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House Kia'loraal Moves Forward

Feb 11, 2024
Reaction score
In the middle of a bustling city.
After almost two weeks of silence, posters start making their way around the City, but seemingly avoiding Crookback or the Undercity.
As some of you may already know, Anethor Kia'loraal has decided to step back and return to our home city of Sun'dia for the time being. During his absence, he has appointed me, Aoife Kia'loraal, as the Head of Household. Our private nature within our House has brought about some financial struggles that have put our House in jeopardy. However, after two weeks of dedicated efforts, I am excited to announce that House Kia'loraal has acquired a small shipping boat, which will be used to transport shipping supplies from Olvaan Masselis, Mineria, to Reaglia. I have already reached out to establish trade routes and am open to discussing shipment contracts with interested parties. Additionally, I am pleased to share that despite our agnostic background, our House will now align with the Unionist-Estelly Pact, with the Goddess Vyre as the House's patron. While the current House members may not worship Vyre, we will still show respect to Her as the Goddess of the Ocean.

After tarotocol left the server, I made some changes to the House, particularly its religious aspects and background. I'm open to receiving direct messages for trade routes. The specific trades will depend on the needed items, but examples include magical supplies, books, and seafood. However, as the House is still growing, I'm not interested in any roleplay involving robbery or antagonistic interactions with the House at this time.