Archived New Races (valen, Hivekin, Beastmen)

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insects... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.

Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.

Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Some time before they were forced to flee their homes, several tribes of Snow Elves broke away from their fellows and trekked out on their own, seeking a better life away from the cold north. These Elves, however, attempted to open a portal to their very own paradise, and through it they went to find their fortunes. The spell went awry, and the tribes found themselves trapped in the blistering, unforgiving depths of Gana-Isha, surrounded by flame and darkness.
Faced with certain death, the Elves pooled their magic together in one immensely powerful spell, altering themselves to allow them to survive the harsh environment of Gana-Isha. Their blue skin turned the color and luster of gold, their white hair turned to flickering, flaming red locks. Their arcane prowess was shattered, their magical reserves drained utterly by the sheer power of the spell. They had survived, but they would never be the same.
The Swelts are a race of warriors, and prize martial power above all else. Few traces of arcane ability remain within the race after the combination and rapid expenditure of their magic, and so they have turned to the more practical arts of warfare. Talented with sword and shield, the Swelts became a powerful force in Gana-Isha, quickly winning a name for themselves as conquerers among the beings of the burning race, and forging a towering empire within the inferno that lasts to this day.
Like the Snow Elves, there are various classes of Swelts.

The Galvarus are the most common classification of Swelts. Each and every Galvarus Swelt is trained from birth in the arts of combat and warfare, in all things from cavalry combat to siege tactics. They are prized warriors, fierce in battle and able to act in unison without hesitation. They have no magical abilities whatsoever, relying entirely on their skills with sword and shield to destroy their enemies. Almost every Swelt from the emperor himself to the lowest of tradesmen is counted among the Galvarus, and it is typically merely another name for a soldier in Swelt society.

The Artani are the closest things that yet exist to the Swelts' forebears. Artani Swelts are born with the faintest traces of magical ability, and as such are often kept away from battle. They are lorekeepers, scholars, researchers and inventors, but are rarely allowed on the battlefield, due to their rarity. Because of this, the Artani are not able to win the glory that Swelts prize so highly, and are among the least respected members of Swelt society, a stark contrast to the castes of the Snow Elves.

The Gifted are rare Swelts, born with a crippling flaw. They come into the world without the Swelts' natural ability to withstand the heat of Gana-Isha. Those that do not die are quickly driven mad by the flames, becoming raving lunatics, blind to friend or foe. The Gifted are typically trained with the utmost care, honed into powerful weapons. When a Gifted is prepared for battle, their cages are transported to the middle of an enemy's ranks and opened. Their comrades immediately withdraw, leaving the Gifted to slaughter as many foes as possible before being slain. The Gifted are some of the most widely respected and praised heroes of Swelt lore, and their battles are often marked with feasts that can go on for days to honor their deaths, or weeks, if they manage to survive.

Powers and Abilities:

The Conquered- Pigmen will never attack Swelts, and will instead follow and protect them when they come near. (or) Infernal Machines- Blazes will ignore Swelts, and will not attack them.

Hellfire Affinity- Swelts take no damage from lava or fire. They can swim in lava as though it were water, but not with the unnatural speed of the Agni.

Conquerer's Spirit- Swelts do an additional 5% damage with swords, and have a higher chance to block strikes.

Hair of Flame- Swelts give off the same level of light as a redstone torch at all times.


Fizzle- Swelts do not fare well in water or rain. They will take damage equal to the speed of poison as long as they are in either.

Unsneaky- You try being sneaky with a burning head.
Arcane Weakness- Swelts cannot use potions quite as effectively, and will only receive half the intended duration.
Well, here's my race idea....

The Aiglvanians


A race of eagle people who live only in the highest, coldest places of Regalia. This had lead to the separation and isolation of them and their culture. Little is know about their culture but it is definite that their main prey are the Vespids. Their mortal enemies were the Naga (seeing as how snakes can eat birds and birds eat snakes). They went to war "for 12 generations of fang and claw" before humans arrived and brokered a peace treaty. The Aiglvanians were hurt by the way that they were treated, retreating far up into the mountains. Only recently has the wound been healed and they have been seen in lower areas more recently. There are also rumors of owl, desert hawk and swan people around Regalia as well.

Gentle Landing Ability: If you run and jump from a height of over 5 blocks, you can glide all the way to the ground

Bird Flock: When attacking Vespids and Naga, you gain a 5% attack bonus for any other Aiglvanians in the radius of 10 blocks (the maximum is 7 bonuses).
These are cool ideas! The server should totally add these races! Maybe you can do a race that can climb raw blocks.
My idea :D

The Flying Kitten (no picture because you'd die of cuteness)

Flying Kittens Are Very much related to tigran Exept from the Part They Can Fly And are much much smaller
They walk on 4 legs and their wings are Very Resistant Covering then in an attack here is there abilities

WingShield - If A Flyingkitten crouches and stays still for 5 seconds he will automatically be very resistant to arrows and blades/axes

Weak Body - Flying Kittens are very weak when attacked and it would do 2x the damage as normal
(Only if no armour is on)

Kitten Lounge - a kitten can jump 3 blocks High Due To Its Natural ability to jump

Prey- Wolf Will Attack Flying Kittens On Sight

Clipped- no flying kittens can no longer fly

Land on your feet - flying kittens no longer get fall damage from a certain amount of block jump

A migratory race, the Tenebrisians prefer to move around when threats are close rather than engage them. Descended from elvenkind, the Tenebrisians look relatively similar, except are noted to have larger eyes than most people and usually have brown hair, instead of the typical fair-haired elven look. Tenebrisians usually try to stay safe, but have a lethal magic attack prepared. Tenebrisians CAN become vampires, but this disrupts their magic attack patterns and in most cases stops it completely. They are cursed with taking harm from the darkness due to an ancient warlock destroying the Stonus Phonesio (Ancient artifact).

Powers and abilities
  • Migratory; Walking/running speed is a lot (2.5x) faster because of all the
  • Pacifistic method; Due to ancestors turning near-pacifistic, Tenebrisians have a lower attack with any weapon (-30% damage).
  • Viatorius; Tenebrisians predominantly use levers to channel their magical power. 18 damage when wielding a lever, -3 damage each block away the enemy is, ignoring all armor. (May sound OP, but if the enemy is 5 blocks away you only attack for 3 damage, and that's lower than a wooden sword. It encourages the pacifistic sense Tenebrisians need, as attacking them is made a rare thing.)
  • Darkness Consumes; When submerged in darkness light level 6 or under, Tenebrisians take 2 hearts of damage a second.
  • Claustrophobia; Walk/run at 0.75x speed indoors.
(NOTE; I understand the unlikelihood of this ever happening and the extreme amounts of coding needed to balance the power of Viatorius out, but if accepted I shall put in all non-coding or admin-only work towards it. This may attract more players to the server as well, due to it seeming "challenge-like". I was going to make a thread on it but I thought we weren't allowed. Sorry that everyone has spammed up their ideas here. Please respond soon. -S)
Well someones ideas are little, 'Satanistic..' (facepalm)
The Conquered- Pigmen will never attack Swelts, and will instead follow and protect them when they come near. (or)Infernal Machines- Blazes will ignore Swelts, and will not attack them.
This would be so cool.... I can just imagine after sharding a group of Agni jumping out of lava and fire and attacking a army of pigman lead by one swelt.... SO EPIC.
Some time before they were forced to flee their homes, several tribes of Snow Elves broke away from their fellows and trekked out on their own, seeking a better life away from the cold north. These Elves, however, attempted to open a portal to their very own paradise, and through it they went to find their fortunes. The spell went awry, and the tribes found themselves trapped in the blistering, unforgiving depths of Gana-Isha, surrounded by flame and darkness.
Faced with certain death, the Elves pooled their magic together in one immensely powerful spell, altering themselves to allow them to survive the harsh environment of Gana-Isha. Their blue skin turned the color and luster of gold, their white hair turned to flickering, flaming red locks. Their arcane prowess was shattered, their magical reserves drained utterly by the sheer power of the spell. They had survived, but they would never be the same.
The Swelts are a race of warriors, and prize martial power above all else. Few traces of arcane ability remain within the race after the combination and rapid expenditure of their magic, and so they have turned to the more practical arts of warfare. Talented with sword and shield, the Swelts became a powerful force in Gana-Isha, quickly winning a name for themselves as conquerers among the beings of the burning race, and forging a towering empire within the inferno that lasts to this day.
Like the Snow Elves, there are various classes of Swelts.
The Galvarus are the most common classification of Swelts. Each and every Galvarus Swelt is trained from birth in the arts of combat and warfare, in all things from cavalry combat to siege tactics. They are prized warriors, fierce in battle and able to act in unison without hesitation. They have no magical abilities whatsoever, relying entirely on their skills with sword and shield to destroy their enemies. Almost every Swelt from the emperor himself to the lowest of tradesmen is counted among the Galvarus, and it is typically merely another name for a soldier in Swelt society.
The Artani are the closest things that yet exist to the Swelts' forebears. Artani Swelts are born with the faintest traces of magical ability, and as such are often kept away from battle. They are lorekeepers, scholars, researchers and inventors, but are rarely allowed on the battlefield, due to their rarity. Because of this, the Artani are not able to win the glory that Swelts prize so highly, and are among the least respected members of Swelt society, a stark contrast to the castes of the Snow Elves.
The Gifted are rare Swelts, born with a crippling flaw. They come into the world without the Swelts' natural ability to withstand the heat of Gana-Isha. Those that do not die are quickly driven mad by the flames, becoming raving lunatics, blind to friend or foe. The Gifted are typically trained with the utmost care, honed into powerful weapons. When a Gifted is prepared for battle, their cages are transported to the middle of an enemy's ranks and opened. Their comrades immediately withdraw, leaving the Gifted to slaughter as many foes as possible before being slain. The Gifted are some of the most widely respected and praised heroes of Swelt lore, and their battles are often marked with feasts that can go on for days to honor their deaths, or weeks, if they manage to survive.
Powers and Abilities:
The Conquered- Pigmen will never attack Swelts, and will instead follow and protect them when they come near. (or) Infernal Machines- Blazes will ignore Swelts, and will not attack them.
Hellfire Affinity- Swelts take no damage from lava or fire. They can swim in lava as though it were water, but not with the unnatural speed of the Agni.
Conquerer's Spirit- Swelts do an additional 5% damage with swords, and have a higher chance to block strikes.
Hair of Flame- Swelts give off the same level of light as a redstone torch at all times.
Fizzle- Swelts do not fare well in water or rain. They will take damage equal to the speed of poison as long as they are in either.
Unsneaky- You try being sneaky with a burning head.
Arcane Weakness- Swelts cannot use potions quite as effectively, and will only receive half the intended duration.

Yes please.
These are amazing.. I like the Valen and the Octopus people(Forgot the name) The staff must add some of these... (nod) (Y)
Love 'em all! These are all great and creative ideas Myself and a lot of other people would want to be implemented! (My personal favorites are the Mycelleveans and the Shades)[DOUBLEPOST=1370103728,1370069254][/DOUBLEPOST]The Mycellevean


The Mycellevean are similar to the Yanar; perhaps even once this is what they called themselves. To this date, it remains unclear whether they are merely Yanar that became too symbiotic with mushrooms, or if they are humans converted into Mycellevean through some strange fungal infestation. The Mycellevean are independent of the Yanar, and often live in small tribal communities; it is believed that Mycellevean are capable of mass communication between others of their species. They often don't speak to other races; however they are able.
  • Spore Seeding: Mycellevean are capable of spreading mycelium to grass/dirt around them in a small area. This can be done via command once every minute. The area affected is 6x6.
  • Mycelium Rooting: Mycellevean are capable of rooting themselves in place while on Mycelium. While rooted, the user becomes incredibly resistant to damage. The rooted player cannot move. This ability can only be used every minute and a half.
(Only copied this for the purpose of people not having to look back to see what i'm talking about)
Instead of the spore seeding, maybe a combat effect in which you poison the enemy (since some mushrooms are poisonous) and a healing effect with mushrooms, like the Yanar with roses. or when Mycelleveans are in a dark spot they have a combat boost (since mushrooms are normally found, in game and in some cases irl, in dark spots).

p.s. MOAR[DOUBLEPOST=1370116351][/DOUBLEPOST]Can you tell I want to be a Mycellevean?
Maybe slowness at all times, but healing in dark/rain, poison when hit like with naga, but with higher chance, a chat system only for them, no rooting but treet mycelium as a liquid
I shall make the Mycelleveans a race! (or at least subspecies or something)[DOUBLEPOST=1370491528,1370155602][/DOUBLEPOST]Bump
We're still waiting Morgoth.... stares creepily at Morgoth
I made a concept for Shades a little after I first came on Massivecraft, but it seems a very small amount of people look at the wiki, so here is what I put there.

Shades are a dark, shadowy race, undistinguishable from normal elves during the day, but wraiths of darkness at night.
Known information

In the light, a Shade is like any other person. In the darkness however, a Shade has the ability to meld with the shadows and become invisible to all but the most acute observers. When shadowmelded, the only give away to a Shade's position is the shadows swirling there, thus the very absence of light can prove a Shade's undoing. They prefer dark clothing, reminisciant of their power, and often prefer dark enviroments which assist their abilities, and where other beings as dark as themselves lurk.

In the long ages of history, there have been many variants of elves, high, low, and in between. However, long ago, when elves were still old, though younger, and Ceardia was young, if known at all, one group of ambitious Shadow Elves, a group especially talented at concealment, found a way to become even better at what made them unique. These elves used their powers, combined with those of one of the first Dark Alters, to merge with the very powers that create Vampires. Their elven nature rejected the evil that permeats the nature of a Vampire's power, but the simple darkness that is a benign power of nature enveloped their beings, twisting them into a race powerful and noble as only an elf can be, but dark and shadowed at the same time. Many shades reject their forced birthright, choosing to use the ancient high elven magic and the power of a Light Alter to turn themselves back, or merely hide their power and nature from the world. But many embrace their heritage, believing themselves better, or merely contenting themselves with their nature. And if one with a sharp eye and a clear gaze looks hard at a shade, they may percieve dark shadows swirling about their form, waiting for the time to be used...
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insects... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.
Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.


Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.
I am really really really impressed....why can't more of the people come up with these kind of suggestions instead of how to kill the premiums, anyway I love Hivekin and the Valen race, very well done and creative. I'm excited to see what will happen to it. The Beastmen would maybe be good for RP reasons but i'm not a big fan of it either.

Youre a genius and i love you.

Couldn't say it better.. <3
Im not making new ideas, just adding more to the old ones
Herbal healing: hit a being with roses to heal them
Photosynthesis: Hunger increases in sunlight but decreases otherwise
Plants blessing: 20% chance to get double drops from all plants except lilypad.

Poison immunity: Naga are immune to poison
Poison skin: any being who directly attacks a naga first will have a 5% chance to get 3 seconds of poison.

Resilitant flesh: 15% less damage from bow, swords, axes, and unarmed
Weak bones: taking damage will have a 3% chance to get slowness when hit
Weak bones: taking damage will have a 5% chance to get slowness when hit if previously killed a being

Aquatic fist: mining underwater will induce a 5second period of aqua affinity and has a cooldown of 15 seconds
and all the other old stuff they had

I think these ideas if they get implemented will not only be quicker to make (easier than making a whole new race) and will attract more players to these races so that massivecraft will have more diversity. :P
Inspiration as to Hivekin and Beastmen were Warhammer.

Ie Tyranid (40k) and Beastmen (Fantasy).

The Valen were something I thought up.

Really? I could of sworn the Valen were a Falmer clone from the Elder Scrolls, you know that could like see and stuff.
Except maybe the part where they were betrayed an advanced technological culture and sprayed with eye poison. Maybe you've played Elder Scrolls, maybe not.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with adding things like this. I support these ideas.
Just saying, Beastmen remind me of Robert Jordan's Trollocs...
Regalia, looking for undead heads,
forums, looking for undead threads.
What is with the sudden rise of necro-posting?
Gotta say, I love them all apart from Beastmen and'd love to see them implemented.
This is still on the first page of suggestions?

Geeze either Ive been gone a lot less longer than I thought, or you people really have nothing to suggest to the server!

(I hope this isn't grave-digging, as its on the first page :L)
I'll probably just spend the next bit cranking out concepts.

So here's the next one!

The Cephalos


The Cephalos are not Maiar. Rather these beings are what the Maiar dare not speak of. The dark hidden threat to the Maiar people, the very beings they are fleeing from. The Cephalos are pure bestial creatures of unknown origin. They have not been seen in local waters until now. Maiar would always refer to a great threat, something they would never explain in great detail; these are the very things they were speaking of. A Cephalos in the water is a fierce combatant. On average they are even more powerful than most Maiar; yet they are also even more dependent on being submerged in water. Little is known of these creatures; they say little and often attack first.

  • Ink Screen: Cephalos are capable of blinding an opponent with their fists once every one and a half minutes.
  • Water Dependent: Cephalos are even more dependent on water than their prey, the Maiar. They suffer from weakness on land and a constant drain on their hunger. Staying out of the water for too long will even go as far as to poison them.
  • Water Feeding: Cephalos do need to eat food. This can only be done when submerged in water. They do not simply gain food by being in water.
  • Aquatic Resonance: Cephalos move at the same speed as Maiar when underwater.
  • Aquatic Strength: A fully submerged Cephalos that has been underwater for thirty seconds is a beast to be reckoned with. They gain a constant Strength effect until they exit the water.

I was going to originally make a race based off the Skaven, when I originally posted this, but I didn't.

awesome totally agree, now there are some aquatic competition for maiars..mermaids, you better run, the giant squids and kraken are gonna come get ya! XD and the first one...maybe they get buffs while under a certain number of block below sea level+ light level? that would truly make sense
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