Archived New Races (valen, Hivekin, Beastmen)

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insects... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.

Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.

Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd love to see beast men. I wanted to try out this new minotaur skin.
I thought race ideas weren't being accepted anymore?
This was the one thread that made it through before the old forum area for it was removed, I'm afraid I'm unsure if they are actually reviewed. I doubt these will be accepted, but it's a nice creative outlet.
The hivekin picture is actually a tyranid from Warhammer 40k
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