Archived Fixing Pvp By Fixing Factions

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is a long post obviously. Some of it may seem like rambling, because some of it is. This was the best I could do at organizing my thoughts without sounding like one of those "back in my day" grandparents. I'm going to hold the first line of the most important sections. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing just read those parts. Thanks!

For as long as I've been on the server the concept of "Fixing PvP" has been on the table. It's commonly discussed among pvpers and while yes, there are issues with the game mechanics, is PvP itself really the problem? We've removed traits, removed vampirism, added kit PvP, koth, and fixed many minor issues. So why has none of this helped? Because PvP was never the actual issue. It's always been factions.

All of the changes in the past two years that have affected PvP are appealing to the normal MineCraft pvper. We've thought of adding HCF (hardcore factions, more competitive PvP system) features, and made the fighting style more vanilla in attempts to attract more PvPers to the server. In my opinion, we've been going about that the wrong way. The PvP community on massive has always been made up of mostly people who began on massive craft and learned to PvP on here. I can only think of a few specific players that actually came from outside PvP servers, that already had knowledge of pot PvP mechanics, and most of them just came because they had a friend that already played on Massive. Most of these players quit after a few tries because they didn't like the PvP system. So let's stop thinking of trying to make massive appealing to outside Pvpers because that's just not working.

Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids. There's a difference, trust me. Kit PvP, KOTH and a fight between two power factions that starts with the incredibly stupid "knock knock" or one leader messaging another "we're gonna raid now get ready" are all examples of PvP. These are events, staged PvP with no backstory, no meaning, and no reward apart from bragging rights. A raid is when one faction attacks another without any warning. The attacker kills off a noob, alerting the rest of the defending faction. The defending faction can call in their allies, and a fight breaks out. A raid isn't set up, there's no communication beforehand, it just happens because the defending faction wants to protect their land, and the raiding faction wants them to surrender. When was the last time a pvper could say that happened? I've brought up the idea of a proxy war multiple times. Two power factions lead their own sides, and all other factions that get raided are forced to align themselves with one side, in order to survive.

Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because no one cares. It's simple. Go give raiding a shot. Raid any faction you see on f list. Find their f home on the dynmap and go there. You won't find anyone, and if you do they'll tell their officers, and then just get told to stay inside. "Stay inside until the raiders get bored and leave" is the greatest system of defense. And now a days factions won't even make allies so they can get some help on defense because having allies come to your aid will just make the raiders want to keep coming back.

How has raiding sunk to this level? Because every change to factions in the past two years has allowed it to be this way. Even the ones you wouldn't even think about. The biggest one is that factions used to be a part of the lore. I was never around for this but I'm pretty sure a good amount of players stopped caring about factions completely when Regalian roleplay became a thing. It seems that there's some stuff going on to introduce survival worlds back into the lore or something with the new lore posts done by @Optimalfriskies. So that's a good start. Maybe this could rekindle some interest in the factions world for some of the old players. The next thing on my list is something I can guarantee most people would never think of as a reason there's no PvP. Why is it that you can never find a player in their cities in the factions world? Well maybe they're in regalia role playing. Or maybe.. it's because every faction owns approximately 18 cities in every world now. The system used to be that factions could only have one set of claims in each world, they had to be attached to each other. You couldn't spider claim, and you couldn't have multiple cities on opposite ends of the world. Which makes sense, because why should an empire own multiple cities if they won't even defend one? PvP factions are probably used to claiming raid portals now and some of you might be thinking, "but Sevak, how could people claim their raid portals if they're not attached to their city?" Well, that's the thing. You didn't. People actually had to hide their raid portals, in trees, underground, etc. This was actually part of the fun because defending factions would feel like they had some way of defending themselves if they could somehow find the raid portal and destroy it. Back then, there was no massive restore, so it's not like you had to remake your raid portal every month or something. If you know me, you know I absolutey hate massive restore. It's a great idea in theory. But it takes away one of my favorite parts of massive from when I was a noob, which was being able to run around, exploring the worlds and finding abandoned factions to scavenge.

The next thing is a bit of a tangent but probably the most controversial topic of the past year so I'll go over it anyways. Massive Mobs. Now if you know me, you know I absolutely hate massive mobs even more than I hate massive restore. I don't care what anyone says, @Gethelp had actually found a way to fix lag completely for about a solid week before massive mobs were added to every single world. I don't have statistics to prove it, that's true, and maybe I'm wrong, but what I don't get is why we can't even put it to a test? Remove massive mobs completely for one weekend. That's two days without massive mobs. This will be the time when the most amount of players are on. Pvpers can have some raids, and if theres still lag. We'll shut up about it finally. But if a good amount of the servers active community don't like massive mobs, isn't testing what the server is like without them something that should at least be considered? All I'm asking for is two days. Okay just had to get that out there. Back on topic now.

So what can we do to actually fix the issue of the lack of raids? Well we can't just delete regalia and force all the roleplayers back into factions, so let's start small and start moving back towards massivecraft's roots. Some ideas I've had:

- Increase massive restore to every 4 months but give players the option to create tickets and have land manually restored if they want it for building. I get that massive restore is intended to keep the worlds clean, but hyarroc won't turn in to daendroc over the course of 4 months. Maybe the chance to explore and find bases will inspire young players to stick around. For people like me, there's significance in every build someone makes. Everything repesents history and nostalgia to someone.

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements! Those always looked so cool and I'm sad I missed them. From this point on all factions involved have a duty to their side to take part in some way. Each faction on both sides could be the host for some cool raids. The war could be documented by more server announcement posts, faction announcements from players, YouTube videos, etc. Also if the server wants to host some events for it, KOTHs that actually take place in the factions world (could be given lore so they're like "strategic points in the war" or something) would be so much fun. These KOTHs would actually be competitive and costly rather than just free loot for whoever is bored enough to outlast the other trolls.
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Also this is a completely seperate topic but is there a reason that there's no potion particles/splash potion sounds on massive?
I think that's a 1.10 thing. Speaking of potions I may write up a side post on what Ben was talking about where half of our inventories are filled with mcmmo pots now lol. Let me know what your side think of that
I think that's a 1.10 thing. Speaking of potions I may write up a side post on what Ben was talking about where half of our inventories are filled with mcmmo pots now lol. Let me know what your side think of that
Yeah im 100% for the removal of mcmmo pots, just cluters up your inventory, although damage would have to be reworked if they removed them just cuz of healthboost and absorption
Yeah im 100% for the removal of mcmmo pots, just cluters up your inventory, although damage would have to be reworked if they removed them just cuz of healthboost and absorption
Of course haha. But the fact that damage is nuts without the mcmmo pots shows how much of a problem they really are. If you can't fight without them it's an issue
Of course haha. But the fact that damage is nuts without the mcmmo pots shows how much of a problem they really are. If you can't fight without them it's an issue
Yeah I wasn't saying it's a problem that they'll have to rework damage, just saying that they would have to
. The sheer amount of changes MassiveMagic is bringing is immense. HCF classes and all that can almost be emulated by it if you worked hard enough to reach that mage level. PvPers will be able to play legitimate roles like in a dungeon raid(tank, healer, DPS). As involved as I am in the PvP and faction community, I am beyond excited to see what you guys do with it.
I'm trying to stay open minded about massivemagic until it comes out but like, come on, no one wants healers and stuff like that in pvp, except non pvpers, I'm hoping massivemagic will just accent pvp, maybe add some small cool changes, but from everything and even what you just said "immense changes", it doesn't seem like it will do this, it seems like it will "immensely" change pvp, obviously nothing I can say will change massivemagic but we just have to pray it doesn't "immensely" change it and it only "accents" it :/
I'm trying to stay open minded about massivemagic until it comes out but like, come on, no one wants healers and stuff like that in pvp, except non pvpers, I'm hoping massivemagic will just accent pvp, maybe add some small cool changes, but from everything and even what you just said "immense changes", it doesn't seem like it will do this, it seems like it will "immensely" change pvp, obviously nothing I can say will change massivemagic but we just have to pray it doesn't "immensely" change it and it only "accents" it :/
I agree with ty-fee-non
I know ill get flak for this BC I'm giving it to myself, but over time I think people will agree with me in saying that loot is worthless now and everything has become extremely normal. Nothings changed faction wise on massive in so long that even tho its fun to play on it gets stale easily. So what I'm suggesting despite all the hard work and dedication put into the faction world even by myself, I think we should consider a factions reset. 1. That would clean out the system 2. Eliminates dead factions 3. Adds that feeling of a new atmosphere back into massive 4. Makes working for gear and regals actually feel rewarding (I could keep going) but as for players in regalia I have an idea that might work for that. Say the server wide war happens and regalia aids one of the two sides. Events lead up to regalia being seiged ad every player has one week to prepare for inevitable war and defense of the capitol. The winning side then raids regalia and meets a wall of unified players ready to defend. The war triggers some kind of ancient magic (would go well with the intro to massivemagic) that resets everything so that everything is brand new. Then bam, add in the empires plugin. I know its all over the place and that's because I'm on my phone and accidentally pressed post halfway through and had to restart 3 times so I'm a bit salty
@Gethelp I think I speak for most players when I say that we all can appreciate the work done in the KOTH and KitPvP worlds but rarely ever use it. I hope it doesn't sound harsh, but I honestly think that KitPvP (and KOTH in its current state) could basically be removed and most people really wouldn't care all that much. The only time I actually remember people visiting KitPvP is when it was first released. Several months ago, people and groups would go in for fun, but now nobody goes in at all because it gets very stale quick. When people suggested KOTHs, I think most people wanted a KOTH that happened within the survival worlds with items on the line so that it was competitive and not what we have now which is basically just glorified KitPvP without potions (nobody wastes potions if they don't drop items). I have no idea about the inner-workings of the server and don't know whether the work on KitPvP directly translates to the survival worlds, but I thought it was important to mention.

Also, this reminded me, is there any chance of getting Siege back? I remember we used to have minigames and Siege was always a lot of fun when it was populated.
I know ill get flak for this BC I'm giving it to myself, but over time I think people will agree with me in saying that loot is worthless now and everything has become extremely normal. Nothings changed faction wise on massive in so long that even tho its fun to play on it gets stale easily. So what I'm suggesting despite all the hard work and dedication put into the faction world even by myself, I think we should consider a factions reset. 1. That would clean out the system 2. Eliminates dead factions 3. Adds that feeling of a new atmosphere back into massive 4. Makes working for gear and regals actually feel rewarding (I could keep going) but as for players in regalia I have an idea that might work for that. Say the server wide war happens and regalia aids one of the two sides. Events lead up to regalia being seiged ad every player has one week to prepare for inevitable war and defense of the capitol. The winning side then raids regalia and meets a wall of unified players ready to defend. The war triggers some kind of ancient magic (would go well with the intro to massivemagic) that resets everything so that everything is brand new. Then bam, add in the empires plugin. I know its all over the place and that's because I'm on my phone and accidentally pressed post halfway through and had to restart 3 times so I'm a bit salty
So many people wouldn't like this, personally I'm fine with it although I don't think regalia should be reset just because of all the time players have put into their characters and char applications it just wouldn't be logical, I'd personally be fine with the factions worlds resetting though I see it as highly unrealistic that staff would ever do that
I know ill get flak for this BC I'm giving it to myself, but over time I think people will agree with me in saying that loot is worthless now and everything has become extremely normal. Nothings changed faction wise on massive in so long that even tho its fun to play on it gets stale easily. So what I'm suggesting despite all the hard work and dedication put into the faction world even by myself, I think we should consider a factions reset. 1. That would clean out the system 2. Eliminates dead factions 3. Adds that feeling of a new atmosphere back into massive 4. Makes working for gear and regals actually feel rewarding (I could keep going) but as for players in regalia I have an idea that might work for that. Say the server wide war happens and regalia aids one of the two sides. Events lead up to regalia being seiged ad every player has one week to prepare for inevitable war and defense of the capitol. The winning side then raids regalia and meets a wall of unified players ready to defend. The war triggers some kind of ancient magic (would go well with the intro to massivemagic) that resets everything so that everything is brand new. Then bam, add in the empires plugin. I know its all over the place and that's because I'm on my phone and accidentally pressed post halfway through and had to restart 3 times so I'm a bit salty

I suggested a total world reset a while ago, but it was straight up denied. That would be epic though. Starting over on Massive would probably be one of the most fun things I can imagine (as long as everything was reset, and everyone started on even-ground). Can guarantee it would bring back SWARMS of old players too.
So many people wouldn't like this, personally I'm fine with it although I don't think regalia should be reset just because of all the time players have put into their characters and char applications it just wouldn't be logical, I'd personally be fine with the factions worlds resetting though I see it as highly unrealistic that staff would ever do that

I think he is only suggesting a survival world reset. All lore could basically stay the same because survival worlds aren't involved in lore at all.
I suggested a total world reset a while ago, but it was straight up denied. That would be epic though. Starting over on Massive would probably be one of the most fun things I can imagine (as long as everything was reset, and everyone started on even-ground). Can guarantee it would bring back SWARMS of old players too.
Guess we can dream on :/
I'm trying to stay open minded about massivemagic until it comes out but like, come on, no one wants healers and stuff like that in pvp, except non pvpers, I'm hoping massivemagic will just accent pvp, maybe add some small cool changes, but from everything and even what you just said "immense changes", it doesn't seem like it will do this, it seems like it will "immensely" change pvp, obviously nothing I can say will change massivemagic but we just have to pray it doesn't "immensely" change it and it only "accents" it :/
That's pretty much what it'll do.

It will give newer players a way to fight and actually want to fight is my honest first impression. There are already loads of checks and balances in the system that prevent over use. Like charging and everything resetting on death. You'll still have to be smart and be conservative. It will instead help PvPers and otherwise find a unique niche that suits their particular style. There's certain things I'd like to reveal but will have to wait till my next update post.

Being as involved with it as I have been the last few months and also getting into PvP on the side and learning and training, I don't see any reason not to marry the two.
That's pretty much what it'll do.

It will give newer players a way to fight and actually want to fight is my honest first impression. There are already loads of checks and balances in the system that prevent over use. Like charging and everything resetting on death. You'll still have to be smart and be conservative. It will instead help PvPers and otherwise find a unique niche that suits their particular style. There's certain things I'd like to reveal but will have to wait till my next update post.

Being as involved with it as I have been the last few months and also getting into PvP on the side and learning and training, I don't see any reason not to marry the two.
You can see why most of us are a bit on edge about it though right? Traits and vampirism were disastrous. We just want to make sure it's not another thing like massive mobs where it's a cool idea to an outsider or a casual player who wants a unique experience, but to a more dedicated player it just becomes an annoyance
@Gethelp I think I speak for most players when I say that we all can appreciate the work done in the KOTH and KitPvP worlds but rarely ever use it. I hope it doesn't sound harsh, but I honestly think that KitPvP (and KOTH in its current state) could basically be removed and most people really wouldn't care all that much. The only time I actually remember people visiting KitPvP is when it was first released. Several months ago, people and groups would go in for fun, but now nobody goes in at all because it gets very stale quick. When people suggested KOTHs, I think most people wanted a KOTH that happened within the survival worlds with items on the line so that it was competitive and not what we have now which is basically just glorified KitPvP without potions (nobody wastes potions if they don't drop items). I have no idea about the inner-workings of the server and don't know whether the work on KitPvP directly translates to the survival worlds, but I thought it was important to mention.

Also, this reminded me, is there any chance of getting Siege back? I remember we used to have minigames and Siege was always a lot of fun when it was populated.
100% agree
I know ill get flak for this BC I'm giving it to myself, but over time I think people will agree with me in saying that loot is worthless now and everything has become extremely normal. Nothings changed faction wise on massive in so long that even tho its fun to play on it gets stale easily. So what I'm suggesting despite all the hard work and dedication put into the faction world even by myself, I think we should consider a factions reset. 1. That would clean out the system 2. Eliminates dead factions 3. Adds that feeling of a new atmosphere back into massive 4. Makes working for gear and regals actually feel rewarding (I could keep going) but as for players in regalia I have an idea that might work for that. Say the server wide war happens and regalia aids one of the two sides. Events lead up to regalia being seiged ad every player has one week to prepare for inevitable war and defense of the capitol. The winning side then raids regalia and meets a wall of unified players ready to defend. The war triggers some kind of ancient magic (would go well with the intro to massivemagic) that resets everything so that everything is brand new. Then bam, add in the empires plugin. I know its all over the place and that's because I'm on my phone and accidentally pressed post halfway through and had to restart 3 times so I'm a bit salty
I'm not a huge fan of this idea and I feel like I'd just use this as a reason to stop playing entirely. Maybe in the long run it'd be worth it but there's no way in hell I could put in the time again to get back to where I am
Herecy this works on paper but a factions reset means nothing if nobody is there to play on it anymore. A LOT of people would quit over this. Massive's entire platform is that the factions worlds are never deleted, wilderness restores, you can keep your base forever. So its a bit too late to turn back on that now.
Completely agree with these ideas @Sevak, I think the community needs an awakening of sorts whether you are a pvper, builder or rper, it would be healthy for the server to have that added bit of suspense to it, naturally rules would have to be added or else new players will totally give up on the server as will people more accustomed to rp, so if a healthy mix of what you have suggested plus a certain level of rules where added especially in the case of the server war idea I think this could be quite successful! I agree with extending the massive restore idea, personally I despise seeing ruins and nerd poles etc everywhere hence why I left vanilla servers but I also same as yourself enjoy exploring old ruins of fallen factions as you also said each ruin has it's own story, so perhaps if a ruin could be deleted per request it would be a great idea!
I don't mean any disrespect but why are you working on fixing pot lag in kit pvp if what pvpers are asking for is less focus on kit pvp and koth and more focus on factions. It just seems like any time a post about PvP is written you only seem to have input on those things and other PvP mechanics. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the actual concept of the post seeing as you are in charge of PvP related stuff.
because i have seen it happen in faction worlds to just not as much if i can work out why it can be fixed all the way around

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.
i think 10-20 chunks per player and only claiming in one world would be good also not allowing you to claim alway from your main claim

1. the hole server wars i like i miss the old wars back in the day
2. Koth was in the faction worlds but anytime it would run the TPS would die that why a world was made for it

i feel there is no drive to want to raid or even to stop a raider i mean if we remove power and claims form factions/players. players can just go afk at spawn and or logoff there needs to be more to fight for or to lose if you dont fight for your faction.
@Gethelp I think I speak for most players when I say that we all can appreciate the work done in the KOTH and KitPvP worlds but rarely ever use it. I hope it doesn't sound harsh, but I honestly think that KitPvP (and KOTH in its current state) could basically be removed and most people really wouldn't care all that much. The only time I actually remember people visiting KitPvP is when it was first released. Several months ago, people and groups would go in for fun, but now nobody goes in at all because it gets very stale quick. When people suggested KOTHs, I think most people wanted a KOTH that happened within the survival worlds with items on the line so that it was competitive and not what we have now which is basically just glorified KitPvP without potions (nobody wastes potions if they don't drop items). I have no idea about the inner-workings of the server and don't know whether the work on KitPvP directly translates to the survival worlds, but I thought it was important to mention.

Also, this reminded me, is there any chance of getting Siege back? I remember we used to have minigames and Siege was always a lot of fun when it was populated.

Koth was in the faction worlds but anytime it would run the TPS would die that why a world was made for it. i mean we can put item drops back on on the koth world if that what players want
Koth was in the faction worlds but anytime it would run the TPS would die that why a world was made for it. i mean we can put item drops back on on the koth world if that what players want
A lot of new pvpers are coming from the rp community or other non-pvp communities to KOTH because of the no item drop.. i dont think it would be a good idea to enable item dropping in KOTH
because i have seen it happen in faction worlds to just not as much if i can work out why it can be fixed all the way around

i think 10-20 chunks per player and only claiming in one world would be good also not allowing you to claim alway from your main claim

1. the hole server wars i like i miss the old wars back in the day
2. Koth was in the faction worlds but anytime it would run the TPS would die that why a world was made for it

i feel there is no drive to want to raid or even to stop a raider i mean if we remove power and claims form factions/players. players can just go afk at spawn and or logoff there needs to be more to fight for or to lose if you dont fight for your faction.
that's true. That's what I was hoping a server war would do. Encourage people to get their name out there, in anyway possible. Even if it's just allowing a fight to happen at their base until they're ready to take part in it themselves. I think it'd be fair to leave koth as is for now. While it is annoying for pvpers, zacatero is right. If roleplayers want to come and mess around with bows, at least it could form some sort of gateway to a player beginning to enjoy PvP.

Also is the KOTH in factions an issue because of the server or another issue caused by the KOTH plugin? And if the KOTH plugin is the issue why have we not upgraded to a more commonly used one? I'd assume it's because of compatibility with the server?
i dont usually contribute to forum discussions like this but i like you guys and i think youre missing a key voice in this thread (and most of the threads about this issue) so i will help you out.

i am a survival player. i am in factions world for the majority of the time i play on the server (which isn't nearly as much as it used to be). my preferred gameplay style is gathering resources and building things. when i used to float around various factions i would take part in pvp, and throughout the years i am one of those people who transitioned from "going out to defend my land" to "heading indoors to avoid the invader".

i stopped defending my land mostly because of flame. i knew i was not going to win and i knew i was going to be dropping various weapons, which was all fine. i was happy to have fun and provide some fun to the attacker, it was a good system. but the system relied on too many variables which, as Sevak has mentioned, had previously been removed. even though the reason for the world to care about attacking your faction (lore) was gone and the reason to defend your land (roleplay) was limited, i still tried to run on out there and meet the attackers on the horizon.

...until i realized how mean everyone was. i had randomly joined some newly minted kids faction somewhere in ithania. a group of pvpers who are still around that i wont name rolled in and just killed those kids nonstop. for no reason. for an hour. and everytime they would kill them they would post about it in general. these were just some weird innocent kids writing books and trying to farm. the kids begged to no avail. there was nothing for the attackers to further gain by skulking around and smashing skulls. i guess it was fun for them. it was not fun for me. it was not fun for those farmkids who ragequit 1 by 1.

this game is all about fun. any and all games are all about fun. if the fun factor disappears, the game is no longer worth playing. pvp on massivecraft in my experience went from being fruitful to being mean-spirited. it went from being focused on goals and purposes to being focused on killcount and flame. this is not fun for whoever is on the defending side. i was happy to fight alongside argonia or ghiscari or whatever random army i was conscripted into over the years because there was a purpose. a drive. when it became obvious to me it was now about who can click faster to mow down a group of unarmed/lootless kids over and over and over and over... it wasnt fun anymore and i stopped taking part.

i too want things to return to the way they were. old school massivecraft was an incredible experience, well balanced between pvp/survival/roleplay. i could speak about this point for hours, but it is not the right venue. all i can say is that as a former member of the "i participate in pvp" squad, i stopped participating because pvp became cruel.

is pvp still cruel? i am not sure. i see flame in general all the time and all over the forums, so i am guessing so. the people who killed that faction of farmkids are still running around up to the same old tricks. maybe if an enticing reason to return to pvp exists (massivemagic?) you will see an influx of players returning. but if there isnt some self-policing regarding flame and ruthlessness, dont expect the fodder (me) for your giant wars to return for long.

: ) hope this helps round out the argument
i dont usually contribute to forum discussions like this but i like you guys and i think youre missing a key voice in this thread (and most of the threads about this issue) so i will help you out.

i am a survival player. i am in factions world for the majority of the time i play on the server (which isn't nearly as much as it used to be). my preferred gameplay style is gathering resources and building things. when i used to float around various factions i would take part in pvp, and throughout the years i am one of those people who transitioned from "going out to defend my land" to "heading indoors to avoid the invader".

i stopped defending my land mostly because of flame. i knew i was not going to win and i knew i was going to be dropping various weapons, which was all fine. i was happy to have fun and provide some fun to the attacker, it was a good system. but the system relied on too many variables which, as Sevak has mentioned, had previously been removed. even though the reason for the world to care about attacking your faction (lore) was gone and the reason to defend your land (roleplay) was limited, i still tried to run on out there and meet the attackers on the horizon.

...until i realized how mean everyone was. i had randomly joined some newly minted kids faction somewhere in ithania. a group of pvpers who are still around that i wont name rolled in and just killed those kids nonstop. for no reason. for an hour. and everytime they would kill them they would post about it in general. these were just some weird innocent kids writing books and trying to farm. the kids begged to no avail. there was nothing for the attackers to further gain by skulking around and smashing skulls. i guess it was fun for them. it was not fun for me. it was not fun for those farmkids who ragequit 1 by 1.

this game is all about fun. any and all games are all about fun. if the fun factor disappears, the game is no longer worth playing. pvp on massivecraft in my experience went from being fruitful to being mean-spirited. it went from being focused on goals and purposes to being focused on killcount and flame. this is not fun for whoever is on the defending side. i was happy to fight alongside argonia or ghiscari or whatever random army i was conscripted into over the years because there was a purpose. a drive. when it became obvious to me it was now about who can click faster to mow down a group of unarmed/lootless kids over and over and over and over... it wasnt fun anymore and i stopped taking part.

i too want things to return to the way they were. old school massivecraft was an incredible experience, well balanced between pvp/survival/roleplay. i could speak about this point for hours, but it is not the right venue. all i can say is that as a former member of the "i participate in pvp" squad, i stopped participating because pvp became cruel.

is pvp still cruel? i am not sure. i see flame in general all the time and all over the forums, so i am guessing so. the people who killed that faction of farmkids are still running around up to the same old tricks. maybe if an enticing reason to return to pvp exists (massivemagic?) you will see an influx of players returning. but if there isnt some self-policing regarding flame and ruthlessness, dont expect the fodder (me) for your giant wars to return for long.

: ) hope this helps round out the argument

I get you. I can only imagine how much the younger/more casual players want to just stay the heck away from the people that spew 'friendly banter' regularly.
A lot of new pvpers are coming from the rp community or other non-pvp communities to KOTH because of the no item drop.. i dont think it would be a good idea to enable item dropping in KOTH
See but that's the problem, yeah KOTH might be bringing rpers into pvp, but from what I've noticed it hasn't brought any new pvpers to the factions worlds, when pvpers complain about their not being enough pvp or pvpers they don't want new pvpers fighting at koth, they want actual raids, unorganized pvp. I was hoping that all the rpers and survival players who would fight at koth would realize how fun it is and actually start pvping in the factions worlds but it seems it's not the case. Now all koth is, is people with punch 2 or kb 5 items just knocking eachother around, it's not pvp, it's like some hypixel minigame crap. It's not damaging, but it's defiantly not aiding the pvp community. Maybe if staff found some way to not allow kb / punch items at koth those rpers and survival players who go to KOTH will start actually pvping there, then start pvping in the faction worlds.
See but that's the problem, yeah KOTH might be bringing rpers into pvp, but from what I've noticed it hasn't brought any new pvpers to the factions worlds, when pvpers complain about their not being enough pvp or pvpers they don't want new pvpers fighting at koth, they want actual raids, unorganized pvp. I was hoping that all the rpers and survival players who would fight at koth would realize how fun it is and actually start pvping in the factions worlds but it seems it's not the case. Now all koth is, is people with punch 2 or kb 5 items just knocking eachother around, it's not pvp, it's like some hypixel minigame crap. It's not damaging, but it's defiantly not aiding the pvp community. Maybe if staff found some way to not allow kb / punch items at koth those rpers and survival players who go to KOTH will start actually pvping there, then start pvping in the faction worlds.
But how would enabling item drop in KOTH world fix that? It would only remove players from KOTH PVP its not like it will make them go to survival and PVP
But how would enabling item drop in KOTH world fix that? It would only remove players from KOTH PVP its not like it will make them go to survival and PVP
Idk, all I know is little to none of the actual pvpers like koth, something needs to be fixed about it, whether that be removing kb items from KOTH somehow or enabling drops. I remember the KOTHS like a yearish ago had item drops on and they were totally fine. Maybe another solution could be every couple koths, maybe once a day one of them could have item drops on, then the rest have no drops ? Idk just spitballing here
Idk, all I know is little to none of the actual pvpers like koth, something needs to be fixed about it, whether that be removing kb items from KOTH somehow or enabling drops. I remember the KOTHS like a yearish ago had item drops on and they were totally fine. Maybe another solution could be every couple koths, maybe once a day one of them could have item drops on, then the rest have no drops ? Idk just spitballing here
I dont understand where you are coming from. What is the point of drops being enabled at koth. What would it accomplish? Like what will it change? I dont get it.
I dont understand where you are coming from. What is the point of drops being enabled at koth. What would it accomplish? Like what will it change? I dont get it.
It would make killing people actually rewarding, and challenging, no ones going to try their hardest when they're at risk of losing absolutely nothing, but when you're items are on the line it gives you a reason to try, and is actually rewarding to kill someone. Also if people dropped items then I could burn every single boomstick I get cuz I'm so done with those things :3
It would make killing people actually rewarding, and challenging, no ones going to try their hardest when they're at risk of losing absolutely nothing, but when you're items are on the line it gives you a reason to try, and is actually rewarding to kill someone.
I agree... BUT

What u are saying only works if there are people to fight. Not nearly as many people are gonna show up to KOTH if you could lose items.
I agree... BUT

What u are saying only works if there are people to fight. Not nearly as many people are gonna show up to KOTH if you could lose items.
Yeah but the people who show up to KOTH don't even fight, they just come in with little to no pots, and bow spam or hit you with a boom stick, it's not even fighting
Yeah but the people who show up to KOTH don't even fight, they just come in with little to no pots, and bow spam or hit you with a boom stick, it's not even fighting
That's just a problem with the way KOTH is designed(which is badly). People might actually fight, drops or no drops, if the rules werent encouraging people to just hit the guy on the objective once with a knockback weapon because its easier, more reliable, and yields the same result. Knock them off or kill them, they'll be back in 30 seconds either way. It gives you a winning objective, so that's what players attempt to do. The objective isn't kill X player in 10 minutes. It's make X player leave the point in 10 minutes. Might be more of an actual Pvp event if killing people banned them from the KOTH for a few minutes, and it took 30 seconds or so to actually take the point and reset the timer, so people that get knocked off can still get back and save their timer.
i dont usually contribute to forum discussions like this but i like you guys and i think youre missing a key voice in this thread (and most of the threads about this issue) so i will help you out.

i am a survival player. i am in factions world for the majority of the time i play on the server (which isn't nearly as much as it used to be). my preferred gameplay style is gathering resources and building things. when i used to float around various factions i would take part in pvp, and throughout the years i am one of those people who transitioned from "going out to defend my land" to "heading indoors to avoid the invader".

i stopped defending my land mostly because of flame. i knew i was not going to win and i knew i was going to be dropping various weapons, which was all fine. i was happy to have fun and provide some fun to the attacker, it was a good system. but the system relied on too many variables which, as Sevak has mentioned, had previously been removed. even though the reason for the world to care about attacking your faction (lore) was gone and the reason to defend your land (roleplay) was limited, i still tried to run on out there and meet the attackers on the horizon.

...until i realized how mean everyone was. i had randomly joined some newly minted kids faction somewhere in ithania. a group of pvpers who are still around that i wont name rolled in and just killed those kids nonstop. for no reason. for an hour. and everytime they would kill them they would post about it in general. these were just some weird innocent kids writing books and trying to farm. the kids begged to no avail. there was nothing for the attackers to further gain by skulking around and smashing skulls. i guess it was fun for them. it was not fun for me. it was not fun for those farmkids who ragequit 1 by 1.

this game is all about fun. any and all games are all about fun. if the fun factor disappears, the game is no longer worth playing. pvp on massivecraft in my experience went from being fruitful to being mean-spirited. it went from being focused on goals and purposes to being focused on killcount and flame. this is not fun for whoever is on the defending side. i was happy to fight alongside argonia or ghiscari or whatever random army i was conscripted into over the years because there was a purpose. a drive. when it became obvious to me it was now about who can click faster to mow down a group of unarmed/lootless kids over and over and over and over... it wasnt fun anymore and i stopped taking part.

i too want things to return to the way they were. old school massivecraft was an incredible experience, well balanced between pvp/survival/roleplay. i could speak about this point for hours, but it is not the right venue. all i can say is that as a former member of the "i participate in pvp" squad, i stopped participating because pvp became cruel.

is pvp still cruel? i am not sure. i see flame in general all the time and all over the forums, so i am guessing so. the people who killed that faction of farmkids are still running around up to the same old tricks. maybe if an enticing reason to return to pvp exists (massivemagic?) you will see an influx of players returning. but if there isnt some self-policing regarding flame and ruthlessness, dont expect the fodder (me) for your giant wars to return for long.

: ) hope this helps round out the argument
Glad to see a new opinion presented. I agree PvP can get a bit toxic and I like what you said about it being about kill counts rather than actual goals. This is something I 100% agree with. Last night there was about two hours of raiding. Fun, yes. But it accomplished nothing. We could have kept it going for hours and no one would ever win. No one even cares about their weapons anymore. And when you think about it, what practical goal could there be for a competitive massivecraft raid these days? No ones going to surrender because then there's no one else to fight. That's why I proposed the server war event.
The idea is that an event like this would create goals for each side. Both sides would have their allies, and compete to conquer the allies of the opposing side. I want every faction to have a role to play in this war that benefits them but also puts them at risk of losing something
That's just a problem with the way KOTH is designed(which is badly). People might actually fight, drops or no drops, if the rules werent encouraging people to just hit the guy on the objective once with a knockback weapon because its easier, more reliable, and yields the same result. Knock them off or kill them, they'll be back in 30 seconds either way. It gives you a winning objective, so that's what players attempt to do. The objective isn't kill X player in 10 minutes. It's make X player leave the point in 10 minutes. Might be more of an actual Pvp event if killing people banned them from the KOTH for a few minutes, and it took 30 seconds or so to actually take the point and reset the timer, so people that get knocked off can still get back and save their timer.
Yeah, I agree a death timer could work too, or just don't let players use kb items (again not sure how theyd do this, maybe the same way they made it so players cant use mending?)
Yeah, I agree a death timer could work too, or just don't let players use kb items (again not sure how theyd do this, maybe the same way they made it so players cant use mending?)
Yeah not sure if disabling enchants from working is even a thing. I actually agree with others on this thread that KOTH/other minigames and events shouldn't be the main focus, but KOTH still needs some changes before its good, even as just a fun little side game.
I've been mulling over the idea of enabling overclaiming of factions when their power is too low, but I need some feedback on it. From my faction experiences, power was just one of the many factors a typical factions player had to pay attention to. If you drop your power too much, the enemy can overclaim.

Bringing this into Massive, I see this as providing incentive to utilize the surrender system more. Right now, people can hide behind their doors. This no longer is a great option if an enemy can overclaim said door and waltz right in. Now a faction needs to consider surrendering if they lose too much power, to prevent overclaiming.

While players can just tp to regalia, or keep their power high in the first place, this at least might provide some decent raid experience, as there's a bit more risk. Though even with that added risk, max tribute still prevents it from being abused.