Archived Fixing Pvp By Fixing Factions

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is a long post obviously. Some of it may seem like rambling, because some of it is. This was the best I could do at organizing my thoughts without sounding like one of those "back in my day" grandparents. I'm going to hold the first line of the most important sections. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing just read those parts. Thanks!

For as long as I've been on the server the concept of "Fixing PvP" has been on the table. It's commonly discussed among pvpers and while yes, there are issues with the game mechanics, is PvP itself really the problem? We've removed traits, removed vampirism, added kit PvP, koth, and fixed many minor issues. So why has none of this helped? Because PvP was never the actual issue. It's always been factions.

All of the changes in the past two years that have affected PvP are appealing to the normal MineCraft pvper. We've thought of adding HCF (hardcore factions, more competitive PvP system) features, and made the fighting style more vanilla in attempts to attract more PvPers to the server. In my opinion, we've been going about that the wrong way. The PvP community on massive has always been made up of mostly people who began on massive craft and learned to PvP on here. I can only think of a few specific players that actually came from outside PvP servers, that already had knowledge of pot PvP mechanics, and most of them just came because they had a friend that already played on Massive. Most of these players quit after a few tries because they didn't like the PvP system. So let's stop thinking of trying to make massive appealing to outside Pvpers because that's just not working.

Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids. There's a difference, trust me. Kit PvP, KOTH and a fight between two power factions that starts with the incredibly stupid "knock knock" or one leader messaging another "we're gonna raid now get ready" are all examples of PvP. These are events, staged PvP with no backstory, no meaning, and no reward apart from bragging rights. A raid is when one faction attacks another without any warning. The attacker kills off a noob, alerting the rest of the defending faction. The defending faction can call in their allies, and a fight breaks out. A raid isn't set up, there's no communication beforehand, it just happens because the defending faction wants to protect their land, and the raiding faction wants them to surrender. When was the last time a pvper could say that happened? I've brought up the idea of a proxy war multiple times. Two power factions lead their own sides, and all other factions that get raided are forced to align themselves with one side, in order to survive.

Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because no one cares. It's simple. Go give raiding a shot. Raid any faction you see on f list. Find their f home on the dynmap and go there. You won't find anyone, and if you do they'll tell their officers, and then just get told to stay inside. "Stay inside until the raiders get bored and leave" is the greatest system of defense. And now a days factions won't even make allies so they can get some help on defense because having allies come to your aid will just make the raiders want to keep coming back.

How has raiding sunk to this level? Because every change to factions in the past two years has allowed it to be this way. Even the ones you wouldn't even think about. The biggest one is that factions used to be a part of the lore. I was never around for this but I'm pretty sure a good amount of players stopped caring about factions completely when Regalian roleplay became a thing. It seems that there's some stuff going on to introduce survival worlds back into the lore or something with the new lore posts done by @Optimalfriskies. So that's a good start. Maybe this could rekindle some interest in the factions world for some of the old players. The next thing on my list is something I can guarantee most people would never think of as a reason there's no PvP. Why is it that you can never find a player in their cities in the factions world? Well maybe they're in regalia role playing. Or maybe.. it's because every faction owns approximately 18 cities in every world now. The system used to be that factions could only have one set of claims in each world, they had to be attached to each other. You couldn't spider claim, and you couldn't have multiple cities on opposite ends of the world. Which makes sense, because why should an empire own multiple cities if they won't even defend one? PvP factions are probably used to claiming raid portals now and some of you might be thinking, "but Sevak, how could people claim their raid portals if they're not attached to their city?" Well, that's the thing. You didn't. People actually had to hide their raid portals, in trees, underground, etc. This was actually part of the fun because defending factions would feel like they had some way of defending themselves if they could somehow find the raid portal and destroy it. Back then, there was no massive restore, so it's not like you had to remake your raid portal every month or something. If you know me, you know I absolutey hate massive restore. It's a great idea in theory. But it takes away one of my favorite parts of massive from when I was a noob, which was being able to run around, exploring the worlds and finding abandoned factions to scavenge.

The next thing is a bit of a tangent but probably the most controversial topic of the past year so I'll go over it anyways. Massive Mobs. Now if you know me, you know I absolutely hate massive mobs even more than I hate massive restore. I don't care what anyone says, @Gethelp had actually found a way to fix lag completely for about a solid week before massive mobs were added to every single world. I don't have statistics to prove it, that's true, and maybe I'm wrong, but what I don't get is why we can't even put it to a test? Remove massive mobs completely for one weekend. That's two days without massive mobs. This will be the time when the most amount of players are on. Pvpers can have some raids, and if theres still lag. We'll shut up about it finally. But if a good amount of the servers active community don't like massive mobs, isn't testing what the server is like without them something that should at least be considered? All I'm asking for is two days. Okay just had to get that out there. Back on topic now.

So what can we do to actually fix the issue of the lack of raids? Well we can't just delete regalia and force all the roleplayers back into factions, so let's start small and start moving back towards massivecraft's roots. Some ideas I've had:

- Increase massive restore to every 4 months but give players the option to create tickets and have land manually restored if they want it for building. I get that massive restore is intended to keep the worlds clean, but hyarroc won't turn in to daendroc over the course of 4 months. Maybe the chance to explore and find bases will inspire young players to stick around. For people like me, there's significance in every build someone makes. Everything repesents history and nostalgia to someone.

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements! Those always looked so cool and I'm sad I missed them. From this point on all factions involved have a duty to their side to take part in some way. Each faction on both sides could be the host for some cool raids. The war could be documented by more server announcement posts, faction announcements from players, YouTube videos, etc. Also if the server wants to host some events for it, KOTHs that actually take place in the factions world (could be given lore so they're like "strategic points in the war" or something) would be so much fun. These KOTHs would actually be competitive and costly rather than just free loot for whoever is bored enough to outlast the other trolls.
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I honestly think that one thing that could help, is if faction players could create events like role play players can. Including staff assistance with warps and regions to prevent unwanted PVP. That's what's really stopping people from making their own events, and if that can happen... Which I'm sure it can because I see it happening several times a week for the role players... I think that might help get some more motivation in the survival worlds
"Roleplayers don't care if pvp dies, pure survival players would prefer not to be raided"
Annnnnd you've just proven our point. PvP does not have enough of a say on the direction of the server, and thus no one cares if it disappears.
Look, I won't deny that pvp doesn't get as much attention as the other departments, but you have to make staff believe that pvp is worth their time and effort. Roleplay has already proven to be very successful, therefore extra resources and people are designated to keep it running. Survival in its own regard is still pretty popular, therefore the game staff is there to keep things running as smooth as they are able. So I will ask, what has pvp contributed? Roleplay and Survival continue to draw players to the server, and yet pvp does not. The majority of the server just doesn't seem to see it as very much fun anymore. I believe Mecharic summed it up nicely in this thread on the first page of the thread. Essentially he was saying that no one wants to put in the effort anymore to work at being good at pvp.

All I am trying to get at here is you have to give the server a reason to put in time and effort for pvp.
I honestly think that one thing that could help, is if faction players could create events like role play players can. Including staff assistance with warps and regions to prevent unwanted PVP. That's what's really stopping people from making their own events, and if that can happen... Which I'm sure it can because I see it happening several times a week for the role players... I think that might help get some more motivation in the survival worlds
I believe MonMarty had said in a TeamSpeak Q&A that players can make their own events in a survival world. I don't remember exactly but I believe all you needed to do was start a forum convo with the game staff and say what you would like for the event. A staff member could set up a peaceful area where the event could take place if you wanted. Also, at least 1 staff member will be there to supervise the event.
I believe MonMarty had said in a TeamSpeak Q&A that players can make their own events in a survival world. I don't remember exactly but I believe all you needed to do was start a forum convo with the game staff and say what you would like for the event. A staff member could set up a peaceful area where the event could take place if you wanted. Also, at least 1 staff member will be there to supervise the event.
When was this? Because i remember a different situation involving a long and tedious process that involved you having to planning the entire event before getting the approval, thus wasting your time on the chance that it doesnt get approved because you might not be able to host it without the protection.
When was this? Because i remember a different situation involving a long and tedious process that involved you having to planning the entire event before getting the approval, thus wasting your time on the chance that it doesnt get approved because you might not be able to host it without the protection.
It was a few months ago in a large Q&A, and I just remembered that you had to 'pitch' your idea 2 weeks prior to the actual event.
It was a few months ago in a large Q&A, and I just remembered that you had to 'pitch' your idea 2 weeks prior to the actual event.
But the thing is, if you are requesting that region to be made.. that means its a very necessary part of the event. So its not very motivational to plan an event when there is a good possibility that you wont be able to host it because the staff wont make that region.

Also this is the first ive heard of anything changing. Maybe MonMarty brought it up but it doesnt sound like anything changed from when my old faction tried to host an event and we couldnt get the protection so all of our planning just went in the garbage. Thats a quick way to take away any enthusiasm to make your own events.

Thats why im saying it needs to be more relaxed than it is.
If you feel that one aspect lacks interest by staff solve that! Become staff and focus on an aspect that interests you.

I don't think PVP staff get treated very well. The community turns on them and they can no longer PVP due to claims of cheating using mod powers. I also think the higher level staff members don't treat them very well. I think their suggestions go unheard or are just flat out ignored since some of the high ranking mods are pretty bull headed I've noticed. Anyway every player that I've been close to that became staff after just a month in the position they pretty much disappear in game and after about 3 months maybe a couple more they are completely inactive to the point they even lose their ranks. May just be a coincidence or a correlation between the type of people I make friends with but something really doesn't seem right to me and staff positions don't seem too enticing. I could be wrong and maybe being staff is great but IDK...
Pvp won't be fixed, and now I can see why. Not all but most of the people in this thread are ridiculously prideful. I remember why I don't comment on these threads anymore, because my very person is attacked, and even after I have suggested twice that we continue discussing the subject I continue to get notifications that you and others are continuing to derail the subject, not because it is productive, but because you CAN. Pvp itself is great and even I will admit it, but the current community is stuck in its ruts, and I doubt they will come out.
Honestly I think it's really more that you're just an asshole who can't argue you points and gets salty when people don't immediately agree with you.
Its this dance we are constantly doing.

We try to make a change thread. Somebody who isnt really effected by it starts commenting against it and in our opposition we are made to look like people who cant take other's opinions or simply... have no capacity for empathy for others. Then we are profiled as this group of people who just hates everybody else.

Then the opposing side posts things like...
I am going to be briefly honest in saying that you sound like a child who feels envious because your younger sibling is getting more attention than you.
Pvp won't be fixed, and now I can see why. Not all but most of the people in this thread are ridiculously prideful. I remember why I don't comment on these threads anymore, because my very person is attacked, and even after I have suggested twice that we continue discussing the subject I continue to get notifications that you and others are continuing to derail the subject, not because it is productive, but because you CAN. Pvp itself is great and even I will admit it, but the current community is stuck in its ruts, and I doubt they will come out.

And then try to spin it around like they didnt do anything wrong... but in turn continues to insult us and insinuate that we had ill intentions the whole time, thus making us look worse.
Ah yes, I agree I am entirely at fault here. I let my emotions get the best of me in the heat of things. However I walked into this thread as a lamb, and did not realize that I was walking into the den of starving wolves.

Im just tired of this dance. Its no fun.
Its this dance we are constantly doing.

We try to make a change thread. Somebody who isnt really effected by it starts commenting against it and in our opposition we are made to look like people who cant take other's opinions or simply... have no capacity for empathy for others. Then we are profiled as this group of people who just hates everybody else.

Then the opposing side posts things like...

And then try to spin it around like they didnt do anything wrong... but in turn continues to insult us and insinuate that we had ill intentions the whole time, thus making us look worse.

Im just tired of this dance. Its no fun.
You assume too much...
Its not an assumption lol i quoted you. But its not just you. Its a lot of people but the dance is just getting old.
First of all, you might have quoted me but you came to your own conclusion on each statement. Secondly, I suggest that the main topic of this thread continued to be discussed and these side arguments to cease.
I'm going to be honest, didn't read the whole 8 pages of "This is what I think is the Issue". Skip number 1 & 2 If you don't want to read my rant. Number 3 is more relevant to the topic of Discussion.

So Lets start off with a few Major points.
Too many problems and nobody wants to deal with them.
- This should be an obvious issue. When you go to Walmart or Steam to buy a game, you want to just get into it and enjoy the finished product. Occasionally the game will be updated to patch a few bugs. This is not the case with Massivecraft, Seldom is there ever a tiny bug or imbalance. Regardless of the problem, there is a "fix it yourself or deal with it" attitude. No Gratuity, or compensation for dealing with something the staff should proactively dealing with (The only exception for this was the KOTH/Massive Restore wipe). In general, a very unprofessional feel in terms of customer service and too much is expected to be resolved by players who don't have efficient capabilities of dealing with problems.

2. No goals set in place to encourage gameplay.
- The perfect example of good goals was KOTH rewards. Everyday you could take a small victory until after a month of winning, you'd get a chance of collecting the entire set of War God Armor. This was working fairly efficiently to improve player interaction until the rewards everyone wanted was removed (Darkroom and War God gear). The example of KOTH only relates to PvP. As it stands there are no Endgame goals (Like there was for KOTH) when it comes to Factions, Roleplay or Building.

"Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids."
- Sevak
3: The "No Show, No play" of Raiding.
A few factors that result in a lack of raids:
- Players don't want to Fight and lose their stuff, so they don't retaliate or instigate raids.
- Surface cities are becoming less frequented, due to a sour perspective of being "Raidable".
- To much access to safe zones, why play in survival when you can go questing, roleplay or build. when you can do all those outside of the survival world and not lose gear.
- No need to travel due to convenient /f homes and World travel hubs, which greatly reduces the risk of walking outside and getting killed.
- Blatant advertisement of /dynmap hide, Worlds are enormous the chances of just walking into someone else are minimal.

If you want raids to happen in survival there are a few things that need to be done to encourage raiding, or increase player traffic to survival worlds and promote traveling in a world. Here is my list:

- Move current safe zones for Roleplay and Questing into the survival world. Merging multiple different playing styles into the survival world.
- Perhaps implement a First Death, No Drop for pvp. This lets players get a feel for fighting back against Raiders and hopefully will make defending players more comfortable about retaliating.
- Make rules and Pluggins to encourage Theft and Incentivise war. This can be done by allowing for better rewards for winning a war and in general create a set of rules to declare a winner of a war. Encouraging Theft can be done by players buying "Lockpicks" from a server shop, enabling a randomized successful lockpick, opening doors and vaults alike. Which will inevitibly result in killing unsuspecting robbers.
- Hosting events in areas that are prone to combat.
- Making needed resources scarce or difficult to harvest, this really promotes combat as its easier to kill a player for resources than to actually collect it in come cases.

Note: These changes would inevitably piss off roleplayers, also at the same time greatly improving the pvp scene. Also, I will not be responding to comments. This comes from a perspective that encourages negative player interaction and positive server reinforcement.
In general, a very unprofessional feel in terms of customer service and too much is expected to be resolved by players who don't have efficient capabilities of dealing with problems
Ive seen this a lot. Its also a lot of "it doesnt matter if the players are happy because volunteers created it so we can't complain"
I'm going to be honest, didn't read the whole 8 pages of "This is what I think is the Issue". Skip number 1 & 2 If you don't want to read my rant. Number 3 is more relevant to the topic of Discussion.

So Lets start off with a few Major points.
Too many problems and nobody wants to deal with them.
- This should be an obvious issue. When you go to Walmart or Steam to buy a game, you want to just get into it and enjoy the finished product. Occasionally the game will be updated to patch a few bugs. This is not the case with Massivecraft, Seldom is there ever a tiny bug or imbalance. Regardless of the problem, there is a "fix it yourself or deal with it" attitude. No Gratuity, or compensation for dealing with something the staff should proactively dealing with (The only exception for this was the KOTH/Massive Restore wipe). In general, a very unprofessional feel in terms of customer service and too much is expected to be resolved by players who don't have efficient capabilities of dealing with problems.

2. No goals set in place to encourage gameplay.
- The perfect example of good goals was KOTH rewards. Everyday you could take a small victory until after a month of winning, you'd get a chance of collecting the entire set of War God Armor. This was working fairly efficiently to improve player interaction until the rewards everyone wanted was removed (Darkroom and War God gear). The example of KOTH only relates to PvP. As it stands there are no Endgame goals (Like there was for KOTH) when it comes to Factions, Roleplay or Building.

"Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids."
- Sevak
3: The "No Show, No play" of Raiding.
A few factors that result in a lack of raids:
- Players don't want to Fight and lose their stuff, so they don't retaliate or instigate raids.
- Surface cities are becoming less frequented, due to a sour perspective of being "Raidable".
- To much access to safe zones, why play in survival when you can go questing, roleplay or build. when you can do all those outside of the survival world and not lose gear.
- No need to travel due to convenient /f homes and World travel hubs, which greatly reduces the risk of walking outside and getting killed.
- Blatant advertisement of /dynmap hide, Worlds are enormous the chances of just walking into someone else are minimal.

If you want raids to happen in survival there are a few things that need to be done to encourage raiding, or increase player traffic to survival worlds and promote traveling in a world. Here is my list:

- Move current safe zones for Roleplay and Questing into the survival world. Merging multiple different playing styles into the survival world.
- Perhaps implement a First Death, No Drop for pvp. This lets players get a feel for fighting back against Raiders and hopefully will make defending players more comfortable about retaliating.
- Make rules and Pluggins to encourage Theft and Incentivise war. This can be done by allowing for better rewards for winning a war and in general create a set of rules to declare a winner of a war. Encouraging Theft can be done by players buying "Lockpicks" from a server shop, enabling a randomized successful lockpick, opening doors and vaults alike. Which will inevitibly result in killing unsuspecting robbers.
- Hosting events in areas that are prone to combat.
- Making needed resources scarce or difficult to harvest, this really promotes combat as its easier to kill a player for resources than to actually collect it in come cases.

Note: These changes would inevitably piss off roleplayers, also at the same time greatly improving the pvp scene. Also, I will not be responding to comments. This comes from a perspective that encourages negative player interaction and positive server reinforcement.
This. This is good.

Your dynmap comment gave me an idea.

How about removing the ability to /dynmap hide? I guarantee that would promote raiding.
This. This is good.

Your dynmap comment gave me an idea.

How about removing the ability to /dynmap hide? I guarantee that would promote raiding.
Okay but remember thats a double edged sword. If you remove that ability, it removes it for the raiders too so people can see you coming. Im honestly neutral on this tho because i can see benefit from both so... ya.
How about removing the ability to /dynmap hide? I guarantee that would promote raiding.

I think this would make people that don't like to PvP to build underground or abandon survival and go to Regalia.
I suspect that is not the goal of your proposal.

I don't think that forcing people to PvP by making them more susceptible to raids is the way to go. It doesn't matter if you force dynmap, if you enable explosives or if you delete Regalia. People that don't like to PvP would always find a way to evade the action be it hiding behind walls, building underground bases, going to Regalia or leaving the server altogether.

The salt trade with the PvP community is caused by proposals that would force people to PvP or leave them vulnerable to raids. This is perceived as bullying and creates an emotional response in many players. I insist, forcing PvP on people is not an efficient way to increase PvP and does not create good relations or good will towards the PvP community. I would suggest focusing on opt ins like the server wars which could be fun for PvP people and are not controversial.
This. This is good.

Your dynmap comment gave me an idea.

How about removing the ability to /dynmap hide? I guarantee that would promote raiding.

Sounds fun! Though I'm guessing that people wont like it due to constant pvp (just glance at dynmap see a fac with like 5 people online, elytra over there, setup a portal, success!). I like pvp though so I wouldn't mind. Also it would also give players an incentive to carry pots, ender pearls, and weapons for once :P
@Sevak and everyone else paying attention to this thread.

So the original topic of this thread was to fix PVP you first have to fix factions. I agree, since a large amount of PVP in the survival worlds were generated be disagreements and animosity between factions as a whole and individual members of factions.

I can't remember if I said it in this thread or another, but it's really one of the core arguments and points behind the topic of animosity between factions: even though Sevak and I are in factions enemies to each other, I don't hate him nor consider him an enemy. Mainly because we were once in the same faction, I left on good terms, and we're friendly to each other. There's no reason for me to hate him, so no animosity is created. Even when he raids my faction I don't feel as though he's there in an attempt to destroy my quality of gameplay.

I think everyone agrees that two of the biggest reasons PVP doesn't seem to matter anymore is because 1.) there's no animosity between enemies factions, and 2.) players that choose to not take raids seriously simply don't.

I propose the following changes;
  • Removal of most of the current warfare rules, specifically the one stating you cannot raid someone for more than 3-5 hours. Justification: if a faction has the manpower, resources, and willpower to raid you for 12 hours straight, they should be able to. It's unlikely this will occur due to real life obligations, unforeseen circumstances, and available resources, but the option should always be there. After about hour 5 the defending faction should be on the verge of breaking.
  • Make surrender more viable for defending factions by making a distinction between a raid and a war. Make surrendering during the raid period significantly more enticing by making the monetary strain less.
The above are too important changes I feel need to be made to return some form of meaning to PVP. If most of the warfare rules are removed, attacking factions will go to great extents to make raids and wars feel like they actually matter to the defending faction, and the defending faction will feel the need to take the war seriously and either fight back to protect themselves or surrender to end it.
@Sevak and everyone else paying attention to this thread.

So the original topic of this thread was to fix PVP you first have to fix factions. I agree, since a large amount of PVP in the survival worlds were generated be disagreements and animosity between factions as a whole and individual members of factions.

I can't remember if I said it in this thread or another, but it's really one of the core arguments and points behind the topic of animosity between factions: even though Sevak and I are in factions enemies to each other, I don't hate him nor consider him an enemy. Mainly because we were once in the same faction, I left on good terms, and we're friendly to each other. There's no reason for me to hate him, so no animosity is created. Even when he raids my faction I don't feel as though he's there in an attempt to destroy my quality of gameplay.

I think everyone agrees that two of the biggest reasons PVP doesn't seem to matter anymore is because 1.) there's no animosity between enemies factions, and 2.) players that choose to not take raids seriously simply don't.

I propose the following changes;
  • Removal of most of the current warfare rules, specifically the one stating you cannot raid someone for more than 3-5 hours. Justification: if a faction has the manpower, resources, and willpower to raid you for 12 hours straight, they should be able to. It's unlikely this will occur due to real life obligations, unforeseen circumstances, and available resources, but the option should always be there. After about hour 5 the defending faction should be on the verge of breaking.
  • Make surrender more viable for defending factions by making a distinction between a raid and a war. Make surrendering during the raid period significantly more enticing by making the monetary strain less.
The above are too important changes I feel need to be made to return some form of meaning to PVP. If most of the warfare rules are removed, attacking factions will go to great extents to make raids and wars feel like they actually matter to the defending faction, and the defending faction will feel the need to take the war seriously and either fight back to protect themselves or surrender to end it.
The great thing about these two changes is that they require 0 tech implementation. So there's no hang up there.
The great thing about these two changes is that they require 0 tech implementation. So there's no hang up there.

Yeah, though a surrender helper plugin would be useful for things like calculating tribute, forcing the raiders to stop pvping against the defenders ect
Yeah, though a surrender helper plugin would be useful for things like calculating tribute, forcing the raiders to stop pvping against the defenders ect
You're right. A plugin that measures a number of data would be beneficial, but I would foresee a plugin of the sorts being used as more of an analytical tool for either side rather than the deciding factor.

Imagine a situation in which an attacking faction leads a series of hit and run kills on an enemy faction, amassing 10 kills over a large timespan. Until the defending faction retaliates, it appears the attacking faction is way in the lead. Now imagine the defending factions launches one counter raid against the attackers and gets 10 kills. Technically, the kill count is even, but both sides would heavily contest who's winning the war. Not to mention tons of other factors such as how a faction's members feel about the current state of the war (if they weren't all on board at first), how many members lost items when they died versus how many had nothing on them when they died, etc.

The ideal plugin would encompass so many different pieces of data for either side that it would be an extremely expansive plugin. That's why I'm trying to cater all my suggestions to only needing a rule rewritten and a announcement post made for it to be official. Much less work that can be streamlined by very few staff.
Due to the ongoing discussion and the various staff input, I'm marking this as under review until a solid consensus is put forward about the topic. In the meantime it wouldn't be a bad idea to streamline the idea, as to ease up reviewing this from the Staff side. I'll report this to the proper department for a better look over, but thank you for the input thus far. @Sevak