Could Massive Pvp Ever Be What It Was?

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I'd rather potions just lasted longer so you don't have to carry a butt load and keep refreshing them in combat. That would alleviate the problem with potions at least for me.
I mean, you keep like what, 8 potions that are on a timer? The rest are healths, which you'd have to keep the same amount of anyways.
Complete removal of McMMO
I agree with you on all points tbh benrekt but let me ask, would a reset of mcmmo.. but not a removal be good? Massive is an RPG and mcmmo gives it that... progression feel. You have proof of ur progress. So would resetting it all to 0 be good instead of removing it all together?
I agree with you on all points tbh benrekt but let me ask, would a reset of mcmmo.. but not a removal be good? Massive is an RPG and mcmmo gives it that... progression feel. You have proof of ur progress. So would resetting it all to 0 be good instead of removing it all together?
There's no point in resetting it, we'll get back to 1k axes in a week and the same problem would come back. All it'd do is piss people off. Plus, like ben said, it's not really worth to train it.
There's no point in resetting it, we'll get back to 1k axes in a week and the same problem would come back. All it'd do is piss people off. Plus, like ben said, it's not really worth to train it.
So if we are all on the same playing field now.. because pretty much all has 1k axes.. whats the point in removing mcmmo? We are on the same level now and would be after the removal too. (Not trying to argue.. im genuinely asking)
Lots of people complained about the proxy war because they thought it would be fun to have more than two sides. And now here we are with out any sides. I suggest we make them. If you don't think your faction is ready to fight back, find someone who can help you out and shadow them during raids until you can. Deldrimor and Raptum are allied, so that forms one side, if you're enemies with us, maybe allying yourself with Wyvern or Latronis is a good idea to back you up.

I mean us Byzantines have been living under a rock since we joined a year ago, simply working on Constantinople, now that its about to be finished we've started going into what is to be our main focus; pvp. But even though we are only just getting into the bigger wars and fighting wars on our own against good factions I can say that all major battles we've fought up to this point have always been circulating around the Pro-Raptum/Deldrimor and Anti-Raptum/Deldrimor concept, even when factions wanted more than two sides. So I'd still say there are major powers that people side with, Raptum/Deldrimor being one such side. Sure, every battle we fought was for our own interests. If we were to hate Tyberia more than Raptum for example, we would join Raptum against Tyberia, but if we'd hate Raptum more than Caladron for example, we'd side with Caladron. But despite choosing our own side, the idea of major powers fighting proxy wars has always been around, at least since Fube created Latronis. For example I feel like most wars are proxy wars between Latronis/Grandwizards on one side against Raptum/Deldrimor on the other. But again, having lived under a rock for a year I might be dumping a load of bs on here at this point :^)

In any case, I think it would be better to have several sides rather than just two, but not as many as there are now. I feel like proxy wars between the Pro-Raptum/Deldrimor factions and the Anti-Raptum/Deldrimor factions (I guess that'd be factions like Latronis and Grandwizards) would become pretty boring after a while, fighting the same people again and again. But I could be wrong, since Byzantium has only just started popping up into the bigger wars now :^)
I agree with you on all points tbh benrekt but let me ask, would a reset of mcmmo.. but not a removal be good? Massive is an RPG and mcmmo gives it that... progression feel. You have proof of ur progress. So would resetting it all to 0 be good instead of removing it all together?

Complete removal of course, what would ever be the point of a reset...? That would be absolutely pointless, and I can assure that if it was reset instead of removed, many players would just leave and not come back. Removing it gives everyone an equal playing field. I suggest giving trophies to the people who are listed in the /mctops of each skill, but nothing more than that.
So if we are all on the same playing field now.. because pretty much all has 1k axes.. whats the point in removing mcmmo? We are on the same level now and would be after the removal too. (Not trying to argue.. im genuinely asking)

So you can actually bring new people on and not have to force them to stupidly grind hour after hour just so their weapons don't have an RNG chance of popping out of their hands. Aka why I never could get any of my friends EVER played this server in the first place.

Also @BenRekt can you elaborate on this point please? Im not really following it

People need to join already existing factions and grow larger as factions, not have a million two-person factions that are scattered all across the map. The game was much more alive and there was a HUGE sense of community when there were a lot more factions of 50+ people. People were always on building, farming, and producing things for their faction (i.e. Thaelyn back in the day).
So you can actually bring new people on and not have to force them to stupidly grind hour after hour just so their weapons don't have an RNG chance of popping out of their hands. Aka why I never could get any of my friends EVER played this server in the first place.

People need to join already existing factions and grow larger as factions, not have a million two-person factions that are scattered all across the map. The game was much more alive and there was a HUGE sense of community when there were a lot more factions of 50+ people. People were always on building, farming, and producing things for their faction (i.e. Thaelyn back in the day).
So when you say increase the cost of the faction and decrease faction cost.. you mean make the initial payment higher but lower the upkeep?
I agree with @Sevak, instead of just discussing about it we should just pvp. To be honest, I have never really had a problem with pvp, the only thing I dislike is the useless change. Some stuff works fine and did not need to be removed or replaced with something else. I think the only problem we really have is just the frequency, not enough people fighting, and everyone who is fighting are the same people who have been fighting for the last few years (Give or take a few), it becomes dull, repetitive, we just need more people.

Also @Sevak can i have "The South Will Rise Again" thats my meme sword please thanks love you dad.
So I don't have much time cuz I gotta do homework and stuff but pretty much I believe massive just needs more pvpers / pvp factions we need to encourage pvpers to go off and make their own factions instead of just joining the like 2 or 3 pvp "big" pvp factions. If the older more experienced PvPers would branch off into new factions then they could start recruiting new players to train them, therefore making more then just 3 pvp factions. Also I thought Latronis was supposed to be a pvp faction, are you guy gunna actually pvp at all or nah? Because I honestly think just adding in 1 more side (latronis) to pvp could greatly increase the amount of pvp because at the moment it's really just Wyvern vs Deldrimor, with a bit of byzantium, kings and raptum thrown in there. Latronis has a good amount of people who I think can pvp and idk I just think if they started pvping too pvp would pick up a bit.
So I don't have much time cuz I gotta do homework and stuff but pretty much I believe massive just needs more pvpers / pvp factions we need to encourage pvpers to go off and make their own factions instead of just joining the like 2 or 3 pvp "big" pvp factions. If the older more experienced PvPers would branch off into new factions then they could start recruiting new players to train them, therefore making more then just 3 pvp factions. Also I thought Latronis was supposed to be a pvp faction, are you guy gunna actually pvp at all or nah? Because I honestly think just adding in 1 more side (latronis) to pvp could greatly increase the amount of pvp because at the moment it's really just Wyvern vs Deldrimor, with a bit of byzantium, kings and raptum thrown in there. Latronis has a good amount of people who I think can pvp and idk I just think if they started pvping too pvp would pick up a bit.

There is no point in fighting when there is no meaning to death. God weapons are worthless, and nobody will ever surrender.
There is no point in fighting when there is no meaning to death. God weapons are worthless, and nobody will ever surrender.
Honestly right now pvp mechanics (is that the right word) are really good, hit reg is amazing, theres little to no lag and the little pvp thats happening I'm enjoying so much because I'm not randomly dropping because of lag and almost all of my hits land. Is having fun not a good enough reason to fight?

Edit: and also just the satisfaction of killing someone else in Pvp makes it really enjoyable
Honestly right now pvp mechanics (is that the right word) are really good, hit reg is amazing, theres little to no lag and the little pvp thats happening I'm enjoying so much because I'm not randomly dropping because of lag and almost all of my hits land. Is having fun not a good enough reason to fight?

Meaningless fighting is a waste of time imo, Minecraft PvP in and of itself is limited, so without a deeper meaning I feel that I might as well go play a game that actually has refined PvP.
Meaningless fighting is a waste of time imo, Minecraft PvP in and of itself is limited, so without a deeper meaning I feel that I might as well go play a game that actually has refined PvP.
Maybe a good option could be to remove the weps4all donation but keep the armor4all? since you don't drop armor on death anyways it wouldn't really matter, but with no weapon donations losing weapons could actually mean something again
These are some things that can be done to stop pvp from dying (and save the server)

1. Stop focusing on Regalia
This is by far the biggest elephant in the room. Everything that is done in terms of updates is geared towards the roleplayers in regalia, neglecting pvp and factions. I don't understand what happened that caused staff to focus regalia, but know that this is not the way the server should go. When this server started, to my understanding, it didn't want to be a roleplay forum in 3D. It was the creator of factions after all, isn't that what you are so proud of? This server has tremendous potential to deliver a real Game of Thrones experience, where roleplay and pvp mix beautifully. This server was about big kingdoms, fighting eachother for power or by using diplomacy. Over time this vision was lost and regalia became the focus. This is what we strived to do with Byzantium, having a big faction empire that's actually an empire, based on the real life Byzantine empire. Why don't you focus on creating an experience, where there are kingdoms greater than Regalia, fighting eachother? That is real.

2. Stop banning PvPers for petty shit
This one is obvious. A lot of pvpers have been banned for the pettiest reason one could think of, like (sometimes even accidentally) saying "fuck" in general chat, or disrupting some event. From a business perspective, this is suicide. Why would you ban someone who is actively playing and contributing to your server and the factions experience for saying fuck? Why would you permanently ban someone for "disrupting" some non pvp event, while you could just jail them or remove them? Tell me, how are you improving the quality of the server this way?

3. Moderators being too strict / not understanding the nature of competitive gaming
A bit of a continuation on 2, it is obvious to me when a mod clearly isn't fit to regulate a PvP server. People flame and insult eachother not because they hate eachother, but because it is funny, and adds to this competitive feeling. No one gives two shits if they get "insulted" by someone they have been fighting with, it's just part of the experience and makes it feel a bit more real, a bit more alive. Don't want the more casual people to see it? Bring back PvP chat, and allow insults. Again, no one cares if they get insulted, and if they do, their heart probably can't take pvp and losing stuff. Why did Pvp chat get removed in the first place? That's just dumb, considering general doesn't allow someone to get something off their chest (of course, not in a totally savage way, that is common sense). Insulting eachother is part of the pvp culture, only needing regulation when things get too extreme.

4. Encourage people to take an initiative
Much can be done here. Get someone like Mafro to create a youtube series functioning as a tutorial, make grinding easier, tell them about schematica, inspire people to realize their dreams of being a king over a feudal country. Many suggestions have been made for this, and I think they are all good.

5. Turn old pvpers into moderators
This is a nobrainer. These players know the server probably better than the admins (from a player perspective) and a lot have done much for the server already. Drop the requirement for having a clean record; when you respect someone enough to give them a position where they can help out the server they love, they will respect you back. For a pvp moderator, you need someone who experienced the pvp fully. Having roleplay moderators and game moderators is fine, or we make every moderator less strict to flaming / insulting / disrupting some event. (Not jabbing at moderators individually - it's just that your job is not suitable for pvp, and you aren't the ones creating the rules)

All in all, Massive has the potential to be Kohi faction / HCF but with a more real life feel or a more fantasy feel, a more empire building, grand feel, that is more than just PvP. Building, cultures, art, anything you can imagine. Once something as perfect as this gets a bit of a reputation, I guarantee that the servers will be full every day.
2. Stop banning PvPers for petty shit
This one is obvious. A lot of pvpers have been banned for the pettiest reason one could think of, like (sometimes even accidentally) saying "dance" in general chat, or disrupting some event. From a business perspective, this is suicide. Why would you ban someone who is actively playing and contributing to your server and the factions experience for saying dance? Why would you permanently ban someone for "disrupting" some non pvp event, while you could just jail them or remove them? Tell me, how are you improving the quality of the server this way?

I agree.
These are some things that can be done to stop pvp from dying (and save the server)

1. Stop focusing on Regalia
This is by far the biggest elephant in the room. Everything that is done in terms of updates is geared towards the roleplayers in regalia, neglecting pvp and factions. I don't understand what happened that caused staff to focus regalia, but know that this is not the way the server should go. When this server started, to my understanding, it didn't want to be a roleplay forum in 3D. It was the creator of factions after all, isn't that what you are so proud of? This server has tremendous potential to deliver a real Game of Thrones experience, where roleplay and pvp mix beautifully. This server was about big kingdoms, fighting eachother for power or by using diplomacy. Over time this vision was lost and regalia became the focus. This is what we strived to do with Byzantium, having a big faction empire that's actually an empire, based on the real life Byzantine empire. Why don't you focus on creating an experience, where there are kingdoms greater than Regalia, fighting eachother? That is real.

2. Stop banning PvPers for petty shit
This one is obvious. A lot of pvpers have been banned for the pettiest reason one could think of, like (sometimes even accidentally) saying "dance" in general chat, or disrupting some event. From a business perspective, this is suicide. Why would you ban someone who is actively playing and contributing to your server and the factions experience for saying dance? Why would you permanently ban someone for "disrupting" some non pvp event, while you could just jail them or remove them? Tell me, how are you improving the quality of the server this way?

3. Moderators being too strict / not understanding the nature of competitive gaming
A bit of a continuation on 2, it is obvious to me when a mod clearly isn't fit to regulate a PvP server. People flame and insult eachother not because they hate eachother, but because it is funny, and adds to this competitive feeling. No one gives two shits if they get "insulted" by someone they have been fighting with, it's just part of the experience and makes it feel a bit more real, a bit more alive. Don't want the more casual people to see it? Bring back PvP chat, and allow insults. Again, no one cares if they get insulted, and if they do, their heart probably can't take pvp and losing stuff. Why did Pvp chat get removed in the first place? That's just dumb, considering general doesn't allow someone to get something off their chest (of course, not in a totally savage way, that is common sense). Insulting eachother is part of the pvp culture, only needing regulation when things get too extreme.

4. Encourage people to take an initiative
Much can be done here. Get someone like Mafro to create a youtube series functioning as a tutorial, make grinding easier, tell them about schematica, inspire people to realize their dreams of being a king over a feudal country. Many suggestions have been made for this, and I think they are all good.

5. Turn old pvpers into moderators
This is a nobrainer. These players know the server probably better than the admins (from a player perspective) and a lot have done much for the server already. Drop the requirement for having a clean record; when you respect someone enough to give them a position where they can help out the server they love, they will respect you back. For a pvp moderator, you need someone who experienced the pvp fully. Having roleplay moderators and game moderators is fine, or we make every moderator less strict to flaming / insulting / disrupting some event. (Not jabbing at moderators individually - it's just that your job is not suitable for pvp, and you aren't the ones creating the rules)

All in all, Massive has the potential to be Kohi faction / HCF but with a more real life feel or a more fantasy feel, a more empire building, grand feel, that is more than just PvP. Building, cultures, art, anything you can imagine. Once something as perfect as this gets a bit of a reputation, I guarantee that the servers will be full every day.

I've honestly never agreed with someone more in my life +100000 on everything

Honestly I think getting some relatively largeish youtuber like mafro, as much as people didnt like him, to play on the server could definatley increase the flow of new players
1. Stop focusing on Regalia
This is by far the biggest elephant in the room. Everything that is done in terms of updates is geared towards the roleplayers in regalia, neglecting pvp and factions. I don't understand what happened that caused staff to focus regalia, but know that this is not the way the server should go. When this server started, to my understanding, it didn't want to be a roleplay forum in 3D. It was the creator of factions after all, isn't that what you are so proud of? This server has tremendous potential to deliver a real Game of Thrones experience, where roleplay and pvp mix beautifully. This server was about big kingdoms, fighting eachother for power or by using diplomacy. Over time this vision was lost and regalia became the focus. This is what we strived to do with Byzantium, having a big faction empire that's actually an empire, based on the real life Byzantine empire. Why don't you focus on creating an experience, where there are kingdoms greater than Regalia, fighting eachother? That is real.

Turn old pvpers into moderators
This is a nobrainer. These players know the server probably better than the admins (from a player perspective) and a lot have done much for the server already. Drop the requirement for having a clean record; when you respect someone enough to give them a position where they can help out the server they love, they will respect you back. For a pvp moderator, you need someone who experienced the pvp fully. Having roleplay moderators and game moderators is fine, or we make every moderator less strict to flaming / insulting / disrupting some event. (Not jabbing at moderators individually - it's just that your job is not suitable for pvp, and you aren't the ones creating the rules

I've honestly never agreed with someone more in my life +100000 on everything

Honestly I think getting some relatively largeish youtuber like mafro, as much as people didnt like him, to play on the server could definatley increase the flow of new players

Ikr this guy is on point.

I agree, if we get youtubers like mafro's size to play massive, we'd get a hell alot more players, or we can even try to boost up the smaller channels that record pvp too to show what pvp is like on massive.

Oh and PVP chat as a no rule freedom of speech land would be nice.
I mean us Byzantines have been living under a rock since we joined a year ago, simply working on Constantinople, now that its about to be finished we've started going into what is to be our main focus; pvp. But even though we are only just getting into the bigger wars and fighting wars on our own against good factions I can say that all major battles we've fought up to this point have always been circulating around the Pro-Raptum/Deldrimor and Anti-Raptum/Deldrimor concept, even when factions wanted more than two sides. So I'd still say there are major powers that people side with, Raptum/Deldrimor being one such side. Sure, every battle we fought was for our own interests. If we were to hate Tyberia more than Raptum for example, we would join Raptum against Tyberia, but if we'd hate Raptum more than Caladron for example, we'd side with Caladron. But despite choosing our own side, the idea of major powers fighting proxy wars has always been around, at least since Fube created Latronis. For example I feel like most wars are proxy wars between Latronis/Grandwizards on one side against Raptum/Deldrimor on the other. But again, having lived under a rock for a year I might be dumping a load of bs on here at this point :^)

In any case, I think it would be better to have several sides rather than just two, but not as many as there are now. I feel like proxy wars between the Pro-Raptum/Deldrimor factions and the Anti-Raptum/Deldrimor factions (I guess that'd be factions like Latronis and Grandwizards) would become pretty boring after a while, fighting the same people again and again. But I could be wrong, since Byzantium has only just started popping up into the bigger wars now :^)
Thing is, you can't have several sides if each one only has 3-5 pvpers and wont raid on their own
idk if staff have looked at this or nah but @Game to just read
I think most of us remembered how that whole ordeal turned out.

Mafro was a really alright guy, but the INSANE special treatment he and that love "AbusiveAdmin" were given made me want to leave the server.
I was relatively inactive when mafro was around, what special treatment are you talking about
I've honestly never agreed with someone more in my life +100000 on everything

Honestly I think getting some relatively largeish youtuber like mafro, as much as people didnt like him, to play on the server could definatley increase the flow of new players
Don't worry I'm right here
idk if staff have looked at this or nah but @Game to just read

I was relatively inactive when mafro was around, what special treatment are you talking about

Staff literally spawned in a named god weapons for a YouTuber named AbusiveAdmin to "commemorate" his 5000th subscriber. I can confirm this because I literally killed him and took it off him. He was one of the most toxic players I've ever met and went out of his way to troll, such as looking up my older usernames and setting them as his nickname, as well as flaming, saying things that a normal player would usually get muted or banned for.
Staff literally spawned in a named god weapons for a YouTuber named AbusiveAdmin to "commemorate" his 5000th subscriber. I can confirm this because I literally killed him and took it off him. He was one of the most toxic players I've ever met and went out of his way to troll, such as looking up my older usernames and setting them as his nicknames.
He also took my entire storage via a lock glitch and I was never reimbursed for it but I don't hold a grudge :)
Staff literally spawned in a named god weapons for a YouTuber named AbusiveAdmin to "commemorate" his 5000th subscriber. I can confirm this because I literally killed him and took it off him. He was one of the most toxic players I've ever met and went out of his way to troll, such as looking up my older usernames and setting them as his nickname, as well as flaming, saying things that a normal player would usually get muted or banned for.
Well I guess we just gotta hope that the next dude isnt like that, also is spawning in one weapon for someone really that big a deal?

Edit: like staff definately shouldnt give them special treatment but I think them spawning in one special weapon to get a huge new flow of players is kinda worth it :P
Well I guess we just gotta hope that the next dude isnt like that, also is spawning in one weapon for someone really that big a deal?

Well it was that in combination with the fact that staff also watched us like hawks, basically tried banning us for any reason they could find (several of us were temp banned for not cleaning up dirt blocks that we placed IN THE WILDERNESS, people were banned for "raiding too long" despite the fact that it was clear that we had not raided them for the allotted time). I honestly don't want to get too further into it because I feel like it will stir up bad and toxic memories. Point is, YouTubers on this server should be organic, not incentivized to come on with special treatment.
Well it was that in combination with the fact that staff also watched us like hawks, basically tried banning us for any reason they could find (several of us were temp banned for not cleaning up dirt blocks that we placed IN THE WILDERNESS, people were banned for "raiding too long" despite the fact that it was clear that we had not raided them for the allotted time). I honestly don't want to get too further into it because I feel like it will stir up bad and toxic memories. Point is, YouTubers on this server should be organic, not incentivized to come on with special treatment.
We also got sanctioned for something Raptum did. Good times
I think most of us remembered how that whole ordeal turned out.

Mafro was a really alright guy, but the INSANE special treatment he and that love "AbusiveAdmin" were given made me want to leave the server.

The previously server I played on, which is now dead (dont ban me pls), called ChoiceCraft, used to be a small little server kinda like this one, with no tnt, a dynmap, and encouraged building.
Ever since some guy called Ronnygoboom ( uploaded videos, real lets play videos, of the server, ChoiceCraft began growing. Not just with visitors who were curious to see what it was, but people who actually were inspired to start a faction. On a server like this, with no tnt and teleportation, you'd think these people would be clueless as they only experienced tnt proof obsidian cubes. But thanks to his let's play, and tutorials, they knew what they wanted to do and how to do it. Thus playing an active playerbase. The server was too dependent on ronny though, and when he quit, the server died slowly. But it shows how one source of education can teach a whole community how to create a faction and thrive.
Of course, if Massive respects themselves, they will not favor a youtuber like that.

Perhaps, anyone reading this, you can be the teacher and start you're own series if you have the computer to do so. Be the one that does take the initiative to help out the server you love.
Well it was that in combination with the fact that staff also watched us like hawks, basically tried banning us for any reason they could find (several of us were temp banned for not cleaning up dirt blocks that we placed IN THE WILDERNESS, people were banned for "raiding too long" despite the fact that it was clear that we had not raided them for the allotted time). I honestly don't want to get too further into it because I feel like it will stir up bad and toxic memories. Point is, YouTubers on this server should be organic, not incentivized to come on with special treatment.
How are we going to get "organic" youtubers when we can't even get new players
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