Chopper Gunner
You can't force people to do it though. Oh you can make rules that force factions to either defend or surrender, but that doesn't mean people will surrender. People may start charging out without any items just to say "we were defending!" without any risk. Or they could just not use factions or survival at all. Or they could go to a different server. Options aplenty with the internet. So you need to incentivize them, rather than forcing them, to fight. One way to do so would be something that makes defense possible - right now, most larger faction have about as good a chance again Raptum, Deldrimor, or SunKiss as I do of inheriting GetHelps wallet (ei: none). That doesn't lend itself to trying very well.
Sorry that I'm not more helpful, it's not easy to get everyone on-board with something that empowers other people over them. It's like food stamps - people don't want to have others get what they worked for, even if it would help all involved.
Well something needs to change because MassiveCraft PvP and wars in their current state basically feels like continously bashing your head into a wall - aka why no major PvP factions play consistently anymore - aka why I don't play consistently anymore. In terms of RP on this server, it's like getting into a fight with someone and having them say they "dodged" every single attack you throw and they walk away fine every time.