The Hammers Of Holmganga


Inexplicable Explicative
Jan 22, 2014
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a time or place.
The Hammers of Holmganga

The aim of the (guard charter) organization is run-of-the-mill street guards with a focus on speed and efficiency, directed at protecting and enforcing common folk. The Hammers will not focus on military discipline, instead focusing on strength and speed to hit fast and hit hard should punches in the taverns, streets, or businesses be thrown. There will also be a focus on hands-on punishments to offer prisoners better roleplay than to spend time in a cell. These punishments may include physical labor, physical punishments (but only with permission should it be severe), and fines. The armaments would be cost effective in most cases, consisting of axes, maces, and blunted weapons to subdue. Much of their duties would include stopping public disruptions, bar fights, manning the slum gate, and protecting local businesses. Less military, more city militia.

The Hammers are back on the streets, bringing justice to those who think they can escape it.If you've the heart and mind capable of the Hammer's ranks, then you've a place among a brotherhood. Rank is only a formality; trust is superior.

The Hammers of Holmganga are a rough and rugged guard charter, taking more after northern justice than Regalian justice. The laws of Regalia are enforced, but prisoners will not be given a bed, food, and shelter for their crimes. Instead, they will work off their debt, be shown honest labor, and pay eye for an eye to those they harm.
The Standard "Patrol, Arrest, Imprison" Rights:
  • The right to Patrol the streets of Regalia with armor and weapons in sight.
  • The right to Arrest those who violate the Regalian Laws and detain those suspected.
  • The right to Imprison those found guilty, and to hold those under investigation for questioning.
Additional Hammer Chapter Rights:
  • The exclusive right to engage in standard guard practices within the private property of business properties in the main Regalian city district, notably the main street and the Golden Willow Tavern.


Merkismathr- The commander of the organization.
Kaya Sorenvik

Thane- Trusted friends and advisors to the Merkismathr which run the organization when they're away.
Gryft Sorenvik
Brynjar Sorenvik

Radninjar/Valkyrie- The veterans and captains of the organization, acknowledged for their skill in battle and prowess for command.
Edouard Lambert
Oskaar af Sorenvik

Aesir- Proven in battle and capable of any situation, these are your average Hammers.
Seraphina Von Ebene
Sibÿllad Lykke
Elsa Sundenn

Recruits- "Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys."
Liesel Mattugr


Character Name:
Character Application:
Activity (on a scale of 1-10):
Any Bans/Punishments:
Discord (Yes/No):
IC Letter Application:
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Username: GenericPirate
Character Name: Benjamin Fernández
Character Application: Needs Re-Review
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): I went on break for a couple months, only now returning. So, my activity is not what it previously was. Currently, 3/10. Usually, 8/10.
Any Bans/Punishments: Clean record.
Discord (Yes/No): Yes.
IC Letter Application:
The letter was written crudely, in certain places letter were scratch out and written by another person.
I write to serve under you and the other officers. I worked under Jared Kade in the mercinarees mercenaries. Served house de Santigo while they were nobileete nobility. Serves navy. I will follow orders. Do fast work.

Tides be gentle,
Benjamin Fernández
Approved for a trial period. Your application looks pretty good, and no one had anything bad to say, but it is primarily because no one knows you. We'll give you a week or two to show that you can handle guard roleplay.

I'll need your discord, which you can PM me either on the forums, or in-game.~
Username: MugQueenGhost
Character Name: Eeve Úlfurtönn
Character Application: Needs Re-Review
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 6-7/10
Any Bans/Punishments: Clean record.
Discord (Yes/No): Yes.
IC Letter Application:

A letter written in Skodje
I would like to be a Hammer. My brother and dad both served under you at one point. My dad Týrök speaks highly of you. I served on a raiding crew for ten years before coming to Regalia. I am good with short sword, skagger axe, drixon spear, and round shield.

May the Gods watch over your health,
Eeve Týrökdottir Úlfurtönn
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Username: Septanone
Character Name: Alphonsae Mikkelson
Character Application:
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 7-8
Any Bans/Punishments: Nope.
Discord (Yes/No): Yep, Daniyah#8005
IC Letter Application:
Greetings, Merkismathr Sorenvik,
I am Alphonsae Mikkelson, I formally apologise on this letter for my inexperience, but I wish to provide my hands for service under your Guard Banner. I am still in training, and feel this may be a beneficial way to further steele myself through service.

Alphonsae Mikkelson.
Page updated!

We are still recruiting so take up your clubs and axes, and bring the fight to the criminals!​
Username: ParisaPax
Character Name: Liesel Mattugr
Character Application: Working on this currently!
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 5 - 9 depending on my work schedule and the day!
Any Bans/Punishments: None, ever!
Discord (Yes/No): Yes, I've given it.
IC Letter Application: (Spoke IG. Skipping!)
Username: Nidakk
Character Name: Bra'ak Uruk
Character Application: Not available but Here is a link to his family app.
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 6-7 sometimes 5 depending on the day
Any Bans/Punishments: Nada
Discord (Yes/No): Yes
Username: GrimDeValhalla
Character Name: Ollie Buaot

Character Application: Posting it.
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 6-7
Any Bans/Punishments: No
Discord (Yes/No): Yus
IC Letter Application: Icly delt with.
Username: Vorenthul
Character Name: Tuk Uruk "Steelrender"
Character Application: I have a google doc currently
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 6/10
Any Bans/Punishments: N/A
Discord (Yes/No): Yes
IC Letter Application:

* A crude drawing of Tuk and Bra'ak talking to Kaya at the checkpoint would be drawn.*
Username: Walnoodle
Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
Character Application: Boop
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): Depending upon the day, about a 7.
Any Bans/Punishments: Nah
Discord (Yes/No): Yepperoni!
IC Letter Application:
If you'll have me, I want to get back into things. You know my experience and you know my abilities. If you need anything further, all you have to do is send for me.
Seraphina A. Eroth
Username: Coolcameron717
Character Name: Hrasha Uruk
Character Application: Work in Progress
Activity (On a scale of 1-10): 8-10
Bans or Punishments: None
Discord: Camzzar#9828
IC letter application: To Lady Sorenvik,
I Hrasha Uruk would like to join the Hammers to serve with my father Bra'ak Uruk in the Hammers and to be able to help clear criminals out of Regalia and make it a safer place for all.
From Hrasha Uruk
Notice for all future applicants!

No applications from this point onwards will be accepted without a posted character application. It does not have to be approved, but needs to be posted in a clear display of one's willingness to apply their knowledge of lore and server regulations.

Not having a posted application will result in immediate denial. Any exception cases will be handled by myself directly, usually in the creation of a new character already in the Hammers.

There will be no other exceptions.
Username: UncleYnzy
Character Name: Marcus Thibault
Character Application: Here be that app yo!
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 7
Any Bans/Punishments: Nope
Discord (Yes/No): Yes, do believe I still have you on there.
IC Letter Application:
Dear Miss Sorenvik,
I write to you today in hopes to join your ranks once more. In the past I worked along side your troops to aid them as a strong support. In case you do not remember me however I can understand, I have Viridian training and multiple years serving as a foot troop. I've served in multiple charters in the past, some I must leave out of this letter due to secrecy. I still hold my code of honor and would be grateful to once again serve a group that holds the same ideals as my own.
Signed, Marcus Alfr Thibault, The Frozen Oak
Username: Sujitation
Character Name: Sibÿllad Lykke
Character Application: Here
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 7
Any Bans/Punishments:
Nope, Im clean.
Discord (Yes/No): Yes, Suji #2155
IC Letter Application:

(In case you needed it clearly)
Dear Lady Sorenvik
I, Sibÿllad Lykke, am writing in a desire to join the many others in serving the empire, in the form of The Hammers. I've heard much about them and have decided to try aiding in this desperate time. I have well passed the schooling of Hitlock, and have brought in my own use of a large coffin shield. I've participated in guarding before, and am currently a house guard to the Peirgartens.
Spirit Blessed,
Sibÿllad Lykke​
Can't wait to see how many peeps still hate me.
Username: Nidakk
Character Name: Ragnar Thoork
Character Application: Here!
Activity (on a scale of 1-10):7
Any Bans/Punishments: Nope
Discord (Yes/No): Im still in the server
IC Letter Application:

To the Merkismathr
Hello there to whoever is in charge while Kaya is... away! I am Ragnar Thoork, the Hunting Knight and I am ready to serve in a Guard charter along with my Knightly duties. I am a tracker, although I am very skilled in the Skagger Axe, I can find any criminal with anything that has as much as only touched there body. With the proper permissions I can search for anyone and anything, just say the word and their mine. I hope to join you fellows in the near future in hunting criminals!
The Hunting Knight, Ragnar Thoork
Username: Snugglykittens
Character Name: Elsa Sundenn
Character Application: [Derp]
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): Some days 10 some days 1. Depends on the shifts I get at work.
Any Bans/Punishments: Nope
Discord (Yes/No): No, of course not
IC Letter Application:
The letter was written in common, but it was far too neat to be Elsas writing.


This is a letter to let you know that Oskaar offered me a place in the Hammers as a sort of medic.
I hope this is alright.

I promise not to throw you into water again.

Elsa Sundenn."
Username: Gartono
Character Name: Ike Mordekae
Character Application: Here
Activity (on a scale of 1-10): 7
Any Bans/Punishments: No
Discord (Yes/No): Yes
IC Letter Application:

To Lady Sorenvik,
We have met briefly, and if it was not obvious; I tire of sitting around. Let my combative experience and prowess aid you and your cause. To hunt and protect is my purpose, as I see no other order more fit for me than this one. With full unwavering loyalty, I will be honored to join the Hammers.
-Ikelan Mordekae​
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Username: Mayino
Character Name: Amund Björnsson Skovborg
Character Application: (Its WIP im currently already on my monthly post cap. So i'll be finishing and posting it next month.)
Activity: (on a scale of 1-10): 6,5
Any Bans/Punishments: None
Discord (Yes/No): Yes
IC Letter Application:

To whomever this may concern,

My name is Amund Björnsson Skovborg and we have yet to meet. I am a graduate of the School of Great oak. And i am looking for employment within the Hammer their ranks i have heard tales of a well established Northerne woman to be leading this order and it would be a honor to fight side by side with such a figure of great tales. I have plenty of experience in combat; and find myself to be most proficient with the Longsword and Skagger Axe. I am looking forward to a reply - And i am willing to take on any kind of challenge to prove my worth.

Yours Sincerely,
Amund Björnsson Skovborg
Oldest son of Björn
The current head of the Skovborg family