Archived New Races (valen, Hivekin, Beastmen)

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insects... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.

Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.

Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
In this Thread, I will post some ideas as to some new Race concepts. If you have any concerns or opinions, feel free to share them.

First up! The Valen.


(what I think a Valen would appear as)

Valen are more monstrous than most Races. Long ago Elven mining teams began to become trapped. The result of such long trappings of Elves in cave like environments produced the Valen. Long have they existed; remaining underground in small pockets, organized into tribal clan based units. Their only sustenance insect... and each other. Recent expeditions have been releasing them.

Valen are adapted to cave life. Their eyes have become adapted to see in pitch blackness, their skin thickened and slicked so as to keep their moisture level down.

Here are the stats for the Valen:

  • Accute Vision: Valen can activate a night vision mode. (Similar to the Vampire's)
  • Accute Vision: Valen are blinded when in areas of high light. That is to say slightly above the usual light level outside at day.
  • Dark Preference: Valen do 10% more damage in dark areas. (Dark as in caves, not outside at night)
  • Dark Preference: Valen are thrown off in areas of high light. They do 5% less damage in such places.

Next up, the Hivekin.


The Hivekin are an advanced form of exoskeletal beings. While similar to Vespids, they are not the same thing. Hivekin are based purely under a single mind. Their actions are coordinated and serve only to further the Hivekin as a whole. There are no disputes as to the individual power of Hivekin, as their individuality is nearly gone. (Nearly) Some Hivekin have shown themselves to possess a limited personality.

The goal of the Hivekin is total assimilation of living entites. They merely want to perfect the Hivekin as a whole through the consumption of all other things that possess sentience.

None are truly sure where the Hivekin originate from. Many believe them to be a subspecies of Vespids, an incorrect observation, others think they come from somewhere entirely different.

Hivekin stats:
  • Carapace: Hivekin resist all damage by 5%.
  • Assumed Goal: Hivekin damage resistance is increased by 5% when atleast three other Hivekin are near.
  • Consumption: When a Hivekin slays an entity, it gains Regeneration I for three seconds. It also refills their Hunger.
  • Voracious Appetite: Hivekin lose Hunger at a faster rate than most Races.
  • Volatile Biology: Fire or lava will INSTANTLY kill a Hivekin.
Lastly we come to the Beastmen.


Beastmen were once barbarous humans. They lived in a warlike state of pillage and death. Tribes organized themselves under their banners and clashed in arms.
This all changed on one fateful day. A blessed cow was found; it bore leather as strong as Iron and would constantly regenerate lost flesh. This became an insurmountable advantage to the tribe that claimed the beast.
The armor the leather crafted was cursed. Unbeknownst to the men who donned it, the armor would change their very nature. Ovine traits soon replaced their humanly forms. They became the first Beastmen.
Their lineage has continued through time, and the Beastmen are still gathered into tribes. They seek combat wherever they go; a way to prove their status and worth.
Beastmen stats:
  • Beast Connection: Beastmen breed animals at twice the rate.
  • Leather Working: Beastmen gather twice as much leather from cows.
  • Barbarous Nature: Beastmen deal 5% more damage with Swords and Axes.
  • Cannibalistic Phobia: Eating Steak or Porkchops will posion Beastmen.
Just some ideas. Feel free to say what you think.

First Valen nicely done balanced
Second Hivekin
They should have some chance to get to water because then someone with a FA1 bow could slaughter anyone
Third Beastman
They should have a taming buff if that is possible
creative well balanced suggestions. I am not a fan of the beastmen, but I will consider the valen and hivekin
First Valen nicely done balanced
Second Hivekin
They should have some chance to get to water because then someone with a FA1 bow could slaughter anyone
Third Beastman
They should have a taming buff if that is possible

I guess there could be a reduction on the fire damage. If they were implemented, I would think it'd be easy to gauge whether or not it was needed. I see what you're saying though.
Seems interesting, some of your races seem a BIT too close to Warhammer, but not enough to really be noticeable.
Inspiration as to Hivekin and Beastmen were Warhammer.

Ie Tyranid (40k) and Beastmen (Fantasy).

The Valen were something I thought up.
Well I guess racial suggestions were removed. I was cooking up another idea so I may as well go ahead and post it here...

The Draelean


(Typical male subject)

Before I begin, these. are. not. Dark Elves.

The Draelean were something of a myth, stories surrounded them; elves and humans long ago corrupted through worship of black powers. Their namesake was of horror stories mothers would tell to their children late at night, so as to scare them into obeying. The Draelean were once mere men of the Elvish and Human species; long ago however they became warped, their dedication became to that of a nameless black power. Draelean are monsters, fierce in combat and cold in nature. They do not feel remorse; rather they enjoy the taking of life. Savoring what they view as the ultimate grasp of power, the choice of life or death. These beings were cursed however, in their black worship they became ever more consumed with the need to kill. This hunger often drives individual Draelean to madness, to slaughter all living things they meet.

Here are the stats for the Draelean:

  • Black Thirst: Draelean are driven toward killing. This causes random attacks of "thirsting" when they haven't killed in a bit. (Basically bouts of the highest grade of Nausea, coupled with some low level slowness and a heart or two of damage.)
  • Black Fury: Right after a Draelean has slain an entity, it gains a period of empowerment. During this period they gain a 15% chance on each hit to initiate a Wither effect on their opposition, they also gain a short period of regeneration.
  • Twisted Soul: Holy Water also affects Draelean. Their connection with darkness has drawn out an effect of weakness in the company of such purging items.
(Y) Really interesting, again it seems a bit similar to something from Warhammer, but still interesting
(Y) Really interesting, again it seems a bit similar to something from Warhammer, but still interesting

You're thinking Dark Eldar? Actually this was going to be more akin to the Drow, spider like entities. I began to think though and well this is what came out. I have more concepts I could make, plus it's a lot easier to take something and warp it to the constraints of the world that we play in.

Yea ikr? I made a few races and the Leoid were based off the Harlequins, the Rabble were based off the Skaven, and I cant really remember the other ones.
I'll probably just spend the next bit cranking out concepts.

So here's the next one!

The Cephalos


The Cephalos are not Maiar. Rather these beings are what the Maiar dare not speak of. The dark hidden threat to the Maiar people, the very beings they are fleeing from. The Cephalos are pure bestial creatures of unknown origin. They have not been seen in local waters until now. Maiar would always refer to a great threat, something they would never explain in great detail; these are the very things they were speaking of. A Cephalos in the water is a fierce combatant. On average they are even more powerful than most Maiar; yet they are also even more dependent on being submerged in water. Little is known of these creatures; they say little and often attack first.

  • Ink Screen: Cephalos are capable of blinding an opponent with their fists once every one and a half minutes.
  • Water Dependent: Cephalos are even more dependent on water than their prey, the Maiar. They suffer from weakness on land and a constant drain on their hunger. Staying out of the water for too long will even go as far as to poison them.
  • Water Feeding: Cephalos do need to eat food. This can only be done when submerged in water. They do not simply gain food by being in water.
  • Aquatic Resonance: Cephalos move at the same speed as Maiar when underwater.
  • Aquatic Strength: A fully submerged Cephalos that has been underwater for thirty seconds is a beast to be reckoned with. They gain a constant Strength effect until they exit the water.
Yea ikr? I made a few races and the Leoid were based off the Harlequins, the Rabble were based off the Skaven, and I cant really remember the other ones.

I was going to originally make a race based off the Skaven, when I originally posted this, but I didn't.

Another good suggestion!
Here we have the Shades


Shades, despite their unsettling appearance, are not evil; nor are most hostile. Shades appear as more intrinsically curious beings. The origin of Shades is debatable; some attempt to lump them in with the Wraiths and Banshees of the Undead. This categorization is not correct. Shades appear to resemble more living shadows rather than spirits. Some scholars place Shades in a category similar to the "Tall Folk" (Endermen), that is to say that they have no real explainable means of being here. They simply are.

  • Black Shroud: A Shade may willingly go invisible for a medium duration at any moment it pleases. There is however a cool down of three minutes on this ability.
  • Shadow Body: Shades are extremely sensitive to extremes of light and darkness. When in an extreme of either or, they will begin to fade. This is characterized by their health being poisoned at a low level, as well as the infliction of Hunger for the duration that they are within said area.
  • Incorporeal Metabolism: Shades do not need to eat. Rather when they are in normal lighting conditions they will regenerate food.
  • Shadow Punch: An unarmed attack from a Shade is often described as physically weakening. They have a 15% chance to land an attack that will do two things.
  1. The attack will slow and weaken the target.
  2. The attack will render the Shade unable to attack for an extended duration. (ie thirty seconds to a minute longer than what the slow and weakness are placed at)
I love all of your race suggestions (not so keen on the beastmen) but I defiantly think they all should be considered.
I love all of your race suggestions (not so keen on the beastmen) but I defiantly think they all should be considered.

All you peoples be hatin' on mah beastmen (headbang)

Eh its good to give criticism. Thanks for the support.

I plan on making plenty more concepts... This is the only Race Suggestion thread (I believe) to have survived the Forum Overhaul... I'll probably churn out some more tonight.
These are brilliant! I really hope they get added, I'd love to be Draelean. It fits my character's magical abilities so well :D
My problem with beastmen is that the first handful of beastmen would dominate the market with leather sales... then everybody would be looking for a beastmen for their faction, or abandoning RP for gameplay convenience. Then the market would become super inflated with leather, and the one thing that normally has pretty good and steady economic value (you'd be surprised, I've seen it run for more than most diamond prices at some points) would become as worthless as wool.
Wow I really like the Draelean race :O. Super cool.
Drealen is my favourite by far, The Beastmen are kinda good ideas but as KST said, they are kinda impractical. I would love to see all these implemented on the server. I'd be Drealen in a heartbeat.
I like the hivekin but i think them lossing hunger faster would be a bit unfair unless it were something like hivekin have an unlimited supply of food when around 5 or so others but when they arent they lose food faster
I. want. everything. except. beastmen.
those are great ideas, would love to see more
My problem with beastmen is that the first handful of beastmen would dominate the market with leather sales... then everybody would be looking for a beastmen for their faction, or abandoning RP for gameplay convenience. Then the market would become super inflated with leather, and the one thing that normally has pretty good and steady economic value (you'd be surprised, I've seen it run for more than most diamond prices at some points) would become as worthless as wool.
This is exactly what I thought. That's why I don't like beastmen.
That would improve economy on server. More leather, to buy.
No, in the first period of the time, every beastmen gets massive amounts of leather. In the beginning, yes, this sells. However, after a short amount of time, the leather prices start to drop and in the end the leather market collapses, causing it to be worth nothing. That's why I don't like beastmen.
It would inflate the leather economy and prices would drop drastically, and then the one good item to sell on the server would be worthless.
Sir, right now at moment, when sharding is in progress, we can't desire much. So, i suggest, let us give it some time, and yes, what i've wanted to say, leather at this moment is rare, so let us give it a try.
Sir, right now at moment, when sharding is in progress, we can't desire much. So, i suggest, let us give it some time, and yes, what i've wanted to say, leather at this moment is rare, so let us give it a try.
You obviously don't understand. If you give this a try, the leather market will collapse. So it isn't rare anymore, so having it, (what you want) isn't worth anything anymore either. It's the best to stay rare, so people can actually make money on it. Like I said, if it isn't rare anymore, it's like owning dirt. Nobody buys it. So, that's why there shouldn't come beastmen.
Beastmen causing such a stir. (chuckle)

I agree with not including them. I didn't think of them in an economical sense at all.

So, I am finally able to create some new concepts! So here goes!

The Mycellevean


The Mycellevean are similar to the Yanar; perhaps even once this is what they called themselves. To this date, it remains unclear whether they are merely Yanar that became too symbiotic with mushrooms, or if they are humans converted into Mycellevean through some strange fungal infestation. The Mycellevean are independent of the Yanar, and often live in small tribal communities; it is believed that Mycellevean are capable of mass communication between others of their species. They often don't speak to other races; however they are able.

  • Spore Seeding: Mycellevean are capable of spreading mycelium to grass/dirt around them in a small area. This can be done via command once every minute. The area affected is 6x6.
  • Mycelium Rooting: Mycellevean are capable of rooting themselves in place while on Mycelium. While rooted, the user becomes incredibly resistant to damage. The rooted player cannot move. This ability can only be used every minute and a half.
Here we have the Arachnin

Often confused as a subset of the Vespids, the Arachnin were once a group of Humans that lived and depended on a strong mining economy. This group of humans flourished under a king who has long since had his name lost to history. One fateful day, the king held a grand feast. This feast was a hidden attempt at a mass genocide by the crown's demented brew master. Each and every bit of food and drink had been poisoned with a special concoction of venom from the poisonous spiders that roamed the area. When the subjects ingested the venom, they slowly warped into the Arachnin. Later they mauled the brew master and adorned his head atop the highest building; a gruesome beacon of revenge.
  • Web Spray: Arachnin are capable of turning string into cobweb. When an Arachnin hits a player who is standing on string, the string is instantly replaced by a cobweb.
  • Web Crawler: Arachnin are not inhibited when moving on webs. This enables them to freely move in on their ensnared prey.
  • Shattering Carapace: Axes do 10% more damage to Arachnin.
  • Flammable Carapace: Fire does increased damage to Arachnin.
  • Venom Sacks: Arachnin have a 7% chance on hit to inflict their opposition with poison. Once inflicted, this power will not be usable for another minute.
May do more in a bit!
Beastmen causing such a stir. (chuckle)

I agree with not including them. I didn't think of them in an economical sense at all.

So, I am finally able to create some new concepts! So here goes!

The Mycellevean


The Mycellevean are similar to the Yanar; perhaps even once this is what they called themselves. To this date, it remains unclear whether they are merely Yanar that became too symbiotic with mushrooms, or if they are humans converted into Mycellevean through some strange fungal infestation. The Mycellevean are independent of the Yanar, and often live in small tribal communities; it is believed that Mycellevean are capable of mass communication between others of their species. They often don't speak to other races; however they are able.

  • Spore Seeding: Mycellevean are capable of spreading mycelium to grass/dirt around them in a small area. This can be done via command once every minute. The area affected is 6x6.
  • Mycelium Rooting: Mycellevean are capable of rooting themselves in place while on Mycelium. While rooted, the user becomes incredibly resistant to damage. The rooted player cannot move. This ability can only be used every minute and a half.
Here we have the Arachnin


Often confused as a subset of the Vespids, the Arachnin were once a group of Humans that lived and depended on a strong mining economy. This group of humans flourished under a king who has long since had his name lost to history. One fateful day, the king held a grand feast. This feast was a hidden attempt at a mass genocide by the crown's demented brew master. Each and every bit of food and drink had been poisoned with a special concoction of venom from the poisonous spiders that roamed the area. When the subjects ingested the venom, they slowly warped into the Arachnin. Later they mauled the brew master and adorned his head atop the highest building; a gruesome beacon of revenge.
  • Web Spray: Arachnin are capable of turning string into cobweb. When an Arachnin hits a player who is standing on string, the string is instantly replaced by a cobweb.
  • Web Crawler: Arachnin are not inhibited when moving on webs. This enables them to freely move in on their ensnared prey.
  • Shattering Carapace: Axes do 10% more damage to Arachnin.
May do more in a bit!

The Mycellevean :

Spore Seeding: Mycellevean are capable of spreading mycelium to grass/dirt around them in a small area. This can be done via command once every minute. The area affected is 6x6.
^- this would totally be abused. People would like walk around and turn whole world in to trash.[DOUBLEPOST=1364342473,1364342259][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'll probably just spend the next bit cranking out concepts.

So here's the next one!

The Cephalos


The Cephalos are not Maiar. Rather these beings are what the Maiar dare not speak of. The dark hidden threat to the Maiar people, the very beings they are fleeing from. The Cephalos are pure bestial creatures of unknown origin. They have not been seen in local waters until now. Maiar would always refer to a great threat, something they would never explain in great detail; these are the very things they were speaking of. A Cephalos in the water is a fierce combatant. On average they are even more powerful than most Maiar; yet they are also even more dependent on being submerged in water. Little is known of these creatures; they say little and often attack first.

  • Ink Screen: Cephalos are capable of blinding an opponent with their fists once every one and a half minutes.
  • Water Dependent: Cephalos are even more dependent on water than their prey, the Maiar. They suffer from weakness on land and a constant drain on their hunger. Staying out of the water for too long will even go as far as to poison them.
  • Water Feeding: Cephalos do need to eat food. This can only be done when submerged in water. They do not simply gain food by being in water.
  • Aquatic Resonance: Cephalos move at the same speed as Maiar when underwater.
  • Aquatic Strength: A fully submerged Cephalos that has been underwater for thirty seconds is a beast to be reckoned with. They gain a constant Strength effect until they exit the water.

I was going to originally make a race based off the Skaven, when I originally posted this, but I didn't.


Ink Screen: Cephalos are capable of blinding an opponent with their fists once every one and a half minutes.

would be cool if he blinds people in water, not on ground...
The Mycellevean :

Spore Seeding: Mycellevean are capable of spreading mycelium to grass/dirt around them in a small area. This can be done via command once every minute. The area affected is 6x6.
^- this would totally be abused. People would like walk around and turn whole world in to trash.[DOUBLEPOST=1364342473,1364342259][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ink Screen: Cephalos are capable of blinding an opponent with their fists once every one and a half minutes.

would be cool if he blinds people in water, not on ground...

Are you implying I can't simply walk around and spam/destroy blocks to do just the same? I see what you're saying, but it presents no threat that isn't already there. If I wanted to take it upon myself, I could just walk around and absolutely destroy all wilderness areas.

Depends on how you look at the ink being used. If its a spray then they could do either. If its simply a discharge then it would be more viable to be only in the water.
well the thing is Morgoth, your offering a way to grief the terrain with no cost! If you wanted to go around griefing wilderness right now, you need a lot of random blocks/bukkets of lava. However with your race, some guy could just completely grief wilderness with almost no cost.
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