Name (IGN): Cirenety
Name (RP Character): Noel Michelle Levarie
Race (RP Character): Ailor - Ithanian - Citoye.
Business Name: Levarie Luxe et Herbes (In English: Levarie Luxuries and Herbs)
Business Specialization: Apothecary based supplies to be sold to a variety of different individuals. Ranging from teas, incenses, comfort goods, and herbal medication. Made within the confines of Chatois Lane's bottom floor, while having the supplies such as herbs being sent over from Ithania by the workers for the Levarie Sisters.
Business Location(s): One of the shops is located within Regalia at Chatois Lane Two, the shop is rather close to the ocean along with the boats. The Chatois Lane shop is commonly managed by one or two individuals who sell the herbal items to customers. Additionally, the sisters own a shop in Central Ithania which is supervised by the mother of Noel along with two individuals.
Link to Business Forum Thread: N/A