with plant disease, from as far back as Nölke can remember, tend to be forgotten. They evoke sentiments of ruin and disorder, an unsightly memory that tends to serve as a stark reminder of what not to do when a natural disaster hits. What makes the current outbreak unique, according to Nölke, is the way that the people have engaged with it. "I've never seen that kind of action before. Usually if one place is infected it just doesn't get put with the other crops. The Kades are good about that."

Signs of Recovery
As of There's good news on the horizon. The Privy Officer and government scientists have been hard at work devising a cure, no doubt in conjunction with other brilliant minds around the Empire. It's expected that the novel blight will be solved before the year is up.
1. The Sunday Scratch has a vested interest in accurate reporting, and that includes respecting the identities of those mentioned in articles and elsewhere. Duke Vallavaan has gone by other names, but can be recognised as the peerage's sole Suvial member.



A Courtroom Divided Between Life and Death
By Crispin Gabriel — August 4th, 309

Mary Ana La Escritora Rica de Puerto de Plata Jameson, better known as Maria Jameson, healer and mother, was found dead one August evening. Clearly this would not do. Stricken with grief her loved ones plead for her revival, and seeking just that they meant to strike a deal. His Highness Cedromar Kade called for a mock trial, and in guards wheeled Miss Maria's very dead corpse. There would be five subjects—five chances—for Life to argue against Death, and the victor would determine whether Maria would return to her family or remain in unlife. The Lord Commander and Jarl Viggo Sorenvik argued for her Death while Matron Gwenyth Zylmoira argued for her Life alongside Anathema, Magister of the Hexenblood Circle, seeing as the woman's immediate family was too distraught.

The trial was unprecedented not only because of the Prince's personal involvement, or the arguments of the panels and peers who had gathered on that fateful day, or even the ferocity with which those present grappled with death and loss. Intervention from Gods and the divine is rare, unheard of and unseen except for truly tumultuous events and turmoil, but on this day the Gods saw fit to answer their peoples' cry. His Highness assumed a Unionist praying position on the judge's chair, and before him burst a manifestation of God Empress Ness. She was ghostly, hardly there at all, and she lowered hands from her breasts to drop a delicate pearl into the Prince's hands—then vanished. In that pearl was everything Maria Jameson was and could be.

The courtroom was hushed until the Prince spoke, and Maria's relatives rushed to claim the pearl. What happened next is anyone's guess.


Gathering of the Maligned
By Mitul Walerian — November 11th, 309

The Gathering of the Maligned, or Voidlings Anonymous, convened this Wednesday to discuss what was on their mind. The group meets every week to talk about set topics and issues, inviting the city's undesirables to sit, drink, and think through the problems that plague them. These meetings are often led by notable figures within New Crookback's community; Such as Anathema, Magister of the Hexenblood Circle, and Kabili Drulvaar, Patriarch of Kaahl Drulvaar.

If you're not swinging by the House of Sapphire Spirits for a swift drink and entertainment from Abigail Tucker you can stop by on Wednesdays for impassioned arguments and insight into what it means to be an aberrant in the Holy City.


Suffrage and Government Changes
By Leoncio Gaenor — November 9th, 309

The Government has been swept by change and vacant positions as the season changes. The Minister of Finance Archduke von Eisner, Minister of the Whip Cillian Gallagher, Officer of Commoners' High Grace Hera van Hal—previously the Commoner Executive, and the Occult Minister have all resigned, leaving ample upward mobility for the enterprising commoner and peerage alike. The Officer of Commoners' position was filled almost immediately by an Allar named Szaralaszotl, but this sign of racial progress and openness in the various ministries might end here.

With the Noble Assembly's dissolution came a new governing body, and with review came yet another. We now operate with a Lower and Upper House, and the Lower House fulfils the very same purpose of the Commoner's Assembly, that being getting things on the docket for the right eyes to look at. This taste of unfettered suffrage in the form of shouts and raised hands may please some, but not at the risk of denying one small figure a chance. It would perhaps behove someone with the necessary authority or political clout to suggest a replacement position for a shining example of Allar advancement.

First Inaugural Lower House Meeting
By Leoncio Gaenor — November 14th, 309

The First Inaugural Lower House Meeting occurred on November 13th, 309, ushering in the first opportunity for commoners to truly be heard, even if their proposals are argued down by the Upper House. The Lower House Assembly began with Wan-Xia proposing a troupe of Artistic Ambassadors be created, at which point he was quickly accused of looking out for his own career and his petition nayed. Ali Karim took the stand next, requesting re-publication of the Navigation Acts. He was advised to get in contact with the Bureaucracy to request a copy and the petition dismissed. Imira Delaianur gave an impassioned speech for decentralized governance, proposing that Nobility only be allowed attendance at the Upper House Assemblies and denied "votes" in the Lower House. Her dissent was noted and the petition dismissed.

Archduke Abelhard Petrou suggested a sin tax so that the Celery might curb immoral actions and heathenry through economic means. The Imperial Seat however was concerned with spiritual degradation as a whole, and spoke when debate had died down. The Imperial Seat would, "instruct the religious bodies of the constituent parts of the Empire to call for their own Conclaves, not to decide the matter of taxation, but to decide the matter of a spiritual moral fabric for their people. A conclave of Old Gods believers, a conclave of Estellian priests, or Celates, each for their own denominations, to determine their moral guidelines. When we have a clear moral guideline, those in the government will be easier guided and informed on their decision for a tax. And should a tax not be decided upon. At the least we have an improved spiritual moral mandate for good behavior." The petition was then dismissed.

Medereshiÿa, owner of the Weaving Wishes, requested the rights to possess, sell, and produce monopolized textiles such as the Ravenstad silks. She was advised to make contact with the Finance Minister to arrange the necessary proceedings after the petition had been nayed. Duke Markus Delmotte proposed that individuals of grotesque, mutated appearances cover themselves while on Imperial Isle. This petition successfully moved to the Upper House's docket.

Marco Bottinatrici requested the Regalian Government provide more for the Insurrection's victims. While the proposal ultimately did not go through, His Imperial Holiness requested contributions from Houses von Duerr, Howlester, Delmotte, Petrou, Minarith, Wulfmacht, von Eisner, Nordhjem, and de Azcoissia to fix the very issues Mister Marco brought up. Reynard Benac wanted doppelgängers, though, as has been said time and time again, no such phenomena is recognized by the Regalian scientific community. The petition was dismissed.

Grand Duke Wilhelm Wulfmacht proposed that all Occult practices, public and private, be banned on the Crown Isle. He was summarily voted down and the new Minister of the Occults passed surprisingly lax legislation. One Baltasar proposed that the luxury tax be lowered. The petition was dismissed, but despite the Lower Houses confusion about the existence of a luxury tax, a ten percent luxury tax was passed by the defunct Noble Assembly on Tuesday, July 20th 309. This luxury tax included precious gems, champagne, wine, hard liquor, expensive silks, fragrances, and cosmetics. This is corroborated by the July 25th Chancellery Decree, and The Sunday Scratch found no evidence of this motion being overturned by either the Lord Chancellor or the Finance Minister while the position existed.

Duke Markus Delmotte rose again, suggesting that all Ducal families be mandated to pay a five percent donation to the Imperial Court. His Imperial Holiness has the following to say: I would like to establish the notion of separation of the Crown from the Secular in the eyes of the Court, for the purpose of this debate House Kade, and the Crown, are not the same. The third Prince Raymond is engaged in his own military campaign with the blessings of Titular Princess Aliandre and Titular Prince Justinian for the purpose of security of the Empire, paid for by House Kade. But not by the Crown. And above all, done without the expectation of implicit or explicit reward, contribution, or addition by the other Nobility. Purely because the act itself is a contribution and service to the State. I would like to believe that Prince Raymond, absent his statement otherwise, would much prefer the Nobles spend their resources and time securing peace and prosperity at home. Or at the very least, entertain their own campaign in other directions of the Wind of the Empire that have faced trouble. I believe we can let this proposal lay to rest, understanding this.

A Government Inquest

By Leoncio Gaenor — November 14th, 309

The Government Inquest ran smoothly from beginning to end, barring an unprecedented number of complaints and accusations levied at House Wulfmacht, and an exceptionally long account from Archduke von Schwarzkrau regarding House Rødsvar. These Houses were joined by Cadieux, Howlester, Minarith, and von Drachenburg, but none of these Houses had a list of complaints nearly as long.

House Castley was accused by Nathaniel Hawthorne, who spoke of a "Watching Eye" informant employed by Castley who purportedly attacked Greygate alongside the Lich Lord Xilthruum. This informant also exhibited a delay in aiding others. House Cadieux was accused by Matron Gwenyth Zylmoira, who went into detail about Lady Isabelle Cadieux's constant aiding of Sanguine from feeding them to attempted prison breaks, to disrespect and disregard for Her High Eminence, and fleeing from a punishment that'd yet to be decided.

House Howlester was accused by Fae Knight Wilvamair Arnyn, who called out the Howlesters for refusing to adhere to infection checking protocol at Calvonth. Archduke Howlester called perjury and proceeded to eviscerate the knight with his own version of events. Archduke Minarith backed Archduke Howlester's explanation, and Archduke von Schwarzkrau disagreed with a small few elements. He recalled no policy changes regarding nobles at the gate, Archduke Howlester standing guard, or receiving any complaint regarding the Archduke Howlester.

House Minarith was accused by Marco Bottinatrici of the War Dogs and immediately taken to task by Archduke Howlester for failing to elaborate on his testimony, as the mercenary failed to provide examples of the rumors being spread about himself and his company. Duchess Hera van Hal pointed fingers at Miss Lhoris, who was recognized as a noblewoman during the occupation (but has since had her privileges and recognition revoked).

House Rødsvar received a laundry list of complaints from Archduke von Schwarzkrau. In summary, Grand Duke Garth Rødsvar was negligent in duties he agreed to (allowing the gates to be circumvented), disrupting the chain of command and disobeying direct orders. House von Drachenburg had but one singular complaint lodged by Lady Genevieve Howlester, but it was quickly dismissed due to the Lord-Protector having been cursed by the Vampiric Scourge, and his and the peerage's collective crimes forgiven by the Crown lest the government wish to levy additional charges.

House Wulfmacht's crimes took up a majority of the Inquest with a train of no less than ten people standing up in unison to speak out. Cries of perjury flew after nearly every sentence spoken, regardless of whether multiple voices corroborated the story.

Houses Bancroft, de Azcoissia, Deceres, du Poncaire, di Civita, Litvinova, Mac Conall, Morathes, Nordhjem, Peirgarten, Petrou, von Schwarzkrau, Sorenvik, Spathous, Viduggla, van Hal, von Duerr, von Eisner went without complaints of any sort. Although some Houses were awarded during the awards ceremony following the Inquest.

Awards Ceremony
The Noble plaques were solid gold, engraved, and set on a dark wooden backing. The borders were decorated with a regal black embossing of vines and floral patterns, surrounding the House's name with Her High Eminence's words.

House Deceres was recognized for offering their home to the State and its people in their time of need. House Rodsvar was recognized for continued diligence in excursions to the city, risking health and safety for the benefit of those within the Stronghold that could not. House Peirgarten was recognized for exceptional research and discovery. House von Duerr was recognized for exceptional work and diligence in saving the lives of citizens. House di Civitia was recognized for continued and exceptional attendance to the defense of the Stronghold's gates.

The medals awarded to exceptional individuals stated: For Exceptional Service in the Sanguine Crisis of 309 AC. They were made of Blacksteel embossed with gold, depicting an individual slaying a demonic figure.

Aleksandra Dragic was recognized for exceptional service in the defense of the Stronghold. Exuro Weismann was recognized for exceptional service in defense of the Stronghold. Philippe du Langelier was recognized for exceptional service in the fight against Sanguine. Fulgore Fanger was recognized for exceptional service in the fight against Sanguine. Maelstrom Keppkuula was recognized for exceptional service in the rescue of the Imperial Princess Noor Kade. Carmen Vincenzo was recognized for exceptional service in defense of the Stronghold. Lee Ming-Qie was recognized for exceptional service in the fight against Sanguine.


The Secret's There If You Know Where to Look
By Fereshteh Meyrick — October 31st, 309

The following piece has been adapted from its original format and edited for clarity.

With the Vampire Insurrection over, people are starting to forget too quickly that they aren't the only ones to have lost, and if they've not lost a thing they're quicker still to start saying we need to do this or that and the other. I've lived here my whole life, and there's never been anything like this. We've got war and calamity out the ass, secret snakes slithering around and doing Everwatcher knows what, and I think that's the root of it. Not them Vampires or the Cahal, not the scaly dragon people doing whosit and whatsit. It's the Slizzar, probably running around orchestrating all the disasters we've been hit with yearly and not a soul is talking or thinking about it. That's one of their tricks too, making you forget things and hate your mother, compelling folks to be foul and do the unthinkable.

I don't need to know much about Magic and cracks in the world to know the most insidious of monsters is living and drinking with us right now, and nobody is the wiser. The government needs to start doing something about those things running around, and they need to do it before they go back to having their little soirées and parties while people are out here fighting and throwing themselves at the wall. Given what's been going on I have every right to be mad, and I'm not afraid to say there's been some missteps and mishandling even before the insurrection, and they're sure not gonna stop because we've got over this one hump. The whole damn road is full of holes and there's no good way forward.

An Examination of the State's Treatment of Lesser Peoples
By Vihtori Toivonen — October 31st, 309

The following piece has been adapted from its original format and edited for clarity.

Disease has been a contentious topic since it was first quantified, since the Doctors and Alchemists of our era ever thought themselves capable of treating it, and since it has been brought to my attention that my viewpoint is one most rare. Afflictions that warp the mind and magics that twist the soul are perhaps far removed from the average person's understanding. They may never have a loved one fall afoul of the law because of an errant bite or chance upon madness. They of course hear what happens to the mad, the afflicted, anyone and everyone with so much of an ounce of lunacy—Death, or a long visit to a sterile institution or the grey walls of a prison cell.

If mental disease and affliction are an infirmity of the soul, and if that infirmity can simply be solved by praying more and debauching less then perhaps spiritual fulfilment and a sense of belonging in one's community prevents them from falling prey to society's worst disease. And if that is true, could it not extend to other problems? Could it be that the Empire's treatment of those within it breeds malcontent? Could it be that persecuting the afflicted is a fool's errand? That is not to say they deserve rights or to run around freely, or that I fantasise about having my neck bitten by the next unwashed rogue that crosses my path.

What I am saying is the problem we are facing is worsened by brutish actions. Treating diseases requires a delicate touch, not throwing the afflicted in a basin to scream and be forgotten about for hours, then tossed on the street without any supports. As evidenced by His Imperial Holiness' pardoning the peerage for actions done while out of their good minds, the precedence is there, and it will still be there even if the legislation goes back and forth like a ball at every private state meeting. If your answer to this is that We must make an example out of society's dregs, then I must also ask You what kind of power You are holding onto.

Should the State invest in healers, doctors, and anyone and everyone capable of providing alms and good health to the citizens it is nominally supposed to protect, we may find ourselves with lower rates of recidivism and afflicted alike. Of course, this goes against what most would consider to be correct. Surely if one browbeats enough people and turns them into pulp behind bars they will repent, or come to pray for forgiveness given enough time, but I find these measures do nothing but build resentment. The Empire makes its own enemies, and for every body beaten there are several more standing in line waiting to throw themselves on the pike, or perhaps the bone pit in the centre of Greygate.

As the intelligentsia have gathered, what the Empire needs is unity, and we will find none of spitting on the poor or less fortunate because we are so well off, or Everwatcher forbid lambasting them for having dissenting opinions. It is the poor and unfortunate who are prone to silly things like rebellion, or attempted assassination, or tacking up poorly worded letters in public spaces. It is also the poor and less fortunate who are more susceptible to the things so oft legislated against, leading to cycles of poverty and crime that will not correct themselves without sufficient foresight and action. That action being recognising disease and illness for what they are, and not criminalising either. The afflicted could instead be cured and sent to institutions where they may recuperate and be reformed into productive citizens of this Good Empire, and the same could be said for unsavoury types.

If, and I do mean if, criminals were given a chance to be anything but criminals, maybe they would take it. If they were offered an open hand—such as community service, parole, and other small forgivenesses—and not a closed fist they may be inclined to side with their "oppressors" and become a bulwark against the Empire's enemies. To address the threats without, we must first look within.

Addressing Regalia's Latest Madman: The Peacekeeper
By Miroslava Fabó — October 24th, 309

It's as though you are a child looking up at the structures of adults and crying when you cannot understand its shape. You've not the perspective or mind to understand what it means to suffer, to lose oneself to a cursed existence and be born again in darkness, but you sure know peace. This is yet another insurrectionist movement touting rights for the downtrodden arriving in Regalia, spoken from the lips of a masked madman. This is par for the course and an example of the insidiousness preying on the Empire's lowest of low. The sentiment that justice is a club targeting the wrong people is an incorrect one, and one that should not be applied as though a blanket to Sanguine, Cahal, and whatever rank afflicted people hide from the light of day.

To say that the afflicted should not be cast from sanctity when they, and I do mean to make a generalised statement, have done nothing but ill to the people of this city is laughable however well-intentioned your cause. The only salvation waiting for rats and thieves is the Sacrosankt, and it's a deserved one and mercy at that. For years anyone of Occult nature was actively hunted, dogged constantly by the Inquisition and roving bands of vigilantes styled as though they had any right to be judges. For years now they have enjoyed a period of relative enlightenment, free from scrutiny and allowed to serve and act so long as they were discreet, so long as they served in the Empire's interest, so long as they were not monsters; though this was all dashed by the Crisis as you call it, and only because subjugating people to bring about a new world order tends to ruffle a few feathers.

Funny that, how you wish for peace and attempt to smooth over grievous offence as though it were little more than an ideological difference. For what reason would the government stay its hand and be kind when those extended mercy bite the hand that feeds? For what reason would it preserve this "culture" you believe inherent in Cahal and Sanguine when that culture causes them to turn against their fellow man, to feed from the very life force that birthed them? For peace of course, you might say, though there is no peace for heretics and surely no respite for you.


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Extraplanar Horoscopes
by Myridden the Diviner (@Aphellon)

ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
Beware the dead ringer. Their love is not invested in purists like you.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Trust your suspicions surrounding new persons in your life. If you think their romance buds for you, you're probably right.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
You're going to get what you deserve. Be ready.

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
If she is as pure as the driven snow she is also a potent magnet for sigg smoke. Beware affectionate displays of false innocence.

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Kill your inner critic. Heck, kill two people. Call it a mental health day.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
There do exist people who are happy. Your quest for meaning will destroy you. Meditate on contentment.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Ask yourself why you seem resistant to change. Ask yourself, if opportunity arose, would you choose to change? Embrace change.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23- Nov. 21)
Return to your origins and make amends with your first love. There will never be another like it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
The lowest man on the totem pole is often the most respected. Stay humble and keep up the good work.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will die in the cold, nothing of space. Whichever happens, it was meant to be.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 18)
Steal the thunder. Guard it until spring. And when the rain returns, unleash it.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Pyramids of sand. Empires of wind. Material gain is no gain at all. But notoriety outlives all men. And infamy burns for infinity.

An Occultist's Advice
by Myridden the Diviner (@Aphellon)

"DEAR MYRIDDEN, is it possible to conquer fear? Can you ever destroy it?"

- Concerned and Afraid​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: It is possible to destroy fear. But a life without fear is no life at all. Fear covets the living man and knocks not on the door of the idle spirit. And everyone knows an idle spirit is the first stone thrown by a dying man. To master fear is to strengthen the soul. But destroy fear completely and a man becomes a hollow husk, withering only, formless by day and uncontrollably violent by night.


"DEAR MYRIDDEN, with the concerns of another upcoming war so soon after the one prior, creatures that kill & hunt for spite living on the surface without so much as a batted eye & the consequences of the prior war still draining the very essence of our souls, will the current state of Regalia change for the common folk any time soon?
- A Tired Soul​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: Everything must change. It is the state of the world to be forever changing. The skeleton is new every 10 years. One day the sun will die. One day you will die. Even dragons must die, but the dragon does not wallow waiting for socioeconomic conditions to improve. The dragon flies.


"DEAR MYRIDDEN, decades ago I was told a dear friend of mine died, but there were reasons for me to be skeptical. Now, I could finally find out whether I was told the truth. I thought I was prepared for either outcome, but now I'm not so sure. Might it be better to let sleeping dogs lie?"
- Hesitant in Hellatos​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: The stars tell me truth is inevitable. This does not mean truth is good. Be cautious, but keep your heart open. Keep in mind heartache yields resilience, and honesty mends trust. An old friend may seem trustworthy. But old secrets prove most destructive.


"DEAR MYRIDDEN, after another robbery my home feels unsafe—even with the clockwork by my door. What do I do?"
- In Search of Safety​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: Your home might be cursed. It is not uncommon, fret not. Hire a sage or a diviner to cleanse your home. It might be wise to also consider that most home-robberies are deliberate, premeditated, and carried out by someone you know. Meditate on deceit and ask a friend to help you separate truth from lies.


"DEAR MYRIDDEN, a noble man wronged me. How do I get revenge?"
- A Dish Best Served Cold​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: Place a blue lily under your pillow to traverse the dreamworld. Dreampersons are most vulnerable to spiritual running water, and most dreampersons can only hold breath for several minutes.


"DEAR MYRIDDEN, every relationship I've had has burst into flames, literally or metaphorically. Either from outside circumstances, or a lack of communication on the inside. Am I cursed to never find happiness in a romantic relationship, or am I merely unlikeable? How do I go about a stable relationship? "

- For Want of Stability​

MYRIDDEN SAYS: It may not be so much as that you're unlikeable, it may moreso be that you are manifesting loneliness unconsciously. Consider that your aura is projecting closeness as a means of protecting the heart. And as the age-old saying goes, cultivate romantic relationships by pursuing your own goals, allowing others to be attracted to your success.


Should you wish for advice of your own, seek out Meriden, apprentice to the fine Myridden the Diviner, or write to The Sunday Scratch offices.


Guards Left Waiting as Grand Duke Locks Himself in His Estate
By Hermina Stauss (@NebulaePrimo's Summary) — November 17th, 309

Could it be that every man within the peerage possesses in himself a terrible and unquenchable thirst for attention that belongs not with him, but better topics far removed from Man's Ego? I say no; it is every man in every place, and we have been gifted yet another example of masculine fragility. We begin with the Baron of Parchstadt; a complicated mister known for his questionable ethics, methods, and clean sense of style. The complaints centred around this one are numerous, and now reflect not only on him but the House that has seen fit to arm him with the privilege of being a servant.

Perhaps the Baron of Parchstadt's Masculine Ego was hurt at the mere thought of someone complaining about what will be a lifelong injury when he released his missive—the storied circumstances of this injury's acquisition aside. It could be that he, in his righteousness, forgot that His Imperial Holiness extended His mercy and forgiveness to the Peerage. It could also be that Baron Fänger desires more attention than he lets on as all men do; because in even the lowliest man to the highest there is an inborn Wanting Essence that simply does not fade. In coming out of retirement he has seemingly opened an unrelated floodgate, because not hours after his posting came a letter from the former Castley House Guard Nathaniel, and I'm sure you've heard from somewhere what happened next.

In this letter Nathaniel claimed his testimony at the Government Inquest was false, and then what seemed like minutes later came accounts from the Archduke of Moritzberg and the Duke of Bastadon who were and are in cahoots to tear down House Castley. For what, you might ask? For violations of seven laws with several counts each that they happily published. The Duke of Bastadon then supplied yet more testimony, alleging that Nathaniel was compelled to sign a letter not penned by him (under direction of House Castley. Are you getting the picture?) Lastly we have other middling actors, men so desperate as to throw their lot in with the wolves in hopes of relevancy—ones whose names I have forgotten with my pen inches above the paper. There is also Urijah Jamesson, who sought to provide clarification to the charges levied against Castley.

The Duke of Oxenfurd had ample time to respond to all the accusations against him, but not, as he was requested, show face in Greygate. Maybe a daring day circling as talk of the town was all he needed, but he will undoubtedly be facing more than stiff words and cold shoulders in the coming days.

A Concise Summary
• At November 13th's Government Inquest and Ceremony, former Castley House Guard Nathaniel Hawthorne testified that House Castley broke the law.
• On the 14th, Nathaniel Hawthorne writes a letter claiming his testimony was false, and that he was forced to by Duke Marcus Delmotte and Archduke Howland von Schwarzkrau.
• At about the same time, Archduke Howland von Schwarzkrau releases a formal accusation against House Castley and calls for them to go to court. The list is longer than accusations laid against House Castley during the Official Inquest.
• Urijah Jamesson responds to the Archduke with a message of his own, and opens himself up to legal correction.
• House Castley calls for the arrest of both Archduke von Schwarzkrau and Grand Duke Delmotte while backing up their former guard's claim.
• The Lord Commander calls for Theopold Castley to appear at Greygate.
House Petrou announces its withdrawal from the Bastionist's faction given the charges.
• Duke Delmotte says that Nathaniel Hawthorne was pressured into making the claims in his letter by House Castley, and that quite a few Houses were present at the time.
• Prince Dominic Kade arrives at Greygate and requests information on the Castley case. He leaves as quickly as he arrives.
• Today, November 17th, the Imperial Palace has chosen not to launch an inquest against House Castley, and declares the accusations against House Castley on grounds of disloyalty towards the Emperor invalid on grounds of willful misinterpretation, and Duke Theopold having a lapse of mental composure.​

Accessories and Pairings of the Season
By Andoni Olívia — November 9th, 309

Greetings! 'Tis the season to take a long hard look at your closet and evaluate what's suited to your style and taste. You want to be fashionable, you want to be fierce, and you definitely don't want to look poorly. With that in mind our fashion consultants have pooled together resources to bring must-have items to light. Do keep up. Firstly, ditch your grandmother's jewellery and acquire slim pieces to adorn your neck. The weather is simply too cold to support anything else for long periods, so you should pair brooches and necklaces with a fashionable roll-neck to show off your flair. Second, don't believe the lie that the cold season makes one look pasty. Indulge yourself with a pale pink Halpern Raul jumper paired with sturdy breeches. Fuzzy and luscious in the same season? Check. Bundle up in your woollen shoulder cape to curb your anger at the price of fall when your bum is freezing.

Now that the heat is on, it's time to bring out your inner regal style. Rounded skirts and wide belts will help you make a statement, but more importantly, your coat should be statement enough. Go for a statement coat with sharp, deep hues. Then make a statement about your statement coat. Use striking colours and lots of beading, as a coat is not the place to play it safe. No, a coat is where you show off your personality and play around, and a little bit of colour can do wonders. Still not enough colours for you? Try keeping this in mind: the only thing you need to carry in your closet is one really good coat. You will be warm in it, you will look presentable in it, and you will feel great in it. A stylish coat is the crutch a woman needs. Keep it classic and pull it off by buying it from one of our designers (Galina Cabe, Demoi Mohr, Eva Trafalgar, and Cresyl Cattleman come to mind). Last, but not least, do not let your money go to waste by buying just anything that looks like it will fit!

To appear seemly and presentable one must be well tailored, and your mothers stitching simply will not do. Make a trip to your local tailor and have your clothes adjusted for a proper fit. No hanging britches, no low hanging shoulders, and indeed no ghastly necklines and limp seams. Trust us, if you just follow our advice, you will look just like everyone else!

Pictured: Veerle van Hal.

Capes Are In!
By Michaias Deidra — November 9th, 309

From linen to wool, to silk and fur, there is no shortage of materials for the glorious cape. As snow falls in Regalia we're seeing a resurgence and appreciation for the common accessory with commoners, knights, and peerage alike donning colourful attire and fur-lined shawls and cloaks. There are several things to remember if you choose to recreate this regal look in your home.

The Right Materials
Without being too specific about which shawls, shawls or fabrics I use here, I will say that I'm big on easy to care for items that won't break, tear, or pill if you accidentally put them down on the floor or don't change their position often. So, I tend to look for shawls that I can simply tuck away and store when not in use.

For shawls and coats that I make, I use real fur. Leather is another one of my go-to materials because of its durability, the ability to find really good pieces at low prices, and the ability to alter it. It's a good choice for making more elaborate garments and accessories. If you want to wear a coat or shawl made of animal fur, be aware that it can take around six months to make enough of the fabric for the garment. Some good places to look for pieces to start with include Weaving Wishes, a small weaving and fabric shoppe located on Regalia's main strip.

Since this is going to be a trend for winter and the spring-time in Regalia, I wanted to note that there are several pockets that can be found in many shawls and cloaks. Some cloaks and shawls have many while others have a few. Some pocket sizes vary. One of the best things to be aware of is to make sure that you have pockets large enough for things like keys, coins, and the Rechtshelm you surely carry.

No-Go Colours
You should avoid dying your garments, and especially your capes, in extravagant or bright colours that could see you mistaken for knights or nobility. Make sure that you keep your colour scheme simple, conservative, and conventional. As a side note, certain colours, especially reds, are not considered regal colours. The regal tweed has become quite popular. If you're interested in picking up a few items that are modern Regalian fashion (and I do believe you should), search out my guide to Regalia-wear (which is a lot more comprehensive than this initial piece).

Let Your Colour Shine
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Colour in clothing is a wonderful thing. While each one of us is attracted to various shades and hues, we all feel that there is an appealing balance of colours that appeals to our sense of balance. Tones and shades can add some much-needed richness to your wardrobe, and help you appear an extra metre taller than you are. Whenever possible, choose colours that complement one another and one that is in the same tonality. Most of the time this means brown, red, yellow, green, and orange.

Another great way to add a bit of bling to your wardrobe is with interesting jewellery. Not just any old gold or diamond studded item, but pieces with fresh artistic detailing that will remind you of a former lover or your finest accomplishment. Combine old fashion with new by wearing a modern necklace with a classic twist. Find all this and more at JAMILAH'S JEWELLERY.

Regalia's Darling New Faces
By Adde Grier (@onearmsquid, @Acosmism, @NebulaePrimo) — November 14th, 309


Pictured (From Left to Right): Claudane Guentyr, Viviwynne Guentyr, Lynmard Lomstedt

House Guentyr
House Guentyr (Gwen-tyr) was founded by the titular Guentyr "the Gentle" sometime around 150 AC when he gained a castle and plot of land near the coast of Kintyr. From there, the family grew slowly, maintaining their faith in the Crown and in Breizh Unionism. Mainly staying out of larger political affairs and tending to their textile production, in recent years the current matriarch, Viviwynne, has begun to look outward. Aware of the increasingly irrelevant nature of Kintyr, the family has travelled to Regalia to show off their culture and gain the standing to ensure that the Bokh Holds back home continue to grow for years to come.

Viviwynne herself is a curious figure. While she has a striking matronly appeal not seen in the peerage's increasingly younger population, rumor has it she's covered in tattoos. Given the new Court Protocol we'll likely never know if this is true.


House Oloran
The earliest mentions of the Oloran Family are seeded back shortly before the Wildering, however, their name did not gain much notoriety until around the first-century. The first notable Oloran in family history was a Teledden of the craft, often creating and selling precious Altalar-crafted jewelry and fabrics. The family for many years thereafter made a monopoly off of overseas trading in what is to be considered more luxury items such as wine and fabrics, based off the coast in Tanaar Ivaelle.

The family was led by an iron-fisted Matriarchy throughout the years, though with the passing death of the late Ivasaar Oloran, Vanya Oloran stepped up to current Matriarchy, appointing her niece Contessa as a helping hand in the family affairs. The family aided in wars where they could, though remain largely combat-evasive. Continuing their import of goods, the Oloran family by order of the matriarch has since migrated to Regalia for opportunities abroad.

House Fauré
With roots that can be linked back to Tolonne slaves on Solacia, a man by the name of Frédéric moved to the city of Regalia. After a short time, the Tolo would rise to prominence with his talents in song and his work in trade. Due to this, he was granted land within the region of Tuilleré, which he would return to in order to manage his land and begin the process of creating a family. After many generations, the current patriarch of the family, Theron, would take up the surname of Fauré and move his family to the city of Regalia in order to further his family's wealth and status, while the many of his family would demonstrate much of their culture by performing works in poetry, their passion for philosophy, and shared many of their folklore with those of the peerage.



Baroness Punched! Perpetrator Claims Self-Defense
By Stojko Fedorov — November 21st, 309

An altercation occurred at the Main Street Market stalls early Sunday eve. The Baroness di Civita was accompanied by an entourage no less than three, and dragged along an unremorseful man who readily admitted that he punched the Baroness, but that she had also attempted to stab him. A story most curious. Allegedly, the thief had attempted to steal the Baroness's purse and destroyed her weapon, but there was no evidence of the latter claim. A knight within the crowd named Philippe attested that the thief had only bumped into the Baroness, and had attempted no crimes until he was accosted.

The thief's list of crimes lengthened, with the Baroness saying the man had casted insults and refused to use proper title. His sentence? Community service at Sir Jorben's stall if convicted, and whatever else his crimes amounted to.

Allar Robbed: Violet Order on the Case
By Esmaeil Alfero — November 11th, 309

While Talon Court is not a place most would associate with crime, a few of its residents have been dealing with misfortune. A crook is on the prowl, one who seems to be specifically targeting the residence of one Barbossa Yoatl and her housemates. The Allar seemed almost tearful when two Violet Order guards arrived, quickly describing the circumstances of the burglary and her worries. Baroness Triss Aduro took notes then searched the perimeter, doing a thorough sweep with the assistance of a helpful civilian.

Child Nabber Disarmed by Violet Guards

By Dani Butts — November 1st, 309

A Sanguine child nabber associated with the former Kaahl Dzehk'aar was apprehended by the Violet Order and put to justice October 1st. Her crimes include child abduction, assault of said child, using that child as a shield to defend against rocks, refusal to comply with the guard, disrespect of the Violet Order, aberrancy, and attempted prison break that damaged Greygate's new interior. After much heckling from the crowd assembled to witness punishment, Serah Braunschweiger was able to get a vote that saw the criminal losing their right arm, to the disappointment of those assembled.

This is one instance in which many wished for a more severe punishment, ranging from outright execution to the removal of the perpetrator's legs, but on this day the Order chose forgiveness and mercy when they could have been tried for greater crimes.

Crimson Mask Hung by the Neck Until Dead
By Ephraim Rhagouel — August 15th, 309

Aurèle Juilette Rousseau, better known as the Crimson Mask was a father, a loyal friend to some, but all else he was also a terrorist and would-be murderer had it not been for the guard's intervention and reports from concerned citizens. He was put down on the 15th of August, leaving behind a shattered legacy for his children to adopt and a mumbling crowd as what was intended to be lethal injection became hanging as Aurele shifted into a monstrous appearance—the very same that had earned him death.












In a previous issue we released an obituary for Duke Markus Delmotte. We have since been informed that he is alive and well, and will likely continue to be for some time. Noticed anything else out of the ordinary? Pen a letter.


Government Opinion Poll
From general approval to thoughts on Ministry performance, the commonfolk have no shortage of opinions and no good way to report them! The Sunday Scratch is taking over for The Imperial Times and collecting quantifiable data. Want to participate? Request a copy of the questions and send them back to The Sunday Scratch offices, or approach a representative in person! It's that easy.

Noble House Favorability
While the folks running Regal Suggestion strive to tell you all there is to know about Nobility and their politics, you likely have feelings of your own! Tell us who you like, who you dislike—Shoot, tell us if their politics sit right with you! We at Regal Suggestion want to hear from YOU and we won't stop till we have your opinion all nice and presented as easy to swallow numbers!

Regalian ♥ Heartthrob!
Winter is no excuse to stop the search for Regalia's Heartthrob! That's right, we want to know who YOU think is the next big ticket. Who's snatching hearts and who do you have in that locket of yours? Write to us and let us know, we'll construct a bracket, and from there you can vote to see who rises like a meteor to become Regalia's Next Heartthrob!


Current Subscriptions
@canaaa @FeralGayWalnut @TonyBones @NebulaePrimo @bwmwags3 @BiBiBirdie @JResurrected @AtticCat @Farly108 @BluKnight10 @Lutowski @Iyyiushi @MrNoot1 @MippyMoo @SaltyLikeTheSea @Nirnro0t @HereticTakao @Greys_n @yamiya @Ampers07 @AshenRoman @ZiggyStarDusted @festiveCorvid @SleepyIsVerySlep @Hautee @Wilvahelm @LilBeast_24 @LeafMC @dimetros @mcmann @essentialess @Arhbi @LumosJared @MantaRey @Nathan @Volaie

Complimentary Issues (Mentions)
@MrsCripple @SupremeCripple @_PainOcean @soggytoenails @Tsar_Maple @Athelois @BeetrootSalad @slurmancer @Lizmun @Birdsfoot_Violet @CharmedHexes @HereticTakao @indyfan98 @Northern_Ireland @Proudbucket @festiveCorvid @PumpkinJesus @FolkFume @kdeeks @SomeRandomMan @ContestedSnow

Wanna subscribe? Make an in-character post on this thread.

About this Issue
  • More flavor than usual.
  • Paid and free assets used for ad creation.
  • Writing credits are in the byline.
  • The paper as a roleplay entity likely publishes every day, with the exclusion of time lost during the Vampire Insurrection.
  • Recreating the Masthead: 45 min.
  • Having an existential crisis: 1 hr.
  • "Visiting" Greygate: 2 hrs.
  • Editing advertisements: 5-6 hrs. Avery showed me how to do a couple of things.
  • Writing, editing, and research: 9-10 hrs. Some articles were dropped. I went back to change American English spellings and turns of phrase to their British English counterparts.
  • Creating the death toll: 8-9 hrs. I randomly generated races and cultures, then subraces. I created names from scratch in every instance they couldn't be generic, so visible names are more or less lore compliant. Then I put it all together in the style of The New York Time's COVID-19 issue. Let me know if you catch any weird combinations in the list. There are no hidden character names. Please don't strain yourself by looking.
Feedback welcomed.
The large Eronidas kicks up his feet in his home, he finishes reading the paper. Uproariously laughing, casting a look to the Maraya across from him.
"This has been quite the eventful time--Heartthrob, I do say I could win that, what do you think, Sapphire?"
Bingo the Blasphemous opened up the newspaper with glee, flipping through the pages while sat down in the Wraith. This issue was all about the Vampire Crisis, and of course the egotistical Clown had to find themselves in there.

They flipped through page after page, eagerness slowly giving way to confusion. Surely it's somewhere in the further end of the section, perhaps the Crime section instead of Vampire Crisis but- no, this must be a mistake. Where were the mentions of the dastardly Circus of Carnage? Of the monstrous Jester who had taken the Regalian Fairgrounds for their own?

By the time they got to the end, Bingo's confusion had given way to a somewhat dramatic anger as they slammed the paper down.

"Leave ME out of the picture, do they? Oh no no, I think not!"

Determination formed in the mind of the maniacal Milot, perhaps for a petty goal but one not above the Jester who always sought the eyes of the world- they were going to end up on the next issue's front page, whatever that took.

While at it, they also signed for a subscription under another name- they needed to keep up with reports of their future handiwork, after all.

The quality of the Sunday Scratch is astounding and continues to get better; it's satisfying to see newspaper RP be made fun through the sheer amount of effort that's put into these articles. Keep up the good work!
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To the Publishing House of the Sunday Scratch, and its Editor,

Your publication, The Sunday Scratch Issue #9, contains an inaccurate statement about the nature of Community Service. Not only has Community Service been an implemented part of prisoner reform for nearly a full year, but it has seen recent use three times in the past fortnight. Any Violet Guardsman can assign Community Service, which will then be guided by a volunteer of the Alms Ministry so that these criminals have a chance to serve the city in a selfless way, thus assisting their reintegration back into society. Furthermore, cured individuals are guided to the Alms House as needed, for shelter, food, and even job placement advice. The last thief that was apprehended in the Alms Sanctuary itself, was promptly fed and offered shelter.

This city deserves more than for the rote assumption of a cold, calloused government. My volunteers, as well as the esteemed members of the Violet Order, deserve better than to see their work ignored. We work, every day, to mend the perceived schism of the rich and the poor, to find a place for those of good will to serve this city. And this city deserves better than to allow for divisive comments to be our news-source.

Jarless Sivrid Sorenvik av Irvainvik
Alms Minister of Regalia
Valsung and Jovrlov of the Velheim

Signed also by the following citizens as witnesses to the validity of the statements above:
Marchioness Natharia Mac Conall
Eerikur Fjordefil
Baroness Lily Janssen
Baroness Triss Aduro
Isobel Lykke
Saana Gahann
Lord Atum Morathes
Sage Marais
Lord Leopold Von Schwarzkrau
Mori Marais
Duchess Kaya Sorenvik
Baeldeth Talvin
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A response is sent in

Markus Haageving died a Great Oak, I witnessed him fighting till the last against the vampiric fledglings which swarmed him. He died in combat against the blood crazed savages and in his final moment refused to become a sanguine even as a turned friend begged him to. His burning once took much from me but he does not deserve to be called mad and portrayed dishonorable in death.

-Rosa Village
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Viviwynne Guentyr sits in her rocking chair, reading the paper. "This newspaper, grandson, is exemplary of what the peasantry can accomplish if only they know how to read and write." she says, gesturing to Claudane. "They even included our family in the paper, bless their hearts. You see? It says..." she pauses, re-reading the section. "Increasingly irrelevant nature of Kintyr... irrelevant, they say?" she pauses, taking a sip of tea, "I suppose we have much work to do in showing the people of the capital the importance of the Breizh people."

Viviwynne Guentyr sits in her rocking chair, reading the paper. "This newspaper, grandson, is exemplary of what the peasantry can accomplish if only they know how to read and write." she says, gesturing to Claudane. "They even included our family in the paper, bless their hearts. You see? It says..." she pauses, re-reading the section. "Increasingly irrelevant nature of Kintyr... irrelevant, they say?" she pauses, taking a sip of tea, "I suppose we have much work to do in showing the people of the capital the importance of the Breizh people."

"It may take time, but we can work with it. And it is good to hear that people know of us already. Perhaps it can help spread our importance faster." Claudane responded his grandmother with a gentle smile, enjoying the mention of their family name.