Register Of Merchants

To be honest, I'm not sure if I should request membership, but I figured we run a business, so:

Name (IGN): Doc_Cantankerous
Name (RP Character): Basium Lampero
RP Character's Race: Ailor, Dressolini
Business or Company Name: Lampero Coal Company
Specialisation: Mining, processing, and distribution of coal to the Regalian Isles. Production and distribution of Coal Coke to forges in Regalian Isles. Minor shipping across the isles (mid-sized trade fleet). Surveying capabilities to tell what resources may be in a region.
Regalian Location: Saint Road 1, Basium Lampero's house. (The main head quarters is in Vultaro, but Basium is the local Representative for the company in Regalia)

If the business does not qualify, no worries. Just thought I'd add to the pot.
Name (IGN): @Annju
Name (RP Character): Stefan Carnova
RP Character's Race: Ailor, Dressolini
Business or Company Name: Carnova Spice & Tea Entrepot
Specialisation: Growth and mass trade of spices and teas
Regalian Location: Hauteroadend1
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: On it's way C:
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Name (IGN):
Name (RP Character): Theodore Artiemus
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Artiemus Goods
Specialisation: Logistics/Food Products
Regalian Location: Regalia

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  • Address Changed to "Willowroad3."
  • Carlos Martinez is the "Owner", though because of his Imperial Guard duties conflicting with his schedule and time management, the main representatives will remain being Santiago and Lorenzo Martinez.
    • New policy in which all entities receiving any sort of service and employees must sign their agreement to has been posted in the family thread. For ease of use, I'll post it here too:
Sub-Article A: Current Agreement.
This current agreement for this article is also the same agreement all employees must sign consent to before being hired, as well as the base constitution for each of the businesses the term "Family Business" may encompass:

The family is synonymous to the patriarch, as well as the businesses are to it's owner. The owner of such business is usually the family patriarch, but they may leave their daily management to other family members. Accusing a business is of a crime is considered by the family accusing the owner of a crime as they are synonymous- and this accusation may be an indirect method of claiming the owner to be a criminal themselves. This will cause people to subconsciously move away from the businesses. However, the same is not true for individual employees in the businesses. House Martinez will promote the law, not through vigilantism it should be noted, but they can not enforce it. As such, employees should be accused, prosecuted, and punished individually and separately from the family businesses. In the case the family discovers criminal activity, they will report it.

The managers and overseers are not responsible and not to be held accountable, similar to the owner, for the employees crimes- whether they use the family business as means or not. They will fire criminal employees as them breaking the law is an offence to not only The State, but also the family due to the criminal's use of their facilities behind the family's back for said criminal's selfish benefits. The current owner is Carlos Martinez for the family business and all related assets, while Santiago and Lorenzo Martinez will be the Managers.
Name (IGN): Blakewerewolf98
Name (RP Character):RP Character's Race: Wolfryk Kundimal, Dwarf
Business or Company Name: Kundimal Smithing Co.
Specialisation: Smithing of weapons and armor and other steel things. (I'll write up a permission later)
Regalian Location: Regalia (working on ig location)
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: (wip)

The requirement for registration of having an actual, physical shop or office (i.e. a rental region) in Regalia is being scrapped. While it's obviously nice immersion-wise to have an actual, physical one, not everyone can afford them regal-wise and the restriction has been preventing people from joining the guild. So, for example, if your merchant character supposedly operates a business in Regalia, but you don't have a physical rental region, simply put "Regalia" as your location on the registration form.
Name (IGN): Medvekoma
Name (RP Character): Charlotte Victoria Moselberg
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Moselberg Art, Appraising and Curiosity Shop
Specialisation: Art / Curiosities (Lore Items, Books)
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): pauvreststreet2b (poor district entrance, stairs up and second door to the right)
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: Here.
Name (IGN): starpoo1
Name (RP Character): William Beaumont
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Beaumont Trading Company and the Beaumont Health House
Specialisation: The Beaumont Trading Company mostly import and sell sugar, cloths, tabacca and sometimes fruit. The Beaumont Health house is like a clinic where you can also go for minor injuries and also for mental help.
Regalian Location: The Beaumont Health House is located on passagestreet3 and passagestreet2. The Beaumont Trading Company is in a warehouse close to the harbor.
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[[ @Film_Noir You can replace the Bartomeu Monataigu entry with this one]]
Character Name
Massimo Valentino Jaeger.
Character Race
Regalisch/Dressolini Ailor.
Business or Company Name
Scarlet Rose Cafe & Florist.
High quality kaffee, tea, brewing pots, kaffee grounds, and flower bouquets.
Regalian Location
Name (IGN): DrFong
Name (RP Character): Dr Fong
Business or Company Name: FongCo©
Specialization: Bulk Consumer Goods, Wish Fulfillment, Merriment and Mad Clown Booze
Regalian Location: Sold by loyal FongCo© Team Members on a street corner near where you sleep.

Screen Shot 2016-01-23 at 12.21.59 AM.png
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Name (IGN): @yletha, @XJohnSmithX
Name (RP Character): Sable Meryn {Soon to be Erihar}, Eisen Erihar
RP Character's Race: Talar, Shendar
Business or Company Name: Serenity Garden
Specialisation: Flowers and plants
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia, ScribeRoad5
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:

Name (IGN): Silent_Ruler
Name (RP Character): Lorenzo Martinez.
RP Character's Race: Ailor.
Business or Company Name: Las Ramas de Don Juan.
Specialization: Regional Care and Portrayal.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Daendroc, represented in Regalia by means of El Beneficio.
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: N/A.

This is a business organization (as it generates a profit) represented by El Beneficio and thus an independent extension of it; not subject to their leadership. As such, posting the application separately for the sake of professional record and formality. It should be considered a separate entity, yet voiced by the same person. How this is portrayed in the directory is at the discretion of the guild's owner.
Name (IGN): Mirrored_Sinnon
Name (RP Character): Sinon Briar
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Travelers' Luck Not the best of names,but its what I stick with
Specialization: Small Accessories mostly,(otherwise it would be small ingredients that are to make things,like herbal mixes4example).[I also take requests]
Regalian Location: Regalia, Live and trade at Crossroads13, (though I mostly trade on the go, keeping much of my goods on me).

*edit-reason logic* They are all small handheld type of items.
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Name (IGN): Darkarely ( filling out the application for @BillyTheScroofy )
Name (RP Character): Dianne Coen ( owner William Coen)
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Coen Forge and Smithing
Specialisation: Smithing custom weapons of various styles, armours and other various steel items.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): No location yet, most orders are made in this post =
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: N/A
Name (IGN): optimalfriskies1
Name (RP Character): Michael Sakure
RP Character's Race: Talar
Business or Company Name: The Free Regalian Clinic
Specialisation: Medicine, Health
Regalian Location: Justiceroad7
Name (IGN): Lucien_Raen
Name (RP Character):
Lucien Raen
RP Character's Race:
Business or Company Name:
Literature/Artisan; Bookshop, selling the materials used to write in, and form a book, along with entirely formed and blank books. Plans of hiring authors for writing different books as well to offer for sale.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Scriberoad6
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Will provide a screenshot through edit if possible once one is taken.
Name (IGN): Metamorp
Name (RP Character): Irka Roos
RP Character's Race: Qadir
Business or Company Name: Roos Spices
Specialisation: Exotic spice trade from Farah'deen
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Embassy Road 5
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): MassiveCreeper

Name (RP Character):RP Character's Race:
Vorsh Crawley, an Ailor.

Business or Company Name:
Crawley's Courier Company. ( See Flyer: )

Fast, safe, and cheap deliveries. Courier-ism.

Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine):
"Regalia" but I own cutecottage3, which I pretend is in Regalia...somewhere.​
Name (IGN): Wumpatron
Name (RP Character): Nathaniel MacIntosh
RP Characters Race: Northern Ailor
Business or Company Name: The Iron Lady Tattoo and Barber Shoppe
Tattoos, Barbering, Piercings
Regalian Location: taulane2
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Shop Whole.png
Name (IGN): BadarseBarbas
Name (RP Character):
Lengar Paloin
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name:
Paloin Bank
Specialisation: Banking. Money. Loans, savings and exchanges all done.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Has some bigger ones out of Regalia, Regalia is currently run from home at Petunia Street 6
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:(Will add some time)
Name (IGN): Artemis_Hanzo
Name (RP Character):
Najwa Al-Kalovia
RP Character's Race: Qadir
Business or Company Name: Lady Cane Merchantile

Specialisation: Trading in silk, spices and expecially glass.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): "Regalia"
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:(Will add some time)
Name (IGN): Biggums9001
Name (RP Character): Maxwell Ta'ren
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Ta'ren Traders (T.T.)
Specialisation: Dye trading and tailorship (OOC skin designing) and much more to come in the future
Regalian Location: Crossroad8 (home of Maxwell, and office)
No screenshots of the building...
There will be. The Merchant Guild is still very much in existence. (All of those applications that I haven't got around to adding to the directory yet are accepted, of course. I'll update it over the next few days.) At the moment, I'm trying to think of some new ideas and new adventures for the guild. Expect something soon! @FireFan96
Just a side note, its two properties, one over the other, and they are connected inside. One is owned by me, the other by Land_of_Sheep but it's seen as one

Name (IGN): Zombiel3ait and Land_of_Sheep

Name (RP Character): Theodore Artiemus (It's under Theodore and Hugo Artiemus but the whole family runs it.)
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Blue Orchid Cafe
Specialization: Cafe, Bakery.
Location: Shoproom3 and Shoproom10

Seeking merchants interested in registering with the Merchant Guild of Regalia. One of the guild's goals is to promote merchants and traders via the periodic distribution of our Merchant Directory throughout the city.

  • <currently none>

Name (IGN):
Name (RP Character):
RP Character's Race:
Business or Company Name:
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine):
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:

Ravio Loru
I don't have a company name
Traveling merchant