The Crown Isle Wardens


The Watcher
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
The Mitten




An Chapter of the Regalian Violet Order, the Wardens of the Isle are tasked with patrolling and protecting the peace over the Crown Isle, and aid in disasters. This chapter's duty is to guard the wilderness of the capital, maintain steadfast watch over the various castles, estates, towns, roads and public events that are mapped upon the Regalian Isle, and respond to disasters that occur both inside or outside the walls. The Wardens serve the Empire, keeping the heart of it intact under any circumstances.


The Wardens of the Isle are a peacekeeping part of the Regalian Guard, and in charge of patrolling the wilderness of Regalia, outside and inside the main city's walls, and to respond to disasters that may occur within or outside the city walls. The Chapters works much alike to and in conjunction with the other Chapters of the Violet Order, protection of the Isle being their foremost devotion.



Chapter Commander of the Wardens

The Charter Captain is the highest authority of his or her respective chapter of the Violet Order. With this post they retain the right to establish expectations for their members, regulations for how one should act and handle lawbreakers, and ultimately lay out the overarching goals of their chapter. This individual has the final say over any issues that arise, and handles all applications and dismissals.

Violet Captains

The Captains are the upper-echelon of the officers of the Crown Isle Wardens. They are the most experienced and capable in their post and boast a considerable degree of aptitude in combat and leadership. They are expected to take on certain aspects of the administration of the Wardens as to relieve some the workload of the Chapter Commander. In the event that the Chapter Commander is absent or otherwise too occupied to perform their duties this three member body will rule as a council until they return.

Violet Officers
The Officers make up the primary field-leadership of the Crown Isle Wardens. To achieve this post one must prove themselves loyal, capable and intelligent in fighting and tactics alike. These Wardens are entrusted with the right to issue orders to the Armsmen/women and lead them on patrols around the city and countryside.

Violet Guardsmen

The guardsmen/woman are those individuals who have proven their understanding of Regalian Law, ethics, respect and self-discipline and therefore are permitted the right to don armour, weapons, and to patrol the streets. Above all else the most important right afforded to these individuals is that of law-enforcement, the right to detain, arrest or otherwise investigate as to maintain order and justice.

Violet Recruits

Recruits are initiates of the Wardens and therefore are permitted none of the rights of the fully-fledged members lest they are under strict supervision. These members will remain at this rank until they have shown an understanding for the law and that they are of a sound body and mind.



The Standard "Patrol, Arrest, Imprison" Rights:
  • The right to Patrol the streets of Regalia with armor and weapons in sight.
  • The right to Arrest those who violate the Regalian Laws and detain those suspected.
  • The right to Imprison those found guilty, and to hold those under investigation for questioning.
Additional Warden Chapter Rights:
  • The exclusive right to guard events and properties outside of the Regalian City's main walls.
  • The exclusive right to investigate and otherwise infringe on Noble Estate private property for judicial reasons.



Character Name:
Character application, (required):
  • Men must have 15 points in martial skill.
  • Women must have 20 points in martial skill.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining):
Letter to Violet Commander Shane Marth detailing your reasonings and experience:
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Character Name: Myriil Inafir
Character Application: Working on it
Character Race: Shenath Kathar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: no
Discord: JcRed#0745
Ic letter to Garth Viduggla
Dear Lord Viduggla,
Hello my name is Myriil Inafir and I'm wanting to join the Crown Isle Wardens for many reasons, I have a family and I want to work so that we can live a happy life and have enough money. I resigned from working with the Ardelans because I didn't want to be involved with them anymore as I didn't want my kids growing up the way I did in the slums so I've moved to the city with my family in hopes to forget my past. I'm experienced with Daggers, short swords, and my fists, I've also read the Regalian Laws so I know them in and out. Please take into consideration my application Lord Viduggla.
Myriil Inafir
IGN: OceanDrinker17
Character Name: Ashissa Iothari
Character Application: Working on it
Character Race: Elven, Avanthar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: No
Discord: #6929
Ic letter to Garth Viduggla:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

Greetings, my name is Ashissa Iothari and I only recently heard about the Crown Isle Wardens and have been eagar to join them sense. I don't have much, no family except for my brother who has been lost and have been moving from place to place, so I wouldn't mind moving to another if needed. I tried to join one of the guards in place of a friend, but they said I'd be better suited with the Wardens due to my skills. I am an excellent Archerer, Alchemist and am very useful with Daggers and Knives. I am an exteremly quick learner and don't mind getting my hands dirty if needed. I want to help, serve and protect. I am not afraid to face any danger that may come. Please consider taking in my applications for the Crown Isle Wardens, Lord Viduggla.


Ashissa Iothari
IGN: TheGeekyNerd1
Character Name: Benjamin Syldove
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Alior
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Nick_Valentine#4364
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Lord Garth Viduggla,

My name is Benjamin Syldove, ex member of the Vigilant Shield. I write you today in hopes of joining your ranks for a better place than I had at the Vigilant Shield. When I was there, I felt like I was treated like a dog of war and nothing more than a boy. I have graduated from the School of Turall and I hope to serve the Wardens in battle when needed. I have trained myself for combat. I have heard from many people that the Wardens is a great place to be and I hope to join by your side one day.

Spirit Bless
Signed, Benjamin Syldove
IGN: KingdomKnightz
Character Name: Zelgius Pavise
Character application: Here ya go!
Character race: Ailor
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: Nope!
Discord: KingdomKnightz#8115

Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience
To Lord Garth Viduggla,
Greetings, my name is Zelgius Pavise. A former House Guard and Hammer. I wish to join the Wardens, for I hope to find a better chance here than I did with the others. I have already graduated from the School of Bloodcast, wishing to hone my skills even further. I have heard from others that the Wardens are great, talking with men such as Daniel White and others. I hope to guard by your side, along with my longsword.

Spirit's Blessings,
Zelgius Pavise
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IGN: Last_Link
Character Name: Zaheer I'l Lasha
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Ailor
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Muted for counting to 100 in general
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it dad
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To General
To Lord
To Garth,

Hey Garth mate I want to join the safe guard ran-

I want to join the Crown Isle Wardens. I can use a sword pretty good. Yeah thats about all im good at.

Former Commander
War Hero
Greatest Mariposa Warrior
Three time house guard
Marked Stabber
Massive Legend Here
IGN: Pugsly10
Character Name: Beau Kra'zzla, z Morze Czarne, of The Black Sea.
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Varran, but a good one.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Way way way in the past because I liked to mess around in general.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Disc and Skype.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To the esteemed Lord Commander Garth Viduggla.

I am Beau Kra'zzla formally, though you may know me by Beau, simply. I have fought and proceeded in standard guard deeds beside your Crown Isle Wardens more than I have amongst my own Holmganga Hammers. So, it has come to my attention that I am simply more inclined to your guard Charter than that of the one I currently find myself enlisted--though I have left in order to write you this letter. I have arrested the man Haelmir by your side, I was the only Hammer at the Blackguard incident regarding the building burning with Blackguards inside and the arguments that follow, and I was the only Hammer there when Urijah had threatened and attacked your men. I constantly find myself surrounded by the Wardens rather Hammers, and if I seem to be repeating myself it is to make it clear, that my place is much more guided to joining your forces than remaining in my stagnant place. I have also made friends with your cousin Hansen and became more interested in the Wardens upon making friends with other such members of your Charter such as; Fiona, Bangsius, Skald, and various other acquaintances of your ranks. I truly believe that this is the path I am meant to take, my Lord, and I will gladly await your decision.

Sent by the fairly grateful Beau z Morze Czarne.

F.T.O Fiona approves of my submission.
Character Name: Finairaden --
Character application, (Optional): no u
Character race: Ailor - Highland Ceardian
Discord: Yis
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To the Lord Viduggla

I write to you sharing my desire to join your charter. I am a capable man, having graduated as a Darkwald Knight with nothing else worthy of note besides the fact that I am good at handling things steel related.
Servent of the Synod & Knight of Darkwald
Finairaden The Merciful

IGN: mayino
Character Name: Juribramir Sanmaro
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Half-elf (Avanthar/Daendroquin Ailor).
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Never.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Yes i have discord.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear lord Viduggla,

I am Juribramir Sanmaro and I am writing this letter as i wish to join the well respected ranks of the Crown Isle Wardens. I am resigning from my position in the Vigilant shield as i find myself in a position where i can not utilize my strengths; I am a graduate to the Daendroquin school of Tenpenny and a master horseman. For this reason i feel like my skills could be better utilized within your ranks. I have also found employment before my time with the Vigilant as a houseguard and prior to that job i was enlisted in the Regalian military for eleven years. I have also befriended some Wardens who will most certainly approve of my letter being; Beau C. and Ser Pavise I do hope for a swift response and will gladly await your decision.

Juribramir Sanmaro
Graduate of the School of Tenpenny
IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Anacióeleoi Jaellone
Character application: Soon, Soon.
Character race: Half Altalar Half Shenath Kathar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted: Nope
Discord: You've got my discord
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Lord Viduggla

I hope this letter reaches you in good time, I'm Ana. I've recently found myself in your beautiful city, without a thought of what to do. This is the thing I eventually came up with. Though this may just be me tooting my own horn, I think I'm rather good with a sword, and while I'm sure you already have many under your charge that can say the same thing, I hope you'll have me all the same.

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IGN: SyrupSandwiches_
Character Name: Fawzi Kra'zzla
Character application: (To be update later)
Character race: Night-Born Varran
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
One mute: Discussing controversial topics in General
One jail: Profanity used at a server event
Discord: You have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Lord Viduggla
I have recently recovered from my wounds and am now capable of service once again.
If your offer to join the Wardens still stands, ill be willing to take it.
- Fawzi
IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Anna Caladwen
Character application, (Optional): Boop
Character race: Altalar
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it my dude
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Garth,

I have once more come to join your ranks. This time for good. If you remember my past experiences they have only increased. I'l currently willing to kick anyone's ass.
Spirit Bless,
Anna Caladwen​
IGN: Ynzy
Character Name: Tatiana Fouche
Character race: Ithanian Ailor
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: NOPE!
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Yes, you should already have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Lord Commander Viduggla,

I write to you today in hopes that I might inquire to join the rank of your Wardens as a field medic. I have a great deal of experience with doing field patches and very minor surgery. While I do not have any skills with alchemy I do have a good eye for proper medicine. I don't have much combat experience but if need be I can learn how to wield something light.
I do hope to hear from you soon, with warm regards,
Tatiana Fouche~
IGN: MikeyMoo_Da_Goat
Character Name: Mikhaila Riddarinorr
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Isldar - Velheim Ailor half-elf.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope!
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): Mikhaila#8350
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Greetings, Lord Garth Viduggla,
I write to you in the high hopes that my interactions and duelings with one Alexander Amsel would provide me with a means of acceptance based upon his word. I am a Knight of the Great Oak, and am experienced in battle and travel.

If you'll have me, you'll have my best.

Mikahaila Riddarinorr,
Knight of the Great Oak
Character Name:Julius Peirgarten
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Ailor
Discord, (You have it)
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
To Lord Commander Viduggla,
I, Julius Peirgarten wish to serve the Crown Isle Wardens. We've spoken briefly and I have had the pleasure of meeting your Wardens. I join because I wish to be around more of my kinsmen, I want to reconnect and be apart of something with people like myself.
Ser Julius Cormac Peirgarten
The Relentless Knight
Character Name
Pellegrino of Tureno.
Character application
Under revision, previously approved.
Character race
Dressolini Ailor.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?
A mute a month and a half ago for inappropriate language in general chat.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience
"To Lord Commander, his lordship Garth Viduggla,

I believe with the recent chaos surrounding the Black Regiment and their recent misadventures, you could use an extra set of hands experienced like mine. I was formerly of the Religious charter known as the Bronze Halberd, and after that was with the various iterations of the Violet Order prior to its dissolving. My own combat experience is that directly from the Turall Academies, paid for by my estranged family. I've also experience formerly as a Harhold and currently Peirgarten house guard.

Pellegrino of Tureno."​
IGN: SlyChungg
Character Name: Reyes Velásquez.
Character application:ásquez.66257/
Character race: Avanthar, imperialised into Ailor.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: I am an innocent child of MassiveCraft.
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): I'll PM you it later on if needed.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

It's me, your ex drink server, penning you for an opportunity to gain experience in the guard, as previously shown interest face-to-face. Other Charters seem far more harsher in my opinion, and I already find many friendly faces within your charter whom I have no issue in getting along with. I already have leadership and command skills from my days on the fierce fields during the First Songaskian and current Elven War, and have shown success in my work before. Whilst I am mostly able to handle a mace and small shield, I am also able to use my fists in some occasions and tackle down any aberrants if required to. Naturally, I am able to ride any horse in the countryside when on duty.
If you hold any questions or anything as such, I wouldn't mind holding a meeting with you.

Spirit Keep,
OOC: I just miss guard stuff :c
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IGN: NathanMC14
Character Name: Bjørnolf Sundenn.
Character application: WIP.
Character race: Velheim, Ailor.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?: My /seen is clean.
Discord: Yes, you've got it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

The Letter appeared to be written in Skodje.

"Lord-Commander Garth Viduggla,

I have been considering this over the last few days, and have finally came to a conclusion, that I'd love to join The Wardens, and help to serve and protect our great city of Regalia. I have grown up with a shield and axe, as well as a shortbow often used for hunting. I am a loyal fellow, when I commit myself to something or someone, I stick by them until the end. Through good and hard times. I hope you consider accepting me into The Wardens.

Bjørnolf Sundenn.
IGN: Miss_Confined
Character Name: Bronwyn Cuffburt
Character application, (Optional):
Character race: Humorrin Dwarf
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: No
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it.
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

Dear Lord Viduggla,

I need of a job. I am very good smith. Worked good with Hightowers. I work good with others. Please say aye.

- Wyn Cuffburt
IGN: Sujitation
Character Name: Marbles
Character application: Not as of yet, I'll list the Prof.
Proficiency Points (60 - 10, School of Pavisa)
+20 Crossbow (School of Pavisa, +10)
+10 Large Shield (School of Pavisa)
+10 Improvised Weapons (School of Pavisa)
+20 Acrobatics (Proficency Points)
+20 Common Shortbow (Proficency Points)

Cultural Points (60)
+15 Drawing
+14 Vocal Music
+10 Bodycare
+7 Weaving
+4 Dancing
+3 Tailoring
+3 Husbandry
+3 Brewing
+1 Cuisine Cooking
Character race: Half-Elf (Altalar-Ailor)
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope.
Discord: Yep!
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:
Dear Lady Lord Viduggla,
I intend to join among your ranks in the Wardens, aiding in fending our Empire. Your charter seemed more my style, as I do like to look into working outside the wall instead of limiting to just within city. I have trained in the school of Pavisa and graduated, taken the oath and having quite the experience in the Shortbow. I hope to give forth my skills for the greater defense against this horrid time.

Spirit's Bless,
IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Camilla Caladwen
Character application, (Optional): Boop
Character race: Avanthar - Imperialized
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nope
Discord, (Discord is mandatory for joining): You have it
Letter to Lord Garth Viduggla detailing your reasonings and experience:

To Lord Commander Viduggla,

I write to you today in hopes I will be able to follow in the footsteps of my lovely sister, Anna. I am a graduate of the school of Pavisa, trained in the art of axes, tracking, and the common duel of sword and shield. I am rather flexible in where I stand in combat, though whatever protects those in harms way will always be preferred. A meeting in person can be arranged if you so desire.

Camilla Caladwen