Archived Removal Of Massivemob Debuffs In Pvp

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Deldrimorian Dominion
Roleplay Guilds
MassiveMobs have many positives and negatives. I can't say that altogether I really like or dislike them. I love how easy darkrooming became when they were added. I got my axes up from 1500 to 2600 in a few hours of grinding after they were implemented in to all worlds. I'm not too interested in PvE but a few of my friends and officers seem to enjoy fighting the boss mobs in the darkroom. It's a good plugin and it adds a very unique, medieval fantasy aspect to the server. But, my issue with it is the mobs interfering with PvP.

I've had many fights where the land just outside of the claim everyone was PvPing in is spawning more mobs than my darkroom. These mobs interfere with PvP in a few ways.
  • Certain mobs carry knock back weapons. Some have Punch Bows, others have KB melee weapons. These can knock you away from the fight which can be very annoying if you're about to finish a kill or are trying to save a friend that is being killed.
  • Insane amounts of mob drops. I for one, like to keep my inventory very organized when I'm fighting. This makes that difficult. This is a screenshot of what happens when you start to pick up mob drops. Not too bad here but it gets much worse. 2016-02-20_19.10.05.png
  • Debuffs. This is the worst part. Certain mobs can poison, some can wither. And witches can throw slowness and poison potions on you. Of course, witches are a vanilla mob, so this is not the fault of Massive Mobs but it is still an interference. Poison and wither not only deal damage over time which can prevent you from jumping and moving properly, but they also prevent you from regaining your absorption hearts which can cause you to be very squishy. 2015-12-02_17.17.09.png
I'm having trouble coming up with a possible solution that could lower the Massive Mob interference in PvP but also don't ruin the benefits they have for people who enjoy PvE. Let me know what you think :)
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Doesn't this kinda go against one of the secondary functions of Massivemobs?

As I'm sure most of you are aware you are able to tame all Green or lower mobs that can then help you in battle. The second any player or other mob hits you any tamed mobs you have nearby will then go attack whatever did it to you.

I understand this is a feature that rarely if ever gets used but it is a part of the plugin and we are meant to have that ability.
Mobs should be a third party just like hill-pvp or traps becomes one. I don't think an empty flat area is a place very exciting to be in. Ever been in /tp raidtyberia? :p
The only change to massive mobs I want to see is less fricken guardians.
I agree flat areas are not as exciting. But as much as I love me some hill-pvp, that, along with traps are more of a form of strategy than an uncontrolable and unpredictable 3rd party.
Mobs should be a third party just like hill-pvp or traps becomes one. I don't think an empty flat area is a place very exciting to be in. Ever been in /tp raidtyberia? :p
Most zones have that as false but they spawn around the boarder anyways
Just because a monster is unable to spawn in a specific chunk. That doesn't prevent it from wandering in.
Are walls and underground bases not a thing?

You're right, I probably couldn't beat you or Sinthe in PvP. The point I was trying to make, is that there really isn't any "experience" needed to voice an opinion on the matter, my limited time getting killed is as relevant as your countless hours killing people.
(*Hit *Hit *Crit *Hit *Pot *Pot *Hit *Hit *Crit *Crit Sinthe was slain by Pokyug using [His PvP Expereince]) <--- THAT is how basic the PvP experience is.

The guardians can be a pain :P
Fly water PvP is for scrubs, but yeah. Guardians are a pain in the ass if you do happen to PvP in the water :)
Are walls and underground bases not a thing?

You're right, I probably couldn't beat you or Sinthe in PvP. The point I was trying to make, is that there really isn't any "experience" needed to voice an opinion on the matter, my limited time getting killed is as relevant as your countless hours killing people.
(*Hit *Hit *Crit *Hit *Pot *Pot *Hit *Hit *Crit *Crit Sinthe was slain by Pokyug using [His PvP Expereince]) <--- THAT is how basic the PvP experience is.

Fly water PvP is for scrubs, but yeah. Guardians are a pain in the ass if you do happen to PvP in the water :)
Yes but no PvP bases are built underground or have high walls :P And yeah I think he just meant for like, mining under water or something like that, I've never had guardians as a problem in PvP though.
MassiveMobs has the aspect of taming integrated into the plugin. This means you can tame hostile mobs and use them as defense around your faction. Disabling MassiveMobs debuffs would disable this feature of the plugin.

At this time, this idea is rejected.
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