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Played Character Alinar Kia'loraal

This character is actively played.
Nov 17, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Alinar Marmoris Kia'loraal Bel-Ant Solleria-Mineria. [Shortened to Alinar Kia'loraal]
Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen.
Age: 132 years old.
Gender / Pronouns: Male - he/they.
Religion: Agnostic.
Occult: Mage.
Character Occupation: Mercenary / Artisan.

Appearance Information
Eye Color: One dark green, one light green.
Skin Color: Lighter tan.
Hair: Cool black.
Height: 6'5
Body Type: Mesomorph, very wellbuilt.
Additional Features:
Scars scattered over his skin, and a rather large one that stretches from the stump of his left arm, looks to be from some sort of monster. ( a Xeradon Godborn. )
Lots of earrings, most of them are silver.
He has faint tiger-shark markings going down his back.
In his Daphalar form, he takes on the tail of a tiger shark. Gills form on the sides of his neck, and he gains a dorsal fin, along with webbed fingers and claws.

Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents: Magical talent, Athletics hobby, Artisan hobby.

Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
Fin'ullen can use Persuasion /Dice on Spirits even without Charisma Proficiency, and gain a +2 Bonus while doing so.

Altalar - Fluent. [100/100]
Common - Fluent. [100/100]
Marken Speech - Fluent while Fullmarken [100/100]
Anglisch - Partially fluent. [60/100]


Born in 178 AC, in Mineria. Alinar was born to a sailor and a soldier, with two other biological siblings. His parents oftentimes pushed him and his siblings to the point of actual competitions between them to see who would be the best. He doesn't speak to his siblings anymore because of the real fights they would get into over the smallest things. His parents treated Alinar and his siblings like they were soldiers, oftentimes overlooking their needs during 'training regiments.' He was never religious like his parents were.
For a period of time, Alinar became a sailor and a merchant working under a guild. His knowledge of the waters was useful when it came to establishing trade routes.
On a certain route (242 AC) a Xeradon Godborn attacked using a monstrous form, and Alinar fought back - losing his arm in the process.
As a birthday gift, Alinar got a Hallowtech arm from one of his closer coworkers. He wears it even to this day, and gets it repaired no matter what. It's not very sentimental, he just needs it to do normal tasks.
Along the courses of many, many years, Alinar's reckless habits waned. His competitiveness dulls - though it's never fully gone. He develops a little hobby of painting ceramics and porcelain, which explains the blue wave-like detailing on his arm. He has many tattoos gained over the years as well.
He met a member of the Kia'loraal family around 302 AC. Eventually, they grew to be friends, and then lovers. Alinar, once Alinar Ilphenn, is now Alinar Kia'loraal once the wedding ceremony is over. There wasn't much going for the Kia'loraal family at the time, and Alinar knew that, but it was a marriage nonetheless. He wasn't expecting to gain much from it.
As the years go by, the marriage slowly grows stale. In 308 AC, his partner passes from illness, and Alinar is still a Kia'loraal.
In 315 AC, Alinar joins by the remaining siblings of the Kia'loraal family to help rebuild the family business, despite not being a full-blooded member himself. He only knows most of them by name.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength [7]
Defense Stat: Constitution [5]
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Bruiser Stance
Bruiser Slam
Bruiser Parry
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Rampage
Gut Punch
Concussive Blow
Diving Tackle

Magic: 2
Magic Snare
Magic Revive

Constitution: 5
Rage Counter
Thick Hide
Iron Will
Force Toss [Fin'ullen]

Intelligence: 0
Dexterity: 0

Adapt Point Buy;
Oceanic Pack - Magical. [Fin'ullen]
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