Massivecraft Pvp - What Is Fun, What Is Not, And What Should Change?

I think it would be good to add new weapons. I mean I like how axes and swords are both useful weapons... why not add daggers, spears and other stuff? Maybe even a shield you could have :D
MonMarty PVP is boring because the rules are to strict.
I remember playing massive for the first time an loving the pvp and big raids that you couldn't find on other servers. But now everything has to have a reason to fight. I understand you have to have a reason but that ties the hands of the players who really like pvp that is unchained. No restrictions. After the removal of god apples it became an all god armour god stats fighting. No nonprek would fight them without god apples. No one would fight the stat gods. I don't have a problem with mcmmo right now Besides unarmed, I hope tha can be fixed. Mcmmo should not be removed and not be nerfed. If you reduce the damage done then people with god axe stats will just stand there and wacky your armor off. So that's a bad idea.

The reason these strict rules happened was because too many people come here with the expectation that this is a pvp server, some people call it a RP/PvP server as well, this is not true, the mods have stated time and time again that this is not a pvp server, but a RP server with pvp elements.
Now dont get me wrong, pvp is a very important part of Massivecraft. But it feels like most of the active people who war on this server do it mainly to just pvp, hell I have seen many well known PvPrs say they hate RP and refuse to take part in it. Now I do know that mods say that people are not forced to RP, but really, if you are not RPing, why are you on a RP server? (not speaking to you on that part kull im just generalizing) So they made the rules on making factions have RP reasons to raid people, problem with this is that it can be very easy to make an RP excuse to raid someone. The simple "we are pirates or bandits" is a great example of this, however this dosnt mean you can simply get rid of that excuse to raid someone, for there are people who really do RP as pirates and bandits who really do it for that cause rather then just to PvP.
I have no solution to add to this topic at this time, i was just merely addressing problems and explaining to kull why that rule existed.
I must say I'm relieved that you made this thread MonMarty. The current massivecraft pvp is really broken.

The most important and biggest problem at the moment are the god armors. They simply make new player totally unable to pvp in any wars. I suppose there a several ways to solve this problem but we all know that the best and easiest way to solve it is to make premiums able to drop everything including armor. This way people won't wear god armor when fighting since it would simply be to risky. I know you think this will decrease the amount of premiums we have but at the same time what do you think all the new players think of the server when only some "speciall" players are able to pvp?

This thread also includes a lot of discussion about the mcmmo plugin. Well, mcmmo certainly doesent fit on this server. I think a better plugin should be coded with some rp aspects. For example, maybe you could master one artisan jobb as blacksmith, lumberjack or even mason? Every member would only be able to choose one profession, this would also support the trading on the server since some players would more easily gather one type of supply while others can gather another sort? What I'm saying is, anybody shouldn't be able to max all the skills and be a pro on everything since a lifetime ain't enought for that, there should be a limit. The same thing with the weapond skills, everybody can't be a master with all types of weaponds.

Next pvp problem are faction wars, we all know that a surrender option is required to declare war on massivecraft which I think is a great aspect of the game. The problem is, it's really rare that a faction actually surrender. I think a plugin should be inplemented that forces one of the factions to surrender after a numbers of kills or something, the amount of kills you need should be depended on the size of the faction so if its big you would need plenty of kills. I really think this is needed, it would solve all the pointless and endless wars.
i have heard many things that i agree with here but there seems to be one problem absent: accessibility, when a new player joins the server and sees people with such high mcmmo stats in fights that person is less likely to want to be involved in pvp out of fear of both death and the amount of time it will suck away from his life just to raise his mcmmo skills, massivecraft in my opinion for better or for worse comes off as a casual place to play for role-players, and then appears to be a giant grind for hardcore pvp players, unless we make pvp more interesting for new players and role-play have a constant reaction to pvp (one person raids a town and more monsters start appearing at the chaos?) then people will remain separated.

the possible solutions to this problem can come from many areas, maybe somehow have pvp and mcmmo seem like less of a grind and more of a natural progression, right now people just grind in dark rooms for hours to gain levels, what fun is that? Why don't people think of mcmmo stats as something good to get rather then something "required"? this is because it is required to survive anywhere near other players in the wilderness.

i suggest we use this new trait system planned to have people pick a "class" that will allow them to gain mcmmo (or hopefully a new plugin) stats as well as making these stats go up at a fixed rate, instead of just grinding out 100 levels in a dark room make the stats go up according to time, say only 1 stat per minecraft day, this could fix the problem of people being experienced in EVERY weapon.

The best solution by far imo would be to remove mcmmo for a less buggy and hard to work around plugin, maybe the traits plugin could take over pvp with point's being required to take and give up to keep those important skills, it would allow people who role-play ONLY to take traits that allow them to avoid combat or simply influence role-play, while those who enjoy the server for pvp only can become the gods of pvp they wish to be using the seven point pvp perks, however those who choose both pvp and role-play will not be forced to choose if the trait system is done correctly, they may never have the same ability of someone who focuses on pvp only but at least they won't have to take time out of their role-playing to grind in a stupid darkroom for months, and maybe encourage new players that fighting and having fun in pvp is not the pipe dream it is now.
I agree with this entirely except the surrender idea, well Its not that I disagree with it, rather then dont exactly understand it. When you say a faction should surrender, what does that entitle actually? You say a pluggin would be a good idea for faction surrendering, which I personally like your idea, but when they surrender what happens then? There are things that follow after surrendering, and if wars are based on, what happens when the surrendering is forced by the pluggin? A tribute? Seeing as it is RP related, it could be hard to make a pluggin that makes someone cure vampirism, or forces people to give you x amount of wood. So over claim? This would go back to the issue that all the most powerful PvPrs would run the server, yes I know this thread is meant to balance it, but there are too many out of game factors that cause issues (lag, connection strength, etc) An idea like this, as good as it sounds, would be very hard to implement.
Considering the god armors currently out there, I rather enjoy the idea of letting non prem's wear NON-enchanted diamond armor, which would solve the issue of new players not really having a chance in combat.
Related, it'd be fantastic if non prems could wear the armor they win when voting, which would also help that issue if they were lucky enough to get it.

I'd also suggest tweaking the level curve of mcMMO. Not nerfing it, not removing it, not changing damage or armor values. Just bring the curve down at lower levels, and have it crank up steeper after that. (steeper compared to the low levels, not compared to what it's at now) ((Edit: And if it already does that, increase that effect.)) That would help give new players a bit of an edge at lower levels, without compromising the effort the stat gods have put in. It would also help the new players decide how they would want to fight a little sooner.

The other reason both of these would be useful is, the casual PvPer or defensive PvPer who doesn't RP a lot (And thus couldn't just go to Regalia, as suggested above somewhere) but rather spends their time building or farming or even mining would still have some amount of mcMMO to fall back on without having to spends months training. Weeks perhaps, off and on, but not months. They have no intention of going out raiding, so they have no need to be strong enough to combat the god stats. Just train enough to defend themselves against pillagers. The lower starting curve and non-enchanted diamond armor would both aid in that without overly effecting the hardcore PvP community.

But as a building (newly RPing) non Prem, you may take my opinions/suggested solutions with a grain of salt. On the other hand, as that, I've had first hand experience in the situation.
Personally I would just create another world without faction claiming solely for fighting over some form of control-point in a siege styled warfare map, where after a set amount of time the map would be set and whoever won the "battle" would receive some sort of reward that could be taken outside of the world.

But instead of this world
  • All materials would need to be gathered outside of it in normal worlds.
  • All items would drop on death in this world for everyone
  • The items would not be able to be looted in order to create a higher cost of materials
  • Perhaps some sort of armor / weapons nerf.
  • The rewards would be something of importance to justify the cost of going in , but not so valuable to justify using a dozen set of god armor.
I do not think removing mcmmo is a good option, many people have spent lots of time training and it is an important part of pvp, and this server.

Mcmmo does have some features that could be considered as too powerful, for example axes max out damage at 250 I believe, so maybe instead it could max at 500 requiring more training and time to do more damage. Unarmed is also another skill that might need attention. Every plugin has bugs at some point, the question is how soon it will be fixed. Also lots of people seem to think that disarming happens too often, and I can agree with this as at a less than 15% disarm chance I have disarmed people very often, so perhaps disarming can take more levels to get.

Some people do not like to pvp, this is understandable as not everyone likes every feature on every server, but that I don't think makes it an unfair advantage as those who have a high power level spent lots of time training for it. New players on the other hand do have some of an unfair advantage, but in all truth a good bit of the new players go looking for fights then complain about losing.

Taking the time to train these skills should be rewarded, but when skills are constantly being altered and the possibility of removal, why would people want to train in the first place?

Now regarding battles. Battles do seem to be to quick, but why should a battle last a long time? If battles need to last longer then enabling god apples would be a good option. Those who focus more on in this case tree cutting and mining could have a better chance to those who train combat skills constantly.

I do not think there is anything wrong with the premium system, although this may be somewhat biased as I am premium. Premiums have donated to the server and they always keep their armor. The armor still has to be repaired. The crazy enchanted diamond armor is an unfair advantage to those non premiums, and the possibility of all players keeping their armor I don't think would be a terrible one, so non premiums would feel safer wearing the iron version of god armor.
I do not think there is anything wrong with the premium system, although this may be somewhat biased as I am premium. Premiums have donated to the server and they always keep their armor. The armor still has to be repaired. The crazy enchanted diamond armor is an unfair advantage to those non premiums, and the possibility of all players keeping their armor I don't think would be a terrible one, so non premiums would feel safer wearing the iron version of god armor.

I actually think that'd be a great alternative, and wanted to make sure it was highlighted.
In my opinion, mcmmo is fine. You earned those bonuses in the darkroom and it took a long time to do so. But, I think there needs to be a much lower level cap for the mcmmo skills. It's realistic that the guy with more skill dishes out more damage, but surely there is a point where you can deal too much right? As for everything else, premiums pay money-they should be able to keep their armor. Battles too short? Use potions and lower the level caps. Part of why it is too short is because the more dedicated players can one/two shot you depending on your armor.
I agree with this entirely except the surrender idea, well Its not that I disagree with it, rather then dont exactly understand it. When you say a faction should surrender, what does that entitle actually? You say a pluggin would be a good idea for faction surrendering, which I personally like your idea, but when they surrender what happens then? There are things that follow after surrendering, and if wars are based on, what happens when the surrendering is forced by the pluggin? A tribute? Seeing as it is RP related, it could be hard to make a pluggin that makes someone cure vampirism, or forces people to give you x amount of wood. So over claim? This would go back to the issue that all the most powerful PvPrs would run the server, yes I know this thread is meant to balance it, but there are too many out of game factors that cause issues (lag, connection strength, etc) An idea like this, as good as it sounds, would be very hard to implement.

That could be inplemented as a rule, if one faction loose they have to agree to the surrender terms if they are able to, which means don't create a tribute with more money than your enemy have. And if the massive pvp are fixed there won't be any pvp god to abuse the plugin, they may then only win with great numbers. Lets face the fact, the stronger nations will always win and I see no reason why they wouldent.
Boring about PvP:
-McMMo adds in a variety of combat to the regular boring pvp, lets just say it spices it up and makes it more interesting and gives a goal to the many other players of this server (so it should not be removed)
-Pvp rules are too strict
-PvP and RP aren't mixing together (same as what archangel said)

-For the hardcore RP factions that despise fighting, admins should observe them for some time and possibly (just a suggestion please don't rage at me) set the faction to a peaceful faction (making the faction unattackable).

my opinion (optional to read):
PvP benefits are one of the many reason why we donate, to enjoy the reduced amount of time on McMMO, wear diamond armor and keep our armor in a fight.
This thread is as bad as i tought.
People that actually don't even PvP or have never PvPed have something to say...
And most of them don't even know what they are talking about.
I heard crap like: one hit if you have a good level.. what?! maybe if you have no armor and that guy made a god bow and trained his ass of to get high archery yes, unless no.

So I guess I'm gonna ask players that have no information about this to just go and read more/test about what they actually talk and not just create the Herd Effect.
oooh! and about the reduced damage...then how can you assasinate people that actually aren't paying attention? let's say 400 years ago... did you have to fight 2 hours with a person? or after you stab him like 5 times he has to die... and because it's Minecraft and Not IRL you can just regenerate or drink a potion.

Thank you.

I can guarantee to you my friend, EVERYONE has PVP'd at least once on this server. Even my best friend, her skill is 33 and she RP's on the server everytime she is online, she's PVP'd as well. I'm pretty sure we can still explain our opinion without having a person be rather mean about.

I might as well toss in my two cents while I am here.

PVP is boring because:
~Everyone seems to have already mentioned McMMo making it quite difficult for those with lower skills, such as doing such extreme damage by sitting in a unlit room for 24 hours.
+This can be fixed by the Traits plugin that you plan to add, however you had already mentioned this will be tossed in.

~Races seem to add too much into the PVP state. It is really cool how things like the Tigran do more damage with their barehands and the Naga are immune to poison, but these base traits really can ruin some forms of PVP. For example, all you need to have is to be an Orc with a high Axe/Sword skill, then you can do actually a heavier amount of damage to someone. Let alone, the Dwarves have their 15% damage increase, so having an Axe makes them demolish everything. The Undead can easily be tamed using the poison potions can Fireaspect, but if what I read appears correct, when you add the traits plugin, being an undead will be overpowered, if the first skill someone selects isn't the Cleric's fire. Please kindly correct me if I am wrong with this, thank you. :D
+This can of course be fixed using the traits plugin, however I feel the undead shouldn't be as extremely powered once the natural race traits are removed/changed around. Even leveling them down into only 20% resistance would be well enough, because if someone does 9 hearts of Damage to an undead, instead of them almost dying right away, they would just barely been lower than half health, which in many cases of PVP would change the difference between 15 hits to kill someone and 20.
God Iron armor is actually stronger then non enchanted diamond.

But which is easier to acquire? Especially for say a non-com who spends a lot of time mining. They could easily end up with more diamonds than xp to spend enchanting armor. I suppose they could trade said diamonds for god iron if they had enough. And if the non-prem is going to lose their armor when they do die in combat (or however else they may die) they'll be less likely to actually use a harder to get god iron set (as was mentioned above).

Unless god iron is way easier to get than I currently think. I just know I've been here for not very long and could easily make myself a set of diamond right now if I log in, but god iron would take either a large amount of xp grinding and enchanting over and over hoping to get the right enchants, or buying a premade set for what I would assume to be worth more than the diamonds I'd spend making the other set.

Plus which is probably more useful to a "normally" non-com? You'd be fighting PvE mostly, so a standard diamond set that you can toss on an mcmmo anvil every so often and repair easily would be a much better choice than a god iron set you'd either have to blow an entire set of iron on + xp to repair on a vanilla anvil, do it through mcmmo and risk losing the enchants, or pay to have someone else do it.
Or you could not mine at night, but everyone knows that's no fun.
i'm just speaking my mind, there is no true or untrue answers...

i was saying the fact that you NEEDED a mod for those is untrue, server side plugins do exist for them, i did not want to be offense but you saying "requires a mod" is a statement of a fact, that happens to be untrue.
then again that requires a mod...

Actually, as was figured out in the end of the Musket thread, daggers at least could easily be created out of shears by adding a small plugin that gave them actual damage, and retexturing them in the TP. They'd still work as normal shears as well because many of the jobs they do would still make a decent amount of sense being done with a knife. Spears and the like would be harder to do of course, but say wooden swords could be retextured into spears without a mod.

Granted both of these would pretty much require the players to use MassiveTP, which would make me sad.
Ahem, actually I'm pretty sure it does require a mod. Adding new weapons into as entirely new items is impossible to do by plugin. You can change the stats of existing items, but you can't add entirely new ones into minecraft.
Ahem, actually I'm pretty sure it does require a mod. Adding new weapons into as entirely new items is impossible to do by plugin. You can change the stats of existing items, but you can't add entirely new ones into minecraft.

i was speaking of using items that are in the game but not used, the piston extension block for example as a shield. However it seems people are talking about things that i was not aware of, and i apologize.
Also, I recently watched a video that I think might somewhat relate to the thread's topic. It's by Extra Credits, a group of people that produce videos related to gaming at a fairly consistent basis.
Please note that I'm not a very strong PVPer. I do have a good understanding the mechanics of Minecraft battles, and I have spent some time leveling my combat skills. Generally, if and when I enter a PVP situation, I do so with the full expectation that someone will destroy me and get all my items.

I am of the opinion that too many people are trying to adjust the PVP aspect of the server to be more balanced for new players who have spent no time working on their skills. Just as with any roleplaying or adventure game, you cannot expect to start the game off with the skills required to kill the strongest enemies. When I first began playing Massivecraft I ran to the edge of the world, dug a base out of the rock, and spent weeks building up my skills as a part of "Wilderness" before I even engaged with anyone.

It's easy to get frustrated because some players are stronger than you, but, please keep in mind this is a roleplay server and, as with the real world, there are going to be people who have supernatural strengths and skills. No one should be under the impression that impressive strength takes away from roleplay, because in truth, it makes it more honest to the true nature of life.

PVP is fun because:
  • It is realistic. Players who spend months building their strength up can slaughter players who don't. Not every player is going to be King Arthur. Of a community of thousands of players there are less than 100 people who have these extremely powerful stats, and they have them because they've earned them. Names like Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great are immortalized in human memory because they were skilled warriors. It only adds to the roleplay aspect of things that there are some great warriors scattered throughout the lands.
  • You get what you deserve. Whether it be through building your MCMMO or through the purchase of premium--all players in Aloria receive their just desserts. Attempting to adjust the scale in favor of new players removes the balance between hard work and apathy.
  • It is tense. There is a chance at any moment that you could be massacred. Just as it is in real life. If you're in a fight or flight battle for your life, you should have the fear that a stronger, better equipped opponent might be intending to murder you. The rush players feel when experiencing PVP in terms of realistic roleplay, is perfect. The glory they feel when they win or the disappointment they feel when they lose both add excellent immersion to their characters.
PVP is boring because:
  • At any point in time, your mortal enemy can offer to pay you a measly amount of Silver and you have to leave them alone for 90 days. In the back of any learned players mind, they know that if the heat gets too hot, they can just pay tribute. Though having the option to surrender is a great aspect of the game, the ease with which players can go about it is unrealistic and removes a lot of fun from the idea of a war.
  • The amount of useable weapons is in short supply. As previously suggested in this thread, weapons such as spears or sickles would make an excellent addition to the way in which players roleplay. This has been accelerated by some of the voting bonus' which make these new weapons much more feasible.
  • Many people who lose in PVP refuse to take their loss in stride. I am aware that this is because many people are children and they don't yet have the fully formed ability to swallow their pride. Unfortunately, because players such as this are coddled into thinking that their loss was somehow "unfair" because they were killed by a more skilled player, it takes away from the enthusiasm of engaging in a battle with someone.

PVP can be fixed by:
  • Altering the manner in which a faction is allowed to surrender. Whether it be an increase in the forced minimum monetary value of surrender, or by enabling some factions to declare themselves as entirely peaceful, there needs to be a greater balance struck. The length of time a peace treaty lasts is literally a lifetime in terms of Minecraft days. Especially as some players "poke the bear" so to speak, and then fall upon the surrender option, rather than upon the sword. If a faction wants peace and only peace, they could perhaps be able to declare themselves "peaceful" upon the creation of their faction. If they change their mind and want to become a warring faction, perhaps 100s or something similar could be the cost to change their status from peaceful to warring.
  • Enabling enchantments such as sharpness and unbreaking to be applied to all items in Massivecraft. This way players could choose exactly what weapons they want to equip themselves with. Whether it be a staff (stick), a spear (arrow), a sickle (hoe), or even a sturdy rock to bash over someones head. This would expand greatly on the roleplay aspect of a PVP based character.
  • Continue with the plans for expanded race and character traits. This concept is an excellent one and will add many new options to the battle aspects of the server.
  • Stopping the coddling of weak players who won't train to defend themselves. Unfortunately many of the players who complain frequently about being PVP'd against are treated as if they're more important than the ones who are killing them. Although relentlessly killing the same player repeatedly should continue to be outlawed, less stock should be put into the complaints about PVP. Barbarians and Bandits shouldn't have to hold back out of fear that they will be punished for harassment.
Overall, I think the server is very close to striking the perfect balance between Survival and PVP in a Roleplay environment. I think the addition of extra health or weakened weapons could be nice for creating larger and longer battles, but, going to the extremes of removing MCMMO or weakening the benefits of Premium are unnecessary.

I, as I'm sure do many others, have unwavering faith that the staff team will scrutinize and perfect the PVP aspect of Massivecraft, just as they've done with everything else. We're all in good hands here, and, I hope that this post has in someway helped. There are a lot of solid ideas in this thread, so, good work everyone. :)
The thing is, I would like the current PvP rules to stick with the reason to raid. I would not appreciate trying to build and do my own thing and then some person who has played much longer than I have and has an immense amount of mcmmo levels on me, raids me and demands me to pay money that I don't have so I can contiue my own thing.
I think you can make PVP more fun by making it easier for people who do not want to PvP to avoid it.
I think that adding peaceful factions is one way to help with the problem. Problems of players being overpowered would not be so devestating if players could avoid pvp if they wanted to.
My personal opinion- Enderpearls are OP in a raiding environment.
In a real battle, people would be stuck outside the walls, until wheeled their siege towers and whatnot over. Now, I know this will most likely be shot down, but the real reason people have enderpearls is for getting over walls. Anything besides that is sort of silly, they shouldn't be able to come up to the archery towers and whatnot! But, for a real PVP experience, people do need to be fighting, so yes, they need to get over the walls. What if there was a fairly easy way to create something similar to moving siege towers- perhaps something involving a slightly different version of this new piston plugin? I know that's a longshot- but even just taking out enderpearls would be a start, or perhaps limiting usage per day or making them only a voting item... Not sure, just suggestions.

Alright, lay on the disagreements. XD
Lets face the fact, the stronger nations will always win and I see no reason why they wouldent.

Realistically yes, this would be the case, but too many people would hate to RP that way and the amount of people who quit the server from that would start to rise. It makes sense to have it set that way, but not a lot of people would be willing to do that.
I think a faction of low mcmmo players, should have a higher chance winning someone with 1000+ swords.
Actually, as was figured out in the end of the Musket thread, daggers at least could easily be created out of shears by adding a small plugin that gave them actual damage, and retexturing them in the TP. They'd still work as normal shears as well because many of the jobs they do would still make a decent amount of sense being done with a knife. Spears and the like would be harder to do of course, but say wooden swords could be retextured into spears without a mod.

Granted both of these would pretty much require the players to use MassiveTP, which would make me sad.

well looks like i'm still stuck with the old ways of minecraft, as in coding and plugins. things did changed alot XD thanks for correcting me
Realistically yes, this would be the case, but too many people would hate to RP that way and the amount of people who quit the server from that would start to rise. It makes sense to have it set that way, but not a lot of people would be willing to do that.

I'm sry, but i'll have to disagree with you. I'm sure that plenty of People wants to play this way. When they lost a war they Will get the motivation to raise an army which you actually would be able to do if pvp was balanced. In the currently massivecraft you are unable to raise an army, instead you just hire a god pvper.
My personal opinion- Enderpearls are OP in a raiding environment.
In a real battle, people would be stuck outside the walls, until wheeled their siege towers and whatnot over. Now, I know this will most likely be shot down, but the real reason people have enderpearls is for getting over walls. Anything besides that is sort of silly, they shouldn't be able to come up to the archery towers and whatnot! But, for a real PVP experience, people do need to be fighting, so yes, they need to get over the walls. What if there was a fairly easy way to create something similar to moving siege towers- perhaps something involving a slightly different version of this new piston plugin? I know that's a longshot- but even just taking out enderpearls would be a start, or perhaps limiting usage per day or making them only a voting item... Not sure, just suggestions.

Alright, lay on the disagreements. XD

I actually forgot about this, Enderpearls really do mess with the ideas of attacking a city.
And rather than just resay what you said, I'll try to expand on it.

If not removed entirely, or turned into voting items (Possibly even along with turning into voting items since acrobatics isn't terribly hard to train), then I suggest Enderpearls be usable only by a certain class (should classes be added with traits) by a certain trait (should classes not be added) or by a certain acrobatics level in mcMMO (demonstrating the character has the physical ability to handle being transported over distances) ((And I do suggest it be a mid to high level skill requirement, but atm I don't have a solid reason for doing so, I'll think on it.))

That way you'll have a smaller amount of people who can easily get over walls, and who will have to either clear the city themselves, or manage to open the gates and let the others in. Just as real live castle invasions would go without (or alongside) siege towers and machines.
Oh, I would also like to suggest another idea for a pvp plugin MonMarty. How about adding an cooldown for your hits, that would remove the current spammy pvp. This way you would have to use tactics and dodge your opponents attacks.
I actually forgot about this, Enderpearls really do mess with the ideas of attacking a city.
And rather than just resay what you said, I'll try to expand on it.

If not removed entirely, or turned into voting items (Possibly even along with turning into voting items since acrobatics isn't terribly hard to train), then I suggest Enderpearls be usable only by a certain class (should classes be added with traits) by a certain trait (should classes not be added) or by a certain acrobatics level in mcMMO (demonstrating the character has the physical ability to handle being transported over distances) ((And I do suggest it be a mid to high level skill requirement, but atm I don't have a solid reason for doing so, I'll think on it.))

That way you'll have a smaller amount of people who can easily get over walls, and who will have to either clear the city themselves, or manage to open the gates and let the others in. Just as real live castle invasions would go without (or alongside) siege towers and machines.

remember the special traits like vampire hunter, vampire, and cleric? Make a demon hunter one and a demonically possessed trait that is allowed to use items that relate to the end and enderpearls.
Alright ima keep this short and simple.

The first step to fixing pvp is to remove the raid rules such as:
Role play reason (Most people just think of a reason when walking there)
Sanctioning (I'm in a war, why do i need to stop raiding a pvp faction because someone might think its harassment)

I think the changes should come over time and not all at once so that we can see the problems and address them.
I have only ever had one real problem, the problem where i got into a faction and instantly get kicked and killed, idk if this relates to the perpose you are trying to point out, but its hard to get proof that someone did that to you... So id love all you guys if you added a 2 minute rule after being kicked from a faction you are not alloud to get attacked or attack that faction, Because ive encountered this problem 2 times, one of which noone fixed