Register Of Merchants

Name (IGN): Lizmun
Name (RP Character): Zoë Stamontia
Race (RP Character): Etosian Ailor
Business Name: Stamontia Lazulite Industries
Business Specialisation: Mining and selling lapis lazuli
Business Location: Etosil
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional): nope.
Screenshot of Business (optional): nu-uh.
Name (IGN): CrombaeHexy
Name (RP Character): Martina Fiare
Race (RP Character): Dressolini Ailor
Business Name: House Fiare Herbs & Spices
Business Specialisation: Herbs and Spices
Business Location: Regalia (& Lusits)
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional): N/A
Screenshot of Business (optional): N/A

Name (IGN): TheDH123
Name (RP Character):Lorik Yalod
Race (RP Character):Altalar
Business Name:Yalod mining corporation
Business Specialization: Various metals: mostly Iron and Lapus Lazuli
Business Location:Regalia
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Name (IGN): SpunSugar
Name (RP Character): Sigurna Wodenstaff

RP Character's Race: Ailor.
Business or Company Name: Wodenstaff Furs

Specialisation: Tailored Fur Wardrobes
Regalian Location: Shoproom1
Optional Screenshot of Your Regalian Shop or Office:
Name (IGN): HelloFroyo
Name (RP Character): Lura Espuasia
Race (RP Character): Yanar
Business Name: Espuasia's Herbs and Cosmetics
Business Specialization: Healing/cooking Herbs and Cosmetics
Business Location: Shoproom8 (Behind Merrits Apothecary.)
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional):
Screenshot of Business (optional):
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Name (IGN): TheOverseer__
Name (RP Character): Balam-eul Geoseulleo
Race (RP Character): Chien-Ji
Business Name: Laveer
Business Specialisation: Import/Export
Business Location: HQ is in the new Warehouse district- brikelane8 (offices) and birkelane10(warehouse) There are multiple other warehouses and shops in Regalia where members of Laveer do business, but these are the primary.

Further info:
Laveer is a large business, but the operations are managed by numerous active roleplayers. /f f Laveer for more information on members and titles. We have a large amount of real IG capital (over 100k regals spread around our various members). Laveer projects itself as an import/export cartel. If we are importing Iron, we have an Iron mine where we fine, process and then import the Iron. IC, most of our farming and mining facilities have been destroyed (presumed) due to the bone men invasion, but the large amount of capital behind the company as well as a few off-to-the-side deals inside of Regalia have kept them well afloat during the blockade times. Feel free to follow the link to my Character Application in my signature for more details on Balam, if needed.
Whelp, guess it's time for me to rejoin with my new shop c:

Name (IGN):
Omnomivore and TheScruffyLJ
Name (RP Character):
Zziska Llessikt and Ru'mei Ji-Seung
Race (RP Character): Mu-Allar and Ch'ien-Ji
Business Name:
Dragon-Scale Trades & Treasures
Business Specialization: Unusual trades & pet sales
Business Location: Beside the Marigold in the Regalian Park
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional):
Screenshot of Business (optional): 2016-09-10_06.16.56.png
Name (IGN): FireFan96
Name (RP Character): Dietrich Drache, Walthur Drake (collectively House Drache)
Race (RP Character): Alt-Regalian Ailors, and one Regalian Ailor
Business Name: Nordwald Shipping and Navigation
Business Specialisation: drink distribution and navigation equipment supplier
Business Location: Erz Road 5
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional):
Screenshot of Business (optional):
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IGN: Legoclub22
RP Name: Benedict Rothschild
RP Race: Ailor
Business Name: Rothschild Goods and Grains
Specialization: Olive, Grape, cotton and grain farming, Wine, Spirits and Whiskey brewing.
Location: North-Western New Ceardia(Until I buy a warehouse.)
Might make thread in the future.
Name (IGN): Artemis_Hanzo
Name (RP Character): Mathieux Valor
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: Valor Wood
Business Specialisation: Wood Products mainly Spruce
Business Location: Regalia and Ithania
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional):
Screenshot of Business (optional):

Name (IGN): Voidemite
Name (RP Character): Ri'az
Race (RP Character): Tigran
Business Name: The Admiral's Booty (Might changed later)
Business Specialisation: Exotic treasures and Adventuring equipments.
Business Location: Regalia, anglersquare1
Link to Business Thread on Forums (optional): Not yet
Screenshot of Business (optional): 2016-09-24_22.21.05.png
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Name (IGN): KrakenLord01
Name (RP Character): Relveth Vinthracia
Race (RP Character): Shendar
Business Name: Cover to Cover Bookstore
Business Specialisation: Books and Written Documents
Business Location: Tavern Road 2 (tavernroad2)

(Needed to update my registration)
Name (IGN): Tibertastic
Name (RP Character): Olivier de Blouscheur
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: The de Blouscheur Banks.
Business Specialisation: General banking services and loan provision.
Business Location: Offices all over the Empire.

Some modifications made to the sign-up form to get us "progression game"-ready. Use the new format now when registering with the guild.​

A registration rule change. You no longer need to be a member of the Open Ocean Merchant Guild in order to register your shop or business in this thread. I'm going to keep the two entities (i.e. the registry versus the guild) somewhat separate, so as to provide a basic merchant service for those not wanting to get into the politics of the Guild Games and who just want to keep their "merchant experience" casual. See the first post of this thread for more details.​

Name (IGN): Ampers07
Name (RP Character): Fathiyaa Nasir
Race (RP Character): Songaskia
Business Name: The Blue Orchid
Business Specialisation: Human Resources/Public Service (something along those lines)
Business Location: shoproom3
Link to Business Forum Thread:
The Blue Orchid Services

Name (IGN): Stark_Trek
Name (RP Character): Count Nathaniel William Bigge
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: Bigge and Hawk Cannons
Business Specialisation: Manufacturing of Cannons and large weapons (Battering rams, ship rams, ballistas, etc)
Business Location: Not Currently IG
Link to Business Forum Thread: N/A
Name (IGN): Chaenath_
Name (RP Character): Duchess EllaRose Eloise D'Nath
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: D'Nath Metalworking ©
Business Specialisation: Metalworking, ironworking, making tools, armor, and weapons.
Business Location: N/A
Link to Business Forum Thread: N/A

House D'Nath Family Thread
Name (IGN): super_enderman
Name (RP Character): Gochnipunchni
Race (RP Character): Dwarf-Yanar
Business Name: Gochnipunchni Investment Guild
Business Specialisation: Long- and Short-Term investment
Business Location:
(include a rental region if you have one) Regalia
You posted this 4 times. You should delete three of them just to reduce spam.
Name (IGN): super_enderman
Name (RP Character): Gochnipunchni
Race (RP Character): Dwarf-Yanar
Business Name: The Faradh Spice Consortium.
Business Specialisation: Growing and shipping of exotic spices of all natures
Business Location:
(include a rental region if you have one) Faradh
Seconding, I don't really see how a single commoner Yanar could own all four of these businesses. It seems a little sketch to me. Tone it down to one, or make it a general distribution company from other suppliers.
I'll update this registry over the next day or two. Sorry for my slackness. Also, the new Open Ocean Merchant Guild thread can be found here, which is a separate thing to this registry.

Name (IGN): Andreath
Name (RP Character): Lucile Simon
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: Simon Forge©
Business Specialisation: Making weapons, armor, shields, etc.
Business Location: Regalia.
Name (IGN): super_enderman
Name (RP Character): Fimbur Gochni
Race (RP Character): Dwarf
Business Name: The Gochni Imperial Postal Service
Business Specialisation: Shipping of packages, mail or documents of all natures
Business Location:
(include a rental region if you have one) All of empire territory
Name (IGN): YLMadness
Name (RP Character): Bastien Lafayette
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: Viandes Bleu
Business Specialisation: Livestock and meat
Business Location: N/A
Name (IGN): super_enderman
Name (RP Character): Fimbur Gochni
Race (RP Character): Dwarf
Business Name: The Gochni Nordskag Copper, Glass and Metallurgy Co.
Business Specialisation: Mining and smithing of all copper, bronze and brass related items, additionally deals in glass of all natures
Business Location:
(include a rental region if you have one) Nordskag, however most stock is sold in Regalia
Due to changes in regions and wiki cannonization, I'm making a few changes in how my shops are run. Specifically I'm making two separate businesses, as they both cater to different audiences.

Name (IGN): FireFan96/Regalian
Name (RP Character): Walthur Drake
Race (RP Character): Imperial Ailor (probably)
Business Name: Walthur Drake's Navigation Supplies Shoppe
Business Specialisation: Navigation
Business Location: Erz Road 5
Link to Business Forum Thread: none for now, might write a new one up in the future

Name (IGN): FireFan96
Name (RP Character): Dietrich Drache
Race (RP Character): The best race (Alt-Regalian)
Business Name: Die Hoehle Des Drachen
Business Specialisation: Beer tavern
Business Location: Willow Road 10
Link to Business Forum Thread: will add in the near future.

Me changing stuff is starting to be a running meme. I pray that this will be the final registration change I make.
Name (IGN): Myujin
Name (RP Character): Ingwald
Race (RP Character): Dwarf
Business Name: Ingwald's Brewing Co.©
Business Specialisation: Booze/beer commerce, production, distribution and brewing.
Business Location: Managed in Aldruin, with an active branch office in Regalia currently lead by the business owner, Ingwald.
Name (IGN): _Timer_
Name (RP Character): Eirik "Einhenjar" Valdemar
Race (RP Character): Northern Kalmarra/Balltarc (A good ol' Half n' Half)
Business Name: Midgalian Trading Company and Valdemar Craftswork
Business Specialisation: Crafting of a wide variety of items, siegeworks, watercraft, landcraft. If it can be built then Valdemar can craft!
Business Location:
(include a rental region if you have one) anglersquare7
Link to Business Forum Thread: (optional) (N/A Just yet)
Name (IGN): Nesstro
Name (RP Character): Marianne Vauclain
Race (RP Character): Ailor
Business Name: Roseraie Winery
Business Specialisation: Wine
Business Location: Allestroad3
Link to Business Forum Thread: Thread