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From the desk of His High-Grace, Grand Duke Cillian Loughdónairt
Minister of the Whip
Minister of the Whip
17th of July, 309AC | Plantberg Estate | Regalia
The Chancellory
Her High Eminence has been busy the past month and a half, heading ambassadorial meetings with both Ithanian and Allorn delegates. The former saw some success, with an agreement being reached in which the Ithanian Sovereignty will restore the Ithanian budget to state and provide military aid in ending the ongoing rebellions in L'Elvellen. Additionally, legislative edits to Regalian High-Law were made to counter fraud and theft from the Regalian Government. While new additions to Regalian law are rare, and considering the fact that theft and undermining official state duties are already crimes, the Ministry of the Whip feels that the implementation of this crime into High-Law legislation is appropriate and commends the new legislation.
In further judicial reports, petty laws regarding Marriage, Adultery, and Insult have been abolished and a new legal realm by the name of Crown Heartlands have been incorporated into law, affording these states a degree of influence over their neighboring Regalian Subject states and matches taxation levels with that of the Archipelago. A list of prominent states have been elevated, including the Gallovian Sovereignty and the Ithanian Sovereignty.
Finally, Her High-Eminence has stated that the state will be re-assessing the current tax plan with more information to be released in the future. The Ministry of the Whip calls upon the Lord Chancellor to consider appointing a Finance Minister- with the position currently sitting vacant. With the increase in taxation from Crown Heartlands, the Ithanian Sovereignty and House taxes, the Whip Ministry believes it is of an appropriate time to have an office solely dedicated to assessing financial affairs for the state.
Overall the Whip Office is pleased with the activity Her High-Eminence has displayed, attending both state cabinet meetings, ambassadorial meetings and assemblies throughout the month of June and July.
A list of relevant decree can be read here:
Decree 5: Link
Decree 6-1: Link
Decree 6-2: Link
Decree 7: Link
Defense Minister
The Defense Ministry has seen something of a curious expansion in the last month. While the previous Mercenary Executive has been sacked, a new Executive was named a few days later in Grand-Ducal Consort Rodrigo Peirgarten, who went about with an immediate proclamation and recruitment drive, consolidating the previous power structure of the Mercenaries under Lord Wulfsmacht. The Lifeguard and Armament Ministers were relatively less newsworthy, though no outstanding scrutiny can be made regarding their activity, service or conduct.
State Agents being hired to form ad hoc regiments and investigations is well within the Defense Ministry's rights, but the list of wanted talents has grown more broad in the last months. Bards, Magi of a reputable nature, Scholars, and Intelligence Couriers have all been in high demand from the Ministry. Those interested who fall into the above categories and wish either individual jobs or longer term missions are invited to reach out to the Defense Minister Jared Bancroft to schedule a meeting.
Alms Minister
The Alms Ministry as per usual continues to operate as the most active of all the State's ministries. The June report alone details a plethora of conducted events and opportunities for commoners in regards to employment and advancement.
One mention of note is in regards to the recent law changes legislated in the Assembly in which the "conspiracy to vandalize, deface, or desecrate a recognised place of worship or shine is illegal" under capital law 5, having been uplifted from high law. Recognized sites are defined as those within the Alms Ministry's official Ledger and further additions to this list can be requested upon meeting with the Alms Minister.
The Alms Ministry June Report can be found here.
Academia Minister
Per the Lord Chancellor's 7th decree, the Academia Ministry has been dissolved and replaced by the position of Privy Officer- with the position being designated to Duchess Haeddi van Hal. This is a favorable decision in the eyes of the Whip Office, freeing up government finances and dissolving a ministry that had been severely limited in carrying out it's intended purpose while allowing the Duchess to continue leading her vital studies into the ongoing Shattel Blight epidemic.
The first Privy Office Report has been released with a secretary having already been selected, it can be found here.
Foreign Minister
Grand-Duchess Milena Cadieux was appointed to the position of Foreign Minister following Duke Markus Delmotte's resignation a week ago and as such limited scrutiny can occur until the outcome of her foreign policy stances can be observed. However the Minister has been commended for the great deal of open-house meetings concerning her Ministry being conducted at the Pommeaux Estate, enabling any citizen with proficiency and interest to seek her out for a meeting.
A declaration of intent has also been issued, outlining a list of states in which her Ministry will be prioritising. The Whip Ministry extends some confusion as to why some states are mentioned as an immediate priority such as the Gallovian Principality, whom are in no immediate crisis and who's leadership is already accessible with no difficulty at all within Regalia. However, the move to codify a requirement for Diplomats of the Regalian Empire to have attended a Diplomatic Academy is observed as a much needed update and is commended.
The Foreign Minister's Declaration of Intent can be found here.
Occult Minister
The Occult Ministry has been observed updating the official White Occult Registry and has issued a reminder that those wishing to register potential court mages can do so by contacting her. However, the Whip Office does express great concern at the exceptionally limited number of public appearances alongside the rare cases of open-air meetings to which the Minister was encouraged to entertain in previous decrees- and which other Ministers have had no difficulty conducting.
As such, the Whip Ministry will continue to examine the activity of the Ministry with further inquiry to be made at the next Government Meeting.
Signed and sealed,
His High-Grace, Grand Duke Cillian Loughdónairt
Grand-Duke of Lár and Féar Glas
His High-Grace, Grand Duke Cillian Loughdónairt
Grand-Duke of Lár and Féar Glas
Minister of the Whip
Master of Prowess