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From the desk of His Grace, Duke Cillian Mac Conall, Minister of the Whip
1st June, 309AC | Dardonnagh Estate | Regalia
The Ministry of the Whip is pleased to announce a general increase in ministerial activity across the board- with concerns of inactivity from the Occult Ministry finally put to rest after the publication of an official declaration and white mage occult registry. Activity from Grand-Duchess Sorenvik's Alms Ministry has also been commended numerous times by means of anonymous letters from citizens of the city due to the continuous work of her Ministry in conducting community service and events for the city.
Finally, numerous letters of concern have been received from the Whip Office, detailing both complaints and questions for government. The Whip Minister wishes to remind that letters of complaints will maintain their anonymity if so desired, thus far criticisms of various minister's conduct and activity have been received and shall be elaborated on in the contents of this decree. It is worth noting however that the Ministry of the Whip only handles matters pertaining to civil government, thus any complaints or questions on Imperial Conduces should be directed to Duchess Peirgarten, the Mistress of Ceremonies as opposed to being sent to the Whip Office.
The Chancellory
The Lord Chancellor has made herself present for both Ministerial Meetings and open-air meetings at Greygate throughout the month and entertained semi-regular meetings with the Whip Ministry to answer questions received from commoners and nobles alike. Additionally, a chancellory decree was published on the 20th, marking some reminders of state activity and a new law entering into force.
Criticism of her policy decisions has been heard though with some elements of the Marshal Cabinet submitting written reports of discontent with the "near vehement opposition to any form of significant mobilization of the armies and fleets of the Regalian Empire". Thus far the Lord Chancellor maintains her stance that mobalisation will not occur unless absolutely necessary. Critics will argue that with Allorn militarisation along the border of Sol Fazais, the apprehension of the Ériunin High-King and the ongoing rebellion in l'Elvellen- if now is not the time for at least a partial mobalisation, when is? While any form of rearmament will inevitably take its toll on the economy, loans can be repaid- lands may not so easily be regained.
Finally, the Lord Chancellor has discussed a potential policy stance regarding the King of Ithania and the corresponding increase in Ithania's sphere of influence in the South. While the contents of this policy will not be discussed in this decree prior to it's implementation. Further deliberation will be carried out with the Foreign Minister in regards to putting a policy into practice.
The Lord Chancellor is commended for responding so quickly as events have unfolded, both in this regard and for the other points mentioned. She has made herself present at every cabinet meeting and has carried out a series of open-air meetings throughout the month. As such the Whip Office is pleased with the level of activity and quick-response time currently being displayed.
The Foreign Ministry
The Foreign Minister has occupied himself the previous month primarily with diplomatic missions abroad. Concerns have been noted however, primarily that of Ambassador Grand-Duke Petrou who received orders to venture to Talamoor yet instead travelled and treated with Talath. The Foreign Minister is called upon by the Whip Ministry, and with the backing of the Lord Chancellor to carry out internal disciplinary action on Grand-Duke Petrou as a precedent of insubordination and government workers treating with foreign states in areas outside their competence (increasing garrison sizes without the approval of the Lord Chancellor or Defense Minister) warrants great concern from the Whip Ministry. In light of questions regarding the negotiated deal of increased garrison-spending in Talath, the Lord Chancellor has decided that the deal will go ahead.
The Ministry also clarifies that the reports from abroad concerning the masquerading of Regalian Citizens as slaves and entering Allorn lands through Sol Fazais was not officially sanctioned by the state and was carried out by a rogue team of citizens, not the Foreign Ministry or Civil Government.
Due to the number of foreign Ambassadors currently staying in the Capital, the Foriegn Minister has stated intentions for his ministry to treat with a number of them, though exact specifics will not be disclosed in this decree. Additionally, following a question concerning the Minister's lack of internal meetings with his Ambassadors, the Foreign Minister has stated that he will indeed be carrying out more of these meetings this month.
Overall the thoughts of the Whip Ministry are mixed. Duke Delmotte is undoubtedly a skilled Foreign Minister and his job is by no means an easy one, yet concerns over the number of re-directed questions and limited number of Ambassadorial meetings remain. The Minister is again encouraged to carry out occasional open-air meetings with the public and more frequent private meetings with his current Ministerial staff.
The Occult Ministry
As mentioned prior in this decree, the Occult Ministry has been busy presenting a new declaration and white mage occult registry. In light of last month's notice of Ministerial Activity, the Whip Ministry is now confident in the Minister's activity and service to her post, with numerous meetings having been observed to have been carried out by the Minister in the course of her duties.
The following weeks will see registry updates as more noble houses and guards submit their request for white mage documentation. Additionally the Occult Ministry is still seeking applicants for the Warden, Scribe and Augur positions to be filled out. More information can be found on her first declaration.
The Acadamia Ministry
With an official publication being made on the 11th, the Acadamia Ministry has been observed to have been keeping a fairly active list of current scholarly guilds and has been designating funding and resources to a series of initiatives throughout the month.
With the Shattel Agricultural Support Committee being re-designated from the Alms Ministry to the Acadamia Ministry, the Acadamia Minister has already been seen carrying out much-needed research into the origins and details of the ongoing blight. Thus far her ministry has uncovered the non-natural origin of the blight, potential sources of origin (which are currently being investigated) alongside more details surrounding preventative methods for spreading and their corresponding effectiveness and economic impact. More is yet to be done, yet the Acadamia Ministry has out-done itself in organising researchers and deploying them in the field.
The Ministry has also been seen furthering air-ship research by providing the necessary permits and funding to General Falkenreich. A number of other guilds have been consulted for permits with the minister being seen taking proposals for funding, a full list can be seen accompanying original publishings on her Ministry.
The Ministry strives to further implement Educational policies, the details of which are currently unknown, but expected to emerge within the following month. Plans are also underway to continue communications with the Soor-Rassa Allar, though the exact details of which have been left out of this decree due to concerns for leaks.
Guild Partners are always sought after, while no additional employment opportunities exist within the ministry, ambitious citizens may create their own research guild and appeal for the funding their desire for their projects.
The Alms Ministry
The Alms Ministry under Grand-Duchess Sorenvik has been observed as perhaps the most active ministry in the current roster, with the largest staff of any ministry. Events have been frequent, service to the community has been observed and the Whip Ministry firmly believes this is due to the dedication and passion the Grand-Duchess and her staff have for the betterment of the citizens of this city. She is thanked for her service and only encouraged to continue as she has been.
The Alms Public Library Scheme was planned and put into force throughout the month of May. Shelves have been filled and the finished building is now open to the public following it's grand opening last week. The Ministry wishes to remind that aspiring authors can have their publications put on display and there is still a need for more librarians to staff the library's halls.
To list but a few of the Ministry's prior activities: a decree was published on the fifth, a soup kitchen was operated to feed the less fortunate, the brute squad carried out training and recruitment drives and the first commoner's assembly was carried out by Duchess van Hal. A full listing of the Ministry's activities can be found in their most recent monthly report, alongside numerous job opportunities for aspiring job-hunters.
As mentioned, the Whip Ministry is pleased with the level of competence and activity being displayed by the Alms Ministry- with the activities listed in this decree only a brief mention of what had been carried out.
The Defense Ministry
The Defense Ministry has had an observed increase in activity throughout the month of May, with Defense Minister Duke Bancroft having made himself frequently available to address a range of issues from the troubling reports of criminal interference with the ongoing Shattel Blight to a range of other requests from the Government which cannot be disclosed in this publication.
Concerning the Blight, the Defense Ministry has sent representatives to accompany a team to Hadar to further investigate properties and the potential remedies for the Shattel Blight. Additionally the Ministry met with a representative of the Shattel Blight Committee to discuss troubling reports of criminal-aided spreading of the Blight across the Empire, with plans now in motion- the details of which are redacted from this publication.
Additionally, interviews were carried out in regard to replacing the previous Mercenary and Lifeguard Executives with both Executive Fanger and Executive Howland being appointed respectively. Both have been observed as active in their duties with Executive Fanger carrying out examinations of current mercenaries and Executive Howland carrying out palest ceremonies. The Whip Ministry is pleased with these appointments and commends both Executives for their proactivity thus far.
Finally, as the newly-appointed Crafts Officer to the Violet Order, Duke Bancroft announced openings for engineers to fill the ranks of a new corps serving the city, those possessing experience in the corresponding fields are encouraged to pen word for more information. Additional details can be found in the most recent announcement from the Crafts Officer .
Additional ministerial activity has been redacted for the purpose of the operational integrity of the Defense Ministry and in the interest of state safety.
On a separate note, The Whip Ministry thanks Reverend Cadieux for their service as Secretary to the Whip Ministry. Sadly in light of concerns of inactivity, has been removed from the Ministry's staff roster. In light of this, the Whip Minister appoints the following as Assistant to the Whip, with the position of Whip Secretary being re-designated to Lady Delmotte.
- Lord Dorothios Spathous, who has been accepted for employ as Whip Assistant.
Signed and sealed,
His Grace, Duke Cillian Mac Conall
Duke of Wickthur
Minister of the Whip
Lifeguard Executive
Lifeguard Executive