Archived Factions Moving Forward

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King of Deldrimor
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Before I wrote this introduction, I showed the contents of this post to my friend @jquaile. His response was basically that there was no point in me even trying, and that nothing is going to change no matter how much I write and how well the players react to it. I thought about that for a bit and I realized, at this point there's been hundreds of threads, and thousands of comments with good ideas and criticism. Yet, there hasn't been much done with them, and PvP has only declined. The purpose of this post isn't to have another 5 page discussion. We've already done that. This is a compilation of the opinions of most members of the PvP community. This is what we're suggesting.

I'm not sure how long it's been since my last giant essay regarding Massivecraft PvP. Maybe two months? All I know is since then, I've been on maybe 5 raids on Massive. 0 of which have been enjoyable for me. That's because they were all in the same spot. Solarian. I've done nothing but defend Solarian's tower from @Ieso and co. Each time it's the same people on each side. The same people get kills, the same people die repeatedly (me), no one wins or loses. I can't even remember the last time I fought at a base that wasn't owned by a big PvP faction.

So why am I writing another post? Because despite the amount of players who supported and agreed with my last one, nothing has changed. The only things even set in motion were the removal of mcmmo pots? Maybe? Haven't heard any updates about that. And the server war, which was very loosely adapted from my idea and seems like it's heading in the direction of another hand held event where we tell the other side "there's about to be a fight at this location!" and we all tp to the destination and fight each other! Oh boy.

I'm sorry, maybe there's lots of effort being put in behind the scenes to make necessary changes. I wouldn't know. But I'm going to speak my mind, and put what I do know on the table.

Now before I get a response where I'm told that there are big plans in the works and I'm ungrateful for all the hard work staff have been putting in, let me say this. I have been incredibly patient. But the PvP community as a whole is running out of patience. Over the past two years I've seen friend after friend quit playing on the server, completely giving up on a fun factions experience ever making a return. If there's ever going to be PvP on the server, action needs to be taken while there's still any amount of hope.

So here's my list of suggestions.

PvP mechanics
  • McMMO pots have to go. But before this can be done, we have to guarantee that PvP can be balanced without them. The damage output has to be altered to counteract the loss of absorption and health boost. This is one we've pretty much all agreed on and most remaining pvpers would be happy to help test damage output.
  • No magic in PvP. I don't know exactly what magic is yet, and until I find out, it's a huge NO, in my book. Traits were controversial. Vampires were controversial. I believe it was @BenRekt who made the pizza analogy about massive PvP. To summarize, the analogy was that massivecraft was good as a plain pizza, but too many plugins/toppings were added that made people dislike it. Based on speculation, and this isn't an opinion unique to me,, Magic is the equivalent of ordering a pizza with chocolate ice cream as the topping.
  • Remove the ability to pick up dropped weapons from unarmed. This isn't as big a deal as it used to be. But I feel like lots of newer players are driven away from PvP when they've lost their weapon 3 seconds into a fight. Another thing where I just can't see a reason why it SHOULD exist...
The Economy
  • I honestly can't comprehend why this was rejected. In a situation regarding how much people spend, of course the general population will want to spend less. But this isn't about what people want. Something like this is about what the server needs. If you want a successful server economy, material surplus has to be contained. A player can basically repair a full set of armor for 5 regals if you have 1k repairs. Increase the amount of diamonds used in iron block repairing as suggested here
  • Some way to get rid of God gear. I don't have any ideas for this one but would love to hear suggestions and discuss it.
Factions Worlds
  • Increase the time between massive restores to 3-6 months. The worlds will not become cluttered with disgusting grief in 1 month, there's no point in having it run as often as it does.
  • This suggestion isn't the most popular, but I still believe factions should only be able to have one claim. Obviously this isn't practical since we can't force factions to unclaim their land. Maybe land claimed that isn't connected to the f home of a faction could have doubled taxes? This will not only build community within factions, but it will also give more meaning to the factions f home. It becomes a place where a majority of members live and interact. Making it something that must be protected in some way.
  • Decrease each individual's power to 10-20, decreasing the amount each player can claim. This way a 3 man faction cannot own a city.
  • Massivemobs removal in a few worlds again, doesn't seem like much to ask for due to the amount of people complaining about them.
Faction Interaction
  • Is there any new information on Empires? Any sort of ETA or update would be amazing.
  • Forming alliances for defending/raiding. The EA (Enigma, Tyberia, Afrovia Alliance) was a fantastic idea. This was a real alliance. Some backstory for those who don't know what this was. The EA was a group of 3 factions, each one not too strong on their own, that joined together to help each other with raids. Combined they were a threat. Working together is the best way to grow a faction, this idea should be encouraged more.
Faction Lore
  • My idea for a server war was probably the idea that drew the most support from the community. And then the proposal ended up being exactly what I wanted to avoid. Yes, it could work in some aspects, and maybe the idea presented by Kaezir could be fun. But it's not at all what I was thinking. Sorry. After speaking with @Dakar and @Tokuu I realized I'm not the only PvPer who felt this way, so I'm going to bring it up now. The point of the server war I proposed was that there would be an overarching storyline to the world of factions. There would be two major sides in the war, and factions that wanted to involve themselves would align with a side in some way. The only staff involvement I wanted in this was that maybe they could help write posts and encourage more factions to join the war. The point of this idea is to include more factions into the story over time as it grows in interest. It's about including new people. It's not about hosting big events and recording the winners. I'm hoping my new explanation here is better than my previous one.
  • This is kind of a broad topic that relates to my server war idea. But encouraging players to play survival has a lot to do with excitement and the hype of a big war. In June 2015, my faction, Wolves, declared an open rebellion against the tyranny of Magnanimus. I remember when we announced ourselves as a force against Mag on that night, general chat was being spammed by people supporting each side. It was exciting. And it may have not been the best war but we had some good raids and it had meaning to it because it felt like we were raiding for a cause. Faction announcements are more important than we all think.
  • Now here's something that has bothered me forever. The fact that there are more people discussing the future of PvP on the forums, than there are actual PvPers playing on the server. I encourage everyone now, if you want to see change, stop with the chatter, make your own faction and start playing.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I love that youre trying to offer a good suggestion, but I can assure you that a change like that would be a huge final nail in the coffin. The point of PvP is that it is competitive. If nobody drops anything, what are we competing for at that point? God armor / weapons are pretty worthless, but at least they can serve as a decent trophy.
Once again I will say, maybe the PVP community should make some compromises in order to bring in some potential new PVP players
God armor / weapons are pretty worthless, but at least they can serve as a decent trophy.
See this is the biggest problem that I had with the goditems4all, not even that they brought thousands of god items to the server (fishing already did that), but that every single frikin item is the exact same! One of the things I personally liked in PvP before was when you killed someone and got there weapon, you got to see whatever cool name they had for it and I kinda liked collecting weapons with cool names, as trophies as you said. Now all the weapons are just (name) master weapon and there's literally nothing left for me to gain from PvPing because you can't really use some shitty master weapon as a trophy.
There are certain things most PvPers would be wanting to comprimise on and I can assure you removing item drops is not one of them lol.
Im more talking about keeping magic involved in PvP, or giving up the insane idea that you can only have PVP if you use a sword or an axe, or keeping the multitude of different potions to add some diversity
See my self quote. It's irrelevant at this point.

What we need is a staffy willing to take hold of the project and manage it.

And I haven't bashed at all. I've rebutted arguments and statements because we all have the same goal. Stop thinking there are


What is abuse? Using fly water to escape? Because that sounds like it's the problem of the person without fly water. Same for Elytra. It's always the fault of the person who complains for not being prepared.

Unless it's explicitly a bug of course.
Sorry but I hate this argument about fly water so I'm not going to respond to anything about this after this statement.
PvPers didn't hate fly water because we were upset about not being able to finish kills. We hated fly water because it's overpowered. Even if both players have the trait, the one running away wont ever be caught due to lag and the fact of how fast it is.
I know this is an unpopular idea for pvpers, but maybe not for nonpvpers. Remove items dropped on death. This would encourage nonpvers to maybe PvP and not worry about losing everything every 20 seconds. I know this defeats the whole reason to try and stay alive, but when you're starting out new to pvping, you don't want to lose everything. I know that when I pvped for a little bit, I used to die a lot with a god wep and a full inventory of pots, this usually discouraged me from going back out there since I would just keep losing stuff. Maybe turn off items dropped on death and see if there's more PvP?
Just... no. That's all I can think of in response to this.

I think I need to clarify some points to this regard. It's sadly a recurring problem that somehow people perceive the staff differently than it is.

The great thing about Massive Staff is that it's highly compartmentalized between departments that each have their own levels and areas of expertise and authority. Obviously, PR staff won't get involved with building, and Lore won't get involved with faction rule enforcement. The simplicity of the "excuse" (if you can even call it an excuse, because that sounds really accusatory), is that there isn't enough manpower for such a thing, but that's only a half truth.

The way World staff works is that most of them can only really be employed to work on what they want to work, if I ask a sewer roleplayers to build me a palace, they are probably not that interested in the final outcome of the matter. I think out of all the World staff I have available right now, only Jaehaerys is actually a survivalist, the rest to my knowledge are 100% roleplayers who don't leave Regalia and don't care about building in the survival worlds unless it's absolutely crucially important for the server.

The problem with the rhetoric of "xyz rebuilds" and "xyz reforms" that happened in Regalia as opposed to the survival worlds falls that down same rabbit hole, namely the assumption that you can just take the whole clump of staff as a numerical value and call that manpower. The reality of the matter is that representational, within the compartmentalized staff there is a very clear distinction about who works primarily with the survival worlds in mind, and who works primarily with roleplay in mind.

Unfortunately that relation is about (at a very quick glance) 12 out of 57 staff members, or about 21% which are "in favor" of working for the survivalists. Of this number, about 2 out of 57 staff members, or about 3.5% of staff, are actually "World builders who are tentatively from the survival world". Is it the staff fault that this is the case? Are we intentionally recruiting only roleplayers? Well, personally, I'd say yes, since I purposefully only recruit roleplayers for my departments, but that loops back to the idea of compartmentalization. I have responsibilities that are almost unique assigned to the roleplay communmity. So why does this not exist for the PVP community?

Beats me. The PVP staff members that we did have were either bullied off the server, or out of the PVP they so love, faction survivalists get verbal abuse hurled at them (like the amount of times we see "lol who are they" when some new staff gets recruited is insane, and it really hurts their motivation), and when you ask a notable PVP'er to join staff and help out, the general response is just "lolno", without any clear indication of why not.

The "excuse" or lack of manpower essentially stills holds up. Thinking Silverwind implementation is as simple as just putting a few blocks together is a bit of a null conclusion because it needs a lot more work than just putting the regions together. The major roadblock has always been, and is still the regulations that aren't worked out. I had a meeting with PVP'ers over half a year ago about said regulations, but they were never fully ironed out, and frankly, there's also an aspect of personal confidence involved.

Somewhere between the lines of then and before and now, given the unending barrage of criticism and demonisation of the Roleplay focused staff and myself, it becomes more appealing to just let sleeping dogs lie instead of trying to help the PVP'ers who (more specifically myself) nail you to the cross for the slightest of mishap. More specifically relating to myself, for a large number of PVP'ers it's more comfortable to blame me for some issue that they perceive to be the case, even though often I have had the slightest if any involvement in the matter. It's an endemic problem when I read into threads like these, I get sort of excited and I agree with a bunch of the first posts, and then it just starts sliding down a slippery slope when the cynicism and staff-blaming about halfway into page 1 and 2. At that point my first response is to just close the thread and start working for a segment of the community that is simply far more rewarding to work for.

Manpower is still a problem. But atmosphere is too. The best solution to this situation is literally for someone to stand up and say "Marty, let's work on this together, I'll get the regulations done, and you can get the regions done." Literally anyone can join Game staff and achieve that (as long as they pass the initial requirements of course) but I'm not even opposed to a non-staff assistance group that just helps me with the implementation. Alternatively, some act against the atmosphere can also be made. It's nice that a lot of PVP'ers are a lot more mature and fair in their argumentative manners, but that only works halfway. It'd also be nice if those more constructive people spoke out against the incessant passive aggression that some people vomit out that serves no purpose but to ruin staff motivation to do anything to solve the problem.

After all, and I keep saying this: I don't really want to reward someone who shows me no regard, respect or decency, with my time and effort. Does that mean that a number of people are just ruining it for everyone else? Most certainly. But Marty! you should just man up against these assholes! Well, I do in the role-play department, but the difference there is that I feel like I have actual support to do that. I just don't here. It'd be nice to see a survivalist defend you for once so you can spend more time on working on the server instead of constantly having to defend yourself from allegations.


What remains to be said on this thread: I'm personally in favor of pretty drastic measures in the PVP community but I don't have much say or interest in the matter as a whole. That being said, I think it would be productive if roleplayers in general stopped arguing with the content of this thread, @Parz1vol in particular. Roleplayers lack the perspective or knowledge to have a valid opinion on a community of gameplay that does not affect them in any way, and you're just segwaying the thread into the specifics of statements instead of looking at the suggestions.

Why should someone who just lulls around in the sewers have any say about how a PVP'er plays around with MCMMO? These threads get bogged down too often with roleplayers trying to argue about things they have no clue about. Let's keep it productively on track and keep the roleplayers out of the matter.

Stop derailing the thread.
I see what you mean and I hope you weren't referring to me when you mentioned players being passive aggressive. If it seems that way I apologize. I'm just frustrated with the lack of PvP.

I'd love to help work with you or any staff member on ideas regarding PvP
Once again I will say, maybe the PVP community should make some compromises in order to bring in some potential new PVP players
I'm perfectly willing to compromise. I'm perfectly fine with diversity in PvP. Now if you can come up with a way to make it diverse but at the same time, not cancerous, I'll be happy to listen. My negative mindset towards magic is based on the fact that history repeats itself. I'm glad they're testing it before hand. But it would be nice if there were people who know about PvP testing it as well
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I like pepperoni pizza

It's not one or 2 toppings that's the problem, it's when you have too many that it ruins the whole thing.

The new MC updates added a bunch of game changing things and added more variety of PvP, but Massive did not scale back, and actually wants to ramp up variety (i.e. too many toppings).
  • Forming alliances for defending/raiding. The EA (Enigma, Tyberia, Afrovia Alliance) was a fantastic idea. This was a real alliance. Some backstory for those who don't know what this was. The EA was a group of 3 factions, each one not too strong on their own, that joined together to help each other with raids. Combined they were a threat. Working together is the best way to grow a faction, this idea should be encouraged more.
technically the EA still exists! it's enigma and tyberia right now, with another faction possibly joining in this coming week! :)
This is a really big thing as well, as I'm someone that does not PvP. The knowledge that everyone out ranks my McMMO stats drives me away, as it tells me that I either A, have to spend hours smacking zombies in a dark room, or B, die a lot in PvP. It turns me (at least) off and away from PvP.

Yes, and what makes a basic pizza even better? Layers. There is no depth to Massivecraft PvP. Click, strafe, pot, click, strafe, pot. Adding a layer or two onto that pizza will give us more cheese (content), and more flavor (different scenarios to consider and work with).
Ah, spoken like a true Non-PvPer.

If you don't PvP, piss off and don't filibuster people trying to make actual change because "muh variety" and "cuz klicking is booring yoo"
Ofc. See my first post, I make it clear that anything that's damaging or OP is stupid. But building a wall, creating a dome, flooding an area, igniting an area, change an area's block composition, etc etc. All interesting stuff that would keep everyone on their toes and reacting.
Trust me. You absolutely do NOT want to start walking down that path. Every server that has tried this idea has always swung further and further into madness and devolved into gear-based combat where you can get enchantments that knock people back 50 blocks when they hit you and enchantments that stunlock you so you can't move.

Do. Not. Go. There.
I must've missed the point in this server's life when PvP stopped being about skill and started being about cheap gimmicks like magic.

And that's the inherent problem with PvP.
It will always be about skill and dedication to learning how to PvP.

This is honestly just typical behaviour, and you see it in the real world as well, this whole mentality of "Something is skill based, therefore it's inherently exclusionary and I want in but I'm either too stupid or too lazy to learn said skill, so I lobby for weird gimmicks to reduce the skill level and lower the experience for everyone else. But at least I'm included, right?"

And trust me. Magic will make PvP worse.
Ah, spoken like a true Non-PvPer.

If you don't PvP, piss off and don't filibuster people trying to make actual change because "muh variety" and "cuz klicking is booring yoo"
No need to be a dick about it. Its a valid statment from the perspective of someone who doesnt pvp: Being that knowing every outranks him by a mile and it would take a massive grind to really compete puts him off from trying. Which is something I can attest to as well. I Dont PVP on Massive, but I used to be a huge factions player on less.... restricting... servers. And I literally had to grind at XP Farms and Dark Rooms just to keep up with people, for an hour or more every night for a month.

Its a very huge commitment, and without the real rewards of raiding- being loot, which honestly was the whole thrill for me that drove me to go on such a grind, I was super into the wars and taking down people, and the trash talk back and forth- there is no real incentive or drive for me to try to get into Massivecraft PVP.

That being said, I am genuinely wanting to get into MassiveMagic, and if it turns out as cool as it sounds it will probably lead to me and a lot of other players who usually stick in Roleplay to coming over to play with it, which will result in more players wanting to stick in survival, and PVP.
No need to be a dick about it. Its a valid statment from the perspective of someone who doesnt pvp: Being that knowing every outranks him by a mile and it would take a massive grind to really compete puts him off from trying. Which is something I can attest to as well. I Dont PVP on Massive, but I used to be a huge factions player on less.... restricting... servers. And I literally had to grind at XP Farms and Dark Rooms just to keep up with people, for an hour or more every night for a month.

Its a very huge commitment, and without the real rewards of raiding- being loot, which honestly was the whole thrill for me that drove me to go on such a grind, I was super into the wars and taking down people, and the trash talk back and forth- there is no real incentive or drive for me to try to get into Massivecraft PVP.

That being said, I am genuinely wanting to get into MassiveMagic, and if it turns out as cool as it sounds it will probably lead to me and a lot of other players who usually stick in Roleplay to coming over to play with it, which will result in more players wanting to stick in survival, and PVP.
If this "grinding" was such a huge issue that you make it out to be, then half the PvPers on this server wouldn't exist. I know that I had to start from nothing, and to me the "grinding" felt more like training and getting better. I think you're too accustomed to Roleplay where all it takes is knowing a Staff member to get whatever you want.

"I Dont PVP on Massive, but I used to be a huge factions player on less.... restricting... servers."
Colour me shocked

Here's a little story for you.
Every now and then I'd go on an Alt account and PvP on there, because I liked the anonymity and to test if this whole "Grind" was really necessary.

Long story short: the Grind wasn't necessary. Keep in mind this account has about 200 acro, swords, and axes. I still EASILY killed people who have over 1k in every McMMO combat skill.

Take @Traxex20 and his 12k axes. Did he become a super god just because he had high axe levels? Short Answer: No. He still died during raids, and he wasn't unkillable.

TL;DR, I think you're just not good at PvP so you blame stats.
If this "grinding" was such a huge issue that you make it out to be, then half the PvPers on this server wouldn't exist. I know that I had to start from nothing, and to me the "grinding" felt more like training and getting better. I think you're too accustomed to Roleplay where all it takes is knowing a Staff member to get whatever you want.
Long story short: the Grind wasn't necessary. Keep in mind this account has about 200 acro, swords, and axes. I still EASILY killed people who have over 1k in every McMMO combat skill.

Take @Traxex20 and his 12k axes. Did he become a super god just because he had high axe levels? Short Answer: No. He still died during raids, and he wasn't unkillable.
Its not so much that the grind is really necessary. Its that people see it as necessary. Im iffy on it, I always want to have good stats in anything, so even if having 2k extra swords levels wont make me deal a ton of extra damage, I feel the need to grind for it.

Beyond that though there is still the feeling of no real outcome. I kill someone on massive. Oh boy. I got like A sword and some probably half-broken armor. Even as a Roleplayer I already have several sets of that as it is, so thats not much. Knowing I beat someone doesnt mean much either to me.

And I will admit, im not going to act like I am amazing, I am pretty rubbish at PVP. Mainly because not counting my year or so that I was obsessed with factions, I mainly played PVP Minigames, and I was always a bigger fan of archery than swordplay.

Also as for the "just know a staff" thing, thats not really how it works. Connections are important, but its more the people you know in general, not if they have a blue name or not. I dont think I really know any staff hardly at all myself, beyond maybe having chatted for less than an hour in TS with Tim. And I've made my way well enough. Roleplay is like any other form of play- the effort you put in dictates what you get out of it. If I wanted to switch over I could probably get into PVP and I would get better over time as I got used to it. But as it is, with hardly any real reward that I can care about on Massive, Im probably not going to get into it without something interesting to play with.
For the amount of times that i see the PVP community say repeatedly that stats dont really make a player better... its odd that so many people still justify being against pvp or not trying by using the excuse "Oh but i have to grind aint nobody got time for that"
For the amount of times that i see the PVP community say repeatedly that stats dont really make a player better... its odd that so many people still justify being against pvp or not trying by using the excuse "Oh but i have to grind aint nobody got time for that"
Tru. If it didnt matter then it wouldnt ward people off from it. Which it does, so it clearly matters to some extent, even if just in people's minds. And when it comes to people decided whether to try or not, what they think is all that matters really.

EDIT: Plus if the stats dont really matter then someone shouldnt be against them being removed because they dont matter anyway right?
Tru. If it didnt matter then it wouldnt ward people off from it. Which it does, so it clearly matters to some extent, even if just in people's minds. And when it comes to people decided whether to try or not, what they think is all that matters really.

EDIT: Plus if the stats dont really matter then someone shouldnt be against them being removed because they dont matter anyway right?
McMMO PvP is good for advertising, and it sort of adds some benefit to the game (Bleed, skullsplit etc.) but using McMMO grinding as the reason for not PvPing is trivial at best.
Plus if the stats dont really matter then someone shouldnt be against them being removed because they dont matter anyway right?
Because some stat that do matter, don't involved PVP.. acrobatics herbalism repair etc etc.. I've always been against removing it as a whole, but totally in favor of removing only the PVP skills
Because some stat that do matter, don't involved PVP.. acrobatics herbalism repair etc etc.. I've always been against removing it as a whole, but totally in favor of removing only the PVP skills
Herbalism, acrobatics and repairs all matter for a PvPer. More than swords/axes honestly. In terms of the damage they do, Axes cap at 200, and swords never increase. They're not necessary. The only reason I'd say leveling them is important would be for skull split and serrated strikes
Herbalism, acrobatics and repairs all matter for a PvPer. More than swords/axes honestly. In terms of the damage they do, Axes cap at 200, and swords never increase. They're not necessary. The only reason I'd say leveling them is important would be for skull split and serrated strikes
I thought axes capped at 750?
Herbalism, acrobatics and repairs all matter for a PvPer. More than swords/axes honestly. In terms of the damage they do, Axes cap at 200, and swords never increase. They're not necessary. The only reason I'd say leveling them is important would be for skull split and serrated strikes
He doesn't want to grind them either cause he's a Regalia resident lmao
Would you like me to post poll results here or in a seperate thread?
Here is my response to your mention of the EA @Sevak.
Just as you had stated, the EA was a fantastic idea enstated by BlackMerc. We Were that Empire that everyone is seeking to be able to form with this long waited for plugin. When I was first handed Enigma, Merc also handed me management of the EA which at this point was already only Enigma and Tyberia as Afrovia had died out. I had went inactive due to a move IRL and lack of wifi and other miscellaneous reasons. Upon my return I was given back leadership as well as the EA again. While the EA isn't technically dead, its dead. Its simply Enigma with a small member count and Tyberia which even they themselves have admitted, is dying. I've been making many strives to bring back not only Enigma, but also the EA. In the past month I've been back I had set plans into motion and ideas that already are benefiting Enigma. We can't stay the same forever so I've done away with our old walled districts and even started a new town which will be much more appealing as well as more raidable. This ties into the fact that while I may not be good at PvP, I want it. PvP was a big part of the Massive community and its basically been dying as stated here and many other places. My plans have actually been working and we've gotten rid of what we needed and started the new town. I've changed rules and such, I've made this my Enigma, a new Enigma that people like. People seem to not realize that I am not Merc and that What people know about Enigma has changed greatly. With this being said, I'm also working on the revival of the EA. I want it not to be an alliance of huge mega factions that we were, but rather to now be our allies that know how to work together and can get along with us. I plan to talk to many of our long time allies whom I know and can trust and will test their dedication. I want to re-enstate the EA different in hopes to actually bring back more raids, Whether it be raids on us or raids we go on. Factions have allies for a reason, not just to have purple names and be able to talk crap in ally chat. In short, I want PvP and I want more engagement among allies in the way they were intended to be used.

Basically, Enigma walls are gone and the EA is being brought back.

I would just like an input on this matter. Crazes decision to move our faction to a less walled city will (I hope) allow PVP in our faction to flourish. As an officer in Enigma for about a year and six months now. I am a recruiter in Enigma and thus I am always in contact with players answering questions and other stuff. I am not a PVPer myself though I always had an interest in it just never found the time. Anyway I have found that in Enigma it always seems that the PVPers are sometimes the first people to ever leave the faction. So I would like to note that this decision I hope will increase the number of raids on Enigma, thus increasing the needs for pvpers and THUS causing a bigger surge in interest of PVP.

However, I do need to say lots of work must take place by staff and experienced PVPers to revive Massives PVP community.
This explains a lot of problems
Agreed. As it stands I feel like roughly 70% of Massive's playerbase is Social, and there are almost no Achievers and Explorers (I would guess that those two together only make up maybe 8% of the playerbase. And I would guess a chunk of that 8% are builders, which might fall under Achievers), with the last 20-ish% being PVPers.
Agreed. As it stands I feel like roughly 70% of Massive's playerbase is Social, and there are almost no Achievers and Explorers (I would guess that those two together only make up maybe 8% of the playerbase. And I would guess a chunk of that 8% are builders, which might fall under Achievers), with the last 20-ish% being PVPers.

That's because Regalia is a thing. A balance like that gets upset when the different player types are separated into different worlds that don't interact with each other in any way other than sharing public chat channels.
That's because Regalia is a thing. A balance like that gets upset when the different player types are separated into different worlds that don't interact with each other in any way other than sharing public chat channels.
World separation is primarily for lag reasons, gotta keep the server from having an aneurysm. Though, attempting to bring PVPers and RPers together usually fails, there have been a few rare wins in that effort- mainly I would say the PVE Events. I think a better way to bring back some of the balance would be trying to up the number of explorers- which will probably hybrid at least some RPers as well if you hide tidbits of lore in remote locations or dungeon rewards for instance.

This would bring more RPers into survival- even if only for one specific reason, which might lead to it looking more appealing, and some of they setting up permanently with at least a few hideaways in survival to rally at and gear up for expeditions etc.
World vs gamemode separation are two different things

We arent talking about separation of lag
True, but it follows a similar logic as the staff bringing Sewers and Regalian RP together by moving sewers to a "Slums" district in the main world. Honestly if RP was centered around a big city IE Regalia with safety on, with PVP/factions taking over the rest of a huge map around it, RP and Factions probably would have been more intertwined than it is now. But, as it stands doing something like that would be difficult if not impossible.
True, but it follows a similar logic as the staff bringing Sewers and Regalian RP together by moving sewers to a "Slums" district in the main world. Honestly if RP was centered around a big city IE Regalia with safety on, with PVP/factions taking over the rest of a huge map around it, RP and Factions probably would have been more intertwined than it is now. But, as it stands doing something like that would be difficult if not impossible.

That was how the server was before Regalia was implemented and as a result, most PvPers made an effort to try and RP while RPers would also try to PvP. It was much more ideal, imo.
That was how the server was before Regalia was implemented and as a result, most PvPers made an effort to try and RP while RPers would also try to PvP. It was much more ideal, imo.
I think something that might, at least slightly, help with this whole idea might be making the spawn towns in factions worlds have rentable regions and maybe a couple quests each? It might not help a ton but it seems like a pretty low-effort way to at least get a little more RP and PVP mingling.