- Joined
- Apr 3, 2020
- Messages
- 29
- Reaction score
- 11
- Points
- 28
Character Information
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Born out of tragic circumstance, Ithissi was born in Regalia by Iblissi, a Kemet Asha in league with the Evolists within the city. Her mother, in some way or another, had attracted the Golden Order to her presence, perhaps due to her being seen as wretched and malign due to her Kemet status. Regardless, Khemet was born in one of the poorest areas of the city, her mother a mere vagabond, broken, delirious, and unresponsive, for her greatest joy had been Armas, and she seemed deseperate to bring him back to her some way or another, slowly losing her mind and body.
However, there were times when Iblissi broke through the spell, and beneath her faith, and her obsession, she was, and acted like a mother towards Ithissi, being loving, caring, making the young asha forget their wretchedly poor lifestyle. And she could see the woman for who she might have been in her earliest youth, a joyous, funny, and smart Asha, who loved flying across the skies. And her lifetime of devotion to the creatures of the Void had taken that from her.
It was the day that her mother finally went to sleep, and never woke again that her heart set to stone. What sort of cruel world was this one, were people begged day and night on the streets for some coins, at the mercy of crime families, while the rich and powerful had their feasts and galas on their palaces? What sort of atrocious cult would venerate a parasite who'd lose interest on her mother after a while?
She was lost, and without answers, until in her homelessness, she reached the Khama temple. She wanted to reconnect with her roots after all, and it'd be exactly that location that would grant her answers. The world, it held people who did bad things, for bad reasons- Well she would become the reason that they would stop their cruel paths, and both save the innocents that could get caught in their troubles, and bring proper retribution. But to bring death- That was beyond her. The decay of her mother would forever be a wound too fresh for her, the grief and loss of losing someone, too damning to inflict on others. Except for one- There would be one such name in this world to whom she'd do everything in her hand to ensure the proper retribution befell him.
And his name was Armas, the Golden Order.
- Full Name: Ithissi, Daughter of Iblissi
- Heritage / Culture: Savent Asha / Hedjet Asha
- Age: 26
- Gender / Pronouns: She/Her
- Religion: Khama
- Occult: Armas Godborn
- Character Occupation: Bloodcast
- Eye Color: Ever changing rainbow.
- Skin Color: White feathers
- Hair: None.
- Height: Eight feet tall.
- Body Type: Toned. Excellent body shape.
- Additional Features:
- Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy, Technology (Living Metal), Medical, Athletics.
- Mechanics:
- Asha:
- Savent Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
- Savent Asha have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights. Additionally, their claws when struck together create flint and steel-like sparks that light up.
- Savent Asha can manifest (or have) Wings (of any design: Furred, Feathered), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight.
- Savent Asha have a heightened sense of smell, sight, and hearing out of Combat. This is fairly flexible and should be discussed with people in a scene in terms of what advantages this may give an Asha in varying scenarios.
- Savent Asha have a heightened alertness and analytical mind, able to perceive threats and react much faster. They may notice dangers when interacting with Event objects or Characters (Private Message DM's for more info)
- Savent Asha can control a special substance called Living Metal, which is a solid metal that becomes liquid by their thought and imagination, and can be reshaped to whatever they can imagine, and telekinetically moved around.
- Evolist Armas Godborn:
- Armas Godborn are physically more perfect than mortal children. Choose one of the following bonuses: Gain +1 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) or Gain +1 Defense Stat (break cap to 9). Additionally, they may appear taller and larger than most Heritage averages, and gain the Mind Control Pack for free. Finally, if they are Void Planar-Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.
- Armas Godborn is naturally attractive, and as a result, even if people do not want to outright make love to them, they benefit from "pretty privilege". This does not mean every character has to fall in love with them, but that they should reasonably be given the leeway of pretty privilege as it is understood to exist in the real world.
- Armas Godborn can understand all languages, even if they cannot speak them themselves. Additionally, they can speak a unique language called Sehraq in Void-Script, which only their Romance Partners can understand when it is spoken. However, all Armas/Sapphora/Golden Order Godborn can also hear this language even if they are not Romancing the person using it, as can Divine Entities/Event Characters/Gods and those with certain Mechanics.
- Armas Godborn are physically more perfect than mortal children. Choose one of the following bonuses: Gain +1 Attack Stat (break cap to 11) or Gain +1 Defense Stat (break cap to 9). Additionally, they may appear taller and larger than most Heritage averages, and gain the Mind Control Pack for free. Finally, if they are Void Planar-Aligned, they can still use God-Magic.
- Khama Mechanics:
- Khama Faith Mechanic 1: Any Believer of Khama, even non-Asha, gains access to the Remet/Savent Asha Heritage Mechanic regarding Living Metal. Living Metal is also called the Blood of the Gods among Khama believers and has great religious significance to them as a result. For more information about Living Metal, refer to the Asha Page. Additionally, Khama Believers, due to their access to Living Metal, gain the Living Metal variant of the Shapeshift Pack for free. For rules on Living Metal Shapeshifting, see the Page. Re-buying this Pack with Proficiency results in the normal variant being given instead, or the Magical variant if it is chosen.
- Khama Faith Mechanic 2: Believers of Khama can appeal to the Gods through a ceremony or in-game Event to deal Karmic justice to someone who has wronged them. These Calendar Events must be held with more than a few believers, but do not require Divinium. Staff should be notified of such an Event in a Ticket, and either bear witness to the ceremonial request or receive information about it in said ticket. The core function is that the faithful come together to lament about the injustices perpetrated by either a Player or Event NPC after the fact and beg the Gods to deal Karmic justice to them. For Player Characters, this will never cause permanent damage or death, but can cause them to become cursed, or temporarily receive debuffs. It will be very obvious to the target that the faithful of Khama requested they be punished, though the Gods may reject for a variety of reasons.
- Khama Faith Mechanic 1: Any Believer of Khama, even non-Asha, gains access to the Remet/Savent Asha Heritage Mechanic regarding Living Metal. Living Metal is also called the Blood of the Gods among Khama believers and has great religious significance to them as a result. For more information about Living Metal, refer to the Asha Page. Additionally, Khama Believers, due to their access to Living Metal, gain the Living Metal variant of the Shapeshift Pack for free. For rules on Living Metal Shapeshifting, see the Page. Re-buying this Pack with Proficiency results in the normal variant being given instead, or the Magical variant if it is chosen.
- Bloodcast Order:
- Vânători Mechanic: Vânători Knights can retrieve objects that were stolen from Houses, Persons, or Estates, that were pawned off to any Crime-System related salesperson.
- Asha:
- Languages:
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 7
- Stance: During Bruiser Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Shielding Point Buy. While in Bruiser Stance, the user cannot have their Attack reduced by outside forces. Additionally, if the user's attacks would have their damage reduced or ignored by anything (except Block Tokens), the user gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) for their next 3 Attack Emotes. Bruiser Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Bruiser Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- Bruiser Slam Pack: To close the distance with a foe, leap in a straight line to an Enemy within Range without triggering Opportunity Attacks. If the Target has Block Tokens, one Block Token is immediately broken and the Brittle Status Effect is applied. If the Target has no Block Tokens, apply both the Prone and Brittle Status Effects. Bruiser Slam as a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Bruiser Flurry Pack: To disrupt the battlefield, instantly displace all characters within range by 5 blocks backwards. If any Enemies within range had Block Tokens gained by Abilities, remove up to three of them, and grant them to the User instead. Bruiser Flurry has a 1 Hour cooldown.
- Bruiser Feint Pack: To interrupt an enemy's attack, as a reaction, Stagger an enemy within range's Basic Attack or Instant Technique usage. Also, gain +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next 2 turns. If the target has any Block Tokens gained from Abilities, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Feint has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Bruiser Agony Pack: To heal on the edge of defeat, this ability activates automatically when the user is at 6 HP or less. The user's next successful Attack Emote heals the user by +2HP. If the attack upon the Target has a Block Token broken instead of losing HP, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Agony can only trigger once Per Combat.
- Bruiser Tackle Pack: To use an enemy as a weapon, target an enemy within range, displace them backwards 5 Blocks and apply the Brittle Status Effect. If the target already has the Brittle Status Effect, deal a guaranteed Attack, and displace them 10 blocks. In either case, if the target hits another character before moving the full distance, also apply Brittle to that character. Bruiser Tackle has a 2 hour cooldown.
- Bruiser Rampage Pack: To keep the violence going, this Ability is always passively active once combat begins. For each successful attack the user lands upon a target, gain +1 Attack that breaks cap up to a maximum of 11 until they fail an Attack Roll, in which case the bonus resets to 0. Staggers do not count as failing an Attack Roll, and instead count as a successful attack for the purpose of this Ability. If the user breaks a Block Token, gain +2 Attack instead. This effect can stack as many times as they are successful in landing hits.
- Weapon Throw Pack: To throw a side-weapon, use this Ability to make a Melee Attack against an enemy, with range of Emote Range. Also, make the roll with -2 to Attack Stat. Weapon Throw has a 30 minute cooldown.
- Technique Parry: To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Stance: During Bruiser Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Shielding Point Buy. While in Bruiser Stance, the user cannot have their Attack reduced by outside forces. Additionally, if the user's attacks would have their damage reduced or ignored by anything (except Block Tokens), the user gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) for their next 3 Attack Emotes. Bruiser Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Bruiser Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- Constitution: 5
- Status Endure Pack: When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.
- Breather Pack: When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.
- Iron Will Pack: This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.
- Mounted Trooper Pack: While Mounted, the user counts as an obstruction for enemies, blocking Line of Sight for Enemies within Range. This aspect of the Ability has no cooldown. Additionally, when the user takes damage from an Opportunity Attack, they can immediately make an attack, without using an Action, and with +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11). This aspect of the Ability has a 1 hour cooldown.
- Carriage Summon (Free): The user may hop onto a carriage and become the driver of it, "summoning" it through some contrivance of it being hidden or driven in by someone else. From this point onwards, the user is Mounted, and anyone else who hops into the carriage is also Mounted. While Mounted, the user gains an additional 5 blocks of movement each turn. During Combat, additional riders in the Carriage do not gain this movement benefit, unless they also have the Carriage Summon or Cavalry Summon Ability. If a Carriage has 1 Character that does not have the Ability, the Carriage moves at Normal Speed. If sharing a Mount, the users only have one Move Action between all of them, and any Trapped or Prone Status Effects are duplicated, as well as any Displacements. If the Trapped or Prone Status Effect is removed from one rider, remove it from the other, as well. If a Displacement is countered or reduced by one rider, reduce it for the other, as well. Carriage Summon has a 30 minute cooldown, once exited.
- Familiar Disrupt: The user is born near, finds in childhood, (religiously) manifests, or magically creates a familiar that is life-linked with them and grows old with them. This familiar can be sampled from any domesticated animal no larger than a domestic dog. This pet can accompany the user, and aesthetically interact with the environment and other people. To hinder an enemy, the user targets one enemy within range, and knocks them Prone with their Familiar. Familiar Disrupt has a 4 Hour Cooldown.
- Status Endure Pack: When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.
- Intelligence: 1
- Mindcontrol Pack (Godborn Armas)
- Shapeshift Pack (Living Metal Variant) (Khama Believer)
- Tech assimilate
- tech ghost
- Mindcontrol Pack (Godborn Armas)
- Wisdom: 1
- Chem Cleanse
- Dexterity: 0
- Faith: 0
- Magic: 0
- Charisma:0
- Undisclosed Presence.
Born out of tragic circumstance, Ithissi was born in Regalia by Iblissi, a Kemet Asha in league with the Evolists within the city. Her mother, in some way or another, had attracted the Golden Order to her presence, perhaps due to her being seen as wretched and malign due to her Kemet status. Regardless, Khemet was born in one of the poorest areas of the city, her mother a mere vagabond, broken, delirious, and unresponsive, for her greatest joy had been Armas, and she seemed deseperate to bring him back to her some way or another, slowly losing her mind and body.
However, there were times when Iblissi broke through the spell, and beneath her faith, and her obsession, she was, and acted like a mother towards Ithissi, being loving, caring, making the young asha forget their wretchedly poor lifestyle. And she could see the woman for who she might have been in her earliest youth, a joyous, funny, and smart Asha, who loved flying across the skies. And her lifetime of devotion to the creatures of the Void had taken that from her.
It was the day that her mother finally went to sleep, and never woke again that her heart set to stone. What sort of cruel world was this one, were people begged day and night on the streets for some coins, at the mercy of crime families, while the rich and powerful had their feasts and galas on their palaces? What sort of atrocious cult would venerate a parasite who'd lose interest on her mother after a while?
She was lost, and without answers, until in her homelessness, she reached the Khama temple. She wanted to reconnect with her roots after all, and it'd be exactly that location that would grant her answers. The world, it held people who did bad things, for bad reasons- Well she would become the reason that they would stop their cruel paths, and both save the innocents that could get caught in their troubles, and bring proper retribution. But to bring death- That was beyond her. The decay of her mother would forever be a wound too fresh for her, the grief and loss of losing someone, too damning to inflict on others. Except for one- There would be one such name in this world to whom she'd do everything in her hand to ensure the proper retribution befell him.
And his name was Armas, the Golden Order.
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