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From the desk of His Grace, Duke Cillian Mac Conall, Minister of the Whip
1st May, 309AC | Dardonnagh Estate | Regalia
With the reformation of this office, I am delighted to be summoned by Her High Eminence to carry out the functions of this Whip Ministry. A complete list of the rights pertaining to this ministry and a general roster of government heads can be found here. The Ministry's primary functions are to ensure cohesion of government by aiding in communication between ministries and any relevant individual or entity they may require.
The purpose of whip decrees- a semi regular publication detailing the activity and scrutiny on Government Ministries and their respected workers are to hold Ministers accountable for their conduct and to keep the public as informed as they ought to be in matters of Government. Should members of the public or peerage have complaints or commendations to make regarding the work of Government Officials or the Lord Chancellor they are invited to pen a letter to the Dardonnagh Estate where I may make it accounted for and treat a follow-up meeting should it be required.
The Chancellory:
Her High Eminence has carried out and designated state orders to relevant ministers at the first Ministerial meeting last week alongside a series of open-air meetings to the public, where grievances or questions may be answered directly. Additionally a Chancellory Decree has been published detailing the official state response to answer qualms some hold regarding the Crookback Council and its leadership after a series of denouncements were made. Crookback Militia leader Alban Koning has been summoned to Greygate by writ of an arrest warrant in order to prove lines were not crossed in terms of jurisdiction and competence.
The Defense Ministry:
His Grace, Duke Bancroft has initiated a recruitment drive within his ministry with a specific welcoming of graduates from Informational, Archaeological and Command schools. The positions of Lifeguard and Mercenary Executive are open for applicants to make their case as to why they should obtain the position. His Grace has been seen as active in carrying out a number of open-air meetings in Greygate to those seeking answers to questions of employment or general information surrounding the Defense Ministry. His Grace has plans in the coming months to meet with the Imperial Marshal Cabinet to discuss current affairs and carry out governmental duties. Other duties have been given to the Minister, though for the sake of state security will not be published in this decree.
The Alms Ministry
In light of recent cuts to her ministry, Her High-Grace, Grand-Duchess Sorenvik has set her ministry to work carrying out small festivals, community socials and open lectures to aid in community building and cohesion. Additionally the ministry has seen a record of community-service sentences being carried out. Convicts have been carrying out their sentences by cleaning in and around the area of the Lady Salvation Church, clearing away debris from the walls of the canal and fishing out disregarded items that lay within. The Minister has been anonymously commended for her prowess at rehabilitation and aiding in curbing the more social-origins that cause some to turn to crime. The Ministry plans to operate fact-checking sessions in light of the upcoming District Elections, where commoners will get verification as to the claims members of the peerage will make when campaigning. Finally, the position of Civics Executive is open to any aspiring applicants.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry
His Grace, Duke Delmotte was questioned as to the inactive nature of his ministry within the first two weeks of the government shuffle on the 19th of April, with no diplomats being dispatched from the city. The Foreign Affairs Minister expressed that extending diplomatic ventures will only do more damage if they are rushed and has since explained that a number of ambassadors will be dispatched in the coming days. The locations of these visits and who will be attending has been finalised, however in the interests of state safety have been redacted from this publishing and will become common-knowledge once their visits and ambassadorial duties have concluded.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry also wishes it to be known that they are actively seeking potential ambassadors to predominantly Asha or Eronidas states. Graduates from diplomatic schools or with knowledge in the local language or culture are encouraged to pen word to Duke Delmotte.
The Academia Ministry
Her Grace, Duchess van Hal has utilised her ministry in researching and combating the recent Shattal blight outbreak under the Shattel Agricultural Committee. Results have been mixed, however the Duchess- who served on the field has been successful in expanding the knowledge surrounding the outbreak, most importantly- the blight was not Regalian in origin. Further information surrounding these findings are located here. Additionally, the Ministry has been at work seeking out and communicating with scholarly guilds across the city in order to allow for funding on approved research areas.
A roster of these academic guilds is due to be published in the coming weeks alongside continuing research and preventative measures in currently blight-infested regions of the Empire. The Minister states that no direct employment is being offered by her Ministry at the moment- but encourages all with interest in the field to create a scholarly guild, join a pre-existing one or get in contact with her if they wish to pitch a specific project for ministerial funding.
The Occult Ministry
Miss Elana of Brackenfell has raised some concerns at the lack of any public appearances or ministerial writings since their appointment as Occult Ministry. Over correspondence they have expressed that in the coming weeks they will be clearing-house on old positions and publicising documentation for new roles and structures within her Ministry. Similarly they have stated a desire to propose updates to current mage and occult legislation and produce a list of hiring opportunities within the ministry.
The Occult Minister is encouraged to make herself more frequently available for open-air meetings with the public as other Ministers have done. Thus far no employment opportunities are available for those wishing work within the ministry, though has stated that this will change in the coming weeks.
On a separate note, all applicants for the two positions open for the Ministry of the Whip have been received and have either been met with, or had their letters read. The Minister of the Whip likes to express his thanks to all who applied and notes that the selection process was exceedingly difficult- with the prospect of opening a third position greatly considered due to the close-call regarding later-stage applicants. With that said, His Grace congratulates the following:
- Lady Marie-Paul Delmotte, who has been accepted for employ as a Ministerial Assistant.
- Lord Roul Cadieux, who has been accepted for employ as a Ministerial Secretary.
Finally, the Ministry of the Whip wishes to encourage all those with complaints, commendations or general comments regarding the activity of individual ministries or the government at large to pen a letter to the Dardonnagh Estate. The Whip Minister will also be making himself more presently available for open-air meetings throughout the coming week.
Signed and sealed,
His Grace, Duke Cillian Mac Conall
Duke of Wickthur
Minister of the Whip
Lifeguard Executive
Minister of the Whip
Lifeguard Executive