Archived A Change To Faction Pricing

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Dvorin Onyxbeard, Belegostian Elder
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Quite recently, there has been a considerable drop in the number of new players sticking with the factions worlds, either spending 100% of their time within Regalia or just leaving the server for good. Neither of those last two options lead to a healthy MassiveCraft with sustained longevity, and I, and a number of other players, believe this is partially down to the decrease in faction pricing to 100r.

I know this can be somewhat of a controversial issue, as I know everyone who plays wants to lead a faction with their friends, and become the next Tyberia, Enigma or Asteria with 200+ members, but quite honestly without proper dedication, that will not happen.

With the number of new factions shooting up around the place, the more inexperienced players suddenly have a grasp on power. Without knowledge of darkrooms, or any form of PvP, or lore to go with supposed RP factions, they have land to call their own. And they build a small holding, and all is wonderful for a while, until they get raided. And they lose their diamonds, or their building materials. And without a faction to back them up, they have no means of recovering them. This drives people away from the survival worlds, and potentially away from the server.

So, to the point in hand. I believe that factions should return to the old pricing of 2000r to be able to found your own place. This, in part, is due to the fact that any player can get 100 regals per day just by going to Regalia, plus anything extra gained from hard work can easily amount to the 2000 regals needed. It is also, and perhaps moreso, to stop inexperienced players from holding factions. The players who will make it as a leader will need to be dedicated and strong willed. These kinds of people will, upon joining, be happy to join a preexisting faction and make it their home, thus learning from already experienced players, and coming to grips with the unique features of MassiveCraft faster, alongside making friends experienced in both RP and PvP, bringing them into both sides of a somewhat divided server.

This keeps people active, as getting the 2000r takes a small amount of dedication, and gives the leader of said new factions an actual status. It makes people feel important again, and not just own something which any old player can have from just one single day on the server.
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I'm not even sure how other servers provide end game content for survivalists and factioners, any suggestions?
I'll try to remember back 2 years when I played factions for some ideas:
  • custom enchants. I'm just going to suggest not going this route, as it basically is another traits issue. Which I believe we do not want to have.
  • supply drops. This is what kept larger factions large on the server I played on. You were only as strong as the loot you owned and the manpower to keep it. Supply drops were "unique" chests that plopped around a central spawn warzone. Alliances would camp the spawn for the server to hit the drop time and then all hell would break loose. Players would then go back to their bases, store the loot, and then hunt the enemy factions that participated.
  • No dynmaps. I vaguely remember reading the next map will not have a dynmap for it, and I think that's great. Part of the thrill I had from raiding 2 years ago was traversing the map looking for factions to raid, no matter how small they were. You used the chat map to find a base you had a reasonable time to raid. The exploring part and setting up a temporary raid base was part of the faction thrill.
Now, these are the few things other servers had. There were other ideas, but none of them really fit Massive, or deserved to be mentioned.

On a personal note, I really liked the idea of using cannons in a raid. I remember massive used to have them made for premiums, and even now some of the builds on the server still have the cannon schematics built into them. while the griefing aspect of cannons was removed, I think the general usage of them would be a fun thing to use.

I believe that plugin is now updated, but not sure if it is "worthy" to be added on Massive again. If it was re-added, I think it might be interesting to allow it to blow up certain blocks like stone bricks. At the same time, I think the radius of the explosion should be minimized to prevent massive damage to a build.

hopefully this gives you some ideas on what to do.
I'll try to remember back 2 years when I played factions for some ideas:
  • custom enchants. I'm just going to suggest not going this route, as it basically is another traits issue. Which I believe we do not want to have.
  • supply drops. This is what kept larger factions large on the server I played on. You were only as strong as the loot you owned and the manpower to keep it. Supply drops were "unique" chests that plopped around a central spawn warzone. Alliances would camp the spawn for the server to hit the drop time and then all hell would break loose. Players would then go back to their bases, store the loot, and then hunt the enemy factions that participated.
  • No dynmaps. I vaguely remember reading the next map will not have a dynmap for it, and I think that's great. Part of the thrill I had from raiding 2 years ago was traversing the map looking for factions to raid, no matter how small they were. You used the chat map to find a base you had a reasonable time to raid. The exploring part and setting up a temporary raid base was part of the faction thrill.
Now, these are the few things other servers had. There were other ideas, but none of them really fit Massive, or deserved to be mentioned.

On a personal note, I really liked the idea of using cannons in a raid. I remember massive used to have them made for premiums, and even now some of the builds on the server still have the cannon schematics built into them. while the griefing aspect of cannons was removed, I think the general usage of them would be a fun thing to use.

I believe that plugin is now updated, but not sure if it is "worthy" to be added on Massive again. If it was re-added, I think it might be interesting to allow it to blow up certain blocks like stone bricks. At the same time, I think the radius of the explosion should be minimized to prevent massive damage to a build.

hopefully this gives you some ideas on what to do.

If anything that made RP factions remotely vulnerable to outside forces were added, there would be RP riots in the streets and then they would all forget and go back to roleplaying in Regalia as usual.
Im all for cannons i just still dont like the build damaging part. And also

supply drops. This is what kept larger factions large on the server I played on. You were only as strong as the loot you owned and the manpower to keep it. Supply drops were "unique" chests that plopped around a central spawn warzone. Alliances would camp the spawn for the server to hit the drop time and then all hell would break loose. Players would then go back to their bases, store the loot, and then hunt the enemy factions that participated.
This sounds awesome
supply drops. This is what kept larger factions large on the server I played on. You were only as strong as the loot you owned and the manpower to keep it. Supply drops were "unique" chests that plopped around a central spawn warzone. Alliances would camp the spawn for the server to hit the drop time and then all hell would break loose. Players would then go back to their bases, store the loot, and then hunt the enemy factions that participated.
Koths would have a very similar effect, I think, and don't need any coding, they just need a couple commands and frankly I have no idea why the hell they are not yet scheduled to go up daily.

I believe that plugin is now updated, but not sure if it is "worthy" to be added on Massive again. If it was re-added, I think it might be interesting to allow it to blow up certain blocks like stone bricks. At the same time, I think the radius of the explosion should be minimized to prevent massive damage to a build.
I personally support this, but I doubt many roleplayers would have the same feelings.

I know you rejected the idea of doing this when I proposed it a few months back, but I honestly believe it would bring a shit ton of people back, and make a ton of people active again (I know I would be). The economy would then be completely fresh, god armor supplies and such would be reset and people would have many goals to work to. Not to mention the lag reduction from having a bunch of unused factions disappear along with the items in them. I think it would also be interesting if instead of completely resetting the map, large and beautiful factions, like Mithril for example, could instead be turned into lore spots that people could use to RP at. However as Jes said, I also understand that it wouldn't be a great idea just because many of the RPers would probably end up leaving the server. I totally understand the probability of this happening is probably around 1 in a million but I still like to entertain the idea.
One thing I kinda wanna see is a new world that does not share inventories with the other current ones. I mean, new worlds are fun, but all they are are new terrain. There's no new experience of getting to go through and build a brand new faction, remake essential facilities, have an economy which isn't ridiculously overinflated and things like mining are actually practical. But again, as much as I like the idea and think it would benefit the server in the long-run, I doubt anything will ever come to it due to the inherent dislike of this which would be present among certain sectors of the community.
If anything that made RP factions remotely vulnerable to outside forces were added, there would be RP riots in the streets and then they would all forget and go back to roleplaying in Regalia as usual.
I personally support this, but I doubt many roleplayers would have the same feelings.

I feel that these are good points to bring up. While I consider myself a RPer foremost on the server, I believe that at the same time roleplay factions need to be well aware of the survival world and the risks associated with it. Once you step out of the spawn bases, you should be ready to lose everything in your inventory to raiders and mobs.

Once you have a faction claimed, it's not enough to just say "woo, city. plz don't hurt us. we're peaceful." Because you formed a faction and claimed some land, you should be ready to defend that land from attacks. If you can't PvP, make the defenses that much harder to penetrate. Or hide in a hole. Or just stick to Regalia and the spawn locations.

I may have shied away from PvP and faction maintaining in the recent times, but the same survival beliefs are still maintained by me. I don't build my vault faction in the middle of some field with cute little house on it. No, I found an island surrounded by water for miles, and build myself a tiny wall around it. Yeah, there's nothing on it (everything is underground) but the fact of the matter is I planned my base in case somebody chose to raid it. Sure, it would be pretty pointless with my loot, and I'd probably die really fast to a faction. But that's the risk I took when I decided to build a base in Hyarroc Day 1 of the release.

I support PvPers. So if there's something that helps make the server fun for you guys while not completely screwing up the rest of us, more power to you. RPers have Regalia and every map spawn to use. If they make a faction, congrats. They now play factions with all the benefits and risks associated with it.

Also, this is 100% subjective and can only represent my own stance on the issue.
Seeing as the original intention of this thread was to discuss raising the faction price, which MonMarty answered, I guess we're all going off topic a bit. Anyway, I had an idea awhile back that I proposed while I was still a staff member. Nothing ever came of it. But I figured I'd give you guys the jist here since everyone is talking about ideas.

This idea is rooted in the concept of the quest worlds that already exist on the server, and my experiences playing two MMORPGS, World of Warcraft and a mobile MMORPG called Order and Chaos.

While Warrenord is cool and everything, I feel like it promotes a solo questing experience rather than a group question experience. Now, I may be wrong, but when I was quest staff, and I was writing quest and coding them in game, I never really felt like I was creating a quest that multiple people would work to accomplish at a time, simply because the quest weren't that hard, and there was no interface for multiple people, say a party, to work together to complete a quest.

Essentially, create a PVE world that offers quest that are meant to be soloed, quest that are meant to be completed by groups of 3-5 players, and events where upwards of 10-15+ players gather that aren't necessarily working together. Let me elaborate.

For quest that require a group, I'm using World of Warcraft as my reference. Existing within the many continents of the WOW world are multiple mini dungeons that while you /can/ do them by yourself, they become easier and more rewarding with multiple players. The only current dungeon that we offer on the server is Arachn, and I consider that a fully sized dungeon. Have a world that's a little bigger than Warrenord, and fill it with multiple mini dungeons, like 10-15, and make the mobs hard enough to require people to work together to complete it. Have mini bosses throughout, and a strong boss at the end that drops a custom item. Encourage players to work together, whether they are in the same faction, or just happened to show up at the dungeon at the same time.

For quest that can be soloed, I'm using World of Warcraft as my reference. Throughout the continents in the WOW world, there are thousands of solo quest, which is where I did a majority of my leveling the little bit I played. Most of the quest you could do on your own, but some went a little easier with two or three people working together. Throughout the new PVE world, create tons of camps, villages, towns, cities, and have quest within them for the surrounding area. Say 5 quest for a small camp, 10 for a village, 20 for a town, and 30 for a main city. Encourage people to work together, but don't make the quest so hard that they can't be completed on your own.

Straying for the general quest idea, I use the mobile MMORPG Order and Chaos as the reference for this idea. In Order and Chaos, in certain parts of the world, there super strong boss mobs, that weren't at the end of the dungeon, but on the surface of the world. They may be secluded, say at a mountain top, or in a cave behind a waterfall, but they were easily reach. In these areas, PVP was enabled. The mob spawned on a schedule, so say every three hours, it respawned. For the three hours leading up to the spawn, people would camp the surrounding area, every now and again straying into the PVP enabled area and fighting. When the mob spawned, "guilds" as they were called in this game, essentially factions, would fight to kill the mob, and fight to kill each other so they could get the loot and not the other people. Frequently upwards of 20+ people would camp out these spots, and for hours PVP would happen back and forth, or flame, you know the usual. Maybe we could work a quest in here, like a daily repeatable, but the main point is to bring tons of people to a specific area to camp the area, and then both fight the mob and each other. These areas could be spread all over the map.
I'm not even sure how other servers provide end game content for survivalists and factioners, any suggestions?
I think a few things that could help, potentially: (some might be less doable than others)

  • Control Points - Similar to KOTH, but constant. Some maps would have points, relatively near spawn, within 300 blocks maybe, where they have to battle to hold the land. If there are not enough players from different factions, say at least 10 players on the world of a faction that is not the capping or an ally of the capping faction, they can claim it, which starts mobs spawning around that drop good gear, and xp bonuses in the area. Maybe it works on a 1-10 scale, each level being 3 minutes. 1-4 its basic weak mobs with almost no special drops. 5-8 the mobs get tougher, and more lore items drop, 9-10 near-boss level mobs spawning, that drop rare lore items, money, and xp. If it is held for longer than an hour, it drops back to 4 for a brief respite in combat. All this time, other Players from other Factions can try to kill you off to claim the Point, and gain an extra XP bonus if they manage.
  • Dungeons - Instance or Not Dungeons, where Mobs spawn at a constant rate, with chests refilling, and Lore Item drops, and potentially little tidbits of Lore being revealed- things that aren't even on the wiki- to build up hype and mystery. At the end would be a themed Boss, that is extremely hard, but when defeated gives huge xp and item drops.
  • Xp and Money Sinks - There needs to be more ways to get money flowing OUT. With the economy Massive has always had- getting small amounts of money for minimal effort (which I think you addressed a little a few pages back) - the economy seems to be static, or there are a few players who just never spend their money, just focusing on the money grind. Which is fine, but money is there to be spent after all. Adding some ways to drop money and xp out- be it gambling games, lotteries, etc, would help. Which leads to another point:
  • Ranked PVP Zones - PVP, with more risk. In these areas, be they arenas or otherwise, PVP is ranked, meaning kills, deaths, etc are kept on record and displayed. This would add more competition to the PVP scene, and you could also limit many things. If it were made so traits did not work in the Zones, it would be a more even fight. There would also be a ranking for Damage Dealt, that tracks how much total damage you have done to players within 5 minutes of their death. (hard to do I imagine) . So Kill Stealing wouldn't be as useful. (If you have 500 kills, but like, 100 total damage, you look more like a kill stealer etc). In these zones, XPand Items will drop on death- AS WELL as a 100 Regal fine on death, with a 25 Regal reward per kill. An on-sight shop would be set up to sell food, gapples, arrows, and other consumables, encouraging players to spend the money as they earn it to keep the economy from inflating as badly.

These are just some of my ideas- I will note, I dont play factions or PVP on Massive very often, but I have been playing Factions since the EARLY days on numerous servers, so I have a decent grasp of some stuff.
Empires is always something we've asked for, but I understand that's a large chunk of work for a single coder.
What really used to make Roleplayers stick to the survival worlds, however, was (admittedly this was years ago, but still one of my favourite things about the server) that faction events used to influence the lore. Factions weren't completely separate from RP, and were integrated to the point where they could somewhat influence what went on. Speaking as a PvPer, that was actually pretty unique and fun. Yes, no faction could ever challenge Regalia, but having that influence come through from the factions worlds should entice more roleplayers to pick up PvP or just simply grow a faction again. There used to be countless active RP / building factions around, now almost all of them simply RP in Regalia, as they have no incentive to be in the survival worlds. But perhaps this should be on a separate thread altogether
This is something I feel needs to be brought back. Much like there are approved Charters for guards to roam and patrol Regalia there should be approved factions that are in fact allowed to some what insert themselves in the lore and influence it in some fashion. Factions have indeed lost long term interest for many because once you finish building, do what? Build again? After that? Build again? I'm not fully engrossed in the RP or PvP experience because I thoroughly enjoy building and don't mind doing nothing but that. But the sheer amount of people who have come and go from NorthWatch that want to be a part of something or be SOMETHING and don't share much interest in building is incredible. I don't have much opinion on the starting price of a faction but they need real incentive to be built. If that incentive is instituted then there is by far more and more reason to steep that price up to 2k, or even more. If the price is indeed raised. you're forcing people to pay much more out of pocket just to have the privilege to build. It's necessary yes but it should be much more than that. If factions were indeed integrated into server lore I believe we would no longer see such a heavy imbalance between survival and roleplay worlds. RPers would actually leave Regalia and try to play part in the lore they so much enjoy living in. Granted this would have to be strictly moderated much more than anything else currently part of the server, but it's possible.

PvP could finally possibly hold standing in the RP world.
Wars between Lore related factions would probably need mod approval.
Factions could hold festivals and events that could be protected on occasion from PvP and further encourage RPers to leave Regalia.
Interactions between higher ups inside Regalia and Factions outside would lead to interesting outcomes.
(This is something I was actually going to do pretty soon)Recruiters from factions could get approved character sheets and engage in roleplay with RPers by handing out fliers in a commons area or on the street for people to make a pilgrimage offering a new life, jobs, etc.

These are just a few aspects I'm glancing at and would like to see. It wouldn't be simple but it'd be motivating. Make people want to be more and create quality factions.
Survival having relation on roleplay has always been incredibly tricky. The problems:
  • Survivalists assign too much value to themselves in roleplay just to run around important versus people who work their asses off in roleplay and don't get that far.
  • Survivalists are inconsistent, factions leave/die/grow/stagntate etc in a rapidly fluctuating environment. Keeping record of that would be really resource intensive.
  • We don't want roleplay to be pulled away from Regalia because it benefits us as a server for PR value as well as a roleplay community to keep people centralized in one location.
  • Having your faction canonized gives you instant roleplay priviliges. Roleplay priviliges have to be earned in our community though and are constrained by a series of ethical guidelines. If a player becomes lore canonized as a leader of a faction, they have instant access to privilege without quality control.
These four are already pretty drastic. The only faction that ever really got close to lore canonization was Valorian. The problem that Valorian ultimately had was that the owners went full on with sizing, owning a large fleet, harbor and a huge palace that was like 10 times bigger than the one built in Regalia and they all treated it as "IC", like the comparison between the buildings was actual reality in lore. The ultimate problem there is that we have an incredibly intricately designed lore and backstory to the world of Aloria that doesn't allow us to suddenly just park someone's SUV right in the middle of it. If there was a really modest faction trying to be lore canonized that would be a lot easier, like Ustagh or Avgard or something along those lines. Neither of these factions had any grandeur plans and ambitions, which, granted, are totally within the right and demand for faction members to have. That's the sort of source of this very problem, the fact that being ambitious is necessary for running a good faction, but it also disqualifies you from being lore canonized.

In theory the lore canonization of factions was never fully done away with. The theoretical practice of implementing them still exists, but we haven't seen any good candidates who make a modest enough attempt at performing one. Lore canonization has to happen on our terms and the few times that we've tried it has resulted in a lot of disagreement on the part of the survival player who feels we are undervaluing them.
Let me actually reinforce the above with an example.


We can't assign the name Raptum because latin is a non existing language and a bunch of people get offended because it could maybe be interpreted as rape, though the actual nuance of the word is a lot more complex than that. Then I'd say, sure, we could implement them as some sort of bandit gang scourge in New Ceardia or whatever, but they will never have bearing on the world so much as to overthrow kingdoms or Empires. Then that would have to be approved by the leaders of Raptum. Then comes the matter of how to implement them. I would maybe write them into the backstory of the Arloran Kingdom or the Torse Kingdom about how that particular band of raiders is particularly infamous for being cruel and killing indiscriminately etc. Then we have to avoid players incorporating it into their backstory because it belongs to the factioners, and then we have to come to some sort of agreement about viability in Regalia, because obviously a bandit gang can't just walk around in Regalia.

There's a lot of angles to be considered and a lot of talking to be done. Not everyone is prepared to go the same way if they are guaranteed not to get what they want.
  • Survivalists assign too much value to themselves in roleplay just to run around important versus people who work their asses off in roleplay and don't get that far.
  • Survivalists are inconsistent, factions leave/die/grow/stagntate etc in a rapidly fluctuating environment. Keeping record of that would be really resource intensive.
  • We don't want roleplay to be pulled away from Regalia because it benefits us as a server for PR value as well as a roleplay community to keep people centralized in one location.
  • Having your faction canonized gives you instant roleplay priviliges. Roleplay priviliges have to be earned in our community though and are constrained by a series of ethical guidelines. If a player becomes lore canonized as a leader of a faction, they have instant access to privilege without quality control.
These are all points I expected and fully agree on. The complications outway the pros and it would be incredibly difficult to moderate but I feel there is a way to institute it or atleast start considering a good list of guidelines that are a MUST. In light of this however, it's still blatantly clear that one of the lacking factors is motivation to create a faction or join one. Everyone wants to be the next biggest thing and this rarely happens. When I first joined 3 years ago factions felt more alive, recruited members often didn't drop after just a day. Over the course of the last 3 months I've recruited well over 100 members to my faction and I've only seen about two dozen stay active for more than a week, even much less those that are still on now. I fully see the problem the server has been having with not just the starting area, but starting overall. About 60% of those who joined and left never even bothered with the quest area. Half didn't even share interest in Regalia. I've recruited very few from the server that took interest in RP after joining. Typically only those that were previously established as an RPer then decided to try out factions knew what Regalia was. Just at the moment there's no real incentive to being part of the survival world except to be like "Hey, look at this really cool thing I built." I accept that trying to bring RPers into the survival world isn't exactly a fix, but many RPers I've become friends with are some of the most active server goers I've ever come across. Giving them reason to join a faction and take part in one would be a huge step, because those that joined and had the ambition to create something of their own and seeing so many people taking part in it would be exhilarating. Even helping run a faction as large as I have, there's nothing more demotivating then going to the faction portal hub and seeing "8 people in Jorrhild" or "14 people in Ithania" all the while seeing over 100 in Regalia. Knowing full well that there is atleast 50+ factions per survival map. While I can see that separation has worked well for the server, I look to the forums and see such a wonderful mesh of both survival and RP members posting together and that it's a brilliant blend of the two. At the moment RPers have all the incentives. A beautifully scripted world of lore and races each with their own unique quirks and something they can feel satisfied that "This is me." They try to interact and be a part of each others stories(granted some can be elitist but there's always those people) While the faction worlds are just a mess of people who typically don't even bother trying to be friends or make communications first and just send ally requests or really don't even interact with other factions. Most just want to build build build and be left alone which just ends up with them getting mad at raiders who are perfectly in the right to do so when they came into this server full well knowing PvP is a big aspect of it when they joined. There's no easy solution to this problem, but there is no real incentive to be part of the faction world. I play on this server knowing full well this but I love playing diplomat, organizing raids, creating a space to breed a community of people and that's enough for me. But I can't help the itch that it'd be wonderful to possibly be a part of something more and actually have influence to atleast be a whisper spoke among RPers or a story of a battle that could be carried over to Regalia even if it'd be nothing more than a topic to talk about, let alone changing politics or something bigger in the city.
These are all points I expected and fully agree on. The complications outway the pros and it would be incredibly difficult to moderate but I feel there is a way to institute it or atleast start considering a good list of guidelines that are a MUST. In light of this however, it's still blatantly clear that one of the lacking factors is motivation to create a faction or join one. Everyone wants to be the next biggest thing and this rarely happens. When I first joined 3 years ago factions felt more alive, recruited members often didn't drop after just a day. Over the course of the last 3 months I've recruited well over 100 members to my faction and I've only seen about two dozen stay active for more than a week, even much less those that are still on now. I fully see the problem the server has been having with not just the starting area, but starting overall. About 60% of those who joined and left never even bothered with the quest area. Half didn't even share interest in Regalia. I've recruited very few from the server that took interest in RP after joining. Typically only those that were previously established as an RPer then decided to try out factions knew what Regalia was. Just at the moment there's no real incentive to being part of the survival world except to be like "Hey, look at this really cool thing I built." I accept that trying to bring RPers into the survival world isn't exactly a fix, but many RPers I've become friends with are some of the most active server goers I've ever come across. Giving them reason to join a faction and take part in one would be a huge step, because those that joined and had the ambition to create something of their own and seeing so many people taking part in it would be exhilarating. Even helping run a faction as large as I have, there's nothing more demotivating then going to the faction portal hub and seeing "8 people in Jorrhild" or "14 people in Ithania" all the while seeing over 100 in Regalia. Knowing full well that there is atleast 50+ factions per survival map. While I can see that separation has worked well for the server, I look to the forums and see such a wonderful mesh of both survival and RP members posting together and that it's a brilliant blend of the two. At the moment RPers have all the incentives. A beautifully scripted world of lore and races each with their own unique quirks and something they can feel satisfied that "This is me." They try to interact and be a part of each others stories(granted some can be elitist but there's always those people) While the faction worlds are just a mess of people who typically don't even bother trying to be friends or make communications first and just send ally requests or really don't even interact with other factions. Most just want to build build build and be left alone which just ends up with them getting mad at raiders who are perfectly in the right to do so when they came into this server full well knowing PvP is a big aspect of it when they joined. There's no easy solution to this problem, but there is no real incentive to be part of the faction world. I play on this server knowing full well this but I love playing diplomat, organizing raids, creating a space to breed a community of people and that's enough for me. But I can't help the itch that it'd be wonderful to possibly be a part of something more and actually have influence to atleast be a whisper spoke among RPers or a story of a battle that could be carried over to Regalia even if it'd be nothing more than a topic to talk about, let alone changing politics or something bigger in the city.
If the server can't facilitate end goals for players in the survival world, leaders of factions must.

As a ranking officer in a quickly growing faction, I have end goals in mind that will keep me and my members occupied for the next few months and upwards of a year. After that, I'll have to find something new for people to work towards.

Integration of factions into MassiveCraft lore will give a small subset of faction leaders something to strive to, but it most likely won't have any effect on the vast majority of factions. Releasing of new content for the survival worlds, and by content I do not mean new worlds, would drive people to stay around. RP'ers have many things to aspire to, and the RP aspect of MassiveCraft has been structured to reward long term work rather than instant gratification. This is not so in the survival words.

What I'm trying to get at if I rambled too much, is that if the server itself won't facilitate rewarding end goals and rewarding long term dedication for the survival worlds and its players, the leaders of factions must supplement it.
Xp and Money Sinks - There needs to be more ways to get money flowing OUT. With the economy Massive has always had- getting small amounts of money for minimal effort (which I think you addressed a little a few pages back) - the economy seems to be static, or there are a few players who just never spend their money, just focusing on the money grind. Which is fine, but money is there to be spent after all. Adding some ways to drop money and xp out- be it gambling games, lotteries, etc, would help. Which leads to another point:
This would do absolutely nothing to benefit the economy. Making the money cease to exist within the economy is not the same as getting people to spend it. If you create a money sink such as gambling or lotteries, the money is taken by the server, it never really changed hands, and now the person who spent the money simply doesn't have it anymore. It didn't help anyone.

The whole XP part is irrelevant and has no weight on the economy. Absolutely none.

I wish people would stop suggesting mindless money sinks. They would do nothing for the server.
This would do absolutely nothing to benefit the economy. Making the money cease to exist within the economy is not the same as getting people to spend it. If you create a money sink such as gambling or lotteries, the money is taken by the server, it never really changed hands, and now the person who spent the money simply doesn't have it anymore. It didn't help anyone.

The whole XP part is irrelevant and has no weight on the economy. Absolutely none.

I wish people would stop suggesting mindless money sinks. They would do nothing for the server.
Nobody is spending money anyway- there are people with 20-100k doing jack all with it atm. Giving them something random to spend it on is needed.
Nobody is spending money anyway- there are people with 20-100k doing jack all with it atm. Giving them something random to spend it on is needed.
Can you justify how 20-100K being not spent is harming the economy? For all intents and purposes, it's as though it doesn't exist. All it does is skew the MassiveMoney statistics. Justify with specific examples how these people spending their money on "random things" will benefit the economy.
Nobody is spending money anyway- there are people with 20-100k doing jack all with it atm. Giving them something random to spend it on is needed.

I mean, I'm just accumulating it to try to get on /money top. I don't spend it because I'd rather go get all my items myself rather than waste money. Since, y'know, that's the funnest thing for me to do on the server right now as a factions player. Grinding, woo.
If the server can't facilitate end goals for players in the survival world, leaders of factions must.

As a ranking officer in a quickly growing faction, I have end goals in mind that will keep me and my members occupied for the next few months and upwards of a year. After that, I'll have to find something new for people to work towards.

Integration of factions into MassiveCraft lore will give a small subset of faction leaders something to strive to, but it most likely won't have any effect on the vast majority of factions. Releasing of new content for the survival worlds, and by content I do not mean new worlds, would drive people to stay around. RP'ers have many things to aspire to, and the RP aspect of MassiveCraft has been structured to reward long term work rather than instant gratification. This is not so in the survival words.

What I'm trying to get at if I rambled too much, is that if the server itself won't facilitate rewarding end goals and rewarding long term dedication for the survival worlds and its players, the leaders of factions must supplement it.
These goals should be provided by the faction leaders and officers regardless of the server supplementing them. A faction without goals is just a group of people who should be building on a private creative server. But incentive provided by the server would help preserve member longevity and would possibly lead to retention of said members.
I've only seen about two dozen stay active for more than a week

pro tip: if you want the peeps to stay in your faction, sometimes the best incentive is an interesting conversation. people will guaranteed log back on again and again if they know that there'll be someone to chum with.
pro tip: if you want the peeps to stay in your faction, sometimes the best incentive is an interesting conversation. people will guaranteed log back on again and again if they know that there'll be someone to chum with.
You've seen the fun services and what not ive come up with. I prioritize faction interaction and member well being over much else. We offer paying jobs, RP, and opportunities to do whatever you want as well as a discord server full of ways to interact with each other that is always active. Not to mention before my computer broke I typically recited about 4 people a day. That faction chat was always lively and fun. Chat isn't always good enough for people. As one of the other points I stated, many factions don't even interact with each other, the number of ally requests I've received without even somuch as as "Hi" is disconcerting. There's no drive to interaction.
pro tip: if you want the peeps to stay in your faction, sometimes the best incentive is an interesting conversation. people will guaranteed log back on again and again if they know that there'll be someone to chum with.
Can confirm Gabauchi is the only reason anyone ever stays in my faction. I usually recruit them and get Gab to talk/meme them into submission and they always end up coming back for more.

Gabauchi is muy valuable
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