Free Art/design Requests! (on Hold)


grandmother to all plants
Feb 6, 2016
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Hello! I haven't been on Massivecraft in a long while and wish to get a bit back in the loop of things.
And since I love drawing this idea came to me the other day...

As my main character, Asterlea Flutre, works as a seamstress I thought it'd be a fun idea to start up a small forum shop for her where you can request to have an outfit designed and I will both design and draw your character in it (only Massivecraft characters please)!
However, I don't have any examples to properly do that yet ... so I'll be taking 3 requests.

All you have to do is fill out this form:

Character: (link to your app)
Description: (just describe to me what you're looking for,
whether it be a superb ballroom gown or just something simple. feel free to include ref images and such)
Palette: (what colours does your character enjoy?)
Big no-no: (is there anything your character dislikes to wear? let me know!)
You can even add a bit of spice and write it in character if you wish! A bit like a letter.

Unless there isn't much interest, these are not first come first serve;
I will pick the three myself which seem to be the most diverse and interesting to explore!

What you will get is a drawing something like this:

Thank you for reading, I hope this may interest some people!

Requests are now closed/on hold, please do not post anymore applications!
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Character: here ya go!
Description: well, I'll give you some options! Lazarus is a knight commander, so alot of the time he's wearing something along the lines of this, basically just standard knight wear- but with a prominent red cape!
However, when off work, Lazarus is prone to wearing vests, and outfits like this with a tie/ bowtie.
Palette: (what colours does your character enjoy?): usually black, dark grey vest with a blue or white shirt under it alongside the tie being red-- Otherwise his knightly attire would be alot of metal and leather with a strong red cape as the only real main colour!

Big no-no: hhmnn, no, not specifically!

Im a big nerd so here are some pinterest boards I keep...
Knight one - Regular one

thanks if you end up taking a look at em, welcome back to Massivecraft :>
Character: Alannah Lupenzi

Description: Alannah is the daughter of Lazarus and is also a Bloodcast knight. She's a very sweet bean unless you hurt or upset her, then it's as if hell itself rains upon you. ^w^

Since she is a Bloodcast, she usually wears dresses and her signature crimson cape. Exactly what the lady on the right is wearing. Here is the best reference pic I have for her!

Palette: She enjoys a spectrum of color, but usually likes wearing light colored dresses. Like cream colored or something of that sort.

Big no-no: Nope! She loves wearing everything under the sun if she can get her hands on it.

Here is her Pinterest, if you'd like to take a look!

Also, like Ziggy up there said; Welcome back to Massive! :D
Character App:

Seraphina is a rather large and imposing Avanthar with clipped ears and quite a lot of scars. Though her stature is imposing and her abilities to match such, she truly is a kind hearted soul to those she loves.

She is more likely to be known to wear something like this or even this. Or perhaps even an elaborate ball gown that can still show off her large stature and physique.

Frankly she often wears darker colors, mostly with reds and blues being the prominent colors and black and greys bringing up the rear. But perhaps green could be a good change or even purple.

No-No's: Nothing overtly feminine.

Copying the other lovelies: Pinterest and her art file x
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  • as.webp
    40.2 KB · Views: 4
Welcome back to Massive! I'm a bit new myself, so I hope you'll get used to things around here in no time. Thank you for offering this for free! It's real kind of you.


Aska is a Yanar with a rather unusual burnt appearance, giving off her skin a warm purple pink color. She has one orange colored eye, the other socket only replaced by a vibrant, ember flower while her hair is a bushy, charred black mess dotted with green vines accompanied by orange flowers. Hairstyle is a poofy bob. Her clothes give off bookworm vibes, starting with a teal shirt under a warm brown cardigan-ish, thin fleece coat, long beige skirt and walks with oversized buttoned Victorian-esque heels similiar to Violet Evergarden's. She has a brown belt decorated with three golden circles as its buckle, the middle one slightly larger than the other two.


I did not make this art, but I got heavily inspired by it and should give you a more than good enough idea of her facial features & hairstyle.

Darker pastels such as orange, gray, purple and pink. She's a pastel goth incarnate.

Big no-no: Aska wouldn't for what's worth of her life, wear poshy, noble & ballgown clothing even if she was held at a knifepoint. It's far too constricting for her.
Elmyra is a peach-toned pastel Silven El-Maraya, impassive and largely curious. One iris is the face of a clock, the other a geometric design like a magic circle. Ref here: [ x ] ( art by lumiess ;D )

She has turkish rose hair, kept long and tied into a series of intricate braids up and down her back. She wears mostly anything, so long as it's loose and flowy. Ref here: [ x ]
Pastel yellow, blue, purple, and off-white.
Big no-no:
Nothing! She'll wear mostly anything. I trust your artistic decisions
CHARACTER : Serlida Bermot
Lida is a taller somewhat calloused alior with a pro militaristic mindset and a reliant brain to match. Having longer braided brown hair and almost an elitist look she's rather simple about her clothing choices in the end.

Lida on almost all occasions wears simple layers of clothing that can be easily matched to horse riding, formally button shirts and slightly colorful shawls and vests with longer pants with a pair of black scaly boots on the end with a pair of rather loud spurs to match in with. If she choses to do so sometimes her hair will be braided back to fitted into a pony tail.
Ref's right there –––> { ß }
Ivory, Browns, and Muted colors such as Red, Tan and Yellow.
NO :
Nothing Here
Description: A very militaristic officer's garb, but with more feminine modifications such as slight frills, flowing coat tails and dress-like features. A long cloak over their right shoulder. She's typically found wearing gambesons and the armour of your typical soldier, but very much enjoys dressing her armour and outfits up to look a bit more flashy on the battlefield. Marissa is a being of great extravagance and drama when it comes to her appearance, often wearing things that appear rather glamorous to confuse and dazzle on the field!

Palette: Red, Green, White and Black.
Big no-no: She wears whatever she can get her hands on!
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Character: Azra min Eazim |
Description: Azra is an average height, Qadir/Arabian woman in her mid-twenties. She is a Shadow Mage meaning that while she appears quite normal, there are a few odd little things of note about her such as the fact that around her throat there is holy script in white ink that's rather contrasting against her darker skin. Her hair is cut short, between chin and shoulder length, and rather curly. Her eyes are both dark brown, but her left one is just slightly lighter since it's jot truly her own eye. (Magic does mysterious things).

As for scars, if you include those, she has a few and you can just include them if you want to- I won't require it. On her right wrist, she has a black brand of a 'T', marking her as once being a "Traitor of the State." She also has faint scars around her throat, ringing around it from years of wearing a collar.

Enjoys wearing flowing outfits that consist of pants and blouses or tunics. While she isn't exactly wealthy enough for jewelry, she does own a few rings and a gold bracelet that she's earned through her many adventures. She also usually will wear a belt around her waist with two daggers attached to her sides.
Palette: Pale blue, white, brown, orange
Big no-no: No dresses or pink

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This ain't my character, but her daughter, so it's not my character but hers @YunYun )
Character: Synne Lykke

References | A ratty stout-furling aka half cielothar half varran. She's always dirty and making a mess, having two loose ponytails pulled back and a lion like tail coming behind her. Synne has strawberry blonde hair and more gingery tipped fur on her ears, sides of face, and back of her hands. Yeahhh, she just a dirty rat, not much to say.

Palette: Anything that doesn't clash with her strawberry blonde hair, so artists choice!

Big no-no:
To much jewelry, to elegant of clothes, and puffy, immovable dresses but anything else goes.
(Note: I'd put down my character, but she's overly buff and I don't wanna stress you out with trying to work an outfit on her if you choose to try her, so have my kiddo!)
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I'm actually not making a request for myself, but rather requesting you make one for @OkaDoka of Vivana, who despite how prominent she is, doesn't have a lot of art of her character - her Aleian form in particular.
Character: Theadora Rote, Pinterest Board
Description: I would love to see something casual and comfortable, anything not too feminine, but not too shabby at the same time. Do whatever you'd like, but if you do choose my character, she is an Aleia, and has angel wings at will! If you want, I would love if you could add those in!
Palette: Any shades of oxblood, black, gold and silver!
Big no-no: She's no softy, if you could, just keep anything happy-go-lucky out of it!

Also, if you accept tips via Paypal, I would be happy to toss you some coffee money!
Description: I'm simply looking for Djibril to be drawn in a way that can give off the vibe of 'sinister' and 'lavish.' He is a Songaskia, so I would like IRL tribal African garments with a twist; I want any clothing he has to bare gold in one way or another. He also wears numerous golden accessories along with his blonde dreads and black roots (Talking about hair). I attached a GIF of his current spin in the spoiler below if you want to get a general idea of what I mean.
Palette: Violet, mauve, gold, maroon, and blood red.
Big no-no: Anything that that involves buttons, tightness, and formality (Formality in terms of symmetry, and how most people consider Ailor noble attire to be formal).


To this Asterlea Flute,

I hear you are some sort of fashion designer- perfect! Someone that can share the same view as I do when it boils down to fashion and how the beauty of people can be revealed to our eyes. I'll make this letter short, as I'm sure you expect many letters about the same thing. I want to test your mettle, and see if you can impress me; I'm a Songaskian male, and want to see if you can create something with the likes of Songaskian fashion mixed with gold accessories. I'll leave it at that for you to have creative freedom at your disposal. Impress me.

Good luck,
Djibril Amankona

Description: Nallia is a tall and skinny Isldar woman with white hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes. She has a history of a traveling, and her clothing tends to reflect such. She tends to favor more casual clothing that allows for ease of movement and has few frills. Her clothing also tends to be made out of cheaper, yet sturdy material. This is in part due to her lack of funds, but also due to her current occupation as an alchemist. Her hair is often tied back into a braid, with a few colored beads and other accessories braided through out.

Otherwise, she favors wearing vests, shirts, and pants. She also enjoys jewelry, despite her lack of funds, and owns a few leather bracelets or other cheap jewelry that she wears often.
Here's her pinterest board
Here's her current face ref
And here's a reference for her hair, just without the horns.
Palette: Pink, red, teal, or light grey.
Big no-no: Anything too revealing.
To the seamstress Asterlea Flutre,
I find myself in need of a new set of clothing for the coming cold months, and decided to write you commission one. My previous pair was damaged by my alchemy, to the point of being unwearable. This leaves me with my work uniform, which I am not fond of wearing outside of the clinic. I am not looking for anything particularly elaborate or fancy, simply something I could wear when not at work. I have attached another piece of parchment explaining my tastes, which I believe are nothing too elaborate.

Nallia Qulo'ena
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Description: My character is a Reverend so Unionist Holy-man robes. Sort of like the traditional pope wear in the Catholic Church but with a different palette which will be explained below! There are a lot of symbols in Unionism but the main one that would be cool to be added would be a purple eye with gold outline? Its hard to explain.
Palette: Purple, gold, and red.
Big no-no: Not really no. He just usually wears Reverential robes.

Clothing -




Face References:



You can chose with or without a beard! All gray/white hair though.

Thank you for considering!
Character: Boop.
Description: secondary boop, outfit boop, black sclera with silver-blue eyes, tattoos are blue, isldar pale with white hair,,
Palette: Blues, golds, and silvers!
Big no-no: N/A
if you take commissions, dude, hit me UP your art style is mad cute
Character: Kurt Ludwig Hofmeier
Description: Kurt, a fur trader, enjoys luxurious overcoats and American-style leather leggings. He is tall, athletic, blonde, and sports a lush mustache. He always wears a ribbon necktie.

Palette: Kurt's leathers and pelts come in rich earthy brown, beige, black, and gray. Otherwise, Kurt loves faded stripes and pastel colors.
Big no-no: Kurt does not like wide-brim hats, sandals, or hair/face accessories.


A Letter Arrives by Courier, Signed "Fellmeister Hofmeier", Postmarked August 7, 307 AC.
Greetings Madame,

This message comes to you from the hand of a traveler and furrier who has been wandering the great streets of Regalia for nigh a month, and I must say your reputation precedes you. As a man with a love for pelts and respectable fashion, I am requesting your services as Master Seamstress to design for me a normal wear which boasts dignity, faculty, and wealth to the Regalian people. Although we shall hopefully meet to make plans, I will inform you of my preference toward fur coats, ribbon neckties, and Essalonian leggings, if this style is at all possible. Please send by courier a reply delivered to "The Weinstein Maria" - a freight of notable size docked at the Harbor - with suggestions for a meeting time, and let it be addressed to "Kurt L. Hofmeier". It will be a pleasure meeting you in your quarters and, if not there, in the markets of Regalia.

By the Spirit's Blessing,

Fellmeister Kurt Ludwig Hofmeier
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Character: Eric Decimar
Description: Start off with by giving the choice or legs or tail, or even creating a new shifted form for the look completely to you! If in either of his natural forms, he will wear an eyepatch over his right eye and gloves are a must. Looking for something of a lower-noble tier in style to show off his self-perceived status. He is strongly of Imperial culture and a follower of Unionism, so is more interested in the fitting fashion trends that follow, such as embroidery and unionist symbols. He usually wears his long tendril hair in a plait but isn't afraid to mix things up, though he will never have it cut short.

If you go with using a female form (even semi-shifted) then the same rules apply, just to dresses.

I do not have access to my base files, so all will be through my deviantart links, to avoid HUGE images. (Ignore the prosthetic hand - May be interesting for gloves though)

Palette: Colour wise, he leans more towards the typical rich blues, purples, blacks and golds, but is not limited by this and will often wear reads and oranges instead.

Big no-no: The colour green and baggy/poofy clothing.
The deadline has comeee! I apologise in advance if the whole tagging thing is annoying, I'm new to using forums so please do let me know if there is a better way to go about this. Anyway without further ado ... *drumrooooooll*

Congratulations to @Rubarberry , @apath , @AtticCat and @Jouster ! I will be doing your requests :)

I have decided to do 4 because I've struggled so bad with deciding which requests to draw... Thought about it all day and I'd honestly want to do all.
In fact, unlike I said in my OP I am not going to delete this thread; the reason for that being that I'd like to come back one day in my spare time and possibly draw some more of the characters. I have outfit designs manically whizzing in my head (it's the last thing I see before I fall asleep at this point help me) which I'd love to get to. In other words I might attempt to tackle a couple more requests in rounds? Highlight on might, since my first year of uni is starting in a week and who the heckarooni knows how much I'll have on my plate. I don't mean to raise false hopes (I'm sorry), just wanted to be clear with my intentions. Designing is real relaxing and boosts my creative energy though so! Let's see.

Thank you to everyone who applied, I'm honestly flabbergasted at how many people wanted to join in. It means a whole lot to me..!!!! <3

Aw shucks. I'm sad I won't see Kurt in your wonderful style this round, but as you said, maybe another time! Please ask permission of the winners to post their winnings on this thread! I would love to have a look. Thanks. @CocoaCherry