Archived New Races (valen, Hivekin, Beastmen)

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insects... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.

Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.

Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.
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If Draelean is added, that is going to be my race. Morgoth, you are just flourishing with amazing ideas.[DOUBLEPOST=1364351113,1364350841][/DOUBLEPOST]One thing that would be cool to add to Draelean is that after they kill someone they also get some speed 1 for like 3 seconds.
well the thing is Morgoth, your offering a way to grief the terrain with no cost! If you wanted to go around griefing wilderness right now, you need a lot of random blocks/bukkets of lava. However with your race, some guy could just completely grief wilderness with almost no cost.

Then how about I offer this work around:

1. Using the command damages the user.
2. The command has an extended cooldown.
Youre a genius and i love you.
Beastmen causing such a stir. (chuckle)
Here we have the Arachnin


Often confused as a subset of the Vespids, the Arachnin were once a group of Humans that lived and depended on a strong mining economy. This group of humans flourished under a king who has long since had his name lost to history. One fateful day, the king held a grand feast. This feast was a hidden attempt at a mass genocide by the crown's demented brew master. Each and every bit of food and drink had been poisoned with a special concoction of venom from the poisonous spiders that roamed the area. When the subjects ingested the venom, they slowly warped into the Arachnin. Later they mauled the brew master and adorned his head atop the highest building; a gruesome beacon of revenge.
  • Web Spray: Arachnin are capable of turning string into cobweb. When an Arachnin hits a player who is standing on string, the string is instantly replaced by a cobweb.
  • Web Crawler: Arachnin are not inhibited when moving on webs. This enables them to freely move in on their ensnared prey.
  • Shattering Carapace: Axes do 10% more damage to Arachnin.
May do more in a bit!

Perhaps a venom thing that slows people down or weakens them and perhaps the ability to climb on walls. To counterbalance this you could add a increased damage from fire and an aversion to water
Perhaps a venom thing that slows people down or weakens them and perhaps the ability to climb on walls. To counterbalance this you could add a increased damage from fire and an aversion to water

I was going to put in a poison aspect. (Seeing as they are created from poisonous spiders)

Was also going to put in the aversion to flame. I don't see it as being too overpowered.
Yeah but dont make it as OP as naga were make it like a 10% chance or every 30 secounds they can do it
Random suggestion: Some sort of Hobbit/Halfling/short-people. Maybe.
well the thing is Morgoth, your offering a way to grief the terrain with no cost! If you wanted to go around griefing wilderness right now, you need a lot of random blocks/bukkets of lava. However with your race, some guy could just completely grief wilderness with almost no cost.
Perhaps it would be more balanced if it only spread to dirt, not blocks that are already grass. This way if you wanted to grief the area with mycelium you would need to destroy and place all the grass blocks first. Also this would minimalism people spreading mycelium in another factions land as it would likely already be grass.
I'm not a big fan of insects but I like the hivekin the beast men are okay I do think that they should add lycanthropes
CALL OF THE MOON:speed and strength are increased by 20% at night
WOLF SPIRIT:when turned they get a speed of 2 and a strength of 3
Iron fever:when hit with iron objects they take 3 hearts of damage
Blood of the pack:does 5% more damage when fighting with other lycans
Iron claw: fists do the same damage as a Iron sword for a time of 1 min and has a cool down of 3 min
Sun burn: when reverting they get blindness and neasua for 1 min
If you don't make more, my love of your race ideas will slowly turn into envy because no one ever looks at my race suggestions anymore, until I finally snap and turn into a vengeance craving lunatic that will mildly annoy you by spamming you. Please make more.
Anyway I have an idea.


n'Jeri (Pronounced En Yari)
Otherwise known as goat men, the n'Jeri are a species of human who have adapted in the cold and harsh regions of Jorrhildr. These people may seem goat like in appearance, hence the name the Alorians call them. The hard hoof-like feet have adapted to the rocky and cold sworn cliffs that they leap across as they travel the country side like nomads. Their horns however are not used for defense, except to pick a rare fruit that hangs off shrubs on cliff edges. Their ears are sharp and erect, used for hearing out their predators, such as Dire wolves and Snow Cats. Finally their overall fur allows them to skip the need for protective clothing. Not only does it shield them from the harsh winds, but it stops them from wasting valuable materials on petty clothing made for the richer nomadic tribes. Males are different from females, the females of the nomadic tribes have averagely larger horns than that of the males because they use them more then that of the males. However the more dominant the male, the larger their mane.

Hard Foot
The n'Jeri have evolved ways to prevent damage when falling from high areas (-20% fall damage)

The Third Stomach
Like livestock, this race has evolved three different stomachs, meaning that it takes longer to digest its food, allowing it to sustain energy for longer.

Bad Scent
Because of the n'Jeri's eating habits, it has masked them in a favorable smell for canines. Wolves are constantly trying to hunt them down for their pack to feast on. (All dogs will attacked on sight (unless sitting down), tigrans and Frostmorn will do 20% damage to them.)

An older version of this race is here.
These are all GREAT ideas, hope they get added at some point! Oh, and who the **** cares about the leather market, not every1 of the beastmen would sell every piece of leather! If only you could craft saddles.....
I say just take out the leather thing from beast men my Real roleplay character is a huge half goat half man BEASTMEN FIT THAT! I think....
I love how you always make the races an evolution to others. For example, take the Valen. They are an evolved form of elves who live underground. The Hivekin are an evolution from Vespid because they are only controlled by one mind. Draelean are an evolved form of humans and elves that were corrupted over time.

Great suggestions. You get my stamp of approval. (Y)
Hey what about mine, any input?
Well I like the half goat half human thing but that picture...
What picture ;) And they are not half goat half human, they are n'Jeri
All great ideas, well done. I am mostly fond of the Valen, being sort of a vampire with a hint of dark elf. Very nice.
Great Hive Tyrant pic Morgoth. I've been trying to RP a Tyranid thing with the Synapse Faction ever since the Vespid came out.
I'm think something more closer to the genestealers or a genestealer cult would be very cool. It would be nice to have a more advanced stealth skill to accompany an idea like that though, however night vision, speed, & a flame vulnerability would be work.
Just going to do one concept real quick, cause I want to hop back onto the server! :$

This is the Leprosium.


Many often consider the Leprosium to be a form of the Undead. Leprosium are however very much alive. Leprosium are deemed as such due to the fact that they are afflicted with a severe form of Leprosy. While many debate the cause of such an affliction, only the oldest of the Leprosium know the true answer. These beings have incredible resilience to pain; their bodies succumbing to an extreme form of decay. Many often experience bouts of madness brought about by the growing lesions in their brains. While many scholars have studied the Leprosium, none have reported a single death from the condition itself; leaving them to question the nature of the disease (or curse).

  • Decaying Sanity: Leprosium are prone to bouts of feral behavior. This lends them to periods in which they are blinded and gifted with additional strength. This is not controllable.
  • Carrion Flies: Leprosium are constantly encircled by a thick cloud of flies. This reduces all damage to them by 5%.
  • Gripping Flesh: The flesh of a Leprosium is so thick and pungent that often many find their weapons having to removed after a blow. When being struck in melee, a Leprosium has a 10% chance of having their enemies weapon stuck in them. This causes the attacker to become unable to attack for the next few seconds.
  • Flammable Flesh: Leprosium are extremely weak to fire. Their decaying flesh does not fair well against flame.
  • Leprotic Healing: Leprosium heal slower than most Races.
Need a few more disadvantages, because right now the race doesnt have a single completely negative trait.
Again, great races
much better! Once again a very good race.
How bout the fungus man can only turn terrain into mycelium if inside their faction?

I was wondering if Dwarf that pray to a dark altar could turn into Gray Dwarfs.
Gray Dwarfs are like Dwarfs just get a little blinded by sunlight.
Their allot more grouchy too.
A benefit to being a gray dwarf?..... hmmmmm.... how bout they don't eat much? (they live underground)

I was thinking about the Dwarf thing about being able to mine faster ore get more ore and I thought about how the vespid and races above are dependent on others of their kind being around, The dwarf could mine a bit faster when with other dwarfs around the ability would be called something like mining team : I think this would help Dwarfs stick together (Dwarfs are a bit racist anyway)
Also Dwarfs should be slower when running.

The gray text above is just a thought don't really post too much on it I don't want to mess up mr.Morgoths thread.
Just going to do one concept real quick, cause I want to hop back onto the server! :$

This is the Leprosium.


Many often consider the Leprosium to be a form of the Undead. Leprosium are however very much alive. Leprosium are deemed as such due to the fact that they are afflicted with a severe form of Leprosy. While many debate the cause of such an affliction, only the oldest of the Leprosium know the true answer. These beings have incredible resilience to pain; their bodies succumbing to an extreme form of decay. Many often experience bouts of madness brought about by the growing lesions in their brains. While many scholars have studied the Leprosium, none have reported a single death from the condition itself; leaving them to question the nature of the disease (or curse).

  • Decaying Sanity: Leprosium are prone to bouts of feral behavior. This lends them to periods in which they are blinded and gifted with additional strength. This is not controllable.
  • Carrion Flies: Leprosium are constantly encircled by a thick cloud of flies. This reduces all damage to them by 5%.
  • Gripping Flesh: The flesh of a Leprosium is so thick and pungent that often many find their weapons having to removed after a blow. When being struck in melee, a Leprosium has a 10% chance of having their enemies weapon stuck in them. This causes the attacker to become unable to attack for the next few seconds.
  • Flammable Flesh: Leprosium are extremely weak to fire. Their decaying flesh does not fair well against flame.
  • Leprotic Healing: Leprosium heal slower than most Races.

hmm, I really like the idea of an uncontrollable abilty (decaying sanity)
Its not really a original idea(I did it with one of my races :P ), but its a pretty good ability.
Bump: These need more attention from the staff, especially The Draelean.
Sadly, I doubt the staff will take heed of any of these. :( (especially anytime soon)

Still fun to post them up though! :)

Monmarty's already said he'd consider the Valen and Hivekin, so that's something! I do like the Daelean, I'd like to see some feedback there. I had a few ideas as well. If you don't mind I'd love to add them to the pile. (images drawn for me by the lovely and talented DestinyFall)

Snow Elves

Snowelf-male.jpg Snowelf-female.jpg

The Snow Elves, or Frostkin, are a mysterious and secluded people from beyond the frosty cliffs of northern Ithania. Driven south by unknown dangers, the Snow Elves only came out of their seclusion due to absolute necessity, forced to find new homes in the strange southern lands among the strange people who dwelt there. Inherently magical in nature, what few fighters the Snow Elves have reared are fierce warriors, and are brought up with a very distinct sense of honor and nobility. The Snow Elves' culture has become a very nomadic one, but they hold a caste system that has been used since before their departure from their northern homes.

The Illistrani are weavers of spellcraft and magic, gifted in the arcane arts and able to conjure and utilize snow and ice, and in some cases water. The Illistrani are often leaders, elders, teachers, or other respected individuals in Snow Elf society, and a caravan without one is likely to lose sight of the old ways. The Illistrani are keepers of lore and legend, and work to keep the old ways of their people alive.

The Arcarians are the body of the warrior caste. Trained from birth in swordplay and instilled with a strict code of honor, the Arcarians are the shield and sword of the Snow Elf people. They are taught never to shy away from battle if it finds them, never to surrender, and to fight until their very last breath. Arcarians often fight with blades of enchanted ice, forged by arcane smiths and usually enchanted with powerful magic to bolster their abilities.

The Ferisi are the common class of Snow Elves. Elves who are not particularly skilled in the ways of magic or the sword often make up the working class of Elf culture. They are no less respected for this fact, as some of the most gifted smiths, inventors and artists of Elven legend were Ferisi, and they comprise the backbone of Elven society.

Powers and Abilities:

Frigid Touch- Snow Elves have a small chance to inflict a short slow effect on their enemies when striking.

Arctic Affinity- Snow Elves regenerate health at a quicker rate in falling snow, regardless of hunger rating.

Hunger Tolerance- Years as nomads have left the Elves able to go days without food. Their hunger degrades half as quickly.

Arcarian Might- Snow Elves do an additional 5% damage with swords.


Climate Control- Snow Elves do not fare well in high heat. In brightly lit areas (more than typical daylight) their hunger depletes twice as fast.

Meeltiiiing, meeeeltiiiiing!- Snow Elves take an additional 10% damage from fire and lava.
Monmarty's already said he'd consider the Valen and Hivekin, so that's something! I do like the Daelean, I'd like to see some feedback there. I had a few ideas as well. If you don't mind I'd love to add them to the pile. (images drawn for me by the lovely and talented DestinyFall)

Snow Elves

View attachment 5510View attachment 5511

The Snow Elves, or Frostkin, are a mysterious and secluded people from beyond the frosty cliffs of northern Ithania. Driven south by unknown dangers, the Snow Elves only came out of their seclusion due to absolute necessity, forced to find new homes in the strange southern lands among the strange people who dwelt there. Inherently magical in nature, what few fighters the Snow Elves have reared are fierce warriors, and are brought up with a very distinct sense of honor and nobility. The Snow Elves' culture has become a very nomadic one, but they hold a caste system that has been used since before their departure from their northern homes.

The Illistrani are weavers of spellcraft and magic, gifted in the arcane arts and able to conjure and utilize snow and ice, and in some cases water. The Illistrani are often leaders, elders, teachers, or other respected individuals in Snow Elf society, and a caravan without one is likely to lose sight of the old ways. The Illistrani are keepers of lore and legend, and work to keep the old ways of their people alive.

The Arcarians are the body of the warrior caste. Trained from birth in swordplay and instilled with a strict code of honor, the Arcarians are the shield and sword of the Snow Elf people. They are taught never to shy away from battle if it finds them, never to surrender, and to fight until their very last breath. Arcarians often fight with blades of enchanted ice, forged by arcane smiths and usually enchanted with powerful magic to bolster their abilities.

The Ferisi are the common class of Snow Elves. Elves who are not particularly skilled in the ways of magic or the sword often make up the working class of Elf culture. They are no less respected for this fact, as some of the most gifted smiths, inventors and artists of Elven legend were Ferisi, and they comprise the backbone of Elven society.

Powers and Abilities:

Frigid Touch- Snow Elves have a small chance to inflict a short slow effect on their enemies when striking.

Arctic Affinity- Snow Elves regenerate health at a quicker rate in falling snow, regardless of hunger rating.

Hunger Tolerance- Years as nomads have left the Elves able to go days without food. Their hunger degrades half as quickly.

Arcarian Might- Snow Elves do an additional 5% damage with swords.


Climate Control- Snow Elves do not fare well in high heat. In brightly lit areas (more than typical daylight) their hunger depletes twice as fast.

Meeltiiiing, meeeeltiiiiing!- Snow Elves take an additional 10% damage from fire and lava.
Nice! But don't call them snow elves cuz then they will just be rejected (i guess)
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