Archived Fixing Pvp By Fixing Factions

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is a long post obviously. Some of it may seem like rambling, because some of it is. This was the best I could do at organizing my thoughts without sounding like one of those "back in my day" grandparents. I'm going to hold the first line of the most important sections. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing just read those parts. Thanks!

For as long as I've been on the server the concept of "Fixing PvP" has been on the table. It's commonly discussed among pvpers and while yes, there are issues with the game mechanics, is PvP itself really the problem? We've removed traits, removed vampirism, added kit PvP, koth, and fixed many minor issues. So why has none of this helped? Because PvP was never the actual issue. It's always been factions.

All of the changes in the past two years that have affected PvP are appealing to the normal MineCraft pvper. We've thought of adding HCF (hardcore factions, more competitive PvP system) features, and made the fighting style more vanilla in attempts to attract more PvPers to the server. In my opinion, we've been going about that the wrong way. The PvP community on massive has always been made up of mostly people who began on massive craft and learned to PvP on here. I can only think of a few specific players that actually came from outside PvP servers, that already had knowledge of pot PvP mechanics, and most of them just came because they had a friend that already played on Massive. Most of these players quit after a few tries because they didn't like the PvP system. So let's stop thinking of trying to make massive appealing to outside Pvpers because that's just not working.

Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids. There's a difference, trust me. Kit PvP, KOTH and a fight between two power factions that starts with the incredibly stupid "knock knock" or one leader messaging another "we're gonna raid now get ready" are all examples of PvP. These are events, staged PvP with no backstory, no meaning, and no reward apart from bragging rights. A raid is when one faction attacks another without any warning. The attacker kills off a noob, alerting the rest of the defending faction. The defending faction can call in their allies, and a fight breaks out. A raid isn't set up, there's no communication beforehand, it just happens because the defending faction wants to protect their land, and the raiding faction wants them to surrender. When was the last time a pvper could say that happened? I've brought up the idea of a proxy war multiple times. Two power factions lead their own sides, and all other factions that get raided are forced to align themselves with one side, in order to survive.

Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because no one cares. It's simple. Go give raiding a shot. Raid any faction you see on f list. Find their f home on the dynmap and go there. You won't find anyone, and if you do they'll tell their officers, and then just get told to stay inside. "Stay inside until the raiders get bored and leave" is the greatest system of defense. And now a days factions won't even make allies so they can get some help on defense because having allies come to your aid will just make the raiders want to keep coming back.

How has raiding sunk to this level? Because every change to factions in the past two years has allowed it to be this way. Even the ones you wouldn't even think about. The biggest one is that factions used to be a part of the lore. I was never around for this but I'm pretty sure a good amount of players stopped caring about factions completely when Regalian roleplay became a thing. It seems that there's some stuff going on to introduce survival worlds back into the lore or something with the new lore posts done by @Optimalfriskies. So that's a good start. Maybe this could rekindle some interest in the factions world for some of the old players. The next thing on my list is something I can guarantee most people would never think of as a reason there's no PvP. Why is it that you can never find a player in their cities in the factions world? Well maybe they're in regalia role playing. Or maybe.. it's because every faction owns approximately 18 cities in every world now. The system used to be that factions could only have one set of claims in each world, they had to be attached to each other. You couldn't spider claim, and you couldn't have multiple cities on opposite ends of the world. Which makes sense, because why should an empire own multiple cities if they won't even defend one? PvP factions are probably used to claiming raid portals now and some of you might be thinking, "but Sevak, how could people claim their raid portals if they're not attached to their city?" Well, that's the thing. You didn't. People actually had to hide their raid portals, in trees, underground, etc. This was actually part of the fun because defending factions would feel like they had some way of defending themselves if they could somehow find the raid portal and destroy it. Back then, there was no massive restore, so it's not like you had to remake your raid portal every month or something. If you know me, you know I absolutey hate massive restore. It's a great idea in theory. But it takes away one of my favorite parts of massive from when I was a noob, which was being able to run around, exploring the worlds and finding abandoned factions to scavenge.

The next thing is a bit of a tangent but probably the most controversial topic of the past year so I'll go over it anyways. Massive Mobs. Now if you know me, you know I absolutely hate massive mobs even more than I hate massive restore. I don't care what anyone says, @Gethelp had actually found a way to fix lag completely for about a solid week before massive mobs were added to every single world. I don't have statistics to prove it, that's true, and maybe I'm wrong, but what I don't get is why we can't even put it to a test? Remove massive mobs completely for one weekend. That's two days without massive mobs. This will be the time when the most amount of players are on. Pvpers can have some raids, and if theres still lag. We'll shut up about it finally. But if a good amount of the servers active community don't like massive mobs, isn't testing what the server is like without them something that should at least be considered? All I'm asking for is two days. Okay just had to get that out there. Back on topic now.

So what can we do to actually fix the issue of the lack of raids? Well we can't just delete regalia and force all the roleplayers back into factions, so let's start small and start moving back towards massivecraft's roots. Some ideas I've had:

- Increase massive restore to every 4 months but give players the option to create tickets and have land manually restored if they want it for building. I get that massive restore is intended to keep the worlds clean, but hyarroc won't turn in to daendroc over the course of 4 months. Maybe the chance to explore and find bases will inspire young players to stick around. For people like me, there's significance in every build someone makes. Everything repesents history and nostalgia to someone.

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements! Those always looked so cool and I'm sad I missed them. From this point on all factions involved have a duty to their side to take part in some way. Each faction on both sides could be the host for some cool raids. The war could be documented by more server announcement posts, faction announcements from players, YouTube videos, etc. Also if the server wants to host some events for it, KOTHs that actually take place in the factions world (could be given lore so they're like "strategic points in the war" or something) would be so much fun. These KOTHs would actually be competitive and costly rather than just free loot for whoever is bored enough to outlast the other trolls.
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I think it's loads of fun when friends go to war against each other.
Like, two allied factions just having some friendly war times.

I think the price of War Chunks should be lowered. I think it's like, what, 40k for 4 chunks?
Being able to build your own custom arenas for PVP between your faction members in a safe location shouldn't have to charge you such colossal amounts of money x_x

Though I guess that's just opinion.

And I'm not just saying that because I'm poor.
Just to clarify, I am working on something regards to the server war. So. Questions.

1. Can it be a mix of IG and forum based? Like a time can be set for warring factions to capture a KotH and that dictates how the story progresses.

2. Can it be story driven? Dice rolls are made, things are done in game, and this grants the certain sides advantages in the story or are made into a battle.

3. It being partly forum based, do you want things to be able to progress a certain way on the forums? Like small contests, and winners of those contests are granted advantages for their side.

4. Do you want roles? For the two sides should we have "ranks" within this system giving like scaled power and advantages according to this system. Like a general is always stronger than a soldier. Blah blah blah.

5. What other ideas do you have?
Just to clarify, I am working on something regards to the server war. So. Questions.

1. Can it be a mix of IG and forum based? Like a time can be set for warring factions to capture a KotH and that dictates how the story progresses.

2. Can it be story driven? Dice rolls are made, things are done in game, and this grants the certain sides advantages in the story or are made into a battle.

3. It being partly forum based, do you want things to be able to progress a certain way on the forums? Like small contests, and winners of those contests are granted advantages for their side.

4. Do you want roles? For the two sides should we have "ranks" within this system giving like scaled power and advantages according to this system. Like a general is always stronger than a soldier. Blah blah blah.

5. What other ideas do you have?
None of that dice-roll crap, but it would be good for it to have a story and a forum element.

Ranks should be just that: ranks. No scaled power. Often times I've found that the most skilled PvPers are usually the officers and leaders of a faction.

*Unless you're Deldrimor, cause Sevak is awful
Just to clarify, I am working on something regards to the server war. So. Questions.

1. Can it be a mix of IG and forum based? Like a time can be set for warring factions to capture a KotH and that dictates how the story progresses.

2. Can it be story driven? Dice rolls are made, things are done in game, and this grants the certain sides advantages in the story or are made into a battle.

3. It being partly forum based, do you want things to be able to progress a certain way on the forums? Like small contests, and winners of those contests are granted advantages for their side.

4. Do you want roles? For the two sides should we have "ranks" within this system giving like scaled power and advantages according to this system. Like a general is always stronger than a soldier. Blah blah blah.

5. What other ideas do you have?
Don't bother with dice rolls, the people who happen to be on at the time will dictate the fight with enough randomness.

Personally, I wouldn't bother with koths, they're not a great indicator of who has the better team, in part due to knockback 5, in part due to the nature of koth. In reality, there are quite a few solo pvpers who are good enough to make a group of 10 people take an hour longer than needed to cap koth. Base score off of kills, but also more value into kills. Ie the leader of a well known pvp faction is more than some random tyberian nobody has heard of. Or base it off of previous performance in fights, which could also help lesser known players become more well known.

Depending what you mean by contests that might be cool.

You shouldn't give buffs to people with different ranks, like synth said, most decent pvpers are either leaders or officers in wrath, raptum (forget whatever stupid thing they changed their name to <3), deld, sovrenth, sunkiss, latronis etc.

When you go to do whatever it is you do, don't forget that there are some pvp factions other than wrath, raptum, and deld. Give factions who occasionally participate in pvp a chance to join, like tyberia, insani, etc.

When you go to do whatever it is you do, don't forget that there are some pvp factions other than wrath, raptum, and deld. Give factions who occasionally participate in pvp a chance to join, like tyberia, insani, etc.
Well this being a "server war", i am not going to limit anyone from joining. I have an idea for territories. There will be three territories, names are temporary. Red territory, blue territory, and neutral territory. Red and Blue are the two territories aiming to conquer the other. All can be applied for by any faction. For the sake of keeping things balanced, people can only join Red if it'll equal Blue. Till then they are forced into neutral till someone else applies for Blue. Neutral can be applied for if you dont care about the team you join and you can send support to either side till you are conquered through a game or contest or however we decide on. I want every faction to have a way to participate if they want to essentially.
5. What other ideas do you have?
There have to be consequences for the people involved if they lose. If there are no consequences, at the back of someone's mind every time they fight they'll say, "Hey, it would be great if I win this fight/battle/event, but in the overall grand scheme of things, I don't really lose anything, so this fight/battle/event doesn't mean that much to me.

Older players and myself that remember the PVP environment from 2013-2014 constantly reference how the wars actually meant something. We do that because people actually cared about what their reputation was in the survival world. They cared if they lost items because those items were worth something (this ties into our survival economy right now, but that's a different discussion). Were they known as a faction that just hid inside, or came out and fought. People also actually cared that they were being raided, because they cared about the wellbeing of their faction. Now when people get raided, they leave the survival worlds, log off, or go hide in some deep recess of their faction. There's no engagement. It's almost like the moment the raid starts, the defending faction ceases to exist.

Simply put, if a faction sign up, they need to acknowledge that some form of consequences will occur if they don't take the event seriously. They need to actually fear losing things of value or being humiliated. It forces them to fight better and actually care.
There have to be consequences for the people involved if they lose.
I'll consider. Perhaps an agreed upon pot. Every faction who applies sends regals to a pot. Winners get their investment back doubled. Those on the losing side recieve 0. I'll probs have to cap investment
Just to clarify, I am working on something regards to the server war. So. Questions.

1. Can it be a mix of IG and forum based? Like a time can be set for warring factions to capture a KotH and that dictates how the story progresses.

2. Can it be story driven? Dice rolls are made, things are done in game, and this grants the certain sides advantages in the story or are made into a battle.

3. It being partly forum based, do you want things to be able to progress a certain way on the forums? Like small contests, and winners of those contests are granted advantages for their side.

4. Do you want roles? For the two sides should we have "ranks" within this system giving like scaled power and advantages according to this system. Like a general is always stronger than a soldier. Blah blah blah.

5. What other ideas do you have?
I love this idea it would go down well I think, I can write up something when my members are ready along the lines of the Demons of Wrath preparing for a crusade or something of the sort and solarian and deld can do something in response if that would work
Why enter a war if you already know the only way the war will end is in a mutual truce between the two factions. That's actually the main reason why every major PvP faction is friends with each other, nobody ever surrendered and no rivalries were made.
I have an idea, everyone who's in deld or solarian just piss eachother off to no ends so you hate eachother and enemy :P
Problem fixed
I love this idea it would go down well I think, I can write up something when my members are ready along the lines of the Demons of Wrath preparing for a crusade or something of the sort and solarian and deld can do something in response if that would work
Tfw the holy empire is supporting demons

This isn't really something to be considered, there needs to be some really solid downside to losing, otherwise this will just be another casual event like the current KOTH (and raids at this point as well) where people just show up with no real intention of trying to win - only to mess around and get a few laughs.

Personally, I would love it if every faction on the losing side was forced to truce ('surrender') to all factions on the winning side. Forcing people to surrender to the opposition would give a hit to the losing side's reputation, which is what faction wars used to be about (back when people actually used the surrender rules on Massive instead of hiding indoors 24/7). When people have to submit to the opposition and acknowledge that they were beaten, I think you'll find they're much more likely to start actually standing up for themselves rather than being content with hiding inside whenever any threat comes near.
This isn't really something to be considered, there needs to be some really solid downside to losing, otherwise this will just be another casual event like the current KOTH (and raids at this point as well) where people just show up with no real intention of trying to win - only to mess around and get a few laughs.

Personally, I would love it if every faction on the losing side was forced to truce ('surrender') to all factions on the winning side. Forcing people to surrender to the opposition would give a hit to the losing side's reputation, which is what faction wars used to be about (back when people actually used the surrender rules on Massive instead of hiding indoors 24/7). When people have to submit to the opposition and acknowledge that they were beaten, I think you'll find they're much more likely to start actually standing up for themselves rather than being content with hiding inside whenever any threat comes near.
I can agree with most of this. But I dont want to bring IG raids and truces into this if that make sense. I dont see this as a true war, instead as a way to garner attention and rep for those factions who participate. If lets say Raptum conquers NorthWatch in this server war, I dont want it to affect IG. It would be to easy to get regals that way. Plus eventualy everyone would be truced to one side for a month and that side would inevitably be unable to raid till the month is up. I still want people to be able to raid on their own, separate from this system. Otherwise it'll be difficult to keep up with.

But I will agree that there should be risk to lose something. Just not so much people will opt out of playing. Otheriwse it'll be a lot smaller scale than it could be.

Also not saying there wont be raiding with this, rather that raids involved with this will be under separate pretenses
I dont see this as a true war, instead as a way to garner attention and rep for those factions who participate
I think it can be both.

When i first joined. I joined asteria and it was day 2 of them at war with Talosia. Thats what got me to stay. The constant rush of being raided and participating in that war. It can be done
Just to clarify, I am working on something regards to the server war. So. Questions.

1. Can it be a mix of IG and forum based? Like a time can be set for warring factions to capture a KotH and that dictates how the story progresses.

2. Can it be story driven? Dice rolls are made, things are done in game, and this grants the certain sides advantages in the story or are made into a battle.

3. It being partly forum based, do you want things to be able to progress a certain way on the forums? Like small contests, and winners of those contests are granted advantages for their side.

4. Do you want roles? For the two sides should we have "ranks" within this system giving like scaled power and advantages according to this system. Like a general is always stronger than a soldier. Blah blah blah.

5. What other ideas do you have?

1. Yes, but territories should be able to be capped for a very long time so everyone has a chance to get on and play. Also, allowing in-game events to determine how the lore of it is effected is fantastic.

2. No dice roles, as jes said, the war already has enough RNG depending upon who is logged on and participating in the actual fights.

3. Please no, the only thing that should happen on the forums to encourage participation is singling out players / factions for their participation in the war and how they played.

4. There shouldn't be roles persay, but as Jes said, if we go off of a kill-point system or something of that sort, officers and faction leaders should be considered MVPs and be targeted as such by the opposition.

5. Other ideas?

-Items need to dropped upon death
-Have capture territories located by factions participating in the war so certain factions have a good strategic advantage
-DO NOT give instant teleports right back to the event (as what we have with KOTHs now)
-Highlight players on the forums for their part in the war

This next one is a bit off topic, but something we've discussed in the past -

PvP has to be something other than just clicking your sword at someone, which is the current meta. As was suggested a while back, something like the HCF kits plug-in would go a long way in getting players who don't want to just mindlessly click their mouse to actually participate in fights. Having archers and bards be integral parts of gameplay would give those who aren't familiar with straight up PvP the chance to be EXTREMELY important and it would make the experience much more fun for everyone involved. I know @Gethelp said he was working on something similar, but since we've had no new information, I'm assuming it still isn't close to being implemented.
I think it can be both.

When i first joined. I joined asteria and it was day 2 of them at war with Talosia. Thats what got me to stay. The constant rush of being raided and participating in that war. It can be done

The only reason I kept playing is because the first faction I joined, Vigilants, kept getting raided by the hardcore PvP factions. Eventually we had to surrender so I joined an actual PvP faction and learned how to fight other people to the point where I could actually defend my friend's faction. The feeling of actually defending something you genuinely care about is something I don't think I've felt in any other game ever, and the main reason I still play is because I hope to get that feeling again.
I think there could be a good forum use for this. Imagine a territory map (not factions but territory controlled) that could be followed and is updated based on the outcome from the battles. It would show who is really winning and give visual incentive of what u want to conquer. Also there could be a roster of factions involved and on what side their on
I think there could be a good forum use for this. Imagine a territory map (not factions but territory controlled) that could be followed and is updated based on the outcome from the battles. It would show who is really winning and give visual incentive of what u want to conquer. Also there could be a roster of factions involved and on what side their on

Like Planetside 2?
-Have capture territories located by factions participating in the war so certain factions have a good strategic advantage
A slight misunderstanding here. This wouldnt be literal IG territories. Instead participating factions would fight for these territories through, lets say an organized battle. Or like a 1v1 best out of 3. Vary it to mix things up. And Zacs suggestion is on point. I was thinking about making a territory map and have factions try to slowly progress into each others land by conquering other fac territories
I was thinking they would be the actual maps, and it wouldn't matter what factions were on the territories, but more which team controlls more.
That would have to wait till after empires if at all. I figured this would be something we could to to lead into empires to kill the wait time. It would be like a month long tournament that spans across several PvP battles.

Some strategy and such involved as well.
A slight misunderstanding here. This wouldnt be literal IG territories. Instead participating factions would fight for these territories through, lets say an organized battle. Or like a 1v1 best out of 3. Vary it to mix things up. And Zacs suggestion is on point. I was thinking about making a territory map and have factions try to slowly progress into each others land by conquering other fac territories

Please, DO NOT do that. "Organized" PvP isn't PvP. If we do something like that, we might as well go play in the KitPvP world.
Please, DO NOT do that. "Organized" PvP isn't PvP. If we do something like that, we might as well go play in the KitPvP world.
This ^^^

Don't make arenas, use the factions which are participating.

Don't do something like disable drops to "increase participation."

Don't organize it. Keep score or something like that, use that to write forums posts whatever. Let factions that lose have the settlement the fight happened at be "conquered" or captured at something, and require the faction to put up banners or something.

Have some actual ingame consequences, even if it's just putting up banners or something.
The forums might be best to compliment the actual war with status information, team rosters, and battle information.

Meaning the war influences the forums instead of the other way around
Please, DO NOT do that. "Organized" PvP isn't PvP. If we do something like that, we might as well go play in the KitPvP world.
I see it essentially turning into what already happens now then. People sitting in their claims, hiding. Then you'll ask for forced surrender which I see being an automatic no for 90% of factions who would be interested in this.

I mean what happens if there is a day where it's 1v5? Would it then be fair to lose claim simply because of circumstance?
I see it essentially turning into what already happens now then. People sitting in their claims, hiding. Then you'll ask for forced surrender which I see being an automatic no for 90% of factions who would be interested in this.

I mean what happens if there is a day where it's 1v5? Would it then be fair to lose claim simply because of circumstance?
Then frankly you might as well just scrap the whole lore thing and just run some 1v1 tournies if you're worried about it not being fair. Yes, people are going to get upset, whatever if they're forced into surrender, but that's how games work. You lose sometimes, and sometimes it's not your fault that you lose. And with that, you win sometimes, and sometimes it's not your fault that you win. That's the way games work.
Then frankly you might as well just scrap the whole lore thing and just run some 1v1 tournies if you're worried about it not being fair. Yes, people are going to get upset, whatever if they're forced into surrender, but that's how games work. You lose sometimes, and sometimes it's not your fault that you lose. And with that, you win sometimes, and sometimes it's not your fault that you win. That's the way games work.
And what do all competition based games focus on? Balancing.

So all it comes down to is skill level. It's fine to win and it's fine to lose. But balancing takes precedent. And why are separate tournies ok but not several in succession?
And what do all competition based games focus on? Balancing.

So all it comes down to is skill level. It's fine to win and it's fine to lose. But balancing takes precedent. And why are separate tournies ok but not several in succession?
No offense, but Massive isn't really the pinnacle of competitive PvP. Like ben and myself have said in different threads, if we're looking at Massive in terms of its actual PvP, it loses every time. I mean, Hcteams practice came out recently, and in terms of smoothness and fairness, every PvPer on Massive would prefer it. And that's not really Massive's fault, Massive is running 1.11, mcmmo, is laggier, etc. So, instead Massive really needs to work on taking care of its advantage in that PvP and winning and losing can actually mean something.

No offense, but in Massive's history, balance has been one of the last things on most of the staff's minds. I mean, look through some of the threads in the PVP discussion section and that becomes blatantly obvious.

Tournies are just fine. I'd love to see more tournies. Really I can't imagine any circumstances under which I wouldn't want a tourney. But that's not what we're asking for in this thread, we're talking about making raids mean something.
Tournies are just fine. I'd love to see more tournies. Really I can't imagine any circumstances under which I wouldn't want a tourney. But that's not what we're asking for in this thread, we're talking about making raids mean something.
Not true.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements!
I'm trying to answer this.

No offense, but in Massive's history, balance has been one of the last things on most of the staff's minds. I mean, look through some of the threads in the PVP discussion section and that becomes blatantly obvious.
And you say this as I'm trying to balance this event.

Look. This can't just be factions raiding factions with people throwing people at each other and seeing what sticks and who gets what. There has to be some structure to it otherwise I can't organize it into a serverwide event. Trying to create a story, give factions some love and attention, and give you guys a deeper meaning to fight while we wait on the Empires plugin. I mean Inquisition vs Demons could turn into something relatively interesting. Drive people to become a part of it and get their name in posts. If it's just to see who's the best PvPer, sure. Tournies would work. They'd accomplish that. But it would just be PvPers interested. And not provide anything for the rest of the server to take part in.

I'm down for kill counts, I'm down for sanctioned raids in the PvE world, I'm fine with creating a risk to lose. But we need structure otherwise it's gonna stay the same as it is right now and not be much of an event.
It is a tad off topic but I want to take up the cudgels for something here, to be precise the issue of factions not defending and with that the so often cited "Forced Surrender".

As stated in this thread and many others through the years it is an issue that people don't defend their faction if attacked and because you can't really "hurt" them there is no need for them surrender. So some people seem to favor a way to "force" these people to surrender.

Makes sense right? I mean it is unfair if a faction clearly has the upper hand in a war to be unable to do anything because the other side is "protected" by the factions plugin, right?

And here lies the problem, while that sentiment is understandable is it also true?

I myself think that in fact we have another problem at our hands, one that goes way deeper. In our effort to make the game enjoyable for PvP'ers, it seems we damaged the very same player group.

Why ? Because the current system forces people in a play style they maybe don't enjoy and in conclusion damages the survival community as whole.

What I am getting at here is that we force survival players to participate in PvP. It makes sense from a PVP perspective, "more people = more conflict", but that is quite shortsighted.

Because with that very same perspective you take away from some players Fun, leading to them simply stopping to play Survival or only ignore PvP and see it as mere nuisance. In the long run that reduces the survival player base and leads to people that might have a positive impact on the whole community or might have started to PVP never getting to that point.


So to get to the point, Forced Surrender hell yeah. But only for people that actually choose to fight.
I'm trying to answer this.
I'm very sure that sevak did not have a series or tournament or pre-made fights in mind when he wrote that, nor do any other pvpers.
Look. This can't just be factions raiding factions with people throwing people at each other and seeing what sticks and who gets what. There has to be some structure to it otherwise I can't organize it into a serverwide event. Trying to create a story, give factions some love and attention, and give you guys a deeper meaning to fight while we wait on the Empires plugin. I mean Inquisition vs Demons could turn into something relatively interesting. Drive people to become a part of it and get their name in posts. If it's just to see who's the best PvPer, sure. Tournies would work. They'd accomplish that. But it would just be PvPers interested. And not provide anything for the rest of the server to take part in.
Do you honestly think that non-pvpers have any chance in a 1v1 tourney? Because, that's not going to happen unless you rig the matches as has happened in previous tournaments, and that just generally made a lot of people mad.

I'm really just confused as to what you want now. You're saying you want pre-made fights, but then the last couple sentences in there really are implying you don't want a tournament.

And you say this as I'm trying to balance this event.
That's not the balancing I was referring to. I was referring to the immense amounts of time it's taken for things like counter-attacks, vampires, etc to be nerfed, and frankly I think you knew that.
I'm very sure that sevak did not have a series or tournament or pre-made fights in mind when he wrote that, nor do any other pvpers.
Tournies are just fine. I'd love to see more tournies. Really I can't imagine any circumstances under which I wouldn't want a tourney.

That's not the balancing I was referring to. I was referring to the immense amounts of time it's taken for things like counter-attacks, vampires, etc to be nerfed, and frankly I think you knew that.
It's the only balancing that applies to this event.

I'm really just confused as to what you want now. You're saying you want pre-made fights, but then the last couple sentences in there really are implying you don't want a tournament.
I'm simplifying. They're not premade fights so much as broadcasted times for fights to happen, like KotH. Not impromptu battles where you randomly raid a faction and try to force them into surrendering. You would be fighting for figurative land. A map compiled of factions who have applied with the leaders of either end trying to fight towards the middle to get to the other. Battles would be held in survival, not in constructed arenas. Winners can be judged by kill count, elimination, taking a certain structure, etc. I simply suggest the 1v1 as a way to mix things up so it wasn't all just battles. Which I stated in that post.
Once you've won a battle, the faction/land you fought for would be under your protection and in your alliance. This could be commemorated by said neutral faction offering resources to help the winner continue to win battles.

And yes essentially. But the land isn't literal.
I'm simplifying. They're not premade fights so much as broadcasted times for fights to happen, like KotH. Not impromptu battles where you randomly raid a faction and try to force them into surrendering. You would be fighting for figurative land. A map compiled of factions who have applied with the leaders of either end trying to fight towards the middle to get to the other. Battles would be held in survival, not in constructed arenas. Winners can be judged by kill count, elimination, taking a certain structure, etc. I simply suggest the 1v1 as a way to mix things up so it wasn't all just battles. Which I stated in that post.
Once you've won a battle, the faction/land you fought for would be under your protection and in your alliance. This could be commemorated by said neutral faction offering resources to help the winner continue to win battles.
Just mis-communication then. Pretty sure both ben and myself took your previous posts to mean that you wanted pre-made fights. Broadcasted times are great.

Point was tournies are fine, just not in place of actual raids to affect lore/forums/whatever. I.e. they should be seperate events of their own disconnected from the server war being talked about here.

It's the only balancing that applies to this event.

I'm simplifying. They're not premade fights so much as broadcasted times for fights to happen, like KotH. Not impromptu battles where you randomly raid a faction and try to force them into surrendering. You would be fighting for figurative land. A map compiled of factions who have applied with the leaders of either end trying to fight towards the middle to get to the other. Battles would be held in survival, not in constructed arenas. Winners can be judged by kill count, elimination, taking a certain structure, etc. I simply suggest the 1v1 as a way to mix things up so it wasn't all just battles. Which I stated in that post.
Once you've won a battle, the faction/land you fought for would be under your protection and in your alliance. This could be commemorated by said neutral faction offering resources to help the winner continue to win battles.

And yes essentially. But the land isn't literal.
Okay this is honestly exactly what I'm trying to avoid. What I'm asking for with this server war, isn't an event. I don't want fights to be structured. At all. That's what makes them boring. I want this war to give people a purpose to defend their factions and raid one another