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Shelved Character Amelia | The knight's Automata

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score
South Africa

Character Information

Full Name:

Heritage / Culture:
Mech Automata

Shown in the designed date

Birthday: 30 October
Year born: 312

Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her





Character Occupation:
Victoria's Automata

Victoria Silverberry | Creater

The Knight's Automata

Appearance Information:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:


6'5 ft

Body Type:

Additional Features:
  • Hallow Tech in design

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:
Technology Hobby
Technology Hobby covers broadly things done with machines, making robots, or technology. This includes but is not limited to replacing limbs with prosthetics, producing technological solutions for people with disabilities such as hoverchairs for those who are wheelchair bound, require artificial wombs, want to make air conditioning or washing machines, or generally add mechanical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living. While MassiveCraft is a mostly fantasy medieval setting, there are options for more modern technology, where appropriate. If this is chosen, players are encouraged to pick one technology branch that determines what their technology looks like. If you want more branches, consider investing in Tech Point Buy.

Mechanic 1: Skyborn do not need to choose a Tech Branch for any engineering or technology tinkering they do. They can build/edit/repair any Branch. Even if a unique Technology Branch has specific requirements they do not meet (such as Religion, or Affliction), then they are not able to build or make it, but can repair or edit it. They can install security systems in their Rentals, requiring OOC notification of Break-ins.

Mechanic 2: Skyborn have a unique sequential memory that allows almost perfect recall. With mechanical equipment, they can extract their own memories including all sensory experiences, and copy them onto so-called Memkeys. Memkeys in turn can be used by other Skyborn to "watch" such an experience and feel as If it was them who experienced it, or use a virtual-reality-like device to allow non-Skyborn to experience them.

Mechanic 3: Skyborn have a high analytical ability to perceive and understand the machinery that is witnessed or operated during Events. This may allow them to learn more about the devices that are seen or used, or discover hidden features or functions that other people cannot perceive. Make sure to contact an Event Dm for any potential uses in Private Message during the Event or beforehand to learn more.

Mechanic 5 [ Reclaimer Ancestry Mechanic ]: Reclaimer Ancestry Skyborn have extended analytical abilities when it comes to understanding component ingredients, and material identification. They can identify any metal or material that they can touch and are able to smell what ingredients or compounds are present in any alchemical mixture. This extends itself even to smelling poison in their drinks.

Mech Automata
Mech Mechanic I: Mech Automata cannot invest in the Magic or Faith Proficiencies at all. They however gain 1 free Point Buy Pack from any other Category without Proficiency investment.

Mech Mechanic II: Mech Automata gain the Shapeshift Pack Mundane Variant for free, but have to always appear mechanical or robot-like with at least two legs and two arms.

Mech Mechanic III: Mech Automata gain the First, Second, and Third Mechanics from the Skyborn Heritage Mechanics section. Additionally, Magic cannot tamper with their memories.

Mech Mechanic IV: Mech Automata can choose one Skyborn Ancestry Mechanic to gain. Additionally, they will always know if a technician has altered their personality/programming.

Mechanic Mechanic V: Mech Automata can always create backups of themselves/their personalities, meaning if they are killed, they can be re-built/respawn, but are liable to have an existential crisis about it.

Tech Ghost:
Tech Ghost provides unique Roleplay Function for Roboticist flavor. Firstly, Tech Ghost allows the user to produce Automata, which are autonomous programmed robots. If the Automata is Played Separately, see the Mystech page for all rules. If the Automata is strictly an extension of the Technician Character, then the same design guidelines apply, but they do not gain their own Proficiencies (or the Mechanics on the Mystech page), and instead must follow this section's rules. Tech Ghost Automata can be remotely controlled by their creators: they cannot be in the same scene (unless it's no-stakes Social RP), and must have the same Proficiency investments as the creator, ignoring the logic of a robot casting Magic. This does not count as a disguise. If the creator of the Automaton dies in Roleplay, their consciousness is transferred to one of their Automata, and they continue to live as a robot (now becoming Mystech). Tech Ghost is gained for free upon Point Buying any Tech Point Buy Pack.

Sign language [ Sign ]
d'Ithanie [ d'I ]
Calem [ Cal ]
Aontaithe [ Aon ]
Hellas [ Hel ]
Kriv [ Kri ]
Lëtz [ Letz ]
Altalar [ Alt ] [ Semi-Fluent ]
Vaman [ Vam ]
Anglian [ Ang ]
Breizh [ Br ]


To Be Determined

plot hooks:
To Be Determined

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7

Defense Stat: 5

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Constitution: 0
  • Iron Will Pack [ Training ] [ Passive Technique ] [ Free Pack ]
    • This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.

Intelligence: 6
  • Puretek Relod Pack [ Puretek ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • To save oneself in a pinch, choose one Puretek, Deadeye, or Ranger Ability that is currently on Cooldown, not being used actively, and instantly take that ability Off Cooldown. Puretek Reload can be used Once Per Combat.

  • Puretek Burn Pack [ Pretek ] [ Link Technique ]
    • To punish Mages, target Occult Enemy or Ally in range, and attach a Link to them. The next time the Target uses a Power or makes a Basic Attack with Magic, deal -1HP damage. If they do either of these things again, deal another -1HP damage. After dealing -2HP, Puretek Burn ends, and goes on Cooldown. If neither effect triggers, Puretek Burn can be upheld for a maximum of 20 Minutes. Puretek Burn does not Stack, and can be used Once Per Combat.

  • Puretek Wrath [ Puretek ] [ Counter Technique ]
    • To retaliate instantly, use this ability as a reaction to taking damage from a Basic Attack, immediately apply the Blinded Status Effect to the enemy that made the Basic Attack. This does not consume an Action. Puretek Wrath has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Puretek Antimagic Pack [ Puretek ] [ Passive Technique ]
    • To negate Magic, use this Ability in reaction to a Magic Point Buy Ability being used by an Attuned or Occult Character. If Default/Radiant version: Stagger the Ability, and grant +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) for 10 Minutes to the user if they use another Power within 3 turns. If Sinistral Version: Additionally apply the Marked Status Effect to the Target.Puretek Antimagi has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Puretek Saction Pack [ Pure Tek ] [ Passive Technique ]
    • To counteract magic, use this ability as a reaction to a non-Mundane character using a Power. Instantly apply the Warned Status Effect, and make the target choose: Use Magic, or Stop. If Use Magic: the Target can continue to cast, but the next time they use a Power, deal -1HP of Damage to them. If Stop: apply the Silenced Status Effect for 10 minutes. Puretek Sanction does not Stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

  • Puretek Evade Pack [ Puretek ] [ Movement Technique ]
    • To dodge lethal harm, use this Ability as a reaction to being targeted by a Melee Attack by an Enemy within Range. Instead of Rolling Defense, automatically succeed in Defense, and move anywhere horizontally within 10 Blocks in a cardinal direction, ignoring Opportunity Attacks. However, at the end of the Movement, apply the Prone Status Effect to the User. Puretek Evade has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 7
  • Deadeye Stance Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Stance ]
    • During Deadeye Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Melee Point Buy, Shielding Point Buy. Finally, the user's Basic Attack Emotes become Emote Ranged, but if they try to attack someone within 4 Blocks, that attack automatically misses. Stances are indefinite, but can be ended any time for a 20 Minute Cooldown.

  • Deadeye Barrage Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • The next 4 Attack Emotes the user makes are enhanced, gaining +1 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11), stacking for each attack (ex. +1, +2, +3). The 4th shot, if it hits, deals +1HP Damage, and if it misses, extend this Ability to 5 Attack Emotes, instead of 4, and increase the cap break to 12. Deadeye Barrage does not consume the user's action, but, the user cannot Move until they have made 4 Attack Emotes, or until they choose to end this ability prematurely, and gain no benefits. Once ended, Deadeye Barrage has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

  • Deadeye Focus Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • The user must have a Status Effect, other than Weakened, applied to them in order to use this Ability. When used, remove one Status Effect the user is affected by, and apply the Weakened Status Effect to the user for the next 2 Turns. Additionally, they gain +2 Attack (breaks Cap up to 11) for their next Attack only. Deadeye Focus has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Deadeye Luck shot Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • This Ability does not consume Turn, but improves the next Attack Emote that hits. When the attack succeeds, do not apply Damage, and instead roll a /dice 1 4. If the dice lands on 1, the Attack Emote is Staggered. If it lands on any other number, that number is now the HP Damage. This Ability cannot be Staggered. Deadeye Luckshot has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
  • Deadeye Pin Shot Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • This Ability can only Target a Character that has the Marked Status Effect. This counts as an Attack Emote, applies +1HP Damage, and removes Marked. Afterwards, choose a different Enemy within range to apply the Marked Status Effect to. Deadeye Pinshot has a 30 Minute Cooldown.

  • Deadeye Quick Shot Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Instant Technique ]
    • As a part of this Ability, the user makes an Attack Emote on an enemy. Instead of rolling once for this Attack, the user rolls 3 times and chooses the highest result. If 2 of the Dice Rolls were above 10's (without post-roll additions), additionally apply the Marked Status Effect. If 3 of the Dice Rolls were above 10's (without post-roll additions), apply the Marked Status Effect to the Target and another Enemy within Range. Deadeye Quickshot has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

  • Deadeye overwatch Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Passive Technique ]
    • To keep an enemy pinned down, Target an enemy within range, and apply the Trapped Status to them, for 2 Turns, but the user themselves cannot take the Move action for 2 Turns either. This Ability cannot be used on the same target more than once per Combat Scene, even from different sources. This Ability does not consume an Action. Deadeye Overwatch has no Cooldown.

  • Deadeye Crit Pack [ Deadeye ] [ Counter Technique ]
    • In order to focus on a target and deal a heavy amount of damage, use this ability to charge a guaranteed hit. The user picks a target that they can see within range, charging their weapon for their next 2 Actions whilst becoming entirely immobilized. If the user is hit with any Ability or Basic attack this Ability is interrupted and put on a 10 minute cooldown. If the target leaves Line of Sight or Emote Range, activate this Ability early, and deal a -2HP guaranteed hit. If left uninterrupted, on the 3rd Action, the user fires a projectile that deals -4HP damage to the target. Deadeye Crit has a cooldown of 2 hours
Faith: 0

Magic: 0

Charisma: 1
Sanctioned Presence Pack
This Pack does several things:
  • Your Character has an Imperial Identification Seal that is not forgeable and cannot be copied. It allows your Character to indisputably establish their identity if they have been forcibly Transformed, copied, imitated, or otherwise visually obscured.
  • Your Character can, because of this Imperial Seal, gain access to Palace Events even if they are a Commoner, and without a Noble or Knight entourage or acting as their +1. Keep in mind Palace decorum is still in effect, criminals/monsters will be ejected.
  • When Knights or other forms of government law enforcement block off an area or make an area off-limits due to a barricade or blockade, the Imperial Seal allows your Character to remain there, or pass through any barricade set up for security or exclusion.


Found Family:
Close Allie/Friend:

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