Archived Fixing Pvp By Fixing Factions

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
This is a long post obviously. Some of it may seem like rambling, because some of it is. This was the best I could do at organizing my thoughts without sounding like one of those "back in my day" grandparents. I'm going to hold the first line of the most important sections. If you don't feel like reading the whole thing just read those parts. Thanks!

For as long as I've been on the server the concept of "Fixing PvP" has been on the table. It's commonly discussed among pvpers and while yes, there are issues with the game mechanics, is PvP itself really the problem? We've removed traits, removed vampirism, added kit PvP, koth, and fixed many minor issues. So why has none of this helped? Because PvP was never the actual issue. It's always been factions.

All of the changes in the past two years that have affected PvP are appealing to the normal MineCraft pvper. We've thought of adding HCF (hardcore factions, more competitive PvP system) features, and made the fighting style more vanilla in attempts to attract more PvPers to the server. In my opinion, we've been going about that the wrong way. The PvP community on massive has always been made up of mostly people who began on massive craft and learned to PvP on here. I can only think of a few specific players that actually came from outside PvP servers, that already had knowledge of pot PvP mechanics, and most of them just came because they had a friend that already played on Massive. Most of these players quit after a few tries because they didn't like the PvP system. So let's stop thinking of trying to make massive appealing to outside Pvpers because that's just not working.

Now when I say factions is the issue, I don't mean the plugin itself. I mean the treatment of the factions worlds and lack of interest most players have in it. When PvPers say they want more PvP, what we really want is more raids. There's a difference, trust me. Kit PvP, KOTH and a fight between two power factions that starts with the incredibly stupid "knock knock" or one leader messaging another "we're gonna raid now get ready" are all examples of PvP. These are events, staged PvP with no backstory, no meaning, and no reward apart from bragging rights. A raid is when one faction attacks another without any warning. The attacker kills off a noob, alerting the rest of the defending faction. The defending faction can call in their allies, and a fight breaks out. A raid isn't set up, there's no communication beforehand, it just happens because the defending faction wants to protect their land, and the raiding faction wants them to surrender. When was the last time a pvper could say that happened? I've brought up the idea of a proxy war multiple times. Two power factions lead their own sides, and all other factions that get raided are forced to align themselves with one side, in order to survive.

Why doesn't this happen anymore? Because no one cares. It's simple. Go give raiding a shot. Raid any faction you see on f list. Find their f home on the dynmap and go there. You won't find anyone, and if you do they'll tell their officers, and then just get told to stay inside. "Stay inside until the raiders get bored and leave" is the greatest system of defense. And now a days factions won't even make allies so they can get some help on defense because having allies come to your aid will just make the raiders want to keep coming back.

How has raiding sunk to this level? Because every change to factions in the past two years has allowed it to be this way. Even the ones you wouldn't even think about. The biggest one is that factions used to be a part of the lore. I was never around for this but I'm pretty sure a good amount of players stopped caring about factions completely when Regalian roleplay became a thing. It seems that there's some stuff going on to introduce survival worlds back into the lore or something with the new lore posts done by @Optimalfriskies. So that's a good start. Maybe this could rekindle some interest in the factions world for some of the old players. The next thing on my list is something I can guarantee most people would never think of as a reason there's no PvP. Why is it that you can never find a player in their cities in the factions world? Well maybe they're in regalia role playing. Or maybe.. it's because every faction owns approximately 18 cities in every world now. The system used to be that factions could only have one set of claims in each world, they had to be attached to each other. You couldn't spider claim, and you couldn't have multiple cities on opposite ends of the world. Which makes sense, because why should an empire own multiple cities if they won't even defend one? PvP factions are probably used to claiming raid portals now and some of you might be thinking, "but Sevak, how could people claim their raid portals if they're not attached to their city?" Well, that's the thing. You didn't. People actually had to hide their raid portals, in trees, underground, etc. This was actually part of the fun because defending factions would feel like they had some way of defending themselves if they could somehow find the raid portal and destroy it. Back then, there was no massive restore, so it's not like you had to remake your raid portal every month or something. If you know me, you know I absolutey hate massive restore. It's a great idea in theory. But it takes away one of my favorite parts of massive from when I was a noob, which was being able to run around, exploring the worlds and finding abandoned factions to scavenge.

The next thing is a bit of a tangent but probably the most controversial topic of the past year so I'll go over it anyways. Massive Mobs. Now if you know me, you know I absolutely hate massive mobs even more than I hate massive restore. I don't care what anyone says, @Gethelp had actually found a way to fix lag completely for about a solid week before massive mobs were added to every single world. I don't have statistics to prove it, that's true, and maybe I'm wrong, but what I don't get is why we can't even put it to a test? Remove massive mobs completely for one weekend. That's two days without massive mobs. This will be the time when the most amount of players are on. Pvpers can have some raids, and if theres still lag. We'll shut up about it finally. But if a good amount of the servers active community don't like massive mobs, isn't testing what the server is like without them something that should at least be considered? All I'm asking for is two days. Okay just had to get that out there. Back on topic now.

So what can we do to actually fix the issue of the lack of raids? Well we can't just delete regalia and force all the roleplayers back into factions, so let's start small and start moving back towards massivecraft's roots. Some ideas I've had:

- Increase massive restore to every 4 months but give players the option to create tickets and have land manually restored if they want it for building. I get that massive restore is intended to keep the worlds clean, but hyarroc won't turn in to daendroc over the course of 4 months. Maybe the chance to explore and find bases will inspire young players to stick around. For people like me, there's significance in every build someone makes. Everything repesents history and nostalgia to someone.

- This is a long shot, and wouldn't have an immediate effect. But it used to be that premium players had 20 power and non premiums had 10. Now everyone has 30. So a group of 5 people can claim a decent sized city. How does that make sense? So why not decrease each players power a bit. And to top that off, allow one claim per world, rather than as many claims as humanly possible in 3 worlds. This will force factions into more intimate situations. Not only building stronger community, but also giving each piece of land more meaning and a drive to defend it. Rather than "oh they're attacking our city in north Ithania? Everyone go chill in the one in south ithania, it'll take them 20 minutes to get down there lol." I can see the issues with this idea and wouldn't understand if it wasn't ever implemented. But it's all up for compromise.

- Now this last idea is something that I can't see why we shouldn't do. A server wide factions war. Create two sides, backing the current power factions. One side could be lead by Solarian (New Raptum) and Deldrimor. The other could be lead by the opposing Wrath and Wyvern. This could be a continuation of the current voyage threads in the server news and announcements section on the Forums. Maybe the ship that's currently sailing around could discover this huge war going on. Each side presents their case for why their side is good and a thread is made allowing factions to choose a side in this war. Like one of those old faction war threads under faction announcements! Those always looked so cool and I'm sad I missed them. From this point on all factions involved have a duty to their side to take part in some way. Each faction on both sides could be the host for some cool raids. The war could be documented by more server announcement posts, faction announcements from players, YouTube videos, etc. Also if the server wants to host some events for it, KOTHs that actually take place in the factions world (could be given lore so they're like "strategic points in the war" or something) would be so much fun. These KOTHs would actually be competitive and costly rather than just free loot for whoever is bored enough to outlast the other trolls.
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that's true. That's what I was hoping a server war would do. Encourage people to get their name out there, in anyway possible. Even if it's just allowing a fight to happen at their base until they're ready to take part in it themselves. I think it'd be fair to leave koth as is for now. While it is annoying for pvpers, zacatero is right. If roleplayers want to come and mess around with bows, at least it could form some sort of gateway to a player beginning to enjoy PvP.

Also is the KOTH in factions an issue because of the server or another issue caused by the KOTH plugin? And if the KOTH plugin is the issue why have we not upgraded to a more commonly used one? I'd assume it's because of compatibility with the server?
Haven't read past this post so ignore me if this was already answered.

Most hcf servers (basically all of them) rely on a custom koth/hcf plugin. That's why the GUI on most hcf servers vary from one another. You can get the plugins, but not through spigot or any traditional means, and they're rather expensive. Of what is available on spigot, the plugin massive uses, although it's utter shit compared to massive's in house plugins, is the best that's really available without cayorion creating an inhouse koth plugin.
@people talking about knock back

I 100% agree kb and punch should be 100% disabled, and asked gethelp about it a couple weeks ago; he said massivecombat currently cannot disable those enchants, it would require some coding from the tech department.
@people talking about knock back

I 100% agree kb and punch should be 100% disabled, and asked gethelp about it a couple weeks ago; he said massivecombat currently cannot disable those enchants, it would require some coding from the tech department.
maybe a first step would be to disable them from enchantment tables, like the 1.9+ enchants
maybe a first step would be to disable them from enchantment tables, like the 1.9+ enchants
That would also affect the factions worlds, and would be a bit closer to removing them completely. That's not to say that I'm against removing them completely (I think they should be universally disabled because they screw with pvp), however it would likely meet a whole lot more opposition with disabling them universally than it would to just disable them in koth.
I've been mulling over the idea of enabling overclaiming of factions when their power is too low, but I need some feedback on it. From my faction experiences, power was just one of the many factors a typical factions player had to pay attention to. If you drop your power too much, the enemy can overclaim.

Bringing this into Massive, I see this as providing incentive to utilize the surrender system more. Right now, people can hide behind their doors. This no longer is a great option if an enemy can overclaim said door and waltz right in. Now a faction needs to consider surrendering if they lose too much power, to prevent overclaiming.

While players can just tp to regalia, or keep their power high in the first place, this at least might provide some decent raid experience, as there's a bit more risk. Though even with that added risk, max tribute still prevents it from being abused.
Overclaiming is just a bad idea. While it would be fun, people have put hours into their builds and it just wouldn't be fair at this point to implement it
I really like the idea of pushing back MassiveRestore to every 3 or 4 months to promote scavenging (which is something I love doing! :D). Also the worlds probably wont get junked up too much but if they happen to do so the only people that really care about seeing ruined bases are RPers which would never even think about straying from the safe zones, so it doesn't really mater :P
I really like the idea of pushing back MassiveRestore to every 3 or 4 months to promote scavenging (which is something I love doing! :D). Also the worlds probably wont get junked up too much but if they happen to do so the only people that really care about seeing ruined bases are RPers which would never even think about straying from the safe zones, so it doesn't really mater :P
I mean, I don't think the worlds should be really junked up, but that was never really the case before MassiveRestore, at least to an extreme. I mean, yeah, over two-three years they got messed up with old bases and such, but I don't think there'll be that much grief over the course of 3-4 months, particularly if the old world/wilderness grief rules are re-implemented, even if they're enforced to a lesser extent.
Overclaiming the way it is suggested is just a bad idea. What I want for an overclaiming method will take two things: Enlargement of the basic factions chunk and no spider claiming, all claims restricted to one world. In order to keep a certain amount of land, you have to have a captureable structure on the land. You click a block and it initiates occupation. (also, no portals allowed within 10-100 chunks of another faction's land) Once the raiders have occupied the land, they must continuously occupy the land for 48 hours. This means that two or more people must be inside that land for at least 16 hours out of the 48. If all the people on the land are killed, the land is no longer occupied. So, this will encourage raiding, wars, building for protection instead of aesthetics, and mercenary service. I also propose no e-pearls and longer combat time during an occupation.
Overclaiming the way it is suggested is just a bad idea. What I want for an overclaiming method will take two things: Enlargement of the basic factions chunk and no spider claiming, all claims restricted to one world. In order to keep a certain amount of land, you have to have a captureable structure on the land. You click a block and it initiates occupation. (also, no portals allowed within 10-100 chunks of another faction's land) Once the raiders have occupied the land, they must continuously occupy the land for 48 hours. This means that two or more people must be inside that land for at least 16 hours out of the 48. If all the people on the land are killed, the land is no longer occupied. So, this will encourage raiding, wars, building for protection instead of aesthetics, and mercenary service. I also propose no e-pearls and longer combat time during an occupation.
honestly I like this even less
I know the our leader and other officers at Byzantium are very excited about the empires plugin, which we think could make those server wars a reality. It would be a good way to keep track of who's on your side and who's not in-game, and if a faction leaves an empire, there doesn't have a to be a forum post about it. Another thing I want to add, I've played on Massive on and off for about four years, and I have to say the absolute most fun I had was when I was either building for new factions, or exploring Daendroc and Ceardia looking at all the cool ruins. So I completely agree with the change to massive restore, and with focusing more on faction lore and stories in general.
So just a recap on everything so far
- Everyone so far seems to like the idea of massive restore being pushed up to maybe 3 months.
- People want to see some sort of server war and have lore added to the factions worlds even if it isn't connected to the current lore
- Overclaiming is a big no no (thank god)
- A lot of people seem down to reduce claims to one world and one set of claims but we haven't really heard from any of the people that own bigger factions and would have any sort of opposing argument to this. Not to mention you can't really just go and tell factions they have to choose one base at this point.
- People don't want McMMO pots in PvP. I made a separate post about this but a few players discussed it here so I'll mention it
- We haven't talked about massive mobs too much but so far no one has been opposed to having normal mobs in one or two worlds. It's worth a trial run at least!
- If power were to be reduced, some players are dreading recruitment, but a few other people like the idea for the long run effect of less overclaiming
Let me know if I missed anything or am wrong about something on this list
A lot of people seem down to reduce claims to one world and one set of claims but we haven't really heard from any of the people that own bigger factions and would have any sort of opposing argument to this. Not to mention you can't really just go and tell factions they have to choose one base at this point.
I can speak on this point.

In my faction Asteria, we are located on an island in Teled Methen that is of a very large size. Easily 7000+ chunks. The way Asteria is setup, members of the faction can run their own city separate from our original claim that serves as our capital city. This means that our current four cities are spread out from each other, and due to geographical boundaries and other factions on the island, are not connected by claim.

If a rule were implemented limiting faction claims to one world and one claim, in my factions case, we would only be able to expand our faction using our multiple city method on the island we currently occupy, and would have to strip claim to connect the cities. Thinking many many months in advance, if Asteria is still established and we have claimed the entire island and developed most to all of it, if we still need to expand to house more members, the only thing surrounding us is water. If we wanted to explains, since we wouldn't be able to claim land in another world, we would have to strip claim across the water to the nearest land mass and hope there isn't already another faction claim there. For the average faction with one city, this change wouldn't have such a large affect, but for larger factions that like to expand to have multiple cities not necessarily right next to each other, this change would in effect severely limit to almost cripple the ability to expand in the way I described above.

The way I see it, had MassiveCraft never changed the claim rule in the first place, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Now that many factions have adapted to a play style that includes multiple cities in multiple worlds, it would be cruel to revoke this ability to them.

I understand that multiple cities spread people out. I think working to reduce player power to limit city claim might be a decent start, since that will limit claims overall and make people think more about claiming additional land, thus decreasing the total amount of possible land for players to inhabit.

Another idea could be to create a tier system for taxes that favors a lower rate for total faction claims say under 1000, and then increases at increments of a 1000. Ex: 1/2 regals per 10 chunks under 1000. 1 regal per 10 chunks between 1000-2000. 2 regals per 10 chunks between 2000-3000. 2 regals per 10 chunks at or above 3000
What about taxing claims not connected to the faction home twice as much or something to promote expanding the main city (or creating claimed roads that lead to new cities) instead of making new cities?
What about taxing claims not connected to the faction home twice as much or something to promote expanding the main city (or creating claimed roads that lead to new cities) instead of making new cities?
I kinda like that but that would be so unfair for factions like Tyberia
So just a recap on everything so far
- Everyone so far seems to like the idea of massive restore being pushed up to maybe 3 months.
- People want to see some sort of server war and have lore added to the factions worlds even if it isn't connected to the current lore
- Overclaiming is a big no no (thank god)
- A lot of people seem down to reduce claims to one world and one set of claims but we haven't really heard from any of the people that own bigger factions and would have any sort of opposing argument to this. Not to mention you can't really just go and tell factions they have to choose one base at this point.
- People don't want McMMO pots in PvP. I made a separate post about this but a few players discussed it here so I'll mention it
- We haven't talked about massive mobs too much but so far no one has been opposed to having normal mobs in one or two worlds. It's worth a trial run at least!
- If power were to be reduced, some players are dreading recruitment, but a few other people like the idea for the long run effect of less overclaiming
Let me know if I missed anything or am wrong about something on this list
For massivemobs I remember a while ago @Gethelp (possibly someone else idk) I think it was said it was possible to make the default mobs spawn w massivemobs, I don't think it't the actual plugin itself that's the problem, it's just the custom mobs it spawns and the huge numbers of mobs it spawns, the plugin wouldn't necessarily have to be removed maybe just reduced amount of spawning and just default mobs?
For massivemobs I remember a while ago @Gethelp (possibly someone else idk) I think it was said it was possible to make the default mobs spawn w massivemobs, I don't think it't the actual plugin itself that's the problem, it's just the custom mobs it spawns and the huge numbers of mobs it spawns, the plugin wouldn't necessarily have to be removed maybe just reduced amount of spawning and just default mobs?
Really? That's good to hear. Thanks for bringing it up
For massivemobs I remember a while ago @Gethelp (possibly someone else idk) I think it was said it was possible to make the default mobs spawn w massivemobs, I don't think it't the actual plugin itself that's the problem, it's just the custom mobs it spawns and the huge numbers of mobs it spawns, the plugin wouldn't necessarily have to be removed maybe just reduced amount of spawning and just default mobs?

Reducing the amount of mobs that spawn will lead to even longer darkroom grinding sessions though ;~;
So just a recap on everything so far
- Everyone so far seems to like the idea of massive restore being pushed up to maybe 3 months.
- People want to see some sort of server war and have lore added to the factions worlds even if it isn't connected to the current lore
- Overclaiming is a big no no (thank god)
- A lot of people seem down to reduce claims to one world and one set of claims but we haven't really heard from any of the people that own bigger factions and would have any sort of opposing argument to this. Not to mention you can't really just go and tell factions they have to choose one base at this point.
- People don't want McMMO pots in PvP. I made a separate post about this but a few players discussed it here so I'll mention it
- We haven't talked about massive mobs too much but so far no one has been opposed to having normal mobs in one or two worlds. It's worth a trial run at least!
- If power were to be reduced, some players are dreading recruitment, but a few other people like the idea for the long run effect of less overclaiming
Let me know if I missed anything or am wrong about something on this list
Along with almost everyone else, I'm very against overclaiming. A server wide war does seem fun and would bring back the Pvp incentive people need and want. I'm not much into lore or roleplay but having the server wide war integrated into it would definitely have some roleplayers or people who typically don't fight, come out and well fight. On the matter of claim power I feel it should be lowered to possibly 20 claims per player. As far as McMMO pots go, removing them seems fair and like a good idea. Now with the matter of factions only being allowed to claim in one world, I'm against this. I think that two worlds is a better idea as it still keeps claims down but also gives factions like roleplay facs the chance to make another town outside of said world. I do quite like the idea of factions only being allowed to keep their claims all connected to the main claim. This seems fair but I do really like @ThatGuyOnMyBlock 's idea of having it where factions can make claims away from the main one but those seperated claims are twice as much. This could make factions really reconsider actually having separate claims because of financial issues. I'm also on board for MassiveMob reduction in select worlds. This could be great as most darkrooms would be kept to those worlds leaving more space in the none MassiveMob enabled worlds for actual faction claims. I'm very much with @Sevak on the idea of turning off MassiveMobs for just one weekend as a test.
Just a note that probably already us known, but you can create alt face to make towns, and then only ally with the main faction, enabling a lot of ally perms. In the downside, you have to pay double taxes. That's how a lot of darkrooms function, so why not towns?
So in short, a faction can claim in more than one world, but has more upkeep to deal with.
Just a note that probably already us known, but you can create alt face to make towns, and then only ally with the main faction, enabling a lot of ally perms. In the downside, you have to pay double taxes. That's how a lot of darkrooms function, so why not towns?
So in short, a faction can claim in more than one world, but has more upkeep to deal with.
Well it'd still be the same amount in taxes. It'd just be more money to buy each faction, you'd need an alt, and its more work to upkeep
Reducing the amount of mobs that spawn will lead to even longer darkroom grinding sessions though ;~;
Yeah like sevak said we'd only really need massive mobs removed in Ithania and New Ceardia, or another thing that they could possibly do is reduce the spawn rates above a certain x level? (if this is possible) because most darkrooms are underground they'd still spawn the same amount while on the surface not so many would spawn
I kinda like that but that would be so unfair for factions like Tyberia

How? They have a big faction, they should pay a lot considering the huge size of their faction. It will actually encourage people to recruit active players that produce and earn regals instead of what we have now which is these 50 man factions that have 3 people online.
How? They have a big faction, they should pay a lot considering the huge size of their faction. It will actually encourage people to recruit active players that produce and earn regals instead of what we have now which is these 50 man factions that have 3 people online.
On top of that, it would get larger factions to make one large city instead of 20 million smaller towns that just get abandoned when players go inactive.
On top of that, it would get larger factions to make one large city instead of 20 million smaller towns that just get abandoned when players go inactive.

I know we're already complaining about a lot of stuff, but when you think about it, the fact that people have been allowed to build so many huge cities and basically just completely overclaim land that they never use has been extremely detrimental to the server. It makes it so you have a) tons of unused land and b) makes raids much less centralized and by definition smaller.

Factions being so easy to afford was also not a wise decision imo.
How? They have a big faction, they should pay a lot considering the huge size of their faction. It will actually encourage people to recruit active players that produce and earn regals instead of what we have now which is these 50 man factions that have 3 people online.
True but I'm just saying for them to be told randomly that they've got to pay double because pvpers want to raid them more easily isn't going to go well
True but I'm just saying for them to be told randomly that they've got to pay double because pvpers want to raid them more easily isn't going to go well

Give them ample time to prepare for the change but still do it. Its not like it will only effect RPers anyway, everyone will be effected equally.
True but I'm just saying for them to be told randomly that they've got to pay double because pvpers want to raid them more easily isn't going to go well

Also this is absolutely necessary if empires are ever actually going to be important. Why have 3 factions in an empire when you can just claim all 3 factions with one faction instead?
True but I'm just saying for them to be told randomly that they've got to pay double because pvpers want to raid them more easily isn't going to go well

They are a large faction so they probably would have enough active players to start new factions and have those factions claim them (and become an empire) or get a bunch of alts and claim with those. Change can be annoying to those that have abused the system :P
I am strongly in favor of requiring the limited claims outside the main claim, whether its more tax or whatever is decided.

And a few people are against it because it would hurt people who do have more claims outside the main one. But just because a lot of people are accustomed to it, isn't enough of a reason to keep doing it. And yes it will upset a small few factions who have many different cities, but its a change that really should be made.
I am strongly in favor of requiring the limited claims outside the main claim, whether its more tax or whatever is decided.

And a few people are against it because it would hurt people who do have more claims outside the main one. But just because a lot of people are accustomed to it, isn't enough of a reason to keep doing it. And yes it will upset a small few factions who have many different cities, but its a change that really should be made.
I wasn't disagreeing with it. Just gonna make that clear :P I love the idea and want it to happen. I'm just explaining why other people wouldn't
Battlestar Galactica.

No but for real ideally there would be no surrender in a real server war. But there has to be some forced surrender for other wars between factions who just wont fight

Why enter a war if you already know the only way the war will end is in a mutual truce between the two factions. That's actually the main reason why every major PvP faction is friends with each other, nobody ever surrendered and no rivalries were made.
- A lot of people seem down to reduce claims to one world and one set of claims but we haven't really heard from any of the people that own bigger factions and would have any sort of opposing argument to this. Not to mention you can't really just go and tell factions they have to choose one base at this point.

As a player who has often run very large factions with dozens of small claims, I oppose with my entire being limiting factions to a single claim in a single world. I am fine with 1 connected claim per world, but NOT with 1 claim, ever. That would make it impossible for factions to have different styled settlements, experiment with different building techniques, and operate in multiple worlds.

I am also strongly opposed to Forced Surrender. I feel that this would place too much power in the hands of a select handful of powerful PvP factions. It would also endanger smaller, newer, and weaker factions by making it possible for big PvP factions to drain them of money and cause them to autounclaim when they cannot pay taxes. And how would one decide that a faction has refused to surrender and thus Forced Surrender can be enacted? This just seems like it would do more harm than good.

As for the rest: I support a 3 month MassiveRestore period (I enjoyed finding old bases and trying to piece together the factions that built them), I am neutral on McMMo potions, I think MassiveMobs should be retained but with a lower spawn rate, I support lowering the player power from 30 to 15, NO OVERCLAIM, and I have always wanted survival worlds to have actual lore affected by players.

Sorry this is a week late, I've been inactive due to real life.
~ Casual Gamer Mecharic
Why enter a war if you already know the only way the war will end is in a mutual truce between the two factions. That's actually the main reason why every major PvP faction is friends with each other, nobody ever surrendered and no rivalries were made.
There needs to be a reason to fight I reckon

Or rather, SOMETHING to fight.
Hence why I think that if the idea that @Herecy had for a demon faction trying to conquer the server would have been amazing if more people had joined their cause

I think something needs to be created to make people fight, like a forced famine that makes everyone fight for resources in the Factions worlds.
Tbh if the staff on Massive gave half a damn about fixing the lack of PvP in the community they could, but instead they spend their time on spongefest PvE events