Register Of Merchants

Bartomeu Monataigu
Catala Ailor.
Company Name
Ventormenta Shipping & Imports
Worldwide shipping.
@Film_Noir This replaces the previous entry under Bartomeu Monataigu.
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Name (IGN): Soopermanatee
Name (RP Character): Apollonia Tzavaras, but if possible some other Tzavari can partake?
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Frouta Thisavros, but sometimes called Tzavaras.
Specialization: Beauty products and cosmetics
Regalian Location: Regalia (for now)

Name (IGN): Jogesu
Name (RP Character): Ibrahim Nawd
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Candlemaker Guild
Specialisation: Better lighting and Illumination in Regalian Homes
Regalian Location :
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Name (IGN): @Coolkillerbob22
Name (RP Character): Niko Heinrich
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: The Obscure Oyster
Specialisation: It's a tavern
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): In harbor district. Can be gotten to with /tp Oyster
Name (IGN): @StereoTurtle @Pastelly
Name (RP Character): Jaether and Araminta Cauthin
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Cauthin Mining Co.
Specialisation: Sale of gems, metals, etc.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): They work from home, all you have to do is pen them a letter to arrange a business deal.
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: N/A
Name (IGN): galyushi
Name (RP Character): Jeff'ery' Ailemer
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Ailecloth Trading Company
Specialisation: Cotton and Silks, carpets at most, leather as well, and clothing.
Regalian Location: For now, Regalia, but soon to be Hauteroad7, which I still decorate.
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Name (IGN): norrstrom
Name (RP Character): Olivia Désirée Ombre
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Under the Tree Vineyards & Across the Pond Tea Inc.
Specialization: Plation overseeing, wine making, tea shipping, general advising
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: n/a
@Film_Noir You can remove the two current entries by my under Bartomeu Monataigu and Massimo Jaeger.
Character Name
Akram Nanso.
Character Race
Dahss Tigran.
Company Name
Rihlat Amina Shipping Ventures.
Importing and exporting goods worldwide.
Regalian Location
Lebedev Road #5.
Name (IGN): HobblingHobbit
Name (RP Character): Alessandro di Orazio
RP Character's Race: Dressolini Ailor
Business or Company Name: Il Pan Con Carne: Sandwich Eatery
Specialization: Sandwich and Kaffee related beverages.
Regalian Location:
Soon to be Industrialroad7, but temp location is shoproom10
Name (IGN): _Wolfie_Chan_
Name (RP Character): Rutherford
RP Character's Race: Talar
Business or Company Name: Rutherford's Mills
Specialisation: Wood, carpentry, and sugar sales.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia.
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Name (IGN): Tenmaku
Name (RP Character): Grayson Anderson
RP Character's Race: Ailor, Leutz-Vixe
Business or Company Name: Anderson Woodworks
Specialisation: Craftsmenship with lumber, making furniture, framework for buildings, ships, and carriages.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: N/A
Name (IGN): vLuna
Name (RP Character): Aurora Clarke
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Roaring Vessel Repairs
Specialisation: Ship repairs and cleaning services
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Taulane4
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: (Upload Later)
Name (IGN): BananaForSale, tigrinetiger
Name (RP Character): Niko Heinrich, Fleur d'Eloria
RP Character's Race: Both Ailor
Business or Company Name: Donut Empire
Specialisation: Regalia's first donut shop
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Willowroad3 on mainstreet
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: 2016-06-24_01.16.41.png
Name (IGN): Timisc
Name (RP Character): Jax'ildan Shaed
RP Character's Race: Nelfin (Talar/Isldar)
Business or Company Name: The Crystalline Iris
Specialisation: Baked goods, fruit dishes, & wine/brandy
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Handorienstreet1
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): Camj2300
Name (RP Character): Riqueza Acunar
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Merchant's Coinpurse Banking
Specialisation: Banking/Finances, be that loans, advice on how to expand income from a business, storing other peoples capitol. Your average bank
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Hauteroad4(Although I just got the property so I still have to spruce it up.)
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: TBD
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Name (IGN): Pandantly
Name (RP Character): Jamie Rosendahl
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: The Rosendahl Hideaway
Specialisation: Cocktails and Olive Oils
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): toweralley4
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): Jack_Castle
Name (RP Character): Jakkios Corvus
RP Character's Race: Alt-Regalian Ailor
Business or Company Name: Storm Crow Industries
Specialisation: Airship Construction and Air Marine Services
Regalian Location: Prisonroad1 & Lilacroad9
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): The_Shadow_King3
Name (RP Character): Ardige Viduggla
RP Character's Race: Northern Ailor
Business or Company Name: Viduggla Auctioneering and Exotic Goods Ltd.
Auctioning off the rarities of others as well selling our own goods and finding objects for others to buy from us/pay a fee.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia, Extended Harbor Area. (unrentable area beyond the harbor)
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: N/A
Name (IGN): Jacobcraft04
Name (RP Character): Alinar Holaharice
RP Character's Race: Talar
Business or Company Name: Orn silk and gold Inc.
Specialisation: making and sell ing silk and gold, and even gold infused silk lore items.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): regalia and the barony of orn.
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: none
Any reason why I was removed from the list?
Name (IGN): Starpoo1
Name (RP Character): Baron William Beaumont
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Beaumont Tabacco&Silks
Specialisation: Trade, mainly Tabacco and Silks but also deals in other things from time to time.
Regalian Location: industrialroad11

Name (IGN): Starpoo1
Name (RP Character): Baron William Beaumont
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: The Ithanian Crew
Specialisation: Sellsword company. Mostly operates at sea by protecting trade ships and ports.
Regalian Location: industrialroad11
Name (IGN): YLMadness
Name (RP Character): Bastien Le Seur
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Domaine de Paradis Vineyard and Winery
Specialisation: The large vineyard situated on high ground in the Eastern region of Ithania, the vines there have been growing for almost 100 years. The high ground and older vines allow the Le Seur family to produce extremely deep coloured and meticulously fine rouge wine, a yield that has been experimented with and refined across four generations of Le Seur's.
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia (currently in process of redesigning a shop to suit the needs of a wine cellar and shop.)
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Name (IGN): Jacobcraft04
Name (RP Character): Alinar Holaharice
RP Character's Race: Talar
Business or Company Name: Alinar's Q'urebo attire store.
Specialisation: selling clothing made for Q'urebos to wear and accessories to wear with the clothing for cheap.
Regalian Location: Regalia
Name (IGN): Miner101101
Name (RP Character): Jamison Von Silvrest
RP Character's Race: Alior/ Alt-Regalian
Business or Company Name: Crescia Vineyard
Specialisation: Wine production and sales
Name (IGN): ItsNotMarkus
Name (RP Character): Driscol Vaughn
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name: Vaughn Distillery
Specialization: Alchemical staples, ingredients, and spirits.
Regalian Location: Industrialroad4
Getting back in since I've finally gotten the family and character sheet done.

Name (IGN): YouMakeMeRaugh
Name (RP Character):
Tessa Von Greif
RP Character's Race: Ailor
Business or Company Name:
Gryphon Enterprise
Specialisation: Trading, Architecture/Civil Engineering, Airship Pioneering
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Regalia, northern Calemburg region and the crown isle
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): BananaForSale, tigrinetiger
Name (RP Character): Niko Heinrich, Fleur d'Eloria
RP Character's Race: Both Ailor
Business or Company Name: Donut Empire
Specialisation: Regalia's first donut shop
Regalian Location (either a specific Regalia rental region, or a generic location name like "Regalia" if you don't have a rented house, is fine): Willowroad3 on mainstreet
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: View attachment 86216

CHANGES IN BLUE (due to my inactivity)

IGN: Bananaforsale
RP Char: Niko Heinrich, Fleur d'Eloria
Business or Company Name: Donut Empire
Specialisation: Regalia's first donut shop
Regalian Location: Shoproom1
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
On continuing with the registry update, the following players aren't currently members of the Merchant Guild Skype chat: @Hunterpitts @Louby65 @Mirrored_Sinnon @Chaenath_ @_Wolfie_Chan_

Joining the Skype chat isn't compulsory, but is highly recommended as further opportunities for RP in-game are presented there (e.g. impromptu meeting announcements). If you'd like to join, send your Skype name my way in a forum convo. or via mail in-game.
Username: EdgyWalrusaur
Roleplay Character: Royland Blackwater
Business/Company Name: Blackwater Forge
Location: CathedralPlaza11, Regalia
Specialization: Forging with the finest steels, weapons and armour made to the best quality possible.

Business/Company Name: Hjalforth's Pub o' the North
Location: IndustrialRoad7, Regalia
Specialization: Brewing and serving fine ale that knocks down even the sturdiest Northerne folk.
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On continuing with the registry update, the following players aren't currently members of the Merchant Guild Skype chat: @Hunterpitts @Louby65 @Mirrored_Sinnon @Chaenath_ @_Wolfie_Chan_

Joining the Skype chat isn't compulsory, but is highly recommended as further opportunities for RP in-game are presented there (e.g. impromptu meeting announcements). If you'd like to join, send your Skype name my way in a forum convo. or via mail in-game.

I would like to join the skype chat, I will pm you my skype.
On continuing with the registry update, the following players aren't currently members of the Merchant Guild Skype chat: @Hunterpitts @Louby65 @Mirrored_Sinnon @Chaenath_ @_Wolfie_Chan_

Joining the Skype chat isn't compulsory, but is highly recommended as further opportunities for RP in-game are presented there (e.g. impromptu meeting announcements). If you'd like to join, send your Skype name my way in a forum convo. or via mail in-game.
OK well I got rid of skype so ill just have to get it again lol
Name (IGN): OldManJ98
Name (RP Character): Piero di Orazio
Race (RP Character): Dressolini
Business Name: Il Carboverro Azienda
Business Specialisation: Coal Mining
Business Location: Tureno
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional):
Screenshot of Business (optional):
Name (IGN): TutiDias
Name (RP Character): Jannik Sinclair
Race (RP Character): Alt-Regalian
Business Name: Sinclair War Machine Fabric
Business Specialisation: Build War Machines (siege towers, catapults etc)
Business Location: Crown Isles
Name (IGN): BahDoctor
Name (RP Character): Marcel Banastre

RP Character's Race: Ailor.
Business or Company Name: Banastre Mineral Transport

Specialisation: Trading Minerals.
Regalian Location: Shoproom5
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office: