Faran Hasylas - The Provoked

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by SevenBirds, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
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    This is an old sheet. The current one can be found here.

    Theme «««»»» Playlist
    Art by SneakyLinguine

    “I’ll run like the river, I’ll follow the sun, I’ll fly like the eagle to where I belong.”

    • Full Name: Faran Bronwyn Hasylas
      • Alias: Lacessit, "Cess"
    • Age: 60 - March 27
    • Gender: Female
    • Race: Cielothar - Aiel
    • Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
    • Preferred Weapon: Atraves
    • Eye Color: Dark green
    • Hair Color: Copper-blonde
    • Hair Style: Elbow-length, usually either tied behind a bandana or braided
    • Skin Color: Warm-toned tanned, dark-green tattoos on her face and arms
    • Clothing: Greens, blues, and browns; flowy layers; skirts over leggings; copper jewelry
    • Height: 5'4''
    • Body Shape
      • Physical Stat - 15
      • Body Shape - Slim
      • Body Fat - Average
    Face - Faran has soft, child-like facial features with a small nose and low, flushed cheekbones with freckles sprinkled across them. Her forehead and cheeks are adorned with dark green tattoos of curling vines, and her ears sparkle with shiny copper loops or colorful earrings. She often wears her long hair braided from each side of her head or tucked under a colorful bandana. A grin or a smirk is rarely far from her face, showing flashes of teeth and accented by a pair of dimples. Soft, pink-purple thistledown tops her ears and is streaked through her hair.

    Body - Faran is a bit small even as Cielothar go, standing at 5'4''. She is slender but strong with wiry muscle, average body fat, and only slight curves. Her movement is lithe and graceful, if occasionally erratic when stressed. There are similar tattoos to those on her face curling down over her shoulders and the outside of her arms, ending about two-thirds down the forearm. Small patches of moss and flowers sprout over her arms and hands.

    Fashion - Faran tends to favor natural colors for her clothing and loves to accessorize with whatever shiny, unusual, or colorful objects she can find. Most of her jewelry is copper or made with shells, feathers, or even grasses - sometimes simple, sometimes complex, not always matching. She especially favors blues and greens with copper accents. Although her clothing style is distinctly feminine and she revels in special adornments, Faran also values ease of movement and practicality. While working, most of her excess jewelry is put away, her hair is thrown back or tied up, and her sleeves are pushed up. She is almost invariably barefoot, except in the wintertime, when she reluctantly dons a pair of sturdy boots.

    Voice - Faran's voice is usually bright and cheerful, as the young woman seems to operate from a boundless supply of energy that only the past several months have started to sap. She speaks quickly, sometimes changing her thoughts in mid-sentence, and with a slight lilt to her tone. As Common is a second language, her speech in this tongue is sometimes slightly stilted or unusual, but her meaning is easily understood.
    Lacessit stands at six feet tall, androgynous in form, and as slim and elegant as a birch tree, standing on digitigrade wolf legs. Their face is that of a Silat Wolf, a fox-like face with shining silver fur and ice-blue eyes, surrounded by scaled rows of pointed dark-green leaves with purple tips. These lead into the Ëlen's most prominent feature, a crown of soft, aromatic thistle flower, spreading up, around, and over their chest like a pink-purple lion's mane. Their body is made of white marble, cool and smooth to the touch, and patched with splotches of green velvety moss and colorful flowers sprouting from cracks in the stone. Dark-green thistle leaves tipped with dark purple spines wrap around their entire body, except for their hands and feet. From their mid-forearm and mid-leg down, the white marble fades into the color and texture of the leaves but without the spines. Their fingers and toes taper off into similar sharp nails/claws, also tipped with dark purple.
    Made by me​
    First Portrait - Made by me

    Dancing in the Wind - Made by me

    Faran and Aeda - Made by me

    "Kuzma Beware" - @SneakyLinguine


    Total Points:
    50 (from Age) + 10 Hobby Points = 60
    +5 Racial Boost to Horticulture Art
    • +15 Horticulture Art (+10 from points, +5 from Racial Boost)
    • +10 Husbandry
    • +9 Stave Combat
    • +9 Exist Sorcery
    • +8 Pathfinding Art
    • +5 Fabric Art (Hobby)
    • +4 Light Ranged Combat
    • +3 Instrument Art (Hobby)
    • +2 Dancing Art (Hobby)
    • Saan/Plains Altalar (native)
    • Common (learned during travels - slightly unusual speech)

    On her person
    • Coin pouch with 10-15 regals
    • Journals, charcoal, and green ink
    • Copper and natural jewelry
    • A woodsung Allú'tornë atraves with curling vines carved into it, pale brown in color and flecked with green - a gift from her mother after the completion of her training with the School of Vasty'naar
    • A woodsung flute - a gift from Azelloa and cherished since their death
    • A small box containing assorted trinkets - shiny stones, interesting shells, colorful feathers, etc
    • Colorful thread for braiding and weaving
    • A pattara dagger with a brown leather sheath, both decorated with a thistle motif - a gift from Udama
    At home
    • An Avant bow and arrows- a gift from Ingemar, carved with sunburst patterns, carried with her when traveling outside the city or in Crookback
    • Two wooden horse figurines, one white and the other brown - gifts from Surl and Udama, set on her bookshelf
    • A wooden carving of a woman wrapped in thistles turning barren land lush with plantlife - a gift from Udama, set on her bedroom desk
    • A woodsung wooden harp

    Mown down, it is a feud. Their sons appear
    Stiff with weapons, fighting back over the same ground."
    Racial Traits
    • Age Control 1 - Toggle Passive
    • Spirit Familiar 2 - Toggle Passive - Faran's Ta'rath is a common river otter named Benny.
    • Element Control 2 - Magic Spell
    • Empath Sense 2 - Trigger Passive
    • Restoration 1 - Magic Spell
    • Home Enchant 1 - Region Enchant
    • Magic Sight 2 - Toggle Passive - Faran has a light glimmer to her skin because of this ability.
    Learned Spells - Exist Sorcery
    Where applicable, Faran's magic takes on a sea-green color with a golden glow and often includes spiked leaves, thistledown, and curling vines.
    • Casting Light I - Magic Spell
    • Light Mend I - Magic Spell
    • True Path I - Magic Spell
    Age Control 1 - The user is able to change their visual appearance to be of any age within the adult age ranges at any time. This transition is near-instant and may affect wrinkles, skin, hair graying, and more. After toggling an age appearance, any Counters do not revert changes, they only prevent further changes until the Counter is removed.
    Spirit Familiar 2 - The user must choose an animal from the Animals Page (barring Magus or Dragon species). This choice is permanent, and must be mentioned on the Character Application. The familiar cannot inflict harm, be permanently harmed, or interfere with combat in any manner. If killed, the familiar will disappear in a puff of white smoke, and reappear next to the User instantly. The familiar can never fully replace the sight or hearing of the User to its prior state, and will only supplement it enough to allow the User to return to base functioning, not adequate use in combat or scenarios that require quick reaction time. Regardless of whether or not the User has lost their voice, they can choose to speak through their Familiar at any point, but cannot speak at the same time the familiar is speaking. The Familiar can be unsummoned or re-summoned via a ten-second ritual.
    Element Control 2 - The user gains a number of utility functions. They may use localized gusts of wind to push people (though never so far to Knockback them or Knock them over) or prank their clothing or hair. They may have plants, twigs and flowers growing from their body or clothing (though never so far to look like a Yanar). They may move while levitating half a foot off the ground, and become completely immune to any Knockback or Knockover effects from any Ability (though other damage or effects besides those are still applied). None of these smaller functions have Cooldowns.
    Empath Sense 2 - The Character may blank their own emotional state while focusing on a single person within Emote Distance. As long as focus and a stare is maintained, the Character will duplicate the emotions and feelings of the Target and feel them, themselves. For example, extreme grief or joy, or heartache and melancholy. This does not explain why they feel that way, it simply copies the feeling to the user without altering the feelings of the Target.
    Restoration 1 - The User can restore simple objects and liquids to their most clean and functional state by holding their hand over the object or liquid, causing their hand and the target to glow with faint white light. This Ability does not apply to weapons, armor, or complex machinery (like clockwork) but can be used on any other object to fully repair it and clean it of any grime, dirt, or damage. If used on an object that had writing on it prior (such as a book), the pages will be restored, but any writing will not remain. If used on liquids, the User can cleanse it of any additives or poisons, making it clean and safe for their consumption. This Ability cannot be used on an object larger than 2x2x2 blocks in dimension, or on more than a pitcher’s worth of liquid at the same time.
    Home Enchant 1 - The user is able to use Home Enchant 1 inside any Player Region such as Rental House Region or Clandestine Base, to rapidly grow plants and flowers inside the boundaries of this base, creating the perfect environment also to grow any plant in any environment within the confines of this place. Additionally, aesthetic sounds of such an environment would follow, for example, many flowers and plants from a savannah would cause cricket sounds to be heard, while jungle trees evoke the songs of paradise birds. Finally, if the door or front gate of such a Region with Home Enchant 1 is knocked down, broken, or burned down, and the user of this Enchant is present, they may instantly regrow the door or gateway with roots and vines, but only once per 24 hours. Only one Region may be Enchanted by the user, and they must be allied or the owner of that Region. In order to represent this Enchant, the region should be filled with lots of plants and flowers.
    Magic Sight 2 - The user is able to summon a Magical lantern or candle in their hand that emanates a warm light in a 10x10 block area around them. Any Ability based Darkness that is cast in a wider area will be Nullified (the Darkness is still there, Magic Sight 2 merely temporarily removes the effect in the radius). Beyond the 10x10 radius however, everything remains in Darkness. Additionally, this Ability gives a few optional aesthetics. Users may passively have glowing eyes (that glow less bright than in Magic Sight 1), have a glimmer, or light sparkle on their skin, have sun-ray like tattoos that light up from the hands to the elbows, a sundisk of light projection behind their head, or glowing luminescent blood.

    Casting Light I - This Ability only affects Vampires, Void Mages, Void Sorcerers, Void Silven, and Crimson Witches. The user is able to hold up one hand with the palm facing a person, causing a blinding light and orchestral song to erupt on the Target. This has two effects. Firstly, the Target can only Slow-walk towards the user. They can still run back, or sideways, but moving towards the user becomes a struggle. Secondly, they cannot physically see the user because of the light, thus any Ability that requires line of sight of the Target cannot be used on them. The user also cannot run, but can use their other arm and the rest of their body to do any action, as only the single hand must be upheld. This Ability has no Cooldown, though if knocked out of it by being knocked over, gains a 10 second Cooldown.
    Light Mend I - While within Emote Distance of a target, the user can utilize healing light to heal only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target (or self), as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. This Ability can be used on self.
    True Path I - The user is able to begin a charge or running speed in a particular direction. Once reaching a particular block, they may activate True Path 1 to scatter their body into a large cloud of non-harmful smaller objects, or flora, or critters, and continue traveling in the same direction as they were running. This allows them to continue moving for up to 10 blocks at sprinting speed, allowing them to pass through any hole, crack or opening. This can be to for example, float through a guard formation, a door, a wall of spikes, etc. After traveling 10 blocks, the character re-manifests, this Ability cannot be ended early, unless met with a solid wall without openings. This Ability has a 15 minute cooldown.
    Benny is Faran's Ta'rath, taking the shape of a common otter with glowing white eyes. Typically, he prefers to stay at his natural size or a bit smaller to be able to sleep hanging around Faran's neck, but has been known to grow up to the size of a dog when attempting to be threatening. However, like his companion, he dislikes unnecessary violence and instead likes to lounge around, swim, and play with Aeda's ferret Ta'rath, Fenrir.

    Breaca is a brown spotted cat with green eyes, commonly weaving around Faran's feet or scampering off into something nearby. She spends her time indoors when Faran is out and about, but often joins her at the Tree or elsewhere around Petalcourt when Faran is there with her friends. She comes across as rather aloof to strangers, but is friendly to more familiar faces.

    Nuada is Faran's Silat Wolf, the customary mount of the Cielothar, adopted by her in her youth and her constant companion during all of her travels. Since her coming to Regalia, he has roamed semi-freely outside the city, seeing as most its inhabitants didn't take well to the sight of a large silver wolf wandering about and as Nuada doesn't care much for the confines of the city either. However, Faran walks outside the walls to meet him daily, to tell him about the goings-on of her day, and to make sure he is safe and healthy. They also often take runs together, either with both on foot or with Faran on his back, and occasionally practice defensive fighting together.
    Cahal Abilities - Ëlen
    • World Shift 1 - Control Power
    • Afflicted Life 1 - Constant Passive
    • Sacrifice Curse 1 - Constant Passive
    • Cursed Soul 1 - Constant Passive
    • Blood Eyes 5 - Constant Passive
    • Cahalic Form 2 - Full Shift
    • Rogue Gift 4 - Toggle Passive
    • Light Mend 1 - Magic Spell
    • Empath Sense 1 - Trigger Passive
    • Nature Gift 1 - Constant Passive
    • True Path 1 - Toggle Passive
    • Light Mend 3 - Magic Spell
    • Parasitic Control 1 - Control Power
    • Mind Surge 1 - Control Power
    • Flux Shift 6 - Body Alters
    World Shift 1 - The user is able to Song-bend any unliving materials (dead wood, stone, metal, glass, bone, etc) into other shapes or a desired shape. This involves the act of singing, and then using one’s hands to bend the material as if it is made of a clay-like substance. This can never result in sharp edges or strong surface that Metallurgy can produce, and is only decorative. Objects cannot decrease or increase in size, and this Ability does not allow the Song-bending of objects that consist of many smaller objects, such as a wall consisting of hundreds of bricks, but does allow the Song-bending of a single wooden pillar in a palisade wall.
    Afflicted Life 1 - From the moment that the Character is affected by the Affliction, their body ceases to age, and their Racial max-age no longer applies. If the Character is cured, they will age to their appropriate age within 2 weeks. If they are re-infected, their body will age backwards to when it was first affected by the Affliction. If the person has already lived past their Racial Max age, they die at the end of the 2 week period instead. For Characters using this Ability older than 150 years in total, a 150 Year Old Special Permission is required.
    Sacrifice Curse 1 - Firstly, the Character can still consume food and drinks, but becomes revolted by the taste of greenery, vegetables, and herbs unless they know for certain it was sustainably harvested with respect for nature (except enchanted food made by Food Enchantments). Secondly, The Cahal can reproduce with non-Cahal and Cahal alike, however the child will always result in a Cahal Brood of their Bloodline. Thirdly, if the Cahal does not feed within a week of losing fed status, they become physically frail. If they do not feed within two weeks, they become unable to engage in combat. After three weeks, they lose the ability to walk and become bed-bound.
    Cursed Soul 1 - While the character has an Affliction that includes this Ability, they are unable to use any Abilities found in Sorcery, Magic, and Faith Manifest. While having this Affliction, no other Affliction can be acquired. Proficiency Points are not refunded for Abilities lost. When the Affliction is removed (and this Ability), all normal use of Abilities is restored, and the Character can be Afflicted again.
    Blood Eyes 5 - The Character has normal eyes, though their eye-sockets are somewhat darkened. When using any Ability from their Bloodline Ability Kit or Cahal Base Kit, their irises become solid icy-blue and glowing, with a small black pupil. This overrules any other Mutations or effects. If the Player wants the Cahal’s eyes to be solid icy-blue and glowing at all times, this is possible.
    Cahalic Form 2 - This Ability grants the exact same functions as Cahalic Form 1, thus allowing the Character to transform into a Cahalic Form, additionally, the Character is also able to use all of their Abilities from their Soul Line Ability Kit while outside of Cahalic Form, which is not possible for Vampiric Form 1. This Ability has no Cooldown.
    Rouge Gift 4 - Items held (like Clockwork or weapons) and stationary items used (like doors and hatches) do not produce any sound when used by the Character, and the character no longer makes noise when attempting to remain silent. Additionally, the character does not produce audible footsteps on any surface.
    Light Mend 1 - While within Emote Distance of a target, the user can utilize healing light to heal only the damage from one single (Mundane) attack or harming Ability that was inflicted on the target (or self), as long as the target was harmed by that attack or Ability, or as a direct consequence of that Ability (for example being knocked off a wall by an Ability and breaking an arm). Any additional effects (or non-harm effects like debuffs) are not removed or mitigated. The damage must have been applied in the last 24 hours. This Ability can be used twice per 24 hours. This Ability can be used on self.
    Empath Sense 1 - The Character is able to absorb all of the pain of the Target person and feel it themselves instead, for as long as Direct Touch is maintained. The target whose pain is being absorbed may not be in combat, otherwise this effect does not work. Additionally, the Character becomes immune to passing out from pain or going into shock.
    Nature Gift 1 - While outside the City, thus nowhere near conventional rental housing, the Character moves “as fast as an Asha” (thus giving the Character Asha Agility). This Ability ceases the moment the Character returns to the urban landscape.
    True Path 1 - The user is able to begin a charge or running speed in a particular direction. Once reaching a particular block, they may activate True Path 1 to scatter their body into a large cloud of non-harmful smaller objects, or flora, or critters, and continue traveling in the same direction as they were running. This allows them to continue moving for up to 10 blocks at sprinting speed, allowing them to pass through any hole, crack or opening. This can be to for example, float through a guard formation, a door, a wall of spikes, etc. After traveling 10 blocks, the character re-manifests, this Ability cannot be ended early, unless met with a solid wall without openings. This Ability has a 15 minute cooldown.
    Light Mend 3 - The user feeds and gains strength from sunlight or moonlight. Either moonlight or sunlight are capable of feeding the user much like normal food would, thus making drinking and eating redundant for them (though they still can). Additionally, while standing outside (with no block that interrupts a direct line from the player model to the open sky, including leaf blocks), the Character has +5 Physical Stat, and can choose to absorb strength from the moon or sun and increase Body Shape by one additional step.
    Parasitic Control 1 - This Ability allows the user to target a willing or fully-restrained person, and grow a Void or Exist-Corrupted plant on their body, establishing complete control over their actions. After Direct Touch, an obvious and visible Plant grows on the Target, forcing them to follow any Verbal Commands the user gives them, which can be multiple commands that persist until removed. If commands conflict, the most recent command will be the one followed. They will also be fiercely defensive of the user of the Ability on them for as long as Control remains, and not engage in any actions that would be detrimental to the user of this Ability. The Target is fully aware while Controlled, and the user can choose to allow them to speak freely or not at will. This Ability can be broken by the user at any time from any distance, and can only be forcibly removed from the target by someone with 10 Medical Arts Surgically, though this process is long and arduous and requires the Target to be fully restrained, as they will fight it. When removed, the Plant turns to ash. While Control Power Immunity blocks this Ability from being used, the user may propose this level of control over the Target, and if the Target consents in Roleplay, then Control Power Immunity no longer applies. After this Ability is broken off, it cannot be re-used within 7 days. A maximum of 3 people can be targeted by this Ability at any time.
    Mind Surge 1 - This Ability allows the user to target any Character without Control Power Immunity to transmit a strong desire to the subject. This Ability does not force them to comply, it merely gives them a strong urge to do what the Character is suggesting they do. The target is unaware that they are being Emotion Surged, and the Character using this Ability also gives off no telltale signs that they are using an Ability. This Ability can only be used to encourage a Target to do something, it cannot make them change their beliefs or alter things they consider truth. This Ability has no Cooldown, but players are expected not to spam it to every person. It is not permitted to engage in unprompted Romance-RP Emotion Surging without discussion with the Target beforehand.
    Flux Shift 6 - The user is able to change their Body Shape, Body Fat, Sex and Body Hair (including top hair and facial hair: color, texture, shape and consistency) at any point, seamlessly and instantaneously.

    "Some things I cannot change, but 'till I try, I'll never know."

    • Character Alignment - Neutral Good, occasionally True Neutral
      • While naturally a good-hearted and compassionate individual, Faran has found the harsh realities of Regalia battling against her better nature. She remains as warm, loving, and altruistic towards her loved ones as ever, but struggles to forgive and show compassion to those that have threatened them, even harboring a powerful spiteful and vengeful streak against those that have hurt them. Her relationship to the law is neutral at best - cooperating when it serves to protect herself or her loved ones, but willing to turn a blind eye to those taking matters in their own hands. However, she does have a strong distrust of guards after her negative experiences with them, only willing to trust them if someone she trusts vouches for them.
    • Personality Type - The Campaigner (ENFP-T)
      Extraverted - 66%
      Intuitive - 62%
      Feeling - 84%
      Prospecting - 65%
      Turbulent - 83%
    • Religion - Faith of Estel (2/10)
      • Faran was born into the Faith of Estel and, although never especially devout, just accepted the Mother's guiding and nurturing presence in her everyday life as naturally as the rising of the sun, never doubting for a moment that She was there caring for them. However, seeing harrying of the Plainsfolk in Regalia, especially the burning of Petalcourt, first planted the fear that, for whatever reason, they had been abandoned. But still, Faran believed, clinging to the assurances brought by their new Priest Talisin and reluctantly accepting his calls for more aggression against the Void, doing her best to understand what was expected of them. Still, though, trouble kept coming and, with reports of Estel's imprisonment and rage, Talisin's exile and madness, and Aeawyn and Hundrolos' disappearance, Faran finally began to feel the loss of being well and truly abandoned by those she had trusted to protect them. For a short while, there seemed to be shreds of hope as it appeared that divine intervention had saved Talisin from kidnapping and then seeing the Avatars of the Colossi with her own eyes, but even these were quickly shattered as Faran also saw with her own eyes the violence and fanaticism of the Arken, Colossi, and their worshippers. She has since largely withdrawn from worship of any being, feeling that Estel has left them and that the others are cruel masters, but remains convinced and terrified of their existence, offering deference based in fear should she encounter them.
      How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
      Unless something has specifically happened to make her unhappy, a smile is rarely far from Faran's face. She nearly always smiling about something and enjoys chatting and laughing with friends and new acquaintances. Laughter comes easily in these times, as does singing and dancing, and she often speaks rapidly with her hands gesturing eagerly. Sometimes she prefers to sit or stand on the outskirts of a group and just watch quietly when feeling tired or overwhelmed, but is still quite happy to greet a newcomer with a grin and friendly chat.

      How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
      Faran's response to fear depends on whether she is the only one in danger or if those she cares about are also in trouble. If the former, she still retains her old instinct to run and avoid a fight if at all possible, but when it comes to threats against those closest to her, her primary goal becomes to keep them safe by any means necessary, whether that's with words, weapons, or claws, and only then to escape with her life. Repeated attacks and dangers have pushed much of her previous fear into cold hatred, making her furious and occasionally reckless in her drive to fight their enemies, although she is usually still willing to listen to reason and accept non-combative tasks if another is better suited to do the dangerous work.

      How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
      When stressed out, Faran often becomes angry and irritable, lashing out and losing patience with things that upset her, or becomes frustrated and may cry. She has trouble sitting still, often pacing, rolling her shoulders, and fidgeting or rubbing her hands together. Her strongest instinct during these times is to figure out how to make things better, so she often hovers about nearby, offering help and trying to make a plan, and may become reckless if no solution can be found. Given a long enough beating-down, she may eventually become numb and resigned, struggling to maintain the will to fight or keep on.

      How does your character view Law and Authorities?
      Faran was once pretty ambivalent to those of law and rank, preferring a more egalitarian system. She neither went out of her way to defy them nor to offer great deference, though perhaps bending a little bit to smooth over a confrontation or being willing to cooperate with them for the good of others. Her behavior is generally civil regardless of who she meets, but it can sour quite quickly if she senses the presence of a bully. Generally speaking, she treats nobility much as she would anyone else, except with a bit more wariness. If they accept this and are friendly to her community, Faran will often welcome them into her circle, albeit still with something of a culture shock, and maybe even show them some amount of deference. On the other hand, the quickest way to earn her sarcasm and refusal to acknowledge title or rank is to insist on them or to belittle those around her. However, she has since developed a strong dislike and distrust of guards in general due to the cruelty and bullying she observed while being held in Greygate without evidence. Now, she is no longer inclined to cooperate with them or trust them with her or other's safety, considering them corrupt and taking pleasure from the pain of others.

      How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
      During her decades of traveling and exploring, Faran met many unusual people and enjoyed almost every moment of it. She wasn't at all put off by strange or unfamiliar people provided they weren't hostile to her and enjoyed learning new things about them. However, given her experiences in Regalia, she has since developed a strong dislike and distrust of Kathar and other Void-touched, especially Vampires, only reluctantly tolerating their presence if others in the community don't seem to be threatened by them, and often expressing obvious dislike even when others seem unbothered.

      How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
      Faran's religion was once a great comfort to her in times of stress and she saw great beauty in it, though preferring to worship in her own way rather than with others or in hard-fast rituals. Her attitude towards other faiths is similar to her feelings about other races - she's generally willing to leave them alone if they leave her alone. After the events of the night at the Portal, Faran's faith has been shaken somewhat, leaving her confused and afraid. She still reveres and loves Estel, but is disquieted by the thought that She might bring them to harm. Given the choice between serving Estel and protecting her loved ones, Faran has chosen her friends, despite the unease stirring in her soul.

      How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
      She considers it to be much like any other kind of knowledge in the world - able to be used for both good and evil, and something she's quite curious about. As a Cielothar, sorcery comes naturally to her and is something she's been working on improving.

      How does your character feel towards their family?
      She misses them, but knows they are content with their own lives, just as she is happier in hers, and writes to them regularly, although trouble in Daen has prevented her letters from arriving, much to her concern. During her time in Regalia, she quite naturally extended her definition of 'family' to most of Petalcourt, especially those she regularly spent time with, but this definition has shrunk somewhat to protect herself from even more pain.

      What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
      Faran is proud of her devotion to her friends and loved ones, willing to go to any lengths to keep them safe, and is delighted to be able to support them.

      What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
      When she came to Regalia, curiosity was one of Faran's biggest driving forces and remains an important one in times of peace. She dislikes staying in one place for too long, although she has adapted to be able to stay near her loved ones, and is always interested in discovering a better way of doing things. However, more recently, her strongest motivation has been to find a way to bring peace back to her community and her personal curiosity has taken a backseat.

      What is your character's biggest insecurity?
      Although she knows it to be wrong and works to keep it down, Faran still sometimes feels insecure about her friendships if it seems that they want to spend more time with other people, want to travel to other communities, or otherwise appear to put a bit of distance between her and them. She acknowledges that there's nothing wrong with them wanting to do that and tries to avoid being clingy, overbearing, or jealous, but she fears being abandoned by them.

      What is your character's biggest fear?
      Faran's greatest fear is seeing her friends suffer. Having travelled alone for so long to avoid being hurt, she now clings tightly to those she has opened her heart to and desperately fears seeing them harmed, especially if she is powerless to help them.

      "We are a body of broken bones, when were we ever alone?"

    • Birth to Early Childhood - 247-257
      • Faran was born in late March of 247 AC to Brylla and Gothron Hasylas, a Surriel and Joeil couple, in a small village near the sea. She had many siblings, some older and some younger, which led her both to eagerly vie for attention and lavish attention upon others. This habit would stick with her for life and she would grow into quite the social butterfly. The sibling closest to her in age, her older brother Fingon, would become her closest friend and partner-in-crime.
      • Early on, she showed an interest in the world outside of their village, eagerly listening to elders' stories and reading anything she could get her hands on. She also began to sketch and paint, favoring plants and animals. Like many around her, she loved being around living things and caring for them, and even considered going into animal medicine when she was older. [A Place in the Choir]
    • Childhood to Adolescence - 258-265
      • Gifted a bound journal and set of charcoal pencils for her birthday, much to her delight. She quickly filled it up with her thoughts, feelings, questions, observations, and drawings. From that year on, she eagerly looked forward to receiving a new one each year and kept her old ones carefully stored away to look back on.
      • During the Trial of Estel, Faran received visions of herself surrounded by curiosities of all kinds - old books, strange plants, unidentified artifacts, and more - carefully studying and documenting them before sharing her findings with others. Excited by the thought, she returned home with absolute confidence that her path in life would be that of the Aiel as a scholar. However, rumors of attacks and raids on other villages disquieted her and would occasionally cause her to wonder if she should have followed in her mother's footsteps as a Surriel.
      • Began training with one of the elders to learn medical sciences, both for people and animals, but was so greatly distressed by the slow death of one of their patients that she began to shy away from the discipline. Instead, she began to gravitate toward her books and the worlds which had so fascinated her in her early years - cultures and the natural world. She became eager to explore outside of the village, but was warned away by the dangers outside. [Try Everything]
      • Two years after her Trial, Faran became romantically involved with a childhood friend, an Avanthar boy a bit older than herself called Haisan. The relationship started off well, but it quickly became apparent that they wanted different things from it, and after Faran found herself being pressured, she ended things. Unfortunately, this soured their long friendship as well and, living in a small, tight-knit community, made the other's presence and the local gossip almost impossible to avoid. Therefore, when the Caravan of Irissa arrived at their village, bringing colorful tales of faraway places, Faran jumped at the chance to join them and travel beyond the walls, even if that did mean having to learn combat skills. [I Stand Alone]
    • Young Adult - 266-308
      • Faran's training with the School of Vasty'naar, specifically the Discipline of Atraves, was a bit of a rocky one as she struggled to fit in with the other students as one of the few Aiel and the only one to begin her training late. Although she settled in well with their nomadic and natural lifestyles and excelled in their creative pursuits, she had too little aggression for even casual sparring, often ending up in frustrated and angry tears as time after time she was knocked down. Still though, she persisted and eventually did graduate, albeit a bit late. Brylla travelled out to see her after her graduation, despite the unrest stirring in the area, and expressed her pride in her daughter by gifting Faran her own carved atraves stave, saying that it would always help her to stand back up after falling down.
      • After her graduation, it at first seemed that Faran would return home, but she found the idea of settling back into the small village difficult to bear after having spent the years travelling and exploring with the Caravan. Instead, she decided to do some exploring on her own, focusing on her personal project of creating a bestiary and on continuing the Caravan's work of documenting music and folklore. She grew to quite enjoy the freedom and independence her travels brought her, but there was still an ache for companionship that Benny and Nuada couldn't heal. Although she would eventually drift away from the more combat-oriented teachings of the Vasty'naar, she always kept their philosophy close to her heart and never let go of her mother's stave.
      • She learned to do many jobs during her restless wandering, but her favorite was working for an archeologist to locate and catalog artifacts. The objects themselves were brought to museums or collections, of course, but not before being carefully drawn and detailed information recorded in her still-plentiful journals. However, after a certain unfortunate misunderstanding, Faran was forced to beat a hasty retreat from her historical dabbling and sought anonymity in the big cities. After hearing of a great library in Regalia, she chose it as her destination, eager to meet new people, learn new things, and maybe find a bit of fun along the way. [The Road Goes On]
    Regalia - January 308-Present
    • Shortly after her arrival in Regalia, Faran met the inhabitants of Petalcourt and was welcomed into their community, an attachment that was forged even stronger by their going through the horrifying events of the Night of the Clickers together. After observing some of the other Petalcourt residents use magic, notably Aeawyn creating a ward to protect them from the Clickers and bringing them to the Throne for safety, and Azelloa using it to calm down Breaca when their appearance frightened her, Faran began to seek out instruction for herself. She began learning Soothe the Beast under Azel, but after their death, Faran continued to learn Nature magic in their memory, eventually seeking out Aeawyn to become an Acolyte.
    • As the chaos of Regalia continued, Faran found comfort in the constant laughter and warmth of the Petalcourt community, especially in the presence of her best friends Aeda and Aeawyn. It was still chaos, sure, but it was fun and life-filled chaos. Over time, she became more and more attached to the community and started to settle in after decades of travel. [Here Comes the Sun] [Tell Me Ma]
    • For a while, Faran thought she would stay in Regalia for only a few months or maybe a half-year before moving on, but after suddenly finding that she had fallen head-over-heels for Aeda, she found the thought of leaving unbearable. She wrestled with her feelings for a long time, not quite sure whether they were romantic or platonic. Terrified of alienating her and losing her friendship like she had with Haisan, Faran kept quiet about her feelings for months even as they grew stronger and stronger. [I Do Adore]
    • However, the Plainsfolk eventually found themselves the targets of multiple attacks, threats, and harassment from the Void-folk, including attacks with fire. When Petalcourt faced fire for the third time in about a year, it burned to the ground, leaving hundreds dead and the rest homeless. Furious with the enemies who attacked them and with the bureaucracy that left them out in the cold, Faran began to grow hard and embittered, losing some of the child-like innocence she'd arrived with and thinking more and more seriously of taking up arms. [I See Fire]
    • Around this time, the priest Talisin arrived and began encouraging the people of Petalcourt to fight the Void more aggressively, soon forming a small, secretive group for this purpose. Although Faran was initially skeptical and wary of his ideals, still holding to her beliefs in pacifism, she did come to hate the Void with greater fury and, although she never quite got to the point of actively taking the fight to them, she did often consider it and certainly turned a blind eye to those that did. Where before she would have been cautious around Void-folk but otherwise not aggressive, she became more angry and spiteful towards them, becoming aggressive simply after being in their presence. [You Can't Take Me]
    • Began training with Aeda under Ingemar and Surl with the Avant bow, as well as working on calming her mind and letting go of some of her hatred. At first, it was just for fun, but acquired more seriousness after Aeda was kidnapped while they were talking in Petalcourt and Faran was too panicked to be able to shoot well. During this time, Faran was more furious and terrified than she had ever been before, nearly hysterical as she alternated between panic and vengeful fury. Thankfully, however, it was resolved quickly and before she could do anything she might regret, with Talisin offering himself as a trade for Aeda. After the incident, Ingemar declared that she and Aeda had graduated into full-fledged warriors of the School of Avant and Faran would continue her studies more intently to defend herself and her loved ones. She would also seek out a sorcerer to teach her anti-Void magic. [Firestorm]
    • Looking back on her fear of losing Aeda and the powerful love and concern she felt while trying to help her recover, Faran came to the conclusion that she wouldn't be able to hide her feelings for much longer - whatever the outcome, it was time for her to know. But, still afraid of rejection and abandonment, she went about it very cautiously and never quite seemed to find the time or words to say it openly. It wasn't until she started to notice Aeda and Tullion taking an interest in each other, along with a surprisingly heart-felt talk with Surl, that she finally managed to tell her about her feelings. Despite all the worst-case scenarios she had imagined in her head and tried to steel herself for, Faran need not have worried - Aeda was as gentle, compassionate, and kind to her as she was to everyone else, but she did make it clear that she saw Faran as a friend, even like a sister, but not romantically. Saddened, but relieved that their friendship could continue, Faran accepted this and the pair remained close friends. Although watching Aeda and Tullion later become romantically involved did hurt, she did finally manage to quash lingering pricks of jealousy and to take true joy in both her friends' happiness. Slowly, her heartache would fade, but her intense loyalty to her friend remained as strong as ever. [Tears of Hercules] [I Will Always Return]
    • After hearing word of some kind of Portal opening in the Peace Gardens, Aeawyn and Talisin led a group of Exist-folk and allies to defend it, but Faran, after hearing talk of Arken and Aeawyn mention potentially breaking her promise to her allies, decided that she didn't feel comfortable with the situation and returned home. After an anxious and restless night, she finally heard word of the defenders' return, but quickly learned that all was not well in their community. Crises of faith, exiles and community splits, and week-long pseudo-deaths left Aeda, as the new Great Mother, alone in leading the community through a hellish week including kidnappings and multiple vampire attacks, as Faran, Theo, and Udama desperately tried to support and help her. When the smoke cleared, they continued to try to figure out how to rebuild their splintered community, but with so many conflicting values and accounts, split factions, and religious arguments, Faran began to find it difficult to trust anyone beyond her most trusted friends. [The End of the Innocence]
    • The coming months were difficult, but eventually, they all settled into a sort of uneasy and insecure peace. Aeda would really come into her own during this time, taking most of the leadership herself, and Faran and her friends were very pleased to support her in it. Although this was a time of confusion and drifting relationships, including the weakening of her friendships with Hundrolos and Aeawyn, it was also a time of personal growth as Faran slowly began learning to accept what she couldn't change and letting go of some of her pain and insecurities, including learning to let Aeda go even as she became closer friends with Udama. [The Graduate - Theme]
    • However, this delicate peace was not to last as a series of events including the kidnapping of Talisin, Jotunniir terrorising Petalcourt, and the formation of a new coven came together to make even Regalia's recent invasion of wax-mimics seem like petty concerns when faced with the vampire menace. Fed up with being considered easy prey, and with most of their former defenders mostly absent, Faran began thinking more seriously about joining Udama in his defense and eventually spoke to him about being turned to a Cahal. Although she remained apprehensive and somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of having to trouble others in order to feed, even if it was only scary and not really permanently harmful, she decided that it was worth it if it would help her keep her people safe. A brief period of peace following Jotunniir's execution made her wonder if it was still necessary, but then learning of six sanguine attacking three of Petalcourt's children and Aeda, and then the guard's disdain and dismissal of Udama, solidified her resolve to take the Shattered Curse to protect them. [Defying Gravity]
    • Faran intended to be turned within the week but, after a fight with Sibyalld Lykke, was imprisoned in Greygate on suspicion of being a Brood. After being held without evidence and learning that there was no test to prove her innocence, it seemed that she would be held there indefinitely until a massive vampiric attack broke open the prison and scattered those inside. Fleeing to the woods, alone and terrified as much of the city fell to the Sanguine, Faran eventually found her companions and learned that they planned on becoming Cahal as well to protect themselves from the vampires. After meeting Avarelle, they were brought to the Portal to be turned. She followed him for a short while, trusting that their old Priest would keep them safe, but soon found herself in the middle of a holy war she never wanted to be a part of. Soon after, she began to distance herself from him and all the other Cahal besides those from the Court, wary and distrustful of the violence around her, and sought with greater determination to find a new home for her community elsewhere away from war. Eventually, with the help of Tullion, Cazna, and Kayhdin, she was cured and set free from the grip of the Colossi. [The Island]
    Dearly Loved
    Aeda’lyn Kee’lyth (SneakyLinguine) - Aeda is Faran’s best friend of many months, occupying a similar niche of confidant and partner-in-mischief as Fingon did, but with an added layer of powerful affection and protectiveness. After multiple months of silent adoration and fear of being left behind, Faran eventually confessed to having romantic feelings for her friend, but was told that Aeda’s feelings for her were entirely platonic. But, heartache aside, Faran accepted this without complaint and the two remain the closest of friends and nearly inseparable. After Aeda was left to lead almost single-handedly during the weeks after the Portal, Faran gained even greater respect and admiration for her friend. Over time, she would slowly begin to get over the ache of unrequited love she felt for her and return to regarding her simply as an adored friend. Observing Aeda's increasingly aggressive and domineering behavior in recent times has put Faran off somewhat, making her slightly wary of her state of mind even if she trusts her intentions, but she remains whole-heartedly loyal to her.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Udama Meskalem (EldritchRam) - The hulking Eronidas was perhaps a strange sight in Petalcourt, but quickly became a common and welcome one. Faran was initially afraid of the huge man, but after standing her ground and having a philosophical discussion with him, found him to be a gentle and thoughtful individual that she quickly warmed to. Although learning that he held a frightening secret did make her a little more afraid of him, she also appreciated his willingness to share and trust them with it. Since then, he has become a comforting pillar of stability in her life and a source of gentle wisdom when things become chaotic. Though they have been known to butt heads and fight on occasion, Faran regards him with great respect and affection. In more recent times, Faran has slowly begun to think of him as slightly more than a friend, but because of her previous heartbreak, has been reluctant to make that known to him.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Theo Averdan (BitCatalyst) - Theo arrived in the Petalcourt some time ago and has been a regular sight there since. Although sometimes frustrated by the teenager's impulsive behavior, Faran considers him a stout-hearted and loyal young lad that's also pretty fun spend time with. After sharing a few heart-to-hearts, the pair became closer friends, especially after Aeda adopted him as her son, and Faran began to regard him as something like a younger brother. Since both becoming Cahal to protect themselves and others during the vampire occupation, they have often been there to encourage each other when the horror of war tries to tempt them towards despair.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Fingon Hasylas (KnightVeritas101) - Fingon is Faran’s older brother and the only of her siblings, so far, to have travelled to Regalia. The two are thick as thieves, almost reading each other’s minds as they get in and out of trouble together and competing to one-up the other in their games. However, when times are serious, they always have the other’s back no matter what and trust each other with almost anything. Fingon is rarely seen in Regalia, but when he is, Faran is delighted to see him.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Tullion Kearney (ShipIt) - Tullion was one figure that Faran was initially wary of, but has grown to trust and enjoy his company. Although occasionally wrestling with feelings of jealousy against him, she appreciates his defense and support of Aeda and others in the Court. He’s also quite fun to banter with, jumping into the chaos without a second thought, despite using order magic. Watching him grow closer to Aeda in her place has been difficult, but Faran is genuinely happy for him and acknowledges that he has more to offer in the relationship than she could have.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Boromar Gyshara (killianvanbaste1) - Boromar is one of Faran’s other partners-in-crime, though in his case, occasionally literally. The two were acquainted through meeting in Petalcourt, but later bonded over simultaneously hiding potentially-incriminating details from the guard to protect Wyn during an investigation and then working to back each other up. They wouldn’t make a habit of this law-breaking, but have started to look to each other for backup when needed, even if that’s only hiding the bows from a patrol after Faran shot Boro with a practice arrow.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Imira Delaianur (Proudbucket) - Imira is a long-standing acquaintance that has more recently begun to progress more into ‘friend’. Although Faran sees her as somewhat naive and too quick to trust, even for one raised by Cielothar, she respects the child’s ambition and eagerness to help others, as well as finding her fun to be around. However, she is increasingly frustrated with her impulsive and reckless nature, especially when she goes against the adults trying to keep her out of trouble.
    Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Cazna Gahan (Iyyiushi) - When Cazna first came to the Court saying that she wished to leave the Void and embrace the Mother instead, Faran was suspicious and wary of the Kathar even as people like Talisin and Aeda began to accept her. With the passing of time and seeing the trust others place in her, Faran has eventually accepted her place in the community, but still finds her personality distasteful and doesn’t entirely trust her herself. After the change in Cazna's temperament following her curing, Faran came to relent a bit on her initial distaste, coming to regard her rather neutrally.
    Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

    Sivrid Sorenvek (MrsCripple) - Faran met Sivrid at the Almshouse sometime after Petalcourt was burned and the residents were welcomed in for hot meals and extra places to sleep. Although frustrated with the State’s bureaucracy, Faran did appreciate the kindness offered by the Duchess and enjoyed chatting with her about religion.
    Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✧✧✧✧

    Acquaintances/Neutral Relationships
    Dathil (Dehoniesto) - Faran's relationship with the good-hearted but impulsive Yanar has been up and down over time, but has more or less settled into a neutral stance. Although often annoyed and frustrated with her, Faran recognises her affection and pure ideals, making her protective and even somewhat fond of the child. However, given her reckless disregard for the advice or protection of others, she doesn't hold high hopes for her future.
    Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Talisin Oruisin (Mollymock) - Upon first meeting the devout priest, Faran was a little wary of Talisin and his (albeit, in her eyes, justified) railing against the Void, resisting his early encouragements to arm themselves and learn defensive formations, but eventually came to regard him with affection and respect as he began to mellow a little. Although not always as eager to hear a sermon as he is to give one, Faran did come to trust him as one of the pillars of their community and one who occasionally is given to having a bit of fun. However, after hearing word of his zealotry and dangerous plans following the revelations of the Librarian, she began to second-guess his affection and become increasingly fearful of him, though still in her heart regarding him as a friend. Upon his return to Petalcourt, though, much of the fear and wariness melted away (though not all of it) into affection and relief to see him well again. However, this didn't last long as he disappeared soon after, leaving Faran, Aeda, and their friends desperately trying to hold things together alone. The later realisation that he was Avarelle weakened Faran's trust and respect for him further, although she still hesitated to let go of the memory of their old Priest.
    Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✧✧

    Silver Gilphyra
    (Clone_Fives) - Although she bears no hatred or malevolence for Silver, Faran has found her company to become increasingly tedious and irritating, putting her even more on edge during stress. Very rarely does this manifest into more than an annoyed snappiness, only a general avoidance of her company when possible and distant civility when not. This does not, however, keep Faran from seeking to keep her safe until she has a chance to grow up.
    Affection: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Harlow Ketch
    (fantuinn) - In truth, Faran has only had one interaction of any significance with Harlow, but that single day has soured her perception of the man. They spoke after Aeda’s kidnapping when a panicked and near-hysterical Faran was desperately trying to find help for her friend and, although she was relieved to hear that Harlow had helped Talisin retrieve her, was livid when Harlow suggested that the abduction was a part of ‘gang warfare’, meaning that no guards would be involved in it, and that it was partially Wyn and the people of Petalcourt’s fault. Since then, that memory has been her primary association with the man and remains a sore spot for her, although she does still bear him some gratitude for his part in retrieving her friend.
    Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    (Mollymock) - Although Faran has seen Talisin transform and knows him to be Avarelle, she still regards his Cahalic identity to be somewhat separate. Her initial opinion of the Sachem was a slightly negative one, knowing them only as the leader of the Clan whose activities Petalcourt was being blamed for, but it mellowed into a somewhat wary respect when she learned that it was their old Priest, although she was still angry at him for abandoning them. Despite their early cooperation, though, their relationship quickly became tense as Faran saw Talisin's old zealotry and arrogance magnified many times over in Avarelle and it became clear to her that he had little care or affection for them beyond what served his new power and religion. She quickly began to distance herself, neutrally at first and slowly as more antagonistic to him, but struggles to let go of the old affection she had for her friend and hopes that, somehow, Talisin can be rescued from Avarelle.
    Affection: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✦✧

    Viatrix de Kloet (GhostMousie) - When Viatrix first came to Petalcourt, learning magic with Talisin and Darian, Faran thought little of it and was as friendly to her as any other new acquaintance. But when she disappeared one day, with Aridai disappearing later the same day, and it was discovered that both had become sanguine, Faran immediately blamed her for turning Ari right after he was no longer Archblood and was vulnerable to infection. After Ari was returned, she learned that Via had attacked him after he went to look for her and Faran's fury and disdain was immediate. Via's later apology did take the edge off Faran's hatred, but didn't help to restore any trust or affection and, although Faran would sometimes reluctantly tolerate her, she would remain deeply suspicious of her allegiances.
    Affection: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✧✧✧✧

    Sibyllad Lykke (Sujitation) - As a friend of Aeawyn's, Sib became a familiar sight to Faran during her early days in the Court and Faran quickly warmed up to her, despite initially being a bit wary. Although never particularly close, Faran regarded her as one of their few friends outside the Court - a guard who was willing to help them against the vampires. However, after Sib became suspicious of Udama and Hei, and then of Faran when she tried to defend them, the relationship quickly soured. When Sib came and accused the Court of being infested with Cahal, Faran called her out on openly associating with the Void-touched. Sib then punched her in the chest and dragged her away to prison, solidifying Faran's open disdain for her as a hypocrite and a bully.
    Affection: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✦✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✦✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✧✧

    Vampires - Although never particularly friendly towards the Void-touched, before coming to Regalia, Faran’s response to Kathar, Vampires, and other Void beings was one of distaste and fear, but not really one of anger or hostility. As long as they stayed somewhere else and didn’t bother her, she didn’t really have strong feelings against them. But the continued harassment of herself and her loved ones, especially the burning of Petalcourt and Aeda’s abduction, have kindled a deeper resentment, hatred, and terror for the Void-aligned, especially Kathar and Vampires, that often wrestles with her instincts for compassion and forgiveness. Although only occasionally angry or fearful enough to consider lashing out, Faran is intensely uncomfortable and distrustful of nearly any Void-touched she encounters, whether overtly hostile or not, and is skeptical of attempts to be friendly. Over time, her stance has softened slightly, but still is at best distant, and easily snaps back into fear and hatred when threatened.
    Affection: ✧✧✧✦✦|| ~ Respect: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✧✧✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✦✧
    Characters that are no longer actively played or that Faran no longer has an active relationship with, but kept here for reference anyway.

    Yesügeiin Surlegtei (Eronoc) - Apparently Surl was a member of the Petalcourt community when Faran first arrived in Regalia, but they only ever became acquainted when he recently returned after a long absence. Initially, she paid him little mind, only being aware of him as a stoic warrior on the peripheries of her community, but became interested in discussing religion and culture with him during a camping trip. When Ingemar began to teach her and Aeda archery, Surl joined to teach them about shooting from horseback, adding him to Faran’s growing list of mentors and, after experiencing heartache and anxiety over relationship troubles, she found that he was a wise and compassionate confidant. By this point, she regards him as an insightful and steady mentor, along with being an interesting conversational partner and a friend with a surprising sense of humor and mischief.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✦✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Aridai Darietheck (sensiblegh0st) - Aridai is a fairly recent addition to the Court, and one that Faran has a slightly complicated relationship with, but one she considers a friend regardless. She feels somewhat frustrated and afraid of him because of his continued connections with the Undercity, especially his friendships with Void-folk, but has developed a friendship with him over his time in Petalcourt and wants to make sure he has a place to be safe and loved. Even if she often feels that he’s too reckless and endangers them all by getting himself into trouble, she can’t help but want to get him out safely and help him heal.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Aeawyn of Rustwood (Lazzulai) - Aeawyn was Faran’s oldest friend in Petalcourt, having been there when she first arrived in Regalia and was taken under her wing. They didn’t get into as much mischief together as Faran did with her other friends, but she did regard Wyn as a trusted mentor and adopted mother, despite occasionally disagreeing with or being afraid of her. Through all of the ups and downs of her time in Petalcourt, Aeawyn was there and so represented stability to Faran, although the events surrounding her week-long ‘death’ (twice) ended up shaking that somewhat. More recent conflict and ideological dispute strained the relationship further, weakening Faran's respect and trust for her. Although Wyn's sudden unexplained disappearance left Faran feeling betrayed and abandoned, she does still hold out hope for their relationship to eventually be mended.
    Affection: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✧✧✧

    House Reinard - Although Faran typically has little use or concern for nobility, more-or-less ignoring them as long as they leave her alone, she has developed a cautious respect and affection for the members of House Reinard, especially their patriarch Augustin. The family was not unknown to her before, having staff that lived in Petalcourt, but she never paid them much mind until Petalcourt burned and the Reinards opened their doors to the displaced that very night. Although actions taken by another member of their family eventually meant that it was deemed unsafe for them to stay there, Faran took the gesture to heart and took the time to listen and consider Augustin’s words about not exchanging an eye for an eye, despite her fury. Later, when Augustin was briefly Lord Chancellor, Faran was present when he visited Petalcourt with Wyn to hear their concerns about being harassed by Kathar and having their people kidnapped, promising to advocate for additional protections for them. Although he was replaced before having the chance to do so, Faran still remembered him as the only Chancellor she’d ever seen bother coming to Petalcourt and was appreciative of his efforts.
    Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✧✧✧✧

    Acquaintances/Neutral Relationships
    Alza (The_OG_Crucifier) - Although Faran would usually be one to encourage friendliness but caution when meeting new people, Alza won her heart from the very first day he scampered into Petalcourt. The small Asha child immediately took to her as well and adopted her as his mother, which she did not protest, although finding it a bit surprising. Although they have only become recently acquainted, the pair seem to have become very fond of each other.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✧✧✧✧✧

    Ingemar of Rustwood/Hundrolos (Caelamus) - Hundrolos was second only to Wyn in terms of Faran’s long-standing relationships and as such once held similar feelings of stability and protection as his wife did. However, where Faran’s relationship with Wyn was more warm and playful, her relationship with Hundrolos was more cautious and reserved. She once held great respect for him and wouldn’t hesitate to trust her or anyone else’s life to his protection, despite finding him puzzling, distant, and a little frightening. After a couple particularly distressing incidents, Faran became quite afraid of him and had her trust severely shaken, eventually coming to believe that he was angry with her and didn’t care for her anymore, but in time this was remedied and the relationship healed, albeit still fairly reserved. However, like with Aeawyn, recent conflict has replaced her positive feelings with mistrust and fear, though she is cautiously willing to forgive, or at least to peacefully co-exist.
    Affection: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Respect: ✦✦✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✦✧

    Kuzma Ustinra (DedJok) - Faran first met Kuzma during an investigation of the strange crystals appearing around Petalcourt and was immediately put off by his aggressive and brusque demeanor. They met again in the ashes of Petalcourt when he was leading the displaced residents in weapons and defensive drills, which Faran disapproved of but reluctantly joined, and would continue to occasionally cross paths. Although simple familiarity eventually began to take the edge off her dislike, she still keeps a wary distance from him and only begrudgingly accepts his protection of the people of the Court.
    Affection: ✧✧✧✧✦|| ~ Respect: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Trust: ✦✧✧✧✧ ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✧✧

    Jotunniir, "The Bat-gorilla" (Timetotalk) - Faran's initial response to the hulking vampire was, understandably, primarily one of terror. However, after its repeated stalking, threats, and attacks on her and her friends, each within only a day or two of the last, her fear quickly turned into fury. Before his execution, her current objective was to see Aeda gifted a bat-gorilla rug. Although he is now dead, Faran still remembers him with disdain and hatred.
    Affection: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Respect:✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Trust: ✦✦✦✦✦|| ~ Fear: ✦✦✦✦✦
    • Winner Winner x 10
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
    #1 SevenBirds, Jan 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  2. Finlaggan

    Finlaggan unabashed music and whiskey snob Staff Member Lore2

    Mar 12, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Claiming for review. Expect a reply within the day.
  3. Finlaggan

    Finlaggan unabashed music and whiskey snob Staff Member Lore2

    Mar 12, 2018
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  4. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Finlaggan Just added a bit to the character questions, added a couple items, and added character goals. I am thinking about switching out her History and Medical points for Nature Sorcery once I find a teacher ICly and learn the spells from them.
    EDIT: I figured it would make it easier on you if I went ahead and switched the proficiencies now instead of having you re-review it later. For now, neither of the spells will be used as they haven't been learned ICly yet, but I'll remove the note once they have been. Hope that makes it simpler for you- I can just as easily change it back if it's better to wait and have it re-approved later.
    #4 SevenBirds, Mar 12, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
  5. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Finlaggan Updated Faran's page with the new Cieolthar rewrite.
  6. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Made aesthetics. And found a very cute and distracting ferret. (x
  7. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Updated according to the new proficiency system - changes in green!
  8. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  9. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Nesstro Good evening! I've used the final three points for another level of Nature Sorcery, so I've added the spells to my sheet.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Nesstro Good afternoon! I've redone my proficiency points a bit and added a bit to the life story to describe where they came from. Changes in green!
  11. Caelamus

    Caelamus Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main Supremium

    Nov 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Remains approved.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  12. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Nesstro Updated according to the new proficiency system. Only a few changes, marked in green. I haven't gotten around to adding the animals from Husbandry, but I'll do that at some point - I'm planning on getting the Silat Wolf for the mount, don't know about the mundane pet. Maybe a ferret so they can be friends with Fenrir.
  13. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  14. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Updated with relationships and Husbandry animals.
  15. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Added a beautiful new portrait created by SneakyLinguine and updated some character relationships based on recent events.
  16. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Fleshed out current events section and added songs from her soundtrack to the corresponding events.
  17. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Updated and rearranged character relationships.
  18. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Moved some points around to take True Path I. It's not a big change, but since it affects abilities, going to tag you just in case. Changes in light green!
  19. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Hey! Sorry to bother you, but just bumping this real quick since it's been over a week.
  20. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Major update! Mostly just adding stuff related to becoming Cahal, but also some aesthetic and personality updates. Changes are in pink.
  21. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Sorry to bother you again, but I'm not sure whether this has been buried under all the other character updates lately. Could I get it reviewed, please? I'm having a bit of trouble getting involved with the current infection stuff with having my app not approved. Thank you for your time!
  22. Messtro

    Messtro Flower Goblin

    May 23, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Approved! Apologies for the delay, I've been on an emergency trip.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  23. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    No worries at all! I appreciate all the work y'all have been doing - just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost. Thank you very much!
  24. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Shuffled some relationships around based on recent events.
  25. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Faran has been cured, so Cahal-related content has been updated to reflect that.
  26. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    @Messtro Some big-ish changes. I was reading about the School of Vasty'naar the other day and, seeing as I think it seems like a good fit, wanted to try something a bit different. The biggest changes are in her backstory, which has just be edited a bit to include the schooling and actually makes her early life a bit more stable, I think. I also shuffled some points around to add some in staves and also to take True Path I. Physical Stat stays the same because she was already at her racial max. Changes are in green!
  27. Yurs

    Yurs real life catgirl

    Jun 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Picking up for staff review! Expect a reply shortly
  28. Yurs

    Yurs real life catgirl

    Jun 27, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Everything looks good!

    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1

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