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From The Desk Of The Secretary Of The Whip: Forward.


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score

From the Desk of the Secretary for the Whip. All contents detailed below are entered into the public record.

I have now been the Secretary of the Whip for two weeks, and I have done my best to move this Empire's governance into one better serving its Citizens, both home and abroad fighting in the wars necessary to defend our way of life and the way of life of our children. While some may say two weeks is a paltry sum of time to expect any sort of a change in the governance, I disagree: it is the responsibility and duty of the Secretariat as a whole to respond quickly and calmly to events in the Empire, and my responsibility is to respond to the lack of such if need be.

I also believe fully in the tenants of clarity, visibility, and transparency in governance. I am not here to be a politician or stay in this position: I am here to create a better working Empire through the Secretariat with the power given to me as the Whip. As such, given two weeks of study, I have chosen to conclude the following based on the requested report submissions and actions taken since I have entered office.

On the Secretary of Finance, Her Grace the Duchess Catherine Tyrannian, (@ItsAnother)

The Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration has come out with the answers myself and other members of the Peerage were seeking: namely, why a sum of 20,000 Regals was funneled through House Tyrannian and not given by the State directly. Recognizing that the Secretary of the Westmark position is, and forever may be, unfilled, I see this as a valid use of resource. Despite the fact that the investigation was ultimately found to be unnecessary, I was reminded that had the sickness occurred another way, it would have indeed proved useful to have the results of such. While I'm not entirely sure why noble privilege, nepotism, and the if-scenario were presented or mentioned, especially since it was indicated to me that House Tyrannian has an extensive information network that the State does not, which was used in the State's service in this instance, I have full faith in the Bureau's fact-finding endeavors and the effective delegation from both the Lord Chancellor and the Duchess Tyrannian.

No report was submitted to me, but one need only look at the countless edicts Duchess Tyrannian has published to know that she is working actively and tirelessly to guide our Empire. Should there be a misstep, I will not hesitate to correct it; but I am under the current impression the Anahera situation will be handled well and will be meeting with the Duchess after this announcement's publication to discuss it further.

On the Secretary of the Army, His Grace the Duke Garth Viduggla, (@BeashSlap)

The Duke and I have discussed the issue of the soldiers, which are currently bankrupting the State due to the high volume. We are currently waiting on numbers from the Marshalry Cabinet, who have yet to give a clear answer. The Generals are currently settling plans for the next stage of the War, and troop rallies will begin to occur regularly again once the first General signals that he's ready. I am currently watching his and the Duke Black's usage of troops and weaponry in the West Dragenthal region, especially given his earlier statements to me that "enough blood has been shed", especially Northern blood, when asked why not a single Viduggla troop was abroad with the Generals. However, Duke Viduggla himself was reportedly a shining example for his men in Lurlaven, serving with the soldiers beneath him willingly, and for his service I will instead be looking forward to our meeting later this week to discuss these recent happenings.

On the Secretary of the Southmark, the good Qar-Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl, (@Carlit0o)

The Secretary of the Southmark has, thus far, been seeking guidance for improvements that the Soor-Al-Rassa could be putting their attention and hard work towards. This was mentioned to me in a meeting, and I see fit to remind the Noble Peerage and Empire's Commons as a whole that the Secretary of the Southmark is always available for requests of innovation for the Empire, whether it be alchemical, medicinal, or research-based in nature. Currently, the Qar-Digmaan is focusing on development to increase quality of life in the Empire.

On the Secretary of the Faith, Councilman Jared Kade, (@LumosJared)

Councilman Kade has not put out an edict since the 21st of September, however I am looking forward to the promised action against "sinful nobility" with the Kathar War as the key test of faith. I am aware that the Councilman is currently focused on personal matters, and was promised a meeting this week in lieu of a report submission.

On the Secretary of the Commons, Councilwoman Kaya Viduggla, (@AlphaInsomnia)

The Commons Meetings have become a regular thing, almost like clockwork. The Commons Office has also been working closely with local Regalian charities to better the lives of the commonfolk. Though Councilwoman Viduggla's work is easy to dismiss, I choose to uphold it for the virtue that it is: an honest will to improve the Empire, starting with the people who live within it. Her work is a shining example of what other Secretaries should strive for, though in their own respective fields.

On the Secretary of the Magi, Councilman Aeralaanys Rhylovhas, (@Scribbe/@TheBioverse)

I have asked for the Secretary of the Magi to set up a meeting with myself, which has not yet happened. I have only sat down with his Vice-Minister, Ser Vhilomir Kade, who was utterly unable to explain the two months of inactivity in this Ministry. He further detailed that he was conducting intelligence operations better suited to law enforcement with the Violet Order or, indeed, perhaps some other magical Bureau of the Empire, than a law-maker's context. To the Councilman Rhylovhas's credit, the Court Mages of many Noble and Aristocratic Houses have been quickly recognized and legalized, but I simply cannot ignore the fact that this Ministry is largely inactive, especially when I have had many people concerned with the Ministry write to ask why they hadn't been attended to yet.

As such, I will be pursuing removal of the Councilman Rhylovhas from the position of Secretary of the Magi in hopes of a replacement who will be actively working for the Empire's benefit, instead of a Secretary and a Vice-Minister both who collectively cannot account for the lack of activity, and allowed it to lapse. No other Secretary's office has a Vice-Minister, and yet every other Secretary has upheld a level of activity or arranged meetings with me to explain it and work on moving forward.

It is my honest hope that this Governance can continue to put their hands to toil for the State and the Empire at large to fulfill this holy part of the Spirit's will. A great deal of trust has been put in the hands of these men and women to lead our Empire to greatness, and greatness is the sum of what I have come to expect.

As always, I am open to questions, comments, or other concerns penned to the du Brierüst estate in letter form, or brought to me directly via meeting. Whatever I can do to ensure a functioning Empire will be done.

Spirit prevails,

Milena du Brierüst
Secretary of the Whip
Editor-in-Chief of the Rose Record
Press Secretary of the Violet Order
Courtier Palatine of the Imperial Court

OOC information/TLDR:
Secretary of Finance is doing fine/safe, and we're watching the Anahera situation.
Secretary of Army is waiting for outside factors to do his job. For now, that's okay, but we'll be looking at it in future.
Secretary of Southmark is working on ways to use his Secretary position effectively and would love to be asked for specifics! Go talk to him!
Secretary of Faith needs to follow up on things, but Jared is currently in midterm hell, so we're working around that.
Secretary of the Commons is fantastic. 10/10. Absolute unit. We love this. Thanks!
Secretary of the Magi has not made contact or given any hint that they're intending to be active with the position, and will have removal pursued.

Tags, just in case the parentheses don't play nice:
@seoulmate @LumosJared @AlphaInsomnia @ItsAnother @BeashSlap @Carlit0o @Scribbe @TheBioverse