Archived Fixing Pvp By Fixing Factions

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is a long post obviously. Some of it may seem like rambling, because some of it is. This was the best I could do at organizing my thoughts without sounding like one of those "back in my day" grandparents. I'm going to hold the first line of the most important sections. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing just read those parts. Thanks!

For as long as I've been on the server the concept of "Fixing PvP" has been on the table. It's commonly discussed among pvpers and while yes, there are issues with the game mechanics, is PvP itself really the problem? We've removed traits, removed vampirism, added kit PvP, koth, and fixed many minor issues. So why has none of this helped? Because PvP was never the actual issue. It's always been factions.

All of the changes in the past two years that have affected PvP are appealing to the normal MineCraft pvper. We've thought of adding HCF (hardcore factions, more competitive PvP system) features, and made the fighting style more vanilla in attempts to attract more PvPers to the server. In my opinion, we've been going about that the wrong way. The PvP community on massive has always been made up of mostly people who began on massive craft and learned to PvP on here. I can only think of a few specific players that actually came from outside PvP servers, that already had knowledge of pot PvP mechanics, and most of them just came because they had a friend that already played on Massive. Most of these players quit after a few tries because they didn't like the PvP system. So let's stop thinking of trying to make massive appealing to outside Pvpers because that's just not working.

Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids. There's a difference, trust me. Kit PvP, KOTH and a fight between two power factions that starts with the incredibly stupid "knock knock" or one leader messaging another "we're gonna raid now get ready" are all examples of PvP. These are events, staged PvP with no backstory, no meaning, and no reward apart from bragging rights. A raid is when one faction attacks another without any warning. The attacker kills off a noob, alerting the rest of the defending faction. The defending faction can call in their allies, and a fight breaks out. A raid isn't set up, there's no communication beforehand, it just happens because the defending faction wants to protect their land, and the raiding faction wants them to surrender. When was the last time a pvper could say that happened? I've brought up the idea of a proxy war multiple times. Two power factions lead their own sides, and all other factions that get raided are forced to align themselves with one side, in order to survive.

Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because no one cares. It's simple. Go give raiding a shot. Raid any faction you see on f list. Find their f home on the dynmap and go there. You won't find anyone, and if you do they'll tell their officers, and then just get told to stay inside. "Stay inside until the raiders get bored and leave" is the greatest system of defense. And now a days factions won't even make allies so they can get some help on defense because having allies come to your aid will just make the raiders want to keep coming back.

How has raiding sunk to this level? Because every change to factions in the past two years has allowed it to be this way. Even the ones you wouldn't even think about. The biggest one is that factions used to be a part of the lore. I was never around for this but I'm pretty sure a good amount of players stopped caring about factions completely when Regalian roleplay became a thing. It seems that there's some stuff going on to introduce survival worlds back into the lore or something with the new lore posts done by @Optimalfriskies. So that's a good start. Maybe this could rekindle some interest in the factions world for some of the old players. The next thing on my list is something I can guarantee most people would never think of as a reason there's no PvP. Why is it that you can never find a player in their cities in the factions world? Well maybe they're in regalia role playing. Or maybe.. it's because every faction owns approximately 18 cities in every world now. The system used to be that factions could only have one set of claims in each world, they had to be attached to each other. You couldn't spider claim, and you couldn't have multiple cities on opposite ends of the world. Which makes sense, because why should an empire own multiple cities if they won't even defend one? PvP factions are probably used to claiming raid portals now and some of you might be thinking, "but Sevak, how could people claim their raid portals if they're not attached to their city?" Well, that's the thing. You didn't. People actually had to hide their raid portals, in trees, underground, etc. This was actually part of the fun because defending factions would feel like they had some way of defending themselves if they could somehow find the raid portal and destroy it. Back then, there was no massive restore, so it's not like you had to remake your raid portal every month or something. If you know me, you know I absolutey hate massive restore. It's a great idea in theory. But it takes away one of my favorite parts of massive from when I was a noob, which was being able to run around, exploring the worlds and finding abandoned factions to scavenge.

The next thing is a bit of a tangent but probably the most controversial topic of the past year so I'll go over it anyways. Massive Mobs. Now if you know me, you know I absolutely hate massive mobs even more than I hate massive restore. I don't care what anyone says, @Gethelp had actually found a way to fix lag completely for about a solid week before massive mobs were added to every single world. I don't have statistics to prove it, that's true, and maybe I'm wrong, but what I don't get is why we can't even put it to a test? Remove massive mobs completely for one weekend. That's two days without massive mobs. This will be the time when the most amount of players are on. Pvpers can have some raids, and if theres still lag. We'll shut up about it finally. But if a good amount of the servers active community don't like massive mobs, isn't testing what the server is like without them something that should at least be considered? All I'm asking for is two days. Okay just had to get that out there. Back on topic now.

So what can we do to actually fix the issue of the lack of raids? Well we can't just delete regalia and force all the roleplayers back into factions, so let's start small and start moving back towards massivecraft's roots. Some ideas I've had:

- Increase massive restore to every 4 months but give players the option to create tickets and have land manually restored if they want it for building. I get that massive restore is intended to keep the worlds clean, but hyarroc won't turn in to daendroc over the course of 4 months. Maybe the chance to explore and find bases will inspire young players to stick around. For people like me, there's significance in every build someone makes. Everything repesents history and nostalgia to someone.

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements! Those always looked so cool and I'm sad I missed them. From this point on all factions involved have a duty to their side to take part in some way. Each faction on both sides could be the host for some cool raids. The war could be documented by more server announcement posts, faction announcements from players, YouTube videos, etc. Also if the server wants to host some events for it, KOTHs that actually take place in the factions world (could be given lore so they're like "strategic points in the war" or something) would be so much fun. These KOTHs would actually be competitive and costly rather than just free loot for whoever is bored enough to outlast the other trolls.
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Want to attract people to Survival worlds?
Don't try to force people to PvP. It doesn't matter if you delete Regalia, add explosives, try to force surrender or implement the empires plugin. You cannot force people to play with you! If people don't like fighting they will go somewhere else, be it inside their base, Regalia or even to other servers!

Survival worlds could benefit from people that don't PvP. People that don't PvP can contribute to the survival economy, they can build and make use of those empty faction buildings and eventually they could even learn to love PvP. The mentality of "if you play in survival you should PvP" just harms survival and indirectly PvP.
This thread just makes me despise Regalia even more. Not only is it detrimental to the PVP community but IMO due to the strict RP lore it stifles creativity for the RP folks. Now I won't claim to know what RP was like before Regalia or how strict staff was with the lore but for a server that is home to the original factions plugin it really makes no sense why it exists at all. RP could be such a cool interesting thing if it wasn't bound by so many damn rules or at least felt a bit more approachable to someone that doesn't wanna read a novel worth of lore.
Alright, I have been reading through some of these posts, and am a little confused. First, you want to bring ropelayers to survival, but then you want to kill them right off the bat. If any roleplayer reads through your post I think it would scare them away if anything. You are talking about repopulating the survival servers and then breaking into their bases with 'cannons' and then killing them. You speak about how this isn't a fun or realistic experience, but I would like to point out that your fun isn't the only thing that matters. Yes, Pvpers feelings on this matter, but I would like to stress that Roleplayers feelings matter EXACTLY the same. Roleplayers are people, but from what I am reading you are treating them poorly.

"Roleplayers feelings matter EXACTLY the same"
Um, no?
You have entire worlds DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN.
You have several Staff categories DEDICATED FOR YOU
You have countless events DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN

"You are talking about repopulating the survival servers and then breaking into their bases with 'cannons' and then killing them"
No, that was a suggestion. There needs to be an incentive or a deterrent from hiding inside and acting like nothing is happening.

"Roleplayers are people, but from what I am reading you are treating them poorly."
Really? The entire server is shifting towards RP, with more and more people leaving the Factions and PvP scene. Maybe if you didn't sit inside and taunt every time a threat turned up on your doorstep, before TPing to Regalia and acting like godly warriors, we wouldn't be so harsh towards you.
"Roleplayers feelings matter EXACTLY the same"
Um, no?
You have entire worlds DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN.
You have several Staff categories DEDICATED FOR YOU
You have countless events DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN

"You are talking about repopulating the survival servers and then breaking into their bases with 'cannons' and then killing them"
No, that was a suggestion. There needs to be an incentive or a deterrent from hiding inside and acting like nothing is happening.

"Roleplayers are people, but from what I am reading you are treating them poorly."
Really? The entire server is shifting towards RP, with more and more people leaving the Factions and PvP scene. Maybe if you didn't sit inside and taunt every time a threat turned up on your doorstep, before TPing to Regalia and acting like godly warriors, we wouldn't be so harsh towards you.
I do believe your post just furthers my point that you really don't care about how Roleplayers feel. I don't believe in flaming or anything of that sort so I will be brief.
"Roleplayers feelings matter EXACTLY the same"
Um, no?
You have entire worlds DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN.
You have several Staff categories DEDICATED FOR YOU
You have countless events DEDICATED FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN
First of all, when you say that Roleplayers feelings are not the same as, for example, yours, you sound pretty ridiculous. Of course we all have the same rights on MassiveCraft, because last I checked none of us our robots... To say otherwise just makes it sound like you are looking to argue regardless of the actual point.

Yes, Roleplayers have Regalia as a world dedicated to Roleplay fun, but let's think about this. They do have Regalia, but YOU have Ithania, Jorrhild, Teled Methen, New Ceardia, Fendarfell, Hyarroc, and I will tentatively add The Rift because it is survival. Roleplayers have the world (singular) and Pvpers/Survivalists have many. Don't get me wrong I don't think this is a competition because Roleplay (at the moment) only needs 1 world. Now there is Silverwind but no one is ever there, so count it if you want but I won't for now. If this was confusing to read then essentially I am saying both Pvpers and Roleplayers have worlds to have fun in, and technically speaking there are a ton more Survival worlds than Roleplay.

Several staff categories? I don't really understand this point. Roleplayers have the lore department, and that's the only one dedicated to Roleplay. On that matter, the Survival worlds have the Game Staff dedicated to them, which nullifies your implied point that Roleplayers have multiple staff departments, while Pvpers have none. Yes, the World Department builds a lot of stuff for Rp, but they also are the ones constructing things for the Survival worlds such as the worlds and Job Island. Tech does stuff for both groups, Direction manages every group, Quest seems to do its own thing but both sides can benefit, PR does work for both and tries to draw players to both. What I am trying to show is no one has more than 1 department solely dedicated to them.

If you will recall the Baneful King events that have been happening quite frequently on MassiveCraft, then you would see that you have plenty of events. Listen, no event is meant to exclude anyone! Have you seen any Roleplay tournaments? The events might be directed a little bit more to one group, but never would you ever be told you can not attend. Archery, Hide-N-Seek, PVE, and a bunch of other events that anyone can participate in. I hate to presume, but it might just be you who doesn't have fun at these events. I am a Survival player most of the time and I attend a lot of these events.

Finally, to address the point where you give an excuse to be rude to Roleplayers. Seriously? You are going to be excessively rude and 'harsh' just because they would prefer to Roleplay? That is terrible. Your reason for being rude is too what? Draw more players back? I don't think that will work well.
On what should they work in Survival exactly ?
The only thing I can think of is remaking the Ithania spawn.

I never said that there was actually anything to do, I just said strictly from looking at the changelogs it would appear that that entire department works exclusively in regalia. It's just an observation, it's not a judgement.
On what should they work in Survival exactly ?
I think it was @/Benrekt who suggested this in the first place, but world staff should try creating rentable houses in the spawns of different survival worlds. So it appeals more to people who RP, and it gets them out of Regalia once in a while.
This thread just makes me despise Regalia even more. Not only is it detrimental to the PVP community but IMO due to the strict RP lore it stifles creativity for the RP folks. Now I won't claim to know what RP was like before Regalia or how strict staff was with the lore but for a server that is home to the original factions plugin it really makes no sense why it exists at all. RP could be such a cool interesting thing if it wasn't bound by so many damn rules or at least felt a bit more approachable to someone that doesn't wanna read a novel worth of lore.

With "hate" against RP'ers and vice-versa we won't come any further. Anyone needs to be positive. Without RP'ers Massivecraft would be dead and if RP'ers would accept that there is more than Regalia we can start working somewhere. More players for survival means that the server will be more active and higher on the Minecraft-ranking-pages -> means that there will join more new people -> thus more potential RP'ers as well. Cooperation is the point in this whole discussion.
I do believe your post just furthers my point that you really don't care about how Roleplayers feel. I don't believe in flaming or anything of that sort so I will be brief.

First of all, when you say that Roleplayers feelings are not the same as, for example, yours, you sound pretty ridiculous. Of course we all have the same rights on MassiveCraft, because last I checked none of us our robots... To say otherwise just makes it sound like you are looking to argue regardless of the actual point.

Yes, Roleplayers have Regalia as a world dedicated to Roleplay fun, but let's think about this. They do have Regalia, but YOU have Ithania, Jorrhild, Teled Methen, New Ceardia, Fendarfell, Hyarroc, and I will tentatively add The Rift because it is survival. Roleplayers have the world (singular) and Pvpers/Survivalists have many. Don't get me wrong I don't think this is a competition because Roleplay (at the moment) only needs 1 world. Now there is Silverwind but no one is ever there, so count it if you want but I won't for now. If this was confusing to read then essentially I am saying both Pvpers and Roleplayers have worlds to have fun in, and technically speaking there are a ton more Survival worlds than Roleplay.

Several staff categories? I don't really understand this point. Roleplayers have the lore department, and that's the only one dedicated to Roleplay. On that matter, the Survival worlds have the Game Staff dedicated to them, which nullifies your implied point that Roleplayers have multiple staff departments, while Pvpers have none. Yes, the World Department builds a lot of stuff for Rp, but they also are the ones constructing things for the Survival worlds such as the worlds and Job Island. Tech does stuff for both groups, Direction manages every group, Quest seems to do its own thing but both sides can benefit, PR does work for both and tries to draw players to both. What I am trying to show is no one has more than 1 department solely dedicated to them.

If you will recall the Baneful King events that have been happening quite frequently on MassiveCraft, then you would see that you have plenty of events. Listen, no event is meant to exclude anyone! Have you seen any Roleplay tournaments? The events might be directed a little bit more to one group, but never would you ever be told you can not attend. Archery, Hide-N-Seek, PVE, and a bunch of other events that anyone can participate in. I hate to presume, but it might just be you who doesn't have fun at these events. I am a Survival player most of the time and I attend a lot of these events.

Finally, to address the point where you give an excuse to be rude to Roleplayers. Seriously? You are going to be excessively rude and 'harsh' just because they would prefer to Roleplay? That is terrible. Your reason for being rude is too what? Draw more players back? I don't think that will work well.
You're saying that Quest isn't RP related? Nice hairsplitting bud.

"If you will recall the Baneful King events"
Not PvP events. PvE events with spongey bosses that require no skill to kill.

"Have you seen any Roleplay tournaments? The events might be directed a little bit more to one group, but never would you ever be told you can not attend."
So you're admitting that a majority of events are RP directed? Gj

"Archery, Hide-N-Seek, PVE, and a bunch of other events that anyone can participate in."
Not PvP or Factions related, yet again proving my point.

"Yes, Roleplayers have Regalia as a world dedicated to Roleplay fun, but let's think about this. They do have Regalia, but YOU have Ithania, Jorrhild, Teled Methen, New Ceardia, Fendarfell, Hyarroc"
And how much attention to these worlds get by staff? Next to none. Let me ask you this: When was the last time the Staff organised a major event in the Factions worlds?

"Yes, the World Department builds a lot of stuff for Rp, but they also are the ones constructing things for the Survival worlds such as the worlds and Job Island."
Yeah, no. What do they build for Survival worlds?
Several staff categories? I don't really understand this point. Roleplayers have the lore department, and that's the only one dedicated to Roleplay. On that matter, the Survival worlds have the Game Staff dedicated to them, which nullifies your implied point that Roleplayers have multiple staff departments, while Pvpers have none. Yes, the World Department builds a lot of stuff for Rp, but they also are the ones constructing things for the Survival worlds such as the worlds and Job Island. Tech does stuff for both groups, Direction manages every group, Quest seems to do its own thing but both sides can benefit, PR does work for both and tries to draw players to both. What I am trying to show is no one has more than 1 department solely dedicated to them.

In the spoiler below are the last 4 months of changelogs worth of world staff points. Once again like i said before, this isnt a judgement on staff at all, yall are doing an excellent job. This is simply to prove, with data provided by the server, that the vast majority of the world staff time is spent exclusively on Regalia.

  • Nesstro x8: Garden District
  • Feodronova x6: District work.
  • Greenie x8: District Work.
  • WaterDruppel x9: Job Island.
  • SpunSugar x5: Job Island.
  • Jaehaerys x8: New Ceardia Spawn.
  • Timisc x5: Event Assistance.
  • Greenie x9: Wilderness Project Ruins.
  • Timisc x4: Event Assistance.
  • WaterDuppel x6: Regalian Wilderness.
  • Jaehaerys x4: Event Assistance.
  • SpunSugar x5: Garden District.
  • Feodorovna x5: Wilderness and House Assistance.
  • Greenie x11: Event Assistance.
  • SpunSugar x7: Disctricting and Homes.
  • WaterDruppel x6: Districts and Wilderness.
  • Timisc x5: Garden District and Events.
  • Jaehareys x7: Districts.
  • Nesstro x8: Housing.
  • MonMarty x5: Magic World Generation.
  • SpunSugar x4: Garden Work.
  • Timisc x7: Garden Work.
  • WaterDruppel x7: District Work.
  • Anti_Majora x3: New District work.
  • Jaehaerys x9: New District work.
  • Greenie x5: New District work.
  • MonMarty x3: Prepping New district construction zone.
  • Timisc x1: World ticket training with EmpressEvie.
  • Greenie x1: World ticket training with CrescentLight.
  • WaterDruppel x2: Teleport Hub.
  • Jaehaerys x7: World things.
  • Snakees205 x10: Event building.
  • Mojaven x7: Job Island.
  • MrHappyTinkles x11: World Management.
  • Timisc x4: Noble decoration.
  • Greenie x4: Event assistance.
  • Snakees205 x7: Job island.
  • WaterDruppel x1: Creating house style.
  • Greenie x1: Event assistance.
  • Anti_Majora x1: Staff assistance.
  • Jaehaerys x4: House building.
  • Timisc x8: Cathedral build, houses/estate builds & Event assistance.
  • WaterDruppel x3: Job Island.
  • Timisc x9: Job Island.
  • Finn_Ish x4: Events.
  • Anti_Majora x7: Job Island.
  • Greenie x3: Corn Grounds.
  • Jaehaerys x8: House construction.
  • Jaehaerys x16: Castle work.
  • WaterDruppel x4: Construction.
  • Anti_Majora x9: Job Island.
  • Timisc x9: Estates.
  • Greenie x4: Job Island.
  • Finn_ish x3: Job Island.
  • MonMarty x10: Black Tower Construction.
  • Waterdruppel x3: Job Island.
  • Finn_ish x4: Event building.
  • Timisc x9: Job Island.
  • Greenie x6: Estates.
  • Kellock93: Construction.
  • MonMarty x15: Black Tower Construction.
  • MonMarty x1: Festival Ground Pub Construction.
  • Mojaven x2: Rothburg construction.
  • Mojaven x5: Job Island Construction.
  • Snekk x5: Job Island Construction.
  • Jaehaerys x7: Castle Estate construction.
  • Waterdruppel x4: Commerce building.
  • MrHappyTinkes x18: Various builds.
  • Timisc x1: Noble renovations.
  • Jaehaerys x5: Tavern design.
  • Anti_Majora x12: Regalia work.
  • Finn_Ish x3: Regalia work.
  • Greenie x5: Regalia work.
  • Kellock93 x8: Rothburg and hedge work.
  • MonMarty x12: Construction of the Coen Palace.
  • MonMarty x8: Rothburg field construction and countryside work.
  • MonMarty: Diet event prepping.
  • Timisc x5: Park Construction.
  • Jaehaerys x5: Construction.
  • Anti_Majora x4: Building.
  • Finn_Ish x4: Sewer work.
  • Greenie x5: Estates.
  • MrHappyTinkles x13: Sewers and Estates.
  • Kellock93 x6: Rothburg.
  • MonMarty, Nastynick x2: Making Regalia back into spring.
  • MonMarty: Making Buerg Eleng into spring.
  • MrHappyTinkles x5: Renting prep work and estate management.
  • Waterdruppel: Added a little slum construction to the commerce district.
  • Timisc x4: Sewer construction.
  • Finn_Ish x5: Sewer additions.
  • Jaehaerys x8: Countryside castle construction.
  • Anti_Majora x4: Sewer construction.
  • Greenie x8: Regalian touchup and estate construction.
  • Kellock93 x4: Rothburg cleaning.
  • Jaehaerys x2: Regalia house and chapel design.
  • Jaehaerys x6: World Construction.
  • Greenie x2: Regalia sewer construction.
  • WaterDruppel x2: Siege construction.
  • Timisc x5: Sewer additions.
  • Finn_Ish x4: Sewer Additions.
  • Anti_Majora x4: Sewer Additions.
  • AdamWho x2: Noble interior work.
  • Waterdruppel x1: Regalia Construction.
  • Anti_Majora x4: Regalia Construction
  • Anti_Majora x1: Sewer work
  • Timisc x5: Chancellory work
  • Timisc x2: Sewer work
  • Finn_Ish x1: Sewer work
  • Greenie x3: Various Regalia Buildings.
  • MrHappyTinkles x4: Regalia Building.
  • Finn_Ish x3: Sewer Construction.
  • Anti_Majora x4: Creative Spawn and staff events.
  • AdamWho x3: Various Regalia buildings.
  • AdamWho x3: Interior Design Work.
  • Timisc x2: Golden Willow Interior.
  • Timisc x2: Event Building.
  • Finn_Ish x2: Sewer construction.
  • Anti_Majora x1: Sewer construction.
  • Timisc x2: Sewer construction.
  • Timisc x4: Various regalia upkeep.
  • Greenie x4: Commerce and Weisburg construction.
  • Waterdruppel x4: House construction.
  • Jaehaerys x4: Ship construction.
  • Greenie x8: Event building, poor district construction.
  • AdamWho x3: Roth area building.
  • MrHappyTinkles x5: Aspirant Direction and House construction.
  • Finn_Ish x7: Rothof Brewery and Sewer construction.
  • Timisc x13: Rothof construction, New sewer construction, event building.
  • Anti_Majora x12: Sewer construction, Rothof Construction.
  • Timisc x7: Sewer construction, Interior work.
  • Anti_Majora x6: Sewer construction and other things.
  • AdamWho x4: Houses.
  • Waterdruppel x10: Housing construction for Rothof and Poor district.
  • Waterdruppel x1: Creative Spawn assistance.
  • Jaehaerys x3: Ship construction.
  • Jaehaerys x14: Castle Construction.
  • MonMarty x5: Dressau V2 construction.
  • MonMarty x3: Dressau area construction and terraforming.
  • MonMarty x3: Continued work on Buerg Eleng.
  • MonMarty x2: Winter duration.

And other than Job Island, which in my opinion is as much of a survival world project as the /tp market, its all Regalia, RP, etc. As i said. This isnt saying that its a bad thing that the world staff are exclusively on the roleplay end of the server, but the logs do confirm that its true. Oddly enough i was told in the past by a special someone that this claim was completely false, yet it says so on the official changelogs lol.
Sorry this is in pieces... I kinda read the newer parts of this thread from the bottom up.

First of all, when you say that Roleplayers feelings are not the same as, for example, yours, you sound pretty ridiculous. Of course we all have the same rights on MassiveCraft, because last I checked none of us our robots... To say otherwise just makes it sound like you are looking to argue regardless of the actual point.
No offense, but this is a very........ smartass reply. Did you really think anybody thought roleplayers were robots or that you didnt have the same feelings? Was that an actual thought that came into your mind? And its not like roleplayers dont feel exactly the same. I mean it makes sense for roleplayers to not give input on some things just like it makes senes for the PVPers to not give input on the RP lore.

If you will recall the Baneful King events that have been happening quite frequently on MassiveCraft, then you would see that you have plenty of events. Listen, no event is meant to exclude anyone! Have you seen any Roleplay tournaments? The events might be directed a little bit more to one group, but never would you ever be told you can not attend. Archery, Hide-N-Seek, PVE, and a bunch of other events that anyone can participate in. I hate to presume, but it might just be you who doesn't have fun at these events. I am a Survival player most of the time and I attend a lot of these events.
And these events are very fun! It honestly is the only time everybody on Massive can have fun at once, together. But when a group is asking specifically for one thing, and then is given another.... its not the same.

Yes, Roleplayers have Regalia as a world dedicated to Roleplay fun, but let's think about this. They do have Regalia, but YOU have Ithania, Jorrhild, Teled Methen, New Ceardia, Fendarfell, Hyarroc, and I will tentatively add The Rift because it is survival. Roleplayers have the world (singular) and Pvpers/Survivalists have many.
Right but the survival worlds dont get 20 new districts added each month and have 300 events scattered around with staff assistance.

Now there is Silverwind but no one is ever there, so count it if you want but I won't for now
Lol Silverwind isnt a survival world or a roleplay world. Its a world that should just be left to die at this point tbh.

I am saying both Pvpers and Roleplayers have worlds to have fun in, and technically speaking there are a ton more Survival worlds than Roleplay.
Once again back to looking at things literally. Yes 8 is larger than 1. Nobody is arguing on the values of numbers here. But the staff attention toward the 1 roleplay world is vastly larger than the 8 survival worlds all put together.
You're saying that Quest isn't RP related? Nice hairsplitting bud.

"If you will recall the Baneful King events"
Not PvP events. PvE events with spongey bosses that require no skill to kill.

"Have you seen any Roleplay tournaments? The events might be directed a little bit more to one group, but never would you ever be told you can not attend."
So you're admitting that a majority of events are RP directed? Gj

"Archery, Hide-N-Seek, PVE, and a bunch of other events that anyone can participate in."
Not PvP or Factions related, yet again proving my point.

"Yes, Roleplayers have Regalia as a world dedicated to Roleplay fun, but let's think about this. They do have Regalia, but YOU have Ithania, Jorrhild, Teled Methen, New Ceardia, Fendarfell, Hyarroc"
And how much attention to these worlds get by staff? Next to none. Let me ask you this: When was the last time the Staff organised a major event in the Factions worlds?

"Yes, the World Department builds a lot of stuff for Rp, but they also are the ones constructing things for the Survival worlds such as the worlds and Job Island."
Yeah, no. What do they build for Survival worlds?
I am going to be briefly honest in saying that you sound like a child who feels envious because your younger sibling is getting more attention than you.

KOTH is considered PVP events even if the staff doesn't constantly monitor them.

I don't think you realize that these PVE events and the random ones that I talked about (Archer and Hide-N-Seek) are built the way they are so everyone can participate in them. They don't cater to one group or the other. Perhaps if you took some initative to create your own faction world events?

What are they supposed to build for the survival worlds? As stated previously by others the most they could do would be to re-do the Ithanian spawn, yippie.

As a final comment, I would like to say that I am done defending myself in this pointless discussion where you victimize yourself. Yes, Roleplay has grown considerably, but I feel you are over complaining at this point. The purpose of this thread was to be constructive, but for the past few posts it has been deteriorating. I hope the conversation becomes reconstructive again.
I am going to be briefly honest in saying that you sound like a child who feels envious because your younger sibling is getting more attention than you.

You sound like you're angry because he picked apart your 'argument'. It's not like this is a new thing. RP has always been worked on more than PvP, due to a multitude of reasons. If you're just now noticing that PvPers are somewhat irritated about this fact, you haven't been paying very much attention.

KOTH is considered PVP events even if the staff doesn't constantly monitor them.

Great, you were able to name one extremely casual PvP event - one where items do not drop and one that nobody on the server actually plays competitively or with a modicum of seriousness.

I don't think you realize that these PVE events and the random ones that I talked about (Archer and Hide-N-Seek) are built the way they are so everyone can participate in them. They don't cater to one group or the other. Perhaps if you took some initative to create your own faction world events?.

Why did you go back to this? It's pretty clear that @Synthesia understands that everyone can play them, that doesn't mean they are PvP or Survival related. Just because everyone can participate, as you like to constantly parrot yourself, doesn't mean everyone actually enjoys them or cares to actually participate. I for one find events like Hide-N-Seek to be extremely boring. Telling people that they should "just go make an event yourself" is not much of argument or a solution.

What are they supposed to build for the survival worlds? As stated previously by others the most they could do would be to re-do the Ithanian spawn, yippie.

If you can't honestly think of anything that could be done besides reconstruction survival worlds spawns, you must not be very creative. For one, projects like Silverwind - which incorporate both RP and PvP - can be worked on as well as large projects like the server war Kaezir is currently working on right now. There's plenty of great ideas if you're willing to take a minute and actually think about it.

As a final comment, I would like to say that I am done defending myself in this pointless discussion where you victimize yourself. Yes, Roleplay has grown considerably, but I feel you are over complaining at this point. The purpose of this thread was to be constructive, but for the past few posts it has been deteriorating. I hope the conversation becomes reconstructive again.

AFAIK, you don't actually play in the survival worlds. You offering your opinion in the first place is like a PvPer going into an RP-based thread where they have no clue what they're talking about and trying to shape the discussion. It seems that most survival-related idea threads always start off constructive UNTIL someone feels the need to start making it into an RP vs. PvP debate.
As a final comment, I would like to say that I am done defending myself in this pointless discussion where you victimize yourself. Yes, Roleplay has grown considerably, but I feel you are over complaining at this point. The purpose of this thread was to be constructive, but for the past few posts it has been deteriorating. I hope the conversation becomes reconstructive again.
when we try and say there's an issue with the game mode we like, and then some person from the other game mode that isn't having any of these problems, that isn't suffering, that is doing quite well, comes in and calls us victims, and tells us we are just complaining, it's very frustrating and I hope you do understand that you were the least constructive out of anybody in this entire thread.
Lack of attention by staff can be partially attributed to lack of volunteers.
Also, staff might not be interested in some aspects of the game and that is perfectly fine (they work on volunteer basis!).
Lore seems to have enough people... actually it has so many people that it is no longer accepting new applications! Somehow volunteers in the RP community are not missing.

If you feel that one aspect lacks interest by staff solve that! Become staff and focus on an aspect that interests you.
Give light to our survival worlds, make videos highlighting how cool PvP is, teach people how to PvP, create terrain for new worlds, make PvP/Survival events, program a plugin that improves factions or implements silverwind.

In brief, you cannot force volunteers to work on some aspects they are not interested on. Sometimes you need to do things by yourself!
In brief, you cannot force volunteers to work on some aspects they are not interested on. Sometimes you need to do things by yourself!
Correct. But when the survival players bring up an issue and the roleplayers come in and say that we are just complaining and that everything is equal, thats just not true. Roleplayers can make events and 2 days later they have warps, regions, sometimes even NPCs..... survival players can never get that stuff even on request so.. no its not like its extremely easy to create survival events.
when we try and say there's an issue with the game mode we like, and then some person from the other game mode that isn't having any of these problems, that isn't suffering, that is doing quite well, comes in and calls us victims, and tells us we are just complaining, it's very frustrating and I hope you do understand that you were the least constructive out of anybody in this entire thread.
You sound like you're angry because he picked apart your 'argument'. It's not like this is a new thing. RP has always been worked on more than PvP, due to a multitude of reasons. If you're just now noticing that PvPers are somewhat irritated about this fact, you haven't been paying very much attention.

Great, you were able to name one extremely casual PvP event - one where items do not drop and one that nobody on the server actually plays competitively or with a modicum of seriousness.

Why did you go back to this? It's pretty clear that @Synthesia understands that everyone can play them, that doesn't mean they are PvP or Survival related. Just because everyone can participate, as you like to constantly parrot yourself, doesn't mean everyone actually enjoys them or cares to actually participate. I for one find events like Hide-N-Seek to be extremely boring. Telling people that they should "just go make an event yourself" is not much of argument or a solution.

If you can't honestly think of anything that could be done besides reconstruction survival worlds spawns, you must not be very creative. For one, projects like Silverwind - which incorporate both RP and PvP - can be worked on as well as large projects like the server war Kaezir is currently working on right now. There's plenty of great ideas if you're willing to take a minute and actually think about it.

AFAIK, you don't actually play in the survival worlds. You offering your opinion in the first place is like a PvPer going into an RP-based thread where they have no clue what they're talking about and trying to shape the discussion. It seems that most survival-related idea threads always start off constructive UNTIL someone feels the need to start making it into an RP vs. PvP debate.
Ah yes, I agree I am entirely at fault here. I let my emotions get the best of me in the heat of things. However I walked into this thread as a lamb, and did not realize that I was walking into the den of starving wolves.
Ah yes, I agree I am entirely at fault here. I let my emotions get the best of me in the heat of things. However I walked into this thread as a lamb, and did not realize that I was walking into the den of starving wolves.
Kind of but not really. Sure these threads are inherently against roleplayer opinions, but not all the time. Its when we are told that our issues arent really important and we should just stop complaining that made you into a lamb. You didnt walk in as one.
This thread just makes me despise Regalia even more. Not only is it detrimental to the PVP community but IMO due to the strict RP lore it stifles creativity for the RP folks. Now I won't claim to know what RP was like before Regalia or how strict staff was with the lore but for a server that is home to the original factions plugin it really makes no sense why it exists at all. RP could be such a cool interesting thing if it wasn't bound by so many damn rules or at least felt a bit more approachable to someone that doesn't wanna read a novel worth of lore.
Marty announced in a public Q&A that he has been working on a way to get factions canonized in lore.

On another note for everyone else, War Proposal thread-

Kind of but not really. Sure these threads are inherently against roleplayer opinions, but not all the time. Its when we are told that our issues arent really important and we should just stop complaining that made you into a lamb. You didnt walk in as one.
I think you assume too much about me. I Roleplay but not much at all. In fact I spend almost all of my time on MassiveCraft working on the faction of Celetil. To clarify, I felt that this thread was a giant whine fest, and nothing was being accomplished anymore. Perhaps I am wrong in that assumption. However, I do feel that it is within the players power themselves to fix or at least make some progress on the pvp problems.
If you feel that one aspect lacks interest by staff solve that! Become staff and focus on an aspect that interests you.
This argument has been used so many times it's not even funny. MassiveCraft used to have a PVP department. They removed it because they said there wasn't enough work to earn points for a staff member to maintain a rank in that department.

There's obviously work concerning PVP that needs to be done
This argument has been used so many times it's not even funny. MassiveCraft used to have a PVP department. They removed it because they said there wasn't enough work to earn points for a staff member to maintain a rank in that department.

There's obviously work concerning PVP that needs to be done

You can work on PVP while you are in the game department, in fact you can try to only work on PvP in the game department. I don't think that the game staff is going to stop you. They might tell you that there is not enough work to maintain the rank by just working on PvP but if you disagree with that assessment you can try to prove them wrong, maintain your rank and resurrect the PvP department.
You can work on PVP while you are in the game department, in fact you can try to only work on PvP in the game department. I don't think that the game staff is going to stop you. They might tell you that there is not enough work to maintain the rank by just working on PvP but if you disagree with that assessment you can try to prove them wrong, maintain your rank and resurrect the PvP department.
I'm sorry but you're wrong. You joined the server (or at least the forums) after the PvP department was removed. What Alj said is a fact. That's all I have to say
You can work on PVP while you are in the game department, in fact you can try to only work on PvP in the game department. I don't think that the game staff is going to stop you. They might tell you that there is not enough work to maintain the rank by just working on PvP but if you disagree with that assessment you can try to prove them wrong, maintain your rank and resurrect the PvP department.
But you cant just focus on ONE thing. If you are in game department, for example, you also have to do reports, tickets, in game moderation, etc. You cant just apply to focus on PVP events for example.
You can work on PVP while you are in the game department, in fact you can try to only work on PvP in the game department. I don't think that the game staff is going to stop you. They might tell you that there is not enough work to maintain the rank by just working on PvP but if you disagree with that assessment you can try to prove them wrong, maintain your rank and resurrect the PvP department.
I applied for game. I asked a staff member if I could solely focus on PVP related work and still maintain rank. I was told to even gain a rank to start with I would have to do game related work to get the points to get to that rank.
The only thing one could even do to work on PvP as a rookie staff member is maybe host tournaments? It's not like somebody joins game staff to work on pvp and then get all the priveledges of direction staff from week 1 and are allowed to start tweaking damage numbers, and adding in plugins, and nerf repair, etc. and basically rebuild pvp however they see fit. Yeah they can give input to the people that can, but that's what this whole section of the forums and all those Q&As are for right?
I suggest that if you want to call other players and community members "envious children" that you defend it instead of once again victimizing yourself.
Pvp won't be fixed, and now I can see why. Not all but most of the people in this thread are ridiculously prideful. I remember why I don't comment on these threads anymore, because my very person is attacked, and even after I have suggested twice that we continue discussing the subject I continue to get notifications that you and others are continuing to derail the subject, not because it is productive, but because you CAN. Pvp itself is great and even I will admit it, but the current community is stuck in its ruts, and I doubt they will come out.
Pvp won't be fixed, and now I can see why. Not all but most of the people in this thread are ridiculously prideful. I remember why I don't comment on these threads anymore, because my very person is attacked, and even after I have suggested twice that we continue discussing the subject I continue to get notifications that you and others are continuing to derail the subject, not because it is productive, but because you CAN. Pvp itself is great and even I will admit it, but the current community is stuck in its ruts, and I doubt they will come out.

"Not all but most of the people in this thread are ridiculously prideful"
Why, because we want the Staff to acknowledge our existence?

"I remember why I don't comment on these threads anymore, because my very person is attacked,"
You mean, after you called the entire community "envious children"? You realise that's pretty much racism, right?

"Pvp itself is great and even I will admit it"
Nice try at appearing non-partisan.

"but the current community is stuck in its ruts, and I doubt they will come out"
The PvP on this server is dying down as a DIRECT RESULT of Staff neglecting an entire sub-community of players. The fact that you seem to disregard this speaks volumes to me about your personal biases. Players and Staff alike ignoring the PvP community and its concerns is the reason it is failing. You are case in point.
Okay, shifting away from arguing with each other...

I am probably wrong, but I might as well try to give my input on this. I think people are going about reviving pvp the wrong way. From my perspective pvp is probably the least liked group of players on the server. Sorry, but that is what I am seeing at least. Roleplayers don't care if pvp dies, pure survival players would prefer not to be raided, builders don't seem to care whether it dies or survives, etc... Of course, this pertains to the players who solely belong in one of these groups, and yes, I know that a lot of people are part of multiple groups. It's how pvpers are going about recruiting new players.

It seems that players hope that if they can get players out of Regalia then people will want to be for survival and can be raided, or they themselves can become pvpers. I think for obvious reasons this won't work because most roleplayers have had bad experiences with pvp. I think it all ties back to 2 main parts. A. How many new players are actively joining MassiveCraft as a whole. B. What do they see first.

At least to me, it seems that generally when players first join MassiveCraft they jump into Factions, but very quickly join Roleplay. Either they get bored with Factions quickly, or it might be because they see lore in general chat and stuff. Perhaps (not just pvpers, but survivalists also) the players need to work on their own personal PR to possibly make survival worlds more attractive.

Another thing I see often are players in recruitment chat asking to join a pvp faction. Obviously the large pvp factions can't recruit a person with probably no training, and frankly, there aren't really any medium to small pvp factions out there to recruit those players. An idea might be to have a sub-faction dedicated to recruiting those fresh new players and giving them the basic training required for pvp. If they have potential then maybe they can move up to the big pvpers.

Essentially I think that the new, and fresh players are the future to pvp, and the ones that might be able to bring life back it. Idk if it's a good idea...
Okay, shifting away from arguing with each other...

I am probably wrong, but I might as well try to give my input on this. I think people are going about reviving pvp the wrong way. From my perspective pvp is probably the least liked group of players on the server. Sorry, but that is what I am seeing at least. Roleplayers don't care if pvp dies, pure survival players would prefer not to be raided, builders don't seem to care whether it dies or survives, etc... Of course, this pertains to the players who solely belong in one of these groups, and yes, I know that a lot of people are part of multiple groups. It's how pvpers are going about recruiting new players.

It seems that players hope that if they can get players out of Regalia then people will want to be for survival and can be raided, or they themselves can become pvpers. I think for obvious reasons this won't work because most roleplayers have had bad experiences with pvp. I think it all ties back to 2 main parts. A. How many new players are actively joining MassiveCraft as a whole. B. What do they see first.

At least to me, it seems that generally when players first join MassiveCraft they jump into Factions, but very quickly join Roleplay. Either they get bored with Factions quickly, or it might be because they see lore in general chat and stuff. Perhaps (not just pvpers, but survivalists also) the players need to work on their own personal PR to possibly make survival worlds more attractive.

Another thing I see often are players in recruitment chat asking to join a pvp faction. Obviously the large pvp factions can't recruit a person with probably no training, and frankly, there aren't really any medium to small pvp factions out there to recruit those players. An idea might be to have a sub-faction dedicated to recruiting those fresh new players and giving them the basic training required for pvp. If they have potential then maybe they can move up to the big pvpers.

Essentially I think that the new, and fresh players are the future to pvp, and the ones that might be able to bring life back it. Idk if it's a good idea...
"Another thing I see often are players in recruitment chat asking to join a pvp faction. Obviously the large pvp factions can't recruit a person with probably no training, and frankly, there aren't really any medium to small pvp factions out there to recruit those players."
Absolutely untrue. I don't even have to explain why, as most PvP factions would agree with me.

"Perhaps (not just pvpers, but survivalists also) the players need to work on their own personal PR to possibly make survival worlds more attractive."
..Why? Why is it the responsibility of the players, when all the PR for every other playstyle is managed by Staff?

"Roleplayers don't care if pvp dies, pure survival players would prefer not to be raided"
Annnnnd you've just proven our point. PvP does not have enough of a say on the direction of the server, and thus no one cares if it disappears.
B. What do they see first.
a room full of signs

Either they get bored with Factions quickly
My personal opinion, is that the way Massive does factions is so unique and that you won't see it anywhere else, that people who join and expect a factions experience that they've seen over and over, won't know what they're in for and will be confused. Which is why in my opinion a room of signs when they first join doesn't do the massive experience justice
Annnnnd you've just proven our point. PvP does not have enough of a say on the direction of the server, and thus no one cares if it disappears.
That's just one person's opinion, not the opinion of the server staff so you really have no idea who controls what when it comes to the direction of the server
We need to learn how to stay in topic. I read the last page, and apart from maybe 5 posts the rest was just whining and complaining, offering zero suggestions to solve the issues.

I'd say reread post #1 and come back to talk about the main topic.

Yes I'm usually in Regalia most of the time, but I do enjoy survival and PvP ( why I don't do that anymore doesn't need to be on this thread). But just reading these posts kills my interest in even throwing in my two cents in for consideration.

A nice passive way to maybe entice people to move around the server is to quit blaming RP for every survival and PvP issue. Killing that mindset is probably the first thing to do before asking staff for changes.

I'm not asking RPers to go play factions or for factions to go to Regalia. I'm just suggesting both sides should learn to tolerate the other, and maybe joint appreciation can be found.