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"The essence of our people lies in the strength of the mundane"
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Character's information
─═"Not in the weakness of the occult"═─
Aliases: Valentino Monterrosa (Short), Saneph (Khama), Val (Short - Short)Race / Culture:
Remet Asha / Tierravera - DeshretAge: 28
Birthday: 21/3/287
Gender / Pronouns:
Male (he/him)Religion:
Syncretism between Khama and UnionismKhama (dominant), Unionism (Grace and Mendes)
Lothar knight (Herebrand Chapter), Businessman (Sarkhan Shipping Services)
>Core Concept<
Valentino is the current head of the Monterrosa County of Rosaria, a religious purist that thinks magic is the source of most anti-karmic actions and that its influence and presence in the world needs to be weakened for the Karmic Balance to be restored. A man of habits, he is learned in phylosophy, literature, music, arts; a noble of heart, having expert naval and knightly knowledge.
─═"Un diablo bien vestido, por un ángel es tenido"═─
"A well dressed demon is taken for an angel"
- Eye Color: Golden
- Fur: white with black and grey stripes
- Height: 6'9 (206cm)
- Body Shape: inverted triangle
- Additional Features:
As a Khama faithful, Valentino is followed by living metal, often described to have a darker tone than iron, but lighter than coal. He carries it in ornamental acessories such as the bracelets or in his armor. The living metal has a mind like that of a child in behavior, often going around Valentino and/or others, curious of them, but it's also very obedient, staying still when ordered.
Valentino tends to show shyness to those who he has just met or who he thinks are friends. Even if not shown directly, he thinks there is actual good in people, even some occult, but they tend to show their evil side because it's easier; this sense of good drives his vision of justice, made up with religious believes, regalian and asha philosophy, and the Lothar's oath. He expresses himself with more stoicism than other fellow Asha, but is actually a warm-hearted gentleman.
>Alignment: True neutral
Combat style
>Strength: 7
Weapon throw (Free)
Technique Parry Pack
Concussive Blow Pack
Diving Tackle Pack
Magebane Strike Pack
Knockback Sweep Pack
Shattering Strike Pack
▻ Athletic
Steady Body Pack
> Constitution: 6
▻ Shielding
Shield Impact (Free)
Shield Cover Pack
Shield Rumble Pack
Shield Phalanx Pack
Shield Snare Pack
▻ Training
Bulwark Pack
Iron Will Pack
> Dexterity: 1
Disguise Pack
> Intelligence: 1
▻ Adapt
Oceanic Pack
- Remet Lineage mechanics.
- Khama's living metal mechanics.
- Herebrand chapter mechanic.
Plot hooks
─═"Cada mástil que aguante su vela"═─
"Every mast may carry their sail"
- Valentino has made his life's mission to protect others from injustice.
- Saneph is a business man, always making deals with others for his family's or friend's gain.
Valentino was born in the southern provices of Girobalda, in the place where the current Monterrosa Estate stands. Living so close to the sea, his parents didn't wait too much and began to train him in the naval arts since 3 years old. Saneph, as chosen by himself at 5, then studied many subjetcs with his tutors: calculus, politics, law, phylosophy, music, and many more, some of which planted the purist seed in his mind. This knowledge, combined with his strong religious sentiment, motivated the young lord into studying more diplomacy and administration. At year 10, he was already a good negotiator.
When he turned 11, Valentino left Girobalda for an academy in Hellatia, property of a noble family which was affable to his. In there, he graduated in finance and administration at age 16 and later in diplomacy, at 17. But this time was of good use as he made practice of his knowledge by closing deals, hiring merchants and expanding his family's 174 year business, which soon became a respectable trading company. He also began to help his family to pass economic, social and legal reforms which soon turned his humble Estate into one of the safest on the region.
At 18, days before going on a trip to Vultaro, his parents were attacked and killed by two rogue mages while they were returning back to their manor. This event broke something on him and, as the last heir of his family, he fell into a deep depresion which only trapped him on his work. But one day, while talking with a Lothar knight, he felt better as they told him about their mission and sense of justice. He became a squire and began his training while repressing magical sentiment on his home by powerful speeches and reforms.
During his training as a Lothar knight, his purist sentiment grew stronger and mixed with his khamic ideas, creating a twisted idea of how to return the Khamic Balance: since planar magic pours into the world like water fills a sinking boat, one solution is to pump the water out, then repair the hull. Even with this odd approach, Valentino thrived on the Order, even having the pleasure to meet the Magnate Knight and have an extended conversation with, this only made him believe more into the Lothar's purpose.
Valentino was knighted at age 26 and subsequently joined with the Girobalda's forces against the Unionist blasphemers. As the campaing began to come to a close, the Asha encountered a pair of these rebels that seemed to know more about him than others, he was quick to figure out that they were his parent's assassins. When they were put under trial, he made sure to condemn their lifes, giving them a quick death.
At 28 he went to Regalia since he didn't feel good being on his Estate, even if it meant not having the ocean at his doorstep.
The Knight
After his return from Amontaar, Valentino began to make a silent reputation as an stoic but serene man who follows the Lothar's teachings as they are meant to be. He gained Akhet-Hejd, a Khama artifact closely relates to the gods; he was kidnapped by the Infamous Scale, but got away relatively unhurt. Time later he was kidnapped again by the pirate Hanami Yuki who took the artifact, but -without her knowing- this act would be the first key for his evolution.
The Masked Herald
To be started.
Supplementary Information
- Adagio Von Rolante
- Erwin Braunchweiner
- Aceline Ripley
- Nefertath Monterrosa
- Sat-Kha Monterrosa
- Zadicus Luthar
- Aoife Kialoraal
- 'Skully'
- Hanami Yuki
- Erich Reuter
- 'Scale'
The family was founded by Sekhet Mankhenor in 137 AC, an Asha from the Daen Governate who emigrated with his family to Girobalda and made their wealth shipping lumber to the Anaheran shipyards from their connections back in the Governate. During the Anahera Dictatorship they were fervent loyalists, sabotaging Anahera facilities and utilizing their wealth to help arm Regalian loyalists to create an insurgency. While not much in the grand scale of things, it was an irritation in the side of the Dictatorship and once the Empire was restored, the Mankhenor, now known as the Monterrosa after the nickname of their guerilla force, was rewarded a County in their service to the Empire in place of a family that actively supported the Dictatorship.
Being that his living metal can reshape into, practically, anything, Valentino is not bothered by the thought of having to carry too many things around, this section will serve the purpose of explaining some of the usual items he transforms the L.M. into as well as some that he does carry around.
- Living sword: when in combat, his L.M. reshapes into a great sword almost as big as himself. It is highly ornamented, the pommel shows the family's coat of arms, the guards appear like a pair of wings and the Chappe elongates upwards, giving place to a khamic symbol.
- Living shield: for protection, his L.M. takes the shape of a heater shield ornamented with his family's crest carved on it.
- Living guitar: Valentino transforms his L.M. into a dark guitar, the sound is almost not affected, the only noticeable effect is an strange pitch on the E string that only those with a great pitch sense can hear.
- Living cane: a symbol of his status and wealth, Valentino reshapes his L.M. into an ornamented walking cane which he uses during his daily strolls around the city. On the top it has the shape of a rose while the lower parts are decorated with fine and soft geometrical patterns.
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