Possibly A Change For The Staff Roleplay Wise?

Would we, lore staff, want to roleplay with the kind of poor roleplayers we just got done teaching/jailing? It's like police officers spending their leisure time with prisoners; it's not something we aim to do.
Are you telling me you don't roleplay with your prisoners?

All of my plans for getting myself arrested have been simultaneously flushed down the drain.
i usually avoid staff for a couple of reasons
  • i think they are scary
  • i just can't act serious around them
i only rp'd with a staf 2 times and both it wasn't long. that one time i crushed @Tom1804 his hand slighlty with an axe and then that other time were @Jared4242 scared me of a roof. that was about it... -hides in a corner- i'm scared of blue, i don't like the collor, i prefer red, bloody red i say....
This is sort of like sport. You can't stand at the side and yell, 'pass it to me, pass it to me' but then not get involved. Or when you do try to get involved you're intimated or something. Roleplaying with staff is a great way to get better at roleplay since all of them are good teachers and generally nice people. Ye.
Out of all the people on the forums. You're probably the person who rates me "read more" the most.
And yes, I was planning on that too.
You realise /jail is for breaking server rules and is an OOC thing, right?
Why would you be aiming to... Perhaps grief the land near spawn to be /jail'ed, and then be surprised when no RP was happening with you? O_o
Is it just me or when his character is in the same room as you are ...it kinda feels as if he may be watching you...even though you know he isnt doing so at all? XD
It's that, but it's also the fact that I'm just afraid of people. It took me a while to even go near certain staff members.
The first time I really when near one was Jamescl, but then I teleported away and got a warning. xD
>was a vampire getting corned by the crimsons...in a bathroom.
I've rped with several staff members. Ryciera, Omnomivore, and tom1804 mostly. In fact, I remember when my one thylan helped save Tom from a swarm of vespids or whatever. Ryciera tends to be a bartender, so my dwarf sees Piper a lot. And Omnomivore helped with the Enjambre attack and gave my Kleinfolk some cookies. Mmmm.... Cookies... Really, though staff members don't rp that much with people they don't know, it's always a good idea to try. And that is why I love throwing events. They are fun, and get my name out there. It gives me a chance to rp as much as possible, and with many people. A chance to be famous. Sort of famous, at least.
Guys, guys. Staff aren't rare, and it's easy to roleplay with them. Treat them like regular players (RP wise) Just make sure it makes sense with why you character would interact with them.

I have roleplayed with many staff members, since they aren't scary and their characters aren't rude. (To certain races/people anyways)

Next time you see a staff, try to interact with them, yet make sure it makes sense why your character would rp with them. Also, if you roleplay in Regalia as a Naylar(Naga),you're going to have a bad time. Naylar are disliked by Regalia as a whole. Tigrans are treated as dirty rugs. Just realise some races are more hated than others.

((Also @MonMarty will never let me live the Tezari Massacre down 3:<))
It's that, but it's also the fact that I'm just afraid of people. It took me a while to even go near certain staff members.
The first time I really when near one was Jamescl, but then I teleported away and got a warning. xD
>was a vampire getting corned by the crimsons...in a bathroom.
Awwwww..was he in front of the pack of Crimsons? He can be a joy to rp with haha! And of all places it had to be the bathroom huh? XD

Yeah, dont know why but Im fine if I see them on their alt..but when I start seeing blue everywhere it gets like that for me..prob cause Im afraid Im going to screw up badly and begin mistyping words like no mans land cause I cant type as fast as most people and I dont wanna make people wait for a response for very long ; n ; or maybe its the blue...the bluuuueeeee. I cant begin how freaked out I was before I found out about the color changes LOL
idk too much about the day to day RP of the staff, but I always found campaigns put on by the staff were a little lopsided. For example to my recollection the only staff that worked for the resistance during any of the crimson events was BBB. This made resistance RP pretty bad because they didn't have the staff guidance like the Crimsons did. That is just my 2 cents though. I am not really into the whole RP thing though.
You realise /jail is for breaking server rules and is an OOC thing, right?
Would we, lore staff, want to roleplay with the kind of poor roleplayers we just got done teaching/jailing?
Pretty sure he means the /jail feature. You probably aren't planning on that
  1. You obviously don't know what my plans are.
  2. At this point you guys are just trying to confuse me. I know there are two types of jails, and I'm not trying to go to one more than the other. But if someone can please explain to me the difference without giving me a read more rating, I'd be very appreciative.
  1. You obviously don't know what my plans are.
  2. At this point you guys are just trying to confuse me. I know there are two types of jails, and I'm not trying to go to one more than the other. But if someone can please explain to me the difference without giving me a read more rating, I'd be very appreciative.

There is the Regalian jail where you get placed by Regalian guards in roleplay for breaking a Regalian law. This is all done through roleplay.

The /jail they are referencing is the jail universe/world. This is where game staff send all the bad cookies that break server rules. Breaking server rules makes me an unhappy nom, so you definitely don't want to go there.
  1. You obviously don't know what my plans are.
  2. At this point you guys are just trying to confuse me. I know there are two types of jails, and I'm not trying to go to one more than the other. But if someone can please explain to me the difference without giving me a read more rating, I'd be very appreciative.
If you're in the /jail, you're a bad person. If your character is in jail, they are a bad person. That's the most simple explanation I can offer.
I don't think it's a matter of staff, prem or non prem, but a matter of how competent you are whilst roleplaying.
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I rarely roleplay with staff...they scare me xD I already dont think I rp well den you put them with me and I get to nervous to think right xD
You may seem scary at first, but that's just because of their position. They are real sweethearts on the inside, well, maybe 'sweetheart' isn't the right word but you get my point. They are not as bad as they seem.
Every staff members are quite approachable in RP. Except @Tom1804 , he tries to smite me when I called him Tommy OOCly (but seriously, Thomas is both fun and awkward to RP with)
Haha. I spoke to Tom1804 back when Osai existed, mind you that was the same day I helped invaders locate things, thinking they were part of the faction... anyway, that was the only time I've spoken to someone with a coloured name, In my case it's not their fault they aren't sociable to 'norms', It's mine for being a wuss.
I have rped with quite a few staff members an consider some friends like @Plecy abit after I first started I rped with him and had fun this was before he was a blue staff member and was rp staff in fact just think of them as a regular member if possible. It can be intimidating I used to be staff on a server that would get a fhundred people at a time more on weekends and summer then I found massive craft and left that I still remember how it is to be staff and people are afraid to approach you. Some out of fear you will ban or kick them cause you don't like them or did some thing wrong. But they and I did would ask others if you have been caught doing stuff and give you a warning remember staff is there to help who knows you may be able to make your char better with some pointers from them. I find rping with a staff member helps make my char better cause they can tell me where I went wrong. So just enjoy rp do not worry about staff or premium ranks. Sorry for misspelling of bad grammar dyslexia plus insomnia one a phone is bad.
I tend to avoid staff rp wise, mostly because last time I tried rping with a staff it ended I'm my characters death...
It's sad to hear people think like this, worse yet that some people actively avoid staff. Since I made it into lore staff I've tried to RP with any quiet new or unfamiliar people I see about, provided I'm feeling up to roleplay. I admit my character doesn't always have the best intentions, and may try some petty thievery, but in general I try to make it enjoyable for both parties. I tend to think back to when I first started, and how excited I would be, were I approached by a staff member for casual roleplay.

People will always have friend circles, of course, but I wouldn't let a bad experience or a sense of intimidation scare you off.
I was staff for a bit and I'm still nervous to randomly join in with more advanced role players due to my lack of self esteem x'3 You just need to be a character that gets drunk and starts fights with complete strangers <3 yeah, don't do that.

It's tricky, but don't give up! Even if you only get a snip of a conversation with a staffmember's character, that tidbit can easily open up future interactions with them-- and maybe you'll get cooked into steak :'3
Same xD
Regardless of position youre all big dumb non orcsies to me.

And I love you all for it. Though on the occasions I do rp (has been rare due to work commitments) I have a similar issue to which Omnom has, it devolves into ooc derp. Which im fine with as I have no issue with derp, in fact I am king of derp... and bred.. and of regalia at one point buts a tale for another day.

yub yub.
Regardless of position youre all big dumb non orcsies to me.

And I love you all for it. Though on the occasions I do rp (has been rare due to work commitments) I have a similar issue to which Omnom has, it devolves into ooc derp. Which im fine with as I have no issue with derp, in fact I am king of derp... and bred.. and of regalia at one point buts a tale for another day.

yub yub.
ohmygosh. I suddenly want to rp with you now.
Well, i've had my quarrels in the past with staff,... but the ones who talk to me have proven themselves to be good sensible people. Just try to give them a chance. Yes, I usually don't RP with staff but that's because IC i have no good reason to talk to them. In the future if I am approached I certainly will RP to the best of my abillity. Occasionally i talk to staff to complement their skin OOC, deal with faction trades, or to ask for help with something. I generally keep to myself when it comes to staff to give them breathing air, because they don't need the whole server asking them a question every 20 seconds...that and i was a bum hat to a few of them in the past. Just try to be a little more polite, it brings you a long way.

...I was a Administrator for a Finnish server at one point, i handled English speaking clients and enforced rules.(as well as adding castles to the land to cover up griefing lol) I was promoted because the owner had no English speaking staff that were native speakers. At this time my anger management and mental treatment was working well for me, that and I was determined to help out with things. I tried my best to be a fair staff, but even so i got a lot of bad reactions and fear... I eventually left the server because my mind was deteriorating and grief for IRL circumstances was negatively affecting my performance as a staff member.
On some servers, the staff can be very corrupt... When i was working with the others on the finnish server, i noticed that they abused their powers and picked favorites... one staff even disbanded and griefed his IRL ex's faction because he was butt-hurt about the end of the relationship, he later openly slandered me and his ex because I reported it directly to the owner... I can come up with plenty of other examples on that particular server.

Anyway, my whole point is, I know exactly how bad things can get with some staff (welcome to minecraft), BUT we have to remember that not all staff are bad guys. The staff members on massive were, and are more than fair with me, even with my mistakes and issues. If you wish to RP or talk to one of them, go on ahead. Most of them don't bite... (unless they are a vampire IC in which case its nothing personal)
(To the staff: i'm still feel horrible about the 'quarrel' we had before i lost the account Catlin_1130. I was acting like a total butt-hat... I feel bad about the whole thing...the accusations i made and the way i handled it wasn't appropriate at all. I'm sorry)
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Ive rped with staff before too. Ryciera brushed one of my Q'urebo out of a building with a broom. My yanar watched as omnomnivore talked with a fellow Q'urebo that my yanar was protecting. And a few more i cant recall at the moment
I need to RP with the king of bred :o
Does he teleport bread?
One time I slapped Phon_Sejan in the face in character with one of Nommys cookies than got punched and ran away
I've RPed with a few staff during my time as a RPer and it's fun since you can actually learn how to RP better by seeing just how IC they are with their character and think "Hmm.. maybe I should make my character's accent Alt-Regalian" or "Should I give my character a negative/postive opinion on something?". Also, RPing with staff is just plain fun as well since you get to have some good laughs or just be in a situation where you're just "OMG, I did not see that coming!" or "NO WAY! He/she didn't just do that!". It's really fun to experience and the staff are always willing to aid you if you accidentally mixed up something in the lore. What everyone, from new people to prems, need is a little confidence in talking to a staff member IC (I still remember how nervous I was when it came to first talking with @Plecy's character, Joey, when I wanted to reply to what he said IC but I later enjoyed the RP and how Plecy played as Joey) and to choose the right time to talk to them. Besides, just because they ignore you IC, doesn't mean they don't actually want to know you, it is just RP and they're just doing something their character would be, depending on their race or social status.
Also if you ever want to RP with a vampire huntress or just RP in general, I'll be in the tavern while leaning against a pillar and writing in a small black book (which I swear on my life is becoming a habit of mine/Farryn). I wont harm (unless you're a vampire, then prepare your grave!) and I'll be willing to RP if anyone needs a RPer or just a chat in general.
I'm scared to go near all the blue names, because I think I'll embarrass myself like a fool. Like, I write things a bit weird at times, and I struggle to react in certain situations. A don't get me started on the amazing vocabulary they all have..
I'm scared to go near all the blue names, because I think I'll embarrass myself like a fool. Like, I write things a bit weird at times, and I struggle to react in certain situations. A don't get me started on the amazing vocabulary they all have..
They really have very good vocabulary. As do the nobles.......
I'm scared to go near all the blue names, because I think I'll embarrass myself like a fool. Like, I write things a bit weird at times, and I struggle to react in certain situations. A don't get me started on the amazing vocabulary they all have..
I concur. By a longshot.
To me it's the fact I hope to come off as someone that they might like, and be willing to talk to with no hesitation (As I feel to most others)- Not the guy that's inept that just needs someone to be near.
That, and the vocabulary. Once I read the entire Webster Dictionary, maybe then I'll at least be near them in ranks of vocabulary.