Crown City Sawbones

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IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Rosalina Howlester.
Character Sheet: x.
Short Character Description (If Lacking Sheet): NA.
Position: Dresser.
Short In-Character Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I write in order to express my utmost interest in joining the Crown City Sawbones. I wish to aid those in the Holy City as you have come to, providing and doing all that I can during such trying times, though I wish to continue furthering my medical knowledge beyond the plague. I thank you for your time and consideration, it would be an incredible honour to join these ranks.

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IGN: PurrPleh
Character Name: Alderic Aggard
Character Sheet:
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

Dear Owner of the Sawbones clinic,

I was told if I were to need a job to send a quick letter to you. A little about me, I am currently unemployed, Although I have attended the School of Medicine. I achieved the Rank Learned, I feel as if I would be a viable asset to the Sawbones. I would love to at least help anyway I can, Please consider me.
Yours Truly, Alderic Aggard
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IGN: DolittleGuy
Character Name: Shane Marth
Character Sheet:N/A
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): A 29 year old 6'4 Claith man who has around ten or so years of self taught medical experience. He's studied from a large array of books and medical journals, which he adds to regularly.
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
Dear Jocelyn von Duerr,

Hello. It's the redhead. This is that letter saying I wish to join the Sawbones and whatnot. Not really sure as to what else to put here, so I'll leave it at that. Hopefully I'll see you sometime.

Shane Marth
IGN: Goldifish
Character Name: Adela Drache
Character Sheet: None.
Short Character Description: Adela is stoic, yet finds a way to care for people in her own small ways. While seen as reserved, she cares deeply for her family. She has studied a bit from books, but has yet to grasp the certain skills needed in tangible life.
Position: Dresser.

To the von Duerr, whom I met earlier today,

I, Adela Drache, wish to join your organization to learn and better this city in the process. If you will take me on, I will not fail you. I am a quick study, and will surely aide you in time.

Spirit Bless.

IGN: Catannine.
Character Name: Eloen C'Aelrith.
Character Sheet: x.
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): N/A.
Position: Surgeon.
Short In-Character Letter:
IGN: Snurfle
Character Name: Edward Talbot
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): N/A
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

"To Jocelyn von Duerr,

Greetings, I write to you to inform you of my interest in the clinic. I am a graduate of the academy, as previously discussed. I believe it is time we meet for a formal interview.

Best wishes, Edward Talbot"
IGN: MrChadington
Character Name: Yariel Kearney
Character Sheet: Yariel
Position: Custodian
Short In-Character Letter:

(The writing is crude but legible, an educated but unpracticed hand)
"To whom it may concern,

I've taken notice of this charter over the years I've lived here, and never really thought myself interested; however, I've come to realize the benefit it's given my father. I'd like to pay the charter back for what it's given to my family in Regalia. I'm well-equipped to defend the assets of the Crown City Sawbones from any who would seek to pilfer or sabotage. I would be honored if you would oblige my request to join as a Custodian within the charter.

Signed, Yariel Mariah Kearney. "
IGN: KrakenLord01
Character Name: Relveth Vinthracia
Character Sheet:
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

To whom it may concern,

Changing times and circumstances bring me to seek interest in the Crown City Sawbones, where I may provide service and give back to Regalia. Despite my heritage, years in medical practice may prove enough that I can contribute to the Sawbones and save lives for the Empire.

Best wishes,
Relveth Vinthracia
IGN: _Owlet
Character Name: Rosalia Heinrich
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet):
Position: Dresser ( Aspire to become Surgeon )
Short In-Character Letter:

"To whom it may concern,

I am writing to you to express my want in to join the ranks of Dresser at your fine establishment. I recently completed 10 years at the School of medicine being a scholar at graduation. I would love to offer my services to Regalia and I believe that I can accomplish that through the Sawbones. I aspire to climb the ropes and become a Surgeon, but I'd like to train some more before trying to reach that title.

Spirit Blessings and Many thanks,
Rosalia Heinrich "
IGN: _Capitalx_
Character Name: Amelie Drache.
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet):
Position: Surgeon or any other position you think fits my character.
Short In-Character Letter:

Dearest Jocelyn,

I have recently been interesting in the Sawbones ever since my uncle mentioned it. I was wondering if I could have a job working for them. I have recently been studying medicine and biology in order to become a nurse one day, and I wanted to make it possible by working for the Sawbones. If I do get accepted for this job, I would like to ask if I could start curing and operating on non-ailor, my uncle wanted me to start of like that.

Amelie Drache
IGN: SlyChung.
Character Name: Estiñe Izquierdo.
Character Sheet:ñe-izquierdo.61304/
Position: Dresser, likely.

To the Crown City's Sawbones,
I, Estiñe Izquierdo pen to you in hopes of considering to grant me the privileges of joining this Charter. I would be both honoured and determined as well as dedicated to follow orders and learn from my superiors and other practices to develop my knowledge in medicine to later use it to aid those who are vulnerably wounded and in need of medical treatment as well as serve with City for the betterment of the Right and only Great Way.
Spirit's Blessings, Espíritu Bendiga,

IGN: Bellarmina
Character Name: Saira Kiran
Character Sheet:
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

To Jocelyn von Dueerr,

I write to you today to express my interest in becoming 0ne of your surgeons. I have received 10 years of education at the Academy of Theron's Hand, and several years working in the field. I am confident in my abilities to heal the wounded and aid those recovering.

Regards, Saira Kiran.
IGN: Wolfiecat940
Character Name: Yrsa Ignace
Character Sheet: Link Ta Wip
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:

(The note, being delivered by the girl herself, was crumbled and folded in half. Not to mention, has a strange sweet scent wafting from it)
Dear Nice Medicine Woman Man,
I want to learn the art of Medicine, and to help people. I'm just now able to study and learn about it, but I want a teacher. Also, Avynn said so highly of you and I couldn't wait for her help, so I'm writing without her seeing it.


IGN: MugKing
Character Name: Micah Senft
Character Sheet: Approved
Position: Surgeon.
Short In-Character Letter:

February 3rd, 306 AC
Jocelyn von Duerr
Crown City Sawbones
Crown City Sawbones Headquarters, Regalia.

Jocelyn von Duerr,
I am applying to be a surgeon within your charter. I have graduated the school of medicine and have practiced in multiple clinics, hospitals, and even the battlefield. I will be happy to bring proof of certification with me in the form of my medical badge and graduate certificate. I will give warning that I will not handle students that do not know what they are doing in the operating room, and would prefer to do most of my reports through paper, rather than a verbal transaction. I hope to work with you soon.




@Dekuras @ItsNotMarkus
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IGN: PeckOps
Character Name: June LeClair
Character Sheet:
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:
To the director of the Crown Sawbones Clinic,

Upon your instructions, I am writing this letter to apply for a position among your ranks. I don't have much in the ways of medical experience, but I desire little else than to learn. You have my thanks for the consideration, and I hope to speak to you soon.

June LeClair

IGN: @Tracenator1
Character Name: Kiirion Fellmirr
Character Sheet:
Position: Surgeon
To whom it may concern,
My name is Kiirion Fellmirr, and i've Taken interest into your organization. I've been looking for work in the medical field in Regalia forever now, and found this the perfect organization for it. I've ten years under my belt in the Accademy of Theron's hand, here, and have my license for it. I hope you get my letter, and write back soon.

Kiirion Fellmirr
IGN: BerrySpicy
Character Name: Elizabeth
Character Sheet: N/A
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): A petite 5'3 woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She dons a dress of blue, white and gold. She is usually timid and very eager to learn.
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:

~The letter is written with fine penmanship and concealed within a envelop with a gold and red seal plastered across its opening.

"To whomever this may concern,

I currently wish to become a medic, even though I have little to no experience I am willing to listen and take all the advice I can. I believe this charter would be able to do just that and help me cultivate my skills and use it towards the betterment of Regalia. I would truly appreciate this opportunity.

Best wishes,
IGN: Jack_Castle
Character Name: Iona von Bastillion
Character Sheet: o_o Workin on it
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): Female Ailor, Battlemed, criminal history, former Nordmark
Position: Surgan
Short In-Character Letter:
Head of Staff,

I have vast experience in mending the broken bodies of grievously wounded soldiers in war. I've noticed that your office may be somewhat understaffed and I want to prove my worth to the Empire again. I don't need potions to mend either. I can stop the bleeding of arteries and internal wounds. What I don't know I can look up in my personal tome of notes on the subject of living structure. I'm also an Architect if that is needed.

X- Iona von Bastillion
Character Name:
Danielle Rosendahl
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description:
Danielle of The House of Rosendahl is a cheerful young woman who was raised under strict rule. She has co ntinually studied her entire life and still does today. She has only been in Regalia shortly to visit her cousins but due to the new scenery, she plans on staying in Regalia to challenge herself to broaden her horizons. She has taken a vast interest in studying medicine over the past couple of years and has nursed many individuals but would like to finally work in that field and help out as much as she can to the Regalian Community.
Surgeon and Pediatrician. She is extremely skilled with surgery and is trained in dealing with small things like fevers and colds etc.
Short In-Character Letter:
Dearest Sawbones,
I heard about your fine clinic since I have arrived in Regalia. I have a vast knowledge in the medical field and would really be interested to hopefully work at your establishment. I have studied and trained in the medical field for many years, I am able to handle myself with big operations like surgery. I also can deal with small things that Regalians find themselves having, like fevers or colds if that may be needed. Thank you in advance for considering. Hopefully, you will get this letter soon and write back.
Many Thanks,
Danielle Rosendahl
IGN: Erzly
Character Name: Ehryll Draylas
Character Sheet: N/A
Short Character Description: A sour faced Shendar with impeccable skills in Surgery. She's incredibly prideful but has had a lot of training with anatomy in many forms; particularly practical. Ehryll isn't much of a people person, but takes great interest in all things to do with the body, especially injuries.
Position: Dresser/Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
The handwriting was barely legible, and the ink was blotchy.

Dear Jocelyn Von Duerr,
We met recently through a mutual friend of our's, Yevgeniy. As a trained medic with high interest in bodies and fixing them, I'd be honoured to join your ranks. I've been doing this sort of stuff since I was young and I believe my hands are perfect for the job.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Ehryll Draylas.
IGN: MrsMaiar
Character Name: Alexa Carwell
Character Sheet: Coming soon!
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): Extremely sweet and positive, mother to one and as the time of this application two months pregnant. She is 5.6 with a femmefetale build. She is a blonde blue eyes but is extremely confident in herself as a surgeon
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
Dear Sir von Duerr,

I don't know if you remember me but I was that one woman that visited you today. I am a great surgeon with twenty years of doing this practice around the world. I have settled in Regalia for my husband and his family so I am in need of a job. I can do great feats with my surgery, ask my husband that is how we met. I can get down what you like with great finesse and speed.

Alexa Carwell

IGN: FranklyFilthy
Character Name: Ilias Ssariss Zi'assuil (Signed as Isya.)
Character Sheet: Right here, homeboy.
Position: Surgeon, for now.
Short In-Character Letter:
Dear Jocelyn,
If you can't recognize who it is that is sending you this letter, I am sorely disappointed in you. I am writing this not for my own pleasure, but rather to act as something that you will be able to admit to documentation when considering my employment. As you are aware, I am a fairly experienced individual who has been practicing medicine in varying forms for several decades now.
For your own recollection, I graduated from the School of Zzariss with a formal degree in Medical Science, and received my doctorate in the field of medicine at the Halctus Academy in Daen. I was employed formerly in a clinic within the city of Barazzt, though during the end of the Chrysant War, I relocated to Regalia and worked at a hospital located within Daen, where I was an associate leading up until my graduation.

Formalities aside,
~ Isya​
IGN: Lizmun
Character Name: Abigail Langlais-Tucker
Character Sheet: Here
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:
[The writing was soft and gentle in style. Rather pleasing to the eye.]
Sir von Deurr,

I, Abigail Langlais-Tucker, would much like to find work in the Sawbones clinic. I have run a clinic of my own before, but now that it has gone out of business, I look elsewhere. I believe I could be of use to your establishment.

[The signature was in different handwriting. It was sloppy, uncoordinated.]
Abigail Langlais-Tucker​

are you happy now
IGN: Qyehm
Character Name: Edgar Robertson
Character Sheet: WIP
Position: Alchemist/Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

To the Sawbones Overseer,

My name is Edgar Robertson, and I wish to work at the Sawbones. I have accomplished several studies of alchemy and surgical practices, and have indeed treated the village in which I was raised. Though my aim is mostly set on research and my own curiosity, I would very much appreciate the chance to administer healing with your organization. I look forward to meeting you in person and thank you for your time.

P.S. I can provide you with my credentials and character references during the interview.
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